[X][BOSS] The Old Guard: You have fought in parts of the world most Americans haven't even
seen. You unit returned home in the wake of the Collapse, and you've been wandering the country ever since. You fought for the New American Confederation, Cascadia, and the Pacific Republic in turn. Your commanding officer died in California, and you took command. Your unit has been fighting the Victorians ever since, striking from the shadows and desperately keeping their weaponry maintained. You were young when your war started...now you're old. So damn old. But the fight's just kicking up. You're not done yet. You cleared the southern tip of the Lake of Victorian eyes. Time to get ready to strike a stronger blow against the bastards.
[X][BOSS] The Last Echo: You were chosen as Secretary of State by a woman who had been Speaker of the House before those before her in the line of succession died in transit to a safe location amid the chaos of the Collapse. You were confirmed by the last Congress of the United States minutes later. You served your President for years before a Russian assassin killed her and most of her cabinet, and you took up her role. By the slimmest of technicalities and a lot of bluffing, you hold a position that grants you precedence in the eyes of many. You convinced Chicago to call the Congress; you presided. It has been years, and you have been hunted for all of them. You have no room left in your heart for nostalgia. This country is a broken thing. No matter how much it must change, you will see it fixed and better than before. And once you serve a country that deserves the pride of the United States, you will
tear Alexander from his throne.
[X][GOV] Just to lock down the government completely, also invite the Capitalists. You are Social Democrats; the only people you don't like are Communists. Of course...the New Capitalists and the Socialists
really don't like one another...
-[X][GOV] Play the Socialists and the New Capitalists against each other in order to compromise on nothing.
Roll a d100 with a DC of 70 to sell this to both parties; on a fail, one of them backs out. On a success, your government looks extremely competent.
I'd prefer The Old Guard over Local Hero. I like Sara too, but my personal expertise and interest gives me a bias for Burns.
I changed my mind about guaranteeing compromises for the New Capitalists and Socialists. Poptart specified we could choose who to drop from the coalition (I'd cut the NC), which brings us back to guaranteeing a Social Democratic + Socialist Coalition anyways. They might go all in and demand both healthcare and unions if we fail the roll, but it seems like the majority of us wouldn't mind that result anyways. Even if the roll fails, we still win.