Traveller, The Rise of Empire: A Naval Design, Procurement and Command Quest

9-7: Aslan Negotiations
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Sep 20, 2024 at 6:19 AM, finished with 36 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan - Do Unto Others
    -[X] Strike - requiring a specialised Attacker
    -[X] Patrol - requiring a specialised EWAR Vehicle.
    -[X] Other - Fleet Command and Control
    -[X] We should be approaching the Aslan about military coordination against Hermosa
    -[X] We should be approaching the Aslan and Xyri about technology sharing agreements
    -[X] We should be scouting 'around the back' of Hermosa, in as much as we can, in order to assess the enemies depth
    -[X] Other - It is too early for any sort of military co-ordination with Garda-Villis. Pursue diplomatic relations with Garda-Villis. Suggest an exchange of ambassadors and trade agreements. Seek clarity around their claimed sovereign territory and any allies / foes they may have, particularly whether they have any relations with Hermosa.
    [x] Plan: Simple ships, ambitious stance
    -[x] Carrier doctrine: fleet command and control; area denial; rely on carried craft and escorts for guns and protection
    --[x] Write-in: report based on our previous war games and new info about when to favour interceptors versus other point-defence options
    -[x] Write-in: develop a theory of war in space.
    --[x] There is great interest and speculation about the Hermosan "mother-ship" design and new strategies. Encourage strategists throughout HSWS to participate in virtual war games and discussions and collate recommendations about: clouds of torpedo and missile drones; force disposition; our and Hermosa's vulnerability to jump-in-jump-out attacks
    -[x] HSWS opinion on overall strategy:
    --[x] Write-in: Encourage intelligence-gathering and civilian trade with Garda-Villis and Aslan. Seek knowledge, tech-transfer, etc. We should share our location and encourage their own traders and diplomats to visit us (Out of character, lol, the oligarchs might hate how this risks their safe monopolies)
    --[x] Approach the Aslan about military coordination against Hermosa
    --[x] Approach the Aslan about technology sharing agreements
    --[x] Scout 'around the back' of Hermosa, in as much as we can, in order to assess the enemies depth
    [X] Plan - Carrier Battlegroup, Diplomacy, and Recon
    -[X] Area Denial - requiring a specialised Interceptor
    -[X] Strike - requiring a specialised Attacker
    -[X] Patrol - requiring a specialised EWAR Vehicle.
    -[X] Other - Fleet Command and Control
    -[X] We should be approaching the Aslan about military coordination against Hermosa
    -[X] We should be approaching the Aslan about technology sharing agreements
    -[X] We should be scouting 'around the back' of Hermosa, in as much as we can, in order to assess the enemies depth
    -[X] Other - Scout systems to the South and Southwest of Hexos, depending on findings Hexos may gain more value as a forward deployment point. In the meantime, a minimal trip-wire force is all that is required.
    -[X] Other - It is too early for any sort of military co-ordination with Garda-Villis. Pursue diplomatic relations with Garda-Villis. Suggest an exchange of ambassadors and trade agreements. Seek clarity around their claimed sovereign territory and any allies / foes they may have, particularly whether they have any relations with Hermosa.
    [x] Plan: Simple ships, ambitious stance, but strike carrier
    -[x] Carrier doctrine: strike and ewar missions; fleet command and control; rely on carried craft and escorts for guns and protection
    -[x] Rest same as Plan: Simple ships, ambitious stance

While there are many questions, the first is simple; What missions are planned for? Strike - requiring a specialised Attacker, Patrol - requiring a specialised EWAR Vehicle, Other - Fleet Command and Control.
In the mean time, what is the HSWS's position? We should be approaching the Aslan about military coordination against Hermosa, We should be approaching the Aslan and Xyri about technology sharing agreements, We should be scouting 'around the back' of Hermosa, in as much as we can, in order to assess the enemies depth, It is too early for any sort of military co-ordination with Garda-Villis. Pursue diplomatic relations with Garda-Villis. Suggest an exchange of ambassadors and trade agreements. Seek clarity around their claimed sovereign territory and any allies / foes they may have, particularly whether they have any relations with Hermosa.

Available Budget: 598.725MCr
Current Dockyard Usage: 18,000Dtons

Capital Considerations - Carrier Battle
With a plan to craft a carrier that specialises in long range patrol and strike, utilising EWAR and strike platforms to extend the capabilities of the fleet while also providing command, control and communications to an entire Task Force, the architects and designers get to work. First off; designing those small craft.

While the F-40 strike bomber exists and is demonstrably capable as a long range, multi-role, CAS capable ship it is likely not the ideal for a true space carrier. After all, those capabilities use for strike in the vacuum of space can be found in a much smaller - and less defensible - platform which would reduce the size and scope of the hangers required. However, every decision is a trade off and thus we must prioritise what is required for the particular specialised role.

The strike fighter should be: (Choose Two to prioritise)
[ ] Capable of high-speed attack runs using a chemical rocket booster
[ ] Capable of defending itself against interceptors
[ ] Capable of multiple attack runs before returning to rearm
[ ] Capable of resisting enemy fire with armour
[ ] Capable of approaching an enemy with stealth
[ ] Capable of - write in

The EWAR craft will, presumably, be built off of the same platform with some of those same capabilities cut or reconfigured in order to ensure that it can both carry a package of capable sensors and conduct operations alongside a strike package. After all, a bomber without EWAR cover is just a dead bird by some accounts.

Approaching the Aslan
New orders are dispatched to the diplomatic mission on Keoiri, a sealed packet that contains all the requirements from negotiations that Home hungers for. The diplomats approach their contacts in the Aslan government - at least, those low enough on the rung to be on Keoiri rather than on whatever the Aslan main world is. It takes months to get a clear answer out of them, but once it's had its immediately transmitted back to Home. The proposal is two-fold:
- First, that Home will be enabled in hiring several capable Aslan warships and their crews as 'mercenaries'. The Aslan have no interest in getting directly involved in a conflict that is, by their count, six parsecs from the edge of their own space; however, they are also aware that their military is constantly hungry for fighting, honour and the chance to win accolades. They offer a handful of 1,000 ton 'cruisers' and their accompanying crews, so long as Home is willing to pay costs plus a bonus on top for the benefit of their service. The Aslan suggest 200Mcr per cruiser per year of service (or part thereof) with the HSWS
- Secondly, the Aslan are more than willing to provide Home with advanced technology and the knowledge with which to make use of it in developing new and more advanced fleet capabilities. of course, this will come with a price - land. Cassalon is still recovering from the devastation of war, but Aslan men are hungry for stakes. The award of several land grants on Cassalon, to be cleansed and redeveloped into something more suitable to their new inhabitants, would be of great benefit to the Aslan peoples. However, the Aslan diplomats are also more than aware of how contentious this option is - they are more than willing to wait for an answer. Home has all the time it needs to decide.

What is the HSWS response? (select all that apply)
[ ] We need those ships. Hire all three available to increase the number of hulls available to the service, they'll make fine escorts.
[ ] We should approach Cassalon about land grants for the Aslan, in order to improve everyone's defences.
[ ] We should counter-offer land grants on Home. We cannot guarantee that Cassalon will agree, after all.
[ ] Other response - write in.

Scouting About
While the Interstellar Surveyors (and the supply ship) are busy running scouting missions into Hermosan space, the Deep Space Surveyors take the opportunity to load up on Drop Tanks and head out into the deep black. Over the course of several months they slowly but surely extend the range of what can be considered known space, until we finally have definite confirmation of (most) of what lies beyond Hermosa.

Whether or not that system is inhabited, let alone connected to Hermosa in any meaningful way, would require significant and long range expeditions plausibly beyond what has been conducted thus far. Nonetheless, we are rapidly approaching the 15th anniversary of the founding of the HSWS proper and the simultaneous completion of two more CFA's and their addition to the fleet. While the budget is expansive and while we will have a great deal of yard space available (or will have) we must be cautious not to be overly ambitious.

Come 15y00m00w, we will have a little over 4kMcr and more than 7k dtons of yard space. How should it be filled?
[ ] Additional Interstellar Cruiser Refits (355Mcr each, 7 remain)
[ ] Another CFA (1280-1490Mcr based on variant)
[ ] Assess the vaibility of using this space for a capital carrier
[ ] Other - write in.

Please present votes as plans. Voting opens at
9-8: The Aslan Are Coming
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Sep 21, 2024 at 6:03 AM, finished with 37 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] OPLAN: Wildcat
    [X] OPLAN: Wildcat
    -[X] Capable of high-speed attack runs using a chemical rocket booster
    -[X] Capable of approaching an enemy with stealth
    -[X] Confer with Cassalon on the possibility of land transfers and if they would be open to such a plan; survey Home to see if there is suitable territory to bargain with should the need arise. If Cassalon is open, counter-offer with a mix of plots on both worlds to spread out the newcomers (and hopefully dilute their political impact). Clarify that the Aslan who choose to take land plots will be required to abide by the laws of Home and Cassalon and will be subjects of Home space.
    -[X] Lay down a CFA-B Variant
    -[X] Lay down a Modular Freight Vessel to serve as a munitions carrier for fleet logistics and an auxiliary mine-layer.
    [X] OPLAN: Run and Gun
    -[X] Capable of high-speed attack runs using a chemical rocket booster
    -[X] Capable of defending itself against interceptors/missiles
    -[X] Confer with Cassalon on the possibility of land transfers and if they would be open to such a plan; survey Home to see if there is suitable territory to bargain with should the need arise. If Cassalon is open, counter-offer with a mix of plots on both worlds to spread out the newcomers (and hopefully dilute their political impact). Clarify that the Aslan who choose to take land plots will be required to abide by the laws of Home and Cassalon and will be subjects of Home space.
    -[X] Lay down a CFA-B Variant
    -[X] Lay down a Modular Freight Vessel to serve as a munitions carrier for fleet logistics and an auxiliary mine-layer.
    [X] OPLAN: Run and Gun

The strike fighter should be: Capable of high-speed attack runs using a chemical rocket booster, Capable of approaching an enemy with stealth
What is the HSWS response? Confer with Cassalon on the possibility of land transfers and if they would be open to such a plan; survey Home to see if there is suitable territory to bargain with should the need arise. If Cassalon is open, counter-offer with a mix of plots on both worlds to spread out the newcomers (and hopefully dilute their political impact). Clarify that the Aslan who choose to take land plots will be required to abide by the laws of Home and Cassalon and will be subjects of Home space.
How should it be filled? Lay down a CFA-B Variant, Lay down a Modular Freight Vessel to serve as a munitions carrier for fleet logistics and an auxiliary mine-layer.

Available Budget: 1,754.05MCr
Current Dockyard Usage: 18,000Dtons

Capital Considerations - Carrier Battle
The smallest possible fighter that meets the requirements set forth by the HSWS comes in the form of the XB-25 Strike Craft. A ten ton miniature fighter of similar size to the Aslan laser fighters we have seen, it nonetheless meets the RFP laid out: It is fast, capable of a chemical rocket boosted burn of 9G's for up to an hour, it is stealthy, with a reduced radar and lidar return built into the shape of the craft, and it is armed for rapid multi-missile strikes.

It is also, remarkably enough, armoured against lasers and other 'lighter' weapons that may be utilised by interceptors and similar craft. We cannot truly know what is 'sufficient' armouring to resist incoming attacks, but a half-thickness layer should provide some survivability to these otherwise fragile and delicate bomber craft. In addition, there is a a variant (the XB-25b) that fits a single torpedo pylon rather than the magazine-fed missile rack, though none of either have been built yet - these are simply drawings on an architects board.

Nonetheless, this is the 'light fighter' that may be the answer to the question of how large a carrier needs to be. Such a small vehicle will require smaller facilities, smaller launch tubes and recovery decks, and if the ship is only going to handle such small craft it can be commensurately smaller.

What does the HSWS make of this?
[ ] This is the design we are looking for. Accept it and develop an EWAR variant.
[ ] Consider other designs, larger, better protected, other similar changes.
[ ] Other - write in.

Approaching the Aslan
"Of course they will be citizens! Citizens of Home, Citizens of Cassalon, and Citizens of the greater Aslan Hierate! We would not restrict their rights and neither must you - should an Aslan wish to serve in your military, why would we stop them! They will, however, always be welcome to return to Aslan space, to Aslan ships, and to their place in the family that is larger than any of our own."

The Aslan agree - how could they not? New land, new families, the growth of the clans and a greater distribution of their peoples beyond their own borders with barely a finger lifted? They cannot imagine a sweeter diplomatic deal. There are murmurs in Cassalon and on Home, that these... invaders will bring with them horrible weapons, nasty laws, grim punishments and life will change inherently for the proles who suffer the decisions of their masters. After all, every Aslan man is a grim faced mercenary and every Aslan woman is a conniving temptress - at least that's what some are saying.

Nonetheless, the agreement is had and the first families representatives arrive to begin scouting out where they will lay their claims alongside Home and Cassalon's own land surveyors. Along with them come scientists, engineers and naval architects, who will help to uplift the HSWS and Home proper in developing new technologies for use on their ships.

Which technologies are being enhanced? Choose two.
[ ] Advanced Drive Layouts - TL 9
[ ] Improved Plant Efficiencies - TL 9
[ ] Quality Hull Construction - TL 8
[ ] High-Density Metals - TL 8
[ ] Electronics and Sensors - TL 9
[ ] Command and Control systems - TL 9
[ ] Enhanced Starship-grade Weapons - TL 9

Refits and Construction
As three new block III Interstellar Cruisers leave the yards, another three enter for their refits. The last of the block II ships, including those in reserve, go for their refits leaving none of that long serving pattern in service. The block IIa's are next, in half a year, and once those are done every Interstellar Cruiser will have been updated to the new pattern.

We also (finally) have an image of the CFA in active duty:
Note the main weapons are in the dorsal 'ridge' while the M-drive is of a new design that includes a contiguous 'ring' aft that should produce some minor efficiencies compared to older designs.

Please present votes as plans. Voting opens at
10-1: How soon to a Double Event?
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Sep 22, 2024 at 6:56 AM, finished with 35 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan Leaping Forward
    -[x] This is the design we are looking for, but we would get new tech from Aslan. Accept it as a foundation and improve on it with new armour tech. And develop an EWAR variant.
    -[X] Quality Hull Construction - TL 8
    -[X] High-Density Metals - TL 8
    -[X] Ask Aslan to sign the Articles of War
    [x] Plan Tanky
    -[x] This is the design we are looking for, but we would get new tech from Aslan. Accept it as a foundation and improve on it with new armour tech. And develop an EWAR variant.
    -[x] Get High-Density Metals and Enhanced Starship-grade Weapons from Aslan
    --[x] Ask Aslan to sign the Articles of War
    -[x] Write-in: contact Xyri to get TL9 Quality Hull Construction tech from them.
    [x] Plan Wait
    -[x] We are just about to get a tech upgrade. Don't settle on a fighter design before the new tech can be integrated into the design.
    -[x] Get High-Density Metals and Enhanced Starship-grade Weapons from Aslan
    --[x] Ask Aslan to sign the Articles of War
    -[x] Write-in: contact Xyri to get TL9 Quality Hull Construction tech from them.

What does the HSWS make of this? This is the design we are looking for, but we would get new tech from Aslan. Accept it as a foundation and improve on it with new armour tech. And develop an EWAR variant.
Which technologies are being enhanced? Quality Hull Construction, High-Density Metals
Additional Goal: Ask Aslan to sign the Articles of War

Advanced Drive Layouts - TL 9
Improved Plant Efficiencies - TL 9
Quality Hull Construction - TL 10
High-Density Metals - TL 10
Electronics and Sensors - TL 9
Command and Control systems - TL 9
Enhanced Starship-grade Weapons - TL 9

Available Budget: 1,754.05MCr
Current Dockyard Usage: 18,000Dtons

Capital Considerations - Carrier Battle
With the advances so eagerly dealt out by the Aslan, we are able to enhance the XF-25 Strike bomber, creating two (technically three) variants. New metal synthesis methods allows for the creation of a lighter, denser, more protective armour pattern referred to as 'CrystalIron' while improved stealth coatings free up additional tonnage to increase effective thickness by 50%. The XB-25C is thus born, a capable space-only bomber with a rotating turret to allow fires to continue even through an exit burn and the potential to hold up to seven anti-ship missiles in an internal magazine.

Note the cost per fighter is almost doubled by the inclusion of enhanced attack software
Meanwhile, the EWAR variant is also developed. Where the XB-25C has thick armour and a turreted launcher, the XB-25 has a fixed missile launcher, a larger sensor set and thinner armour. While planning is still ongoing, the 'ideal attack' pattern would likely include B-25C's escorted by B-25D's which peel off early after providing targeting information and decoy launches to the strike package.

With the potential strike package oriented, we must then turn to the carrier herself. What is the ideal ratio of strike to support groups? What is the ideal ratio of launch tubes to squadrons? What size will it end up being?

What should the carrier carry? Note that the MAT has ~1,500 tons of hangers.
[ ] Four strike squadrons, one EWAR squadron (60 small craft, ~780 tons)
[ ] Three strike squadrons, two EWAR squadrons (60 small craft, ~780 tons)
[ ] Two strike squadrons, one EWAR squadron (36 small craft, ~470 tons)
[ ] Five strike squadrons, two EWAR squadrons (84 small craft, ~1,100tons)
[ ] Other - write in

Approaching the Aslan
The answer from the Aslan regarding the Articles are simple - they will gladly accept them as part of negotiations before any engagement between Home and them, they are bound to certain concepts of honourable warfare themselves. However, they will not be binding their entire society to follow them for no good reason, as they have other external pressures that require a certain kind of response unbound by such niceties. They nonetheless wish us luck with our efforts to create a certain civil kind of war making.

Meanwhile Xyrian Dictatorship diplomats, now bereft of any technological advantage they had once held over us and still rebuilding after a short but brutal war, approach us cap in hand. A truce, perhaps even an alliance, would suit them, something that will allow them to still maintain a defensive cordon around their system now that they have such a gorilla of a neighbour. What is a gorilla, our diplomats ask? No one is sure, but the HSWS meets the criteria for one. What can they offer? Well, pilots, they suppose, and continued basing and fuelling rights. Perhaps even the option to station some forces or defensive platforms in the system. It isn't much, but it's a further step towards integration.

What do we make of this offer?
[ ] Further integration of minor polities can only have positive results
[ ] They can't offer us anything we don't already have. Refuse to be suckered into local politics again.
[ ] Other - write in.

Lights in the Dark
The scouting flights are becoming more regular. The most recent report demonstrates six distinct incidents of system penetration in Heimdall from ships noted as belonging to the Hermosans. It is the most that have ever been detected, and a certain analysis reflects them coming closer together as the end of the month approaches. Worse than this, an HSBS ship reports what could be a similar detection in Hexos, coming from the vague direction of Hermosa.

What is the HSWS response?
[ ] Reposition additional forces along the line, as equally distributed as possible.
[ ] Conduct a show of force along the Hermosan border systems, jumping directly in with modern ships.
[ ] Other - write in. Feel free to write up a specific allocation of forces if you like.

Please present votes as plans. Voting opens at
Last edited:
10-2: Movement in the Breach
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Sep 23, 2024 at 6:56 AM, finished with 31 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] OPLAN: Bolt
    [X] OPLAN: Bolt
    -[X] Design a smaller "escort" or "patrol" carrier and a larger "fleet" or "command" carrier.
    --[X] Escort Carrier: Two strike squadrons, one EWAR squadron (36 small craft, ~470 tons)
    --[X] Fleet Carrier and Command: Five strike squadrons, two EWAR squadrons (84 small craft, ~1,100tons)
    -[X] Review CFA, frigate, and IC III designs and create revised Mark 2 designs of all existing variants incorporating new hull and armor production techniques for review.
    -[X] Further integration of minor polities can only have positive results
    -[X] Heimdall Sector Command: HSWS Kyzaghan (CFA-Bpt), MMV HSWS Perkūnas (restrictions on particle-beam usage still apply), 3xCourier, IC-III HSWS Sakumo, HSWS Sekhmet, HSWS Tlaloc, HSWS Tohil, Frigates HSWS Alaz, HSWS Juno, HSWS Keres, HSWS Nike,, FSS Lakapati and an MDS when available; DSS SWS Aditi, HSWS Hanwi, HSWS Tishtrya, HSWS Uenuku to continue passive recon jumps into Equus and Sinone.
    -[X] Cassalon Station: MDS Cassalon, 1xCourier, two mercenary Aslan cruisers, Cassalon self-defense ships / stations, system patrol boats.
    -[X] Home / Reserve: IC-II HSWS Apolake, HSWS Pallas, MDS, when available, 3xCourier
    -[X] Staging Point Reserve: Monitor HSWS Caturix, CFA HSWS Rongo (CFA-Apt), HSWS Maha Sona (CFA-Dpt), HSWS Maher (CFA-Cpt; when complete), IC-III HSWS Apedemak, HSWS Apolake (when complete), HSWS Ninurta (when complete), HSWS Pallas (when complete), IC-II HSWS Kartikeya, HSWS Korravai, HSWS Neto, HSWS Ullr, Frigates HSWS Hysminai, HSWS Virtus, HSWS Wadjet, HSWS Ogun, HSWS Zhurong, HSWS Homano FSS Ikapati, 1xCourier
    -[X] Hexos Tripwire: 1xCourier, 1xISS
    -[X] Shambala Relay: 1xCourier, 1xISS
    -[X] Activate merchant marine as necessary to provide mentions, supply, and fuel transport.

What should the carrier carry? Design a smaller "escort" or "patrol" carrier and a larger "fleet" or "command" carrier. Escort Carrier: Two strike squadrons, one EWAR squadron (36 small craft, ~470 tons), Fleet Carrier and Command: Five strike squadrons, two EWAR squadrons (84 small craft, ~1,100tons).
What do we make of this offer? Further integration of minor polities can only have positive results
What is the HSWS response? Reposition additional forces along the line

Advanced Drive Layouts - TL 9
Improved Plant Efficiencies - TL 9
Quality Hull Construction - TL 10
High-Density Metals - TL 10
Electronics and Sensors - TL 9
Command and Control systems - TL 9
Enhanced Starship-grade Weapons - TL 9

Available Budget: 1,354.05MCr
Current Dockyard Usage: 9,500Dtons

Lights in the Dark - 15y06m00w
The HSWS goes into full activity, redeploying forces rapidly from Home and the core system(s) to the 'defence line' against Hermosan aggression. Heimdall receives some of the most modern forces available to the fleet, with a CFA and the MMV HSWS Perkūnas commanding a force of four modern cruisers and four frigates, while the newest MDS is dispatched on one of the two operable Modular Merchants to reinforce the anchorage and fuelling stations. Meanwhile, Cassalon has a pair of Aslan cruisers attached (paid for out of the HSWS' budget, of course) and the sector in between is reinforced such that the Staging Point Reserve represents a significant second strike capability with multiple Fast Attack Cruisers and Interstellar Cruisers present or pre-assigned once they leave the slips.

Even Hexos and Shambala receive a warship and a courier each, a cruiser and a courier that are able to show strength and dart back to Home if they detect anything untowards.

This responsive deployment calls for or requires:
- Five cruiser class vessels, of which four are currently available and will be kept on station beyond their standard refit assignment if necessary.
- Fourteen small cruisers/large escorts, with only 11 available until three months from now. Additionally, six of these eleven are still armed with the banned particle weapons that have been the source of some distress over the last year and a half.
- Ten Frigates, the entire force of light escorts, with no leeway given for required maintenance or yard time.

This deployment is going to stress the force to its limits, with little in the way of leave or rest for the next few months, but with a dangerous threat on the border, it is considered entirely necessary. After all, the incoming scouting missions don't stop, and the outgoing Surveyors identify at least fifteen individual 'Broadsword'-class combat platforms based on their active sensor data. It is understood that these are rotating between systems and wherever they go, there is also one of their larger 'Mother'-class vessels in something approaching close formation with them.

If there is a consistent pattern of build-up along the 'front', analysts cannot see it. The Hermosans are rarely without six combat platforms in each of the vital systems, Equus and Sinone, and these platforms are the ones flying scouting missions into Heimdall (and potentially other systems? We have reports of jumps that did not correlate with a jump flash in Heimdall).

The Jump flashes in Hexos are occasional at best. Over the course of a month exactly one is detected by newly positioned forces there. If it is the Hermosans and not someone else, it may be that a four jump mission is the limit of their endurance, or it may be that they're keeping us in the dark about their current capabilities, which is not perhaps at all surprising.

With large chunks of the new fleet coming out of the slips, we see a sudden increase in the number of scouting approaches and for the first time we see two enter the system one after the other, and then a third half a day later. Forces present in Heimdall beat to quarters and prepare for action, fighters are launched, the task force strings itself out into a combat formation... but nothing comes. A few hours later all three ships leave without contact.

Hermosa is testing us, watching our response to a penetration. The Citizens Council is displeased with the current passive approach and are encouraging a firmer response. Senior members of the HSWS also consider this plenty of provocation to conduct offensive manouvres. What say the decision makers?
[ ] Plan and conduct a strike into Sinone with the intent to do infrastructure damage. What forces?
[ ] Plan and conduct a strike into Equus, with the intent of removing multiple Hermosan ships from play. What forces?
[ ] Plan and conduct a strike into Sinone with the intent of occupation. Bring up the MAT as well as X forces.
[ ] Other - write in.

Capital Considerations - Carrier Battle
There is a last decision to make regarding a carrier - or the two carriers as the case may be - and that regards launch and landing facilities. While the MAT has no particular interest in launching its load as quickly as possible, instead focusing on safe launch and recovery of a few shuttles at a time, a combat carrier exists in a remarkably different dynamic. Should a carrier be able to launch its entire complement at once or just half of it?

It must be noted that initial conversations regarding the capabilities of launch and landing decks have led to some confusion over the capabilities of each, capabilities that have been reproven with the existence of the MAT and training operations utilising that ship.
- A launch tube is capable of launching up to ten craft every other round, with most designs opting for either a 'full-launch' mode which catapults two craft every 72 seconds (and then spending several minutes positioning the next squadron for launch) or a 'continuous-launch' mode which opts for a slower but more consistent two craft every 144 seconds while deck gangs bring up the next craft. Functionally, a launch tube dispenses a full squadron in six minutes and then requires six minutes to prepare for the next squadron.
- A recovery deck is capable of safely 'catching' a flight of four craft over the course of six minutes, or up to twelve with diminishing safety standards. Pilots have repeatedly demonstrated the capability of grav-traps to 'catch' a high-speed approach by a shuttle while the same systems also bring home three of its squad-mates. Combat conditions have seen eight- and twelve-trap landings conducted as well, but everyone involved considers the four-trap to be the safest way of bringing home a squadron in fighting condition.

What is the ratio of launch and recovery decks to squadrons aboard our planned carriers?
[ ] One launch tube and one recovery deck per squadron.
[ ] One launch tube per squadron and one recovery deck per carrier.
[ ] One launch tube per three squadrons and one recovery deck per three squadrons.
[ ] Other - write in.

Refits and Construction
We have 8,500 tons of yard space coming available and a dearth of escorts and fully refit cruisers.

What does the HSWS plan to build?
[ ] Additional Interstellar Cruiser Refits (355Mcr each, 6 remain)
[ ] Another CFA (1280-1490Mcr based on variant)
[ ] Frigates of the current type (500 tons, 190Mcr each)
[ ] Enhanced frigates using modern technology (500 tons, ?Mcr each)
[ ] Save the space for a Fleet Carrier based on the MAT
[ ] Save the space for a Fleet Carrier of a new design
[ ] Save some small amount of space for an Escort Carrier.
[ ] Other - write in.

Please present votes as plans. Voting opens at
10-3: At the Edge of Hope
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Sep 24, 2024 at 6:16 AM, finished with 27 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] OPLAN: Sentinel
    [X] OPLAN: Sentinel
    -[X] There is no need to start a shooting war... yet. Begin conducting reconnaissance in force in kind. Continue to probe Sinone and Equus, with an eye toward picking up on orbital defenses and "typical" force compositions in both systems, as well as Hermosan reaction times and any broadcasts for filtration and review by the intelligence arm. Continue internal wargaming of WARPLAN YELLOW and WARPLAN RED.
    --[X] Sinone Group: HSWS Perkunas, IC-III Sekhmet, Sakumo (1x Cruiser, 2x Light Cruiser)
    --[X] Equus Group: HSWS Kyzaghan, IC-III Tohil, Tlaloc (1x Cruiser, 2x Light Cruiser)
    --[X] Heimdall Garrison: MDS Heimdall, 3 frigate type craft, Anchorage squadron
    --[X] Regroup the DSS for a long-range mission to the "north" of Equus to survey beyond the edge of Hermosan space in that sector. Attempt to discover what is beyond the "west" of Hermosan space; utilize FSS to extend range if necessary.
    --[X] If no developments (e.g. attack on Heimdall) within next month, stand down Staging Point Force to Cassalon for regular refits and rest and begin rotating escorts, cruisers, and light cruisers through Heimdall. Reestablish Staging Point as a reactive reserve with two cruiser type craft, two light cruiser type craft, two frigate type craft, and a single FSS to ease strain on active forces. Rotation is - Cassalon for regular refit and maintenance/rest - active reserve in Staging Point - active reconnaissance and garrison in Heimdall. Couriers to be deployed as needed. We cannot remain on high alert and maintain our fleet's readiness. With the MDS deployed to Heimdall, some of the threat is at least ameliorated.
    -[X] One launch tube for every two squadrons, one recovery deck for every squadron.
    -[X] Two additional IC refits (2k tons)
    -[X] Two enhanced frigates using modern technology (1k tons)
    -[X] Set aside 5500 tons for escort carrier build (or, if deemed not worth time, for saving for fleet carrier in 15y09m or other build in new fiscal year).
    -[X] If living quarters and other facilities allow, replace the FB squadron on Heimdall Anchorage with a squadron of new strike fighters and a squadron of EWAR craft. FB squadron should be retained on Cassalon or Home as a ground-based squadron for the foreseeable future.

What say the decision makers? There is no need to start a shooting war... yet.
What is the ratio of launch and recovery decks to squadrons aboard our planned carriers? One launch tube for every two squadrons, one recovery deck for every squadron.
What does the HSWS plan to build? Two additional IC refits (2k tons), Two enhanced frigates using modern technology (1k tons),

Advanced Drive Layouts - TL 9
Improved Plant Efficiencies - TL 9
Quality Hull Construction - TL 10
High-Density Metals - TL 10
Electronics and Sensors - TL 9
Command and Control systems - TL 9
Enhanced Starship-grade Weapons - TL 9

Available Budget: 4107.03MCr
Current Dockyard Usage: 6,000Dtons

Refits and Construction
With such a large chunk of the yard available, and so little money to spend on it, the HSWS gets to work. Two further Interstellar Cruisers are placed in the yards for refits, this time the pair that were kept in reserve for so long that they are the last examples of the block II. Alongside them, steel (or in this case, Crystaliron) is cut for the first of the second flight of Fast Escort Frigates. These enhanced ships will have the thickest armour seen on an HSWS ship, along with enhanced power-plants, triple rather than double turrets and a doubling of the small ships missile tubes. This little vessel will be a remarkable boon as a point-defence platform and as a missile bomber.

Meanwhile, space is also reserved for an escort carrier of 5,500 tons, capable of deploying three squadrons of the light strike craft we have previously designed, however some questions on the specifics have not currently been answered. The design as planned is as follows:

Note the relatively small amount of the ships total tonnage given over to launch and recovery and to storage aboard. Architects are concerned about empty space aboard the ship though the HSWS may find other uses for it:

The current design for the Carrier, Escort, is only 5,200 tons with full armour and a large enough powerplant to maintain the ship. This additional tonnage should be used for:
[ ] To design it as a military hull with even thicker amour.
[ ] To reduce the overall size of the ship to save space and money.
[ ] To mount more weaponry.
[ ] To carry additional craft.
[ ] Other, write in.

Lights in the Dark - 15y09m02w
A deep penetration mission is planned and conducted in the North of Hermosa. Launching from Cassalon, a pair of DSS' loaded with drop tanks rendezvous with an FSS at sector '-02 00' for refuelling before continuing their mission. They are headed for the patch of empty space referred to in charts as Sector '-04 01', which borders Equus but is considered uninhabited. They will spend a month there, charting the nearby systems as they have done tens of times before prior to returning. Getting there will, however, require the use of the newest form of drop tank which should be safer than any previously fitted.

Elsewhere, our forces begin deploying much more strongly. While we still have a variance of up to 30 hours in arrival times in a system, it's easy enough to plot jumps that will bring our ships out far enough from the Hermosan core worlds that our forces can assemble and spend a half day observing at extremely long range. It is hard, doing this, to get any real sense of what is happening in system - we are almost reduced to staring at distant points of light with telescopes after all - but our forces are safe enough and able to make some lingering observations of Sinone and Equus.

We continue to be certain of at least fifteen individual Hermosan Combat Platforms, as well as noting the presence of activity in the (small) yards around both main worlds. The local yards may be preparing defences for a potential attack, one which we have planned in some detail. After all, the WARPLAN YELLOW wargamers are relatively assured of the ability of a concerted strike from Heimdall to destabilise and blockade either Sinone or Equus, assuming the Hermosans are not considerably stronger than we have seen thus far. The purpose of this could be threefold: first, to check Hermosan expansionism, second, to strangle some of their economic strength and third, to demonstrate that Home and the HSWS is not without a capability of its own.

Certainly the Hermosans will be looking at the CFA's (which they have yet to be able to close with in any serious way) and wondering exactly how they are armed, how they are armoured, just how resistant they will be to the massed strikes of their own, smaller principal combat platform. WARPLAN RED planners are concerned about the ability of local forces to resist the sheer number of incoming missiles in the event of an active engagement, although sufficient escorts and defenders would allow us to engage on a more even footing.

Rendezvous in force continues for several months, lasting well into the dawn of the 16th year of HSWS operations. Ships are rotated in and out of service as this new normal develops to the point that both sides are, functionally, trading fleets every few weeks. It is surely only a matter of time until someone fires a missile at just the right time to get an intercept, isn't it?

What is the goal of these operations for the HSWS?
[ ] To attempt to defuse war through a show of strength.
[ ] To demonstrate equivalent capabilities through a show of strength.
[ ] To create a casus belli for war through repeatedly tripping a defence line.
[ ] Other - write in.

Report from the DSS HSWS Hanwi on scouting operations:
- Arrived in Sector -03 00 after drop tank jump. Drive required recalibration. Multiple reports of nausea and irritability among the crew. HSWS Uenuku arrives after 6 hours, reporting significant damage to their J-drive. Rendezvous made and parts were pooled to allow the Uenuku to repair their drive.
- It was decided that Hanwi would continue with the mission while Uenuku would return to Home for full repairs. Uenuku's second drop tank was abandoned prior to jump.
- Jump to unexplored system had no major issues. Mission continued as planned.

Scouting reports demonstrate the presence of nothing beyond Hermosa detected thus far. The Scouting Flotilla requests permission to risk an FSS in sector '-03 00' in order to conduct an even deeper scouting mission at four parsecs distant from controlled space. This would be perhaps the longest range mission conducted by the small force, and would probably require a third DSS to ensure that any maintenance issues are not prohibitive to the completion of the mission.

How does the HSWS feel about this mission?
[ ] Approve it. There's only so little we can risk.
[ ] Do not approve. We have enough intelligence.

Please present votes as plans. Voting opens at
10-4: Cancelling the Apocalypse
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Sep 25, 2024 at 3:42 AM, finished with 32 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] OPLAN: Spyglass
    [X] OPLAN: Switchblade
    [X] OPLAN: Spyglass
    -[X] Patrol Carrier Revisions
    --[X]Use some of the excess space to include additional hangar space for two SAR craft for pilot retrieval (doubling as ship's boats); if a suitable design can be made at ten tons, good. If not, the larger design should include either medical facilities or emergency low berths in order to ensure wounded pilots can be stabilized during docking / landing procedures.
    --[X] Include a third launch tube.
    --[X] Put any remaining tonnage into armor.
    --[X] Revise planned complement of fleet carrier to 6 strike/2 EWAR.
    -[X] To protect those border systems from probing and to learn about Hermosa's capabilities and intentions in advance of a show of force which will act as a deterrent against conflict
    -[X] Approve it. There's only so little we can risk.
    --[X] Dispatch the diplomatic cruiser on a mission to Plenty to attempt to make second (and more enduring) contact as a part of this expedition, if fuel will allow.

This additional tonnage should be used for: Patrol Carrier Revisions
What is the goal of these operations for the HSWS? To protect those border systems from probing and to learn about Hermosa's capabilities and intentions in advance of a show of force which will act as a deterrent against conflict.
How does the HSWS feel about this mission? Approve it. There's only so little we can risk. Dispatch the diplomatic cruiser on a mission to Plenty to attempt to make second (and more enduring) contact as a part of this expedition, if fuel will allow.

Advanced Drive Layouts - TL 9
Improved Plant Efficiencies - TL 9
Quality Hull Construction - TL 10
High-Density Metals - TL 10
Electronics and Sensors - TL 9
Command and Control systems - TL 9
Enhanced Starship-grade Weapons - TL 9

Available Budget: 4107.03MCr
Current Dockyard Usage: 10,000Dtons

Operation Spyglass
A Task Force is assembled in Cassalon, but not a particularly well armed one. Instead the Deep Space Surveyors HSWS Aditi and Tishtrya will be accompanied by the HSLS Bá Kim and the Lakapiti as far as sector '-03 00', 'North' of Equus. There the Task Force will scatter, with Bá Kim heading to Plenty for the start of diplomatic negotiations three years and several months after the initial contact while the Aditi and the Tishtrya head out deeper into un explored space to formulate an even better idea of what awaits us beyond Hermosa. It will takeall of the fuel aboard the Lakipiti and then some to support this mission - 800 tons for its own engines, 400 tons for the Bá Kim and a further 420 tons for the DSS' - and thus the Task Force will also be accompanied by an Interstellar Conveyor for the first leg of the journey into Sector '-02 00'.

The mission will last fourteen weeks, or three and a half months with each DSS spending a month in their target sector, while the diplomatic mission will be afforded up to six weeks on Plenty to produce something approaching results. They depart on 16y00m02w and are expected to return on or around 16y04m00w.

Patrol Carrier
The design for the 'light' capital ship is finalised, a 5,500 dTon carrier with the capacity for three squadrons of 'small' fighters aboard as well as a handful of support craft. It will play host to forty-one small craft, including a crew and marine shuttle, and will carry 194 souls aboard in relative comfort and remarkable safety. Despite giving over a quarter of its total volume to flight handling and control facilities, it still has better armour protection and point defences that most of its peers constructed in HSWS yards. It does not however carry the newly developed reflective coating that would better preserve it against laser fire - it is an expense considered unnecessary given that the armour will already protect it from most threats and concerted laser attack will be met by the carriers escorts.

Alongside this carrier are the three 'carrier fighters' or, more accurately, the three XB-25 pattern multi-role small craft. Twenty-four 25C's, twelve 25D's and four 25E's will make up the full complement, the last four an emergency Search and Rescue craft with two emergency low berths for recovering pilots who have ejected in combat. They trade away almost all other capability for the ability to fit an airlock and a pair of rescue pods. Between these four tiny ships and the shuttle, the carrier should have the capacity to conduct its own SAR operations in the wake of combat.

The pod-like XB-25 alongside the larger F-40
The final cost of a single patrol carrier (including its air wing) is 2,837.595Mcr, with only a third of that figure composing the air wing. It's remarkably cheap compared to some projections, and would allow the HSWS to lay down a single example per year without overrunning its budget. Indeed we currently have a remarkable budget and only 10,000 tons in the yards.

What should the HSWS lay down?
[ ] The first Patrol Carrier (5,500 tons, 2,837.595Mcr)
[ ] Additional Interstellar Cruiser Refits (355Mcr each, 4 remain)
[ ] Another CFA (1280-1490Mcr based on variant)
[ ] Enhanced frigates using modern technology (500 tons, 271Mcr each)
[ ] Other - write in

Cancelling the Apocalypse
Scouting in force does not escalate, but several times recently ship captains have reported potential firing solutions - both in Hermosan and Heimdall space - that they have not taken as they were not fired upon first. They are clearly being baited, the Hermosan platforms coming closer and closer in the hopes of receiving a reason to act. The captains, the task force commander, and the entire chain is asking for clarification: When can they fire?

What are the rules of engagement:
[ ] The ROE is simple - do not fire unless fired upon.
[ ] The ROE is simple - hostile action can be met with fire under defined circumstances
[ ] The ROE is simple - if threatened, the Task Force commander may choose to allow a ship in the combat zone to begin offensive manouvres.

Please present votes as plans. Voting opens at
Last edited:
10-5: The Monsters at the Door
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Sep 26, 2024 at 3:23 AM, finished with 47 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] OPLAN: Horizon
    [X] OPLAN: Horizon
    -[X]The first Patrol Carrier (5,500 tons, 2,837.595Mcr)
    --[X] Review design and hullform for potential use as basis for a capital ship armed with turreted torpedos and laser barbettes (and cost savings for standardized hullform).
    -[X] Two IC-III Refits (2000 tons, 710Mcr)
    -[X] One Frigate, Flight II (500 tons, 271Mcr each)
    -[X] One strike squadron for Heimdall Anchorage to replace the existing FB squadron (216 MCred)
    -[X]The ROE is simple - hostile action can be met with fire under defined circumstances.
    --[X] If fired upon.
    --[X] If a group of Hermosan ships enter the Heimdall (or Cassalon, etc.) system and are in position to immediately fire upon home facilities or orbital stations and do not answer hailing/respond to warnings.

What should the HSWS lay down? The first Patrol Carrier (5,500 tons, 2,837.595Mcr), Two IC-III Refits (2000 tons, 710Mcr), One Frigate, Flight II (500 tons, 271Mcr each)
Additional: Review design and hullform for potential use as basis for a capital ship armed with turreted torpedos and laser barbettes (and cost savings for standardized hullform).
What are the rules of engagement: The ROE is simple - hostile action can be met with fire under defined circumstances. If an HSWS (or HSLS or other) ship is fired upon, or if a group of Hermosan ships enter Heimdall and are in position to immediately fire upon home facilities or orbital facilities and do not answer hails or respond to warnings.

Available Budget: 288.435MCr
Current Dockyard Usage: 10,000Dtons

The Monsters at the Door
With new Rules of Engagement written up and delivered to the busy fleet station at Heimdall, the members of the HSWS sitting pretty at Home can sit and watch as the first plates are laid down for the Patrol Carrier. 5,500dtons of crystaliron and internal framing will play host to two-hundred souls and more than forty small craft, a flying docking hub for a long-range strike group that can deliver missiles to the exact ranges required for optimal attacks on enemy warships.

With so many of the Interstellar Cruisers now through refit and serving actively with the fleet, we are rapidly approaching the end of the block IIa types and the completion of the block III point-defence and torpedo ships. The 'new' fleet is almost complete, without the risk of needing to use the inhumane particle weapons banned under the Articles of War.

The enhanced block III (bottom) compared to the previous block II. Note the lack of major turrets and the addition of the new 'ring' style Manoeuvre Drive.

Nonetheless, despite the developments that drive the HSWS forwards, there is always something keeping us stuck looking backward. Heimdall - and the Hermosan incursions - remains a thorn in the side of the state. The latest incursion does, however, come on the heels of of the new ROE and leads to a... novel exchange:

Recording from the Command Centre of the HSWS Maha Sona
"Jump Flash, Jump Flash. Bearing Zero-Eight-Niner by three-two-three. Range is... Captain, range is 800,000km and closing."
"They've come in close this time. Ops, set action stations and have all crew come to stations. Comm, give the standard warning."
-- Message dispatched 'Hermosan Ship, you have entered territory under the protection of the HSWS. Heave too and await escort or depart this system at once.'
"No response, Captain."
"When is there ever."
"You know we're well within our rights to open fire, Captain."
"Thank you XO, I am simply averse to starting a shooting war I don't have to. Comm, send them another, make it mean this time. Helm, set a course for 100,000km, full military power. XO, with me. I have an idea."
-- Message dispatched 'Unidentified ship, Heave too or we will have no choice but to take action. Warnings will not be repeated'. No significant action is recorded for over an hour.
"Enough of this. Dispatch the boarding party to offer all medical and technical aid required. Clearly if they're not responding they must be in distress."

The boarding shuttle Passionate Witch takes an hour to match speeds with the Hermosan Combat Platform, and another thirty minutes to close the distance until they're within visual range of the fat, missile tube studded wedge of the enemy. The pilots report that they can see the word 'Glaive' stencilled down the flank on their scopes. The ship is hot, its drives are active (there is a certain amount of 'wash' from drive plates than can be detected at close ranges) and it is beginning active manoeuvres. Nonetheless, the boarding shuttle continues to close the range.

Then a flurry of action. The Hermosan ship side-slips under full power. The shuttle pilot evades, tossing the platoon of FLF infantry in the back against their harnesses. A request from the back seater, seeking permission to put a pair of missiles into the big ships drives. The last message received from the shuttles pilot and ESO reads:
"-spike in readings, they're trying to form a bubble."
"Go evasive, we don't know what'll happen if-"
The Maha Sona's second shuttle (Ain't Miss Behavin') was dispatched immediately to investigate, as the shuttle could not be raised. When they entered visual range they found the Passionate Witch missing every part of her hull forwards of the airlock. The Hermosan ship, later identified as the HCP Glaive, was tumbling without control, a small spill of debris and fluids the only other sign that something was wrong with her.

Forty-two of the forty-five soldiers dispatched aboard the Passionate Witch are recovered aboard the AMB, the last three left in their acceleration couches where they died until a proper recovery of the bodies could be made. During the process, the Maha Sona recieves first contact from the Hermosan ship; a desperate plea for aid. They are on emergency power, their jump drive is inoperable, their atmosphere systems are only semi-functional and they are, in almost all ways, a ruined ship. It takes several days (and the arrival of a second platoon of FLF aboard the MMV Perkūnas) but eventually the tumble is slowed, power is restored enough to light the M-drive, and the Glaive is brought into a holding orbit with the Anchorage and Defence station.

All of this happens in between courier runs, and even then travel takes time, so it takes three weeks for messages to reach Home. But now, finally, we have a bargaining chip.

What does the HSWS want done with the Glaive?
[ ] Ship it to Home aboard a Modular Conveyor - we can learn from it.
[ ] Throw it into the nearest gas giant - destroy it utterly.
[ ] Keep it under guard in Heimdall as a visible bargaining chip.
The MIC is desperate to interrogate the crew, of course. What does Home hope to learn? (Choose two)
[ ] The strength and dispositions of Hermosan ships.
[ ] The nature of Hermosa's issue with Home.
[ ] The extent of Hermosan systems and how tight their grip is.
[ ] Technological advances on the Glaive and efficiencies that could be found on our own ships.
[ ] The reason for Hermosan flights and their disinterest in communications.
[ ] Something else - write in.
What about Hermosa?
[ ] We should invite Hermosa to come and get their crew.
[ ] We should invite Hermosa to stop sticking its nose in.
[ ] We should invite Hermosa to come and inspect their ship to show we did not fire upon it.
[ ] We shouldn't say anything to Hermosa.

Please present votes as plans. Voting opens at
10-6: Are you funnin' me, son?
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Sep 27, 2024 at 5:26 AM, finished with 51 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] OPLAN: Firm Grasp
    [X] OPLAN: Honest Science, Swear on Me Mum
    [X] Plan: An Open Hand
    -[X] Keep it under guard in Heimdall as a visible bargaining chip.
    -[X] Technological advances on the Glaive and efficiencies that could be found on our own ships.
    -[X] The reason for Hermosan flights and their disinterest in communications.
    -[X] We should invite Hermosa to come and get their crew.
    -[X] We should invite Hermosa to come and inspect their ship to show we did not fire upon it.
    [X] OPLAN: One Ping Only
    -[X] Appear to make preparations to tow it to Home, only for us to Project Azorian it and drop the wreck into a gas giant while fuelling the jump tug. Power it down and disguise it as an asteroid in the outer system, and when the Hermosans come to get the ship, tell them about how we lost it.
    -[X] The reason for Hermosan flights and their disinterest in communications.
    -[X] Something else - write in: If any of the crew wish to defect.
    -[X] We should invite Hermosa to come and get their crew and the wreck after we finish our interrogations
    [X] OPLAN: Firm Grasp
    -[X] Keep the Glaive under guard in Heimdall until the Hermosans send a ship to retrieve their crew and so they can visually verify we didn't start shooting. Go over it with a fine tooth comb to examine sensor logs, communications, the black box, etc. Then ship it to Home aboard a Modular Conveyor - we can learn from it. Increase security in Heimdall until we know the Hermosans aren't about to launch a retaliatory raid.
    -[X] We should invite Hermosa to come and inspect their ship to show we did not fire upon it, as well as retrieve those crew who wish to return home.
    -[X] The extent of Hermosan systems and how tight their grip is.
    -[X] The reason for Hermosan flights and their disinterest in communications.
    [X] OPLAN: Honest Science, Swear on Me Mum
    -[X] We should invite Hermosa to come and inspect their ship to show we did not fire upon it in the next three months. Go over it with a fine tooth comb to examine sensor logs, communications, the black box, etc during this period. After that we are shipping it to Home aboard a Modular Conveyor - we can learn more from it. We are not inviting Hermosans to Home, if they do not inspect it in the timeframe provided, they'll have to wait until we studied it. Maybe we'll give it back to them after that, maybe not.
    --[X] Tell Hermosans that we are concerned with misjumps and any other jump safety issues. Therefore ship is too valuable for us as a research object and we will not return it to them in the observable future. it is as good a deflection as possible, to make it seem that we are not that interested in their actual technologies.
    --[X] Commision SIS to indeed research the misjump in question, and to run the series of jump tests next year. We would be building small automated ships to possibly recreate a misjump situation, study the effect of drop tanks on the jump accuracy, and are open to hear SIS's own proposals.
    --[X] Send fleet from Staging Point to Heimdall, to protect the ship and station. Use some of them to escort the Modular Conveyor to Home later.
    -[X] The extent of Hermosan systems and how tight their grip is.
    -[X] The reason for Hermosan flights and their disinterest in communications.
    -[X] We should invite Hermosa to come and get their crew. The crew should be offered asylum too. Task MIC to keep eye on the asylum-takers - there WOULD be Hermosan spies among them.
    [X] I-PLAN Specialist Interrogation
    -[X] Have the MIC investigate potential technological advantages on the Glaive, and...
    --[X] For technical crew, focus on the technical stuff, but especially what they can tell us about the misjump and misjumps in general. It appeared to occur due to unexpected mass in the jump field - is it related to the inaccuracy of droptank jumps?
    --[X] For command crew, their orders and what they know of the military and political reasoning behind them.
    --[X] For any other crew, Hermosan space and how tight Hermosa's grip is.

What does the HSWS want done with the Glaive? Keep the Glaive under guard in Heimdall until the Hermosans send a ship to retrieve their crew and so they can visually verify we didn't start shooting. Go over it with a fine tooth comb to examine sensor logs, communications, the black box, etc. Then ship it to Home aboard a Modular Conveyor - we can learn from it. Increase security in Heimdall until we know the Hermosans aren't about to launch a retaliatory raid.
The MIC is desperate to interrogate the crew, of course. What does Home hope to learn? The extent of Hermosan systems and how tight their grip is. The reason for Hermosan flights and their disinterest in communications.
What about Hermosa? We should invite Hermosa to come and inspect their ship to show we did not fire upon it, as well as retrieve those crew who wish to return home.

Available Budget: 288.435MCr
Current Dockyard Usage: 18,000Dtons

Are you funnin' me, son?
Excerpts from Interviews with crew of the HCP Glaive:
Interviewer - Can you confirm your name, rank and branch for the recording please.
Subject - Frigate Lieutenant Fortunata Finnin, number 491-878-05, Hermosan Spacy.
- What was your position aboard the Glaive?
- I'm the ranking drive officer, though my education is in gravitics not in jump space dynamics.
- So you're in charge of the drive sections, the plant, the fuel lines?
- Mostly. Another officer is in charge of the plant but on the Glaive she was junior to me, so I technically had overall command.
- How much do you know about why you were in Heimdall?
- I knew we were scouting. Our briefings didn't exactly go in depth about the moral philosophy behind our deployment. I knew we weren't planning on shooting anyone, that's for sure.
- And what happened before the... accident? Note for the record that the subject has shrugged in response.
- Heh, sorry. We were ordered to action stations and the command came down to prep the drives to jump. We don't do any of the astrogating, we charge the capacitors and prep the fuel lines and prep to push the big red button. So all I know is that we're running hot with the drives red-lining, the ship intercom orders brace for collission then half a minute later we get the co-ords and make to hit the button. Lost some time after that. Your docs said I might have got a concussion? Tell you what, I'm not particularly enthused about the idea of going through a misjump again.

Interviewer - Please restate your name, rank and branch for the recording.
Subject - Command Lieutenant Misericordia Bosque, number 422-517-05, Hermosan Spacy.
- And your position on the Glaive.
- I was a bridge officer; I'm given to understand that I am the highest ranking survivor of whatever you did to our ship.
- You have been informed that the accident was a consequence of physics, not any action.
- Yes, by you.
- Very well. Your position on the command deck would have let you understand a great deal of what was happening on or around the ship. Why did none of your vessels attempt or agree to communication while intruding in Heimdall?
- Why would we bother talking to the people we're watching. We didn't expect anyone to be stupid enough to try and board us.
- Why were you watching our deployments in Heimdall?
- Are you joking? No? An unknown potentially hostile force is gathering on our border and you ask 'why' we were interested. We wanted to keep an eye on you and make sure you weren't about to jump a flight of nukes down our throats.
- A diplomatic meeting was attempted.
- Yeah? Seems like it worked really well. Can we be done?
- We have several more questions-
- Command Leiutenant Bosque, Hermosan Spacy.
- Interview terminated.

Interviewer - I'm afraid we haven't met anyone of your species before, though you are not the first non-human sapient we've met. You'll have to excuse me any issues arising from that. Please state your name, rank, branch and species for the recording.
Subject - I am Claine Hudaharjaz Sentiment of Dawn, Father of my pack, First of my family, Mourning a lost cub, Vargr, Petty Officer of the Hermosan Spaaaaaaacy.
- Note for the record, Petty Officer...
- Sentiiiiiiment.
- Petty Officer Sentiment is a member of a previously unmet species called 'Vargr', who appear to be bipedal canids. Now, Mr Sentiment, you were a gun captain aboard the Glaive.
- Yes. I was responsible for a battery of forty-eight tubes as well as the magazine that fed them. My pack had positions elsewhere on theeeeeeeee ship.
- Why are you doing that?
- Doiiiiing what?
- Extending a vowel sound at the end of the sentence? Note for the record, Mr Sentiment is smiling very broadly but apparently will not answer. Are you the only examples of your kind in Hermosan space?
- No, there is a settlement of Vargr in a system on the far side of Hermosa itself. We are technically collective aligned with the Hermosans, but in reality it is a much more fluctuating experience. I decided our pack should serve a term or two with the Spacy, in order to enjoy some of the benefits of citizeeeeeeeeenship.
- How many of your pack are in service?
- Five. All aboard the Glaive. Now we are four, and my youngest adult cub is dead.

From these interrogations and others, we understand that Hermosa as an empire consists of four systems - Hermosa, Sinone, Equus and an unnamed Vargr occupied system in sector '-04 04' - which are tied to Hermosa proper though force, diplomacy or direct political and economic links. Equus is the most recent addition, but those crew members from Sinone simply consider themselves Hermosan.

In addition, every interviewee seems certain that the reason for these scouting flights was defensive in nature, not offensive. Many view Home personnel as the enemy, but bear no serious ill-will once fed and watered. Most blame us for the loss of the Glaive and the casualties aboard, which has led to several incidents of hostility and aggression, but no serious damage of injury.

By Jove, We are going to own this thing!
A courier arrives hot on the heels of the one informing Home of the capture of the Glaive - hot on the heels being around a week later, of course - with more news from distant Heimdall. One of the massive 8,000 dton Hermosan Motherships has arrived in Heimdall along with a quarter of Combat Platforms and a pair of previously unseen and unidentified ships that are studded with antennae and dishes. They are demanding the following:
- The return of their surviving crew.
- Reparations for the dead and the damage.
- The return of the HCP Glaive in the condition it was found in as the ship was never formally surrendered.

They are also very clear that if anyone attempts to move the Glaive from its current location docked to the Heimdall anchorage for any reason other then to return it to Hermosan control, they will have no choice but to activate scuttling systems aboard or destroy it with missile fire to deny an asset to Home.

What is Homes response?
[ ] Let them. We are not starting a shooting war over a hulk.
[ ] We cannot give them the Glaive, it is an intelligence boon.
[ ] Order the Staging Point reserve to Heimdall and order the Hermosans out of our space.
[ ] Other - write in.

Please present votes as plans. Voting opens at
10-7: Six Weeks
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Sep 28, 2024 at 5:14 AM, finished with 52 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] OPLAN: Open Hand
    -[x] Write-in: Give Heimdall Command more autonomy. The fleets in Heimdall and Staging point will report to them. Their missions are: 1 to prevent or deter an invasion of HSWS-controlled space; 2 to bloody the enemy if they invade and retreat in good order if overwhelmed; 3 to gather intelligence on the Hermosan Spacy. They are not authorised to start the war on their own initiative, but they may invade or raid any of Hermosan space on their own initiative if they have beeen attacked.
    --[x] OOC: it could be cool and thematic if we had a few character descriptions to pick between for the commander.
    --[x] Order the Staging Point reserve to Heimdall, they report to Heimdall Command now
    -[x] Heimdall command is responsible for negotiations. These are our suggestions.
    --[x] Return the crew, unless any seek asylum
    --[x] We want and offer joint compensation to the families of the dead crew from both services, the Hermosan Spacy bears primary responsibility for their unsafe jump practice and unauthorised close approaches to HSWS facilities.
    --[x] Try to keep and study the HCP Glaive, but you can pretend to negotiate over that and argue salvage rights, etc. to stall them while removing samples, etc.
    [X] OPLAN: Open Hand
    -[X] Heimdall Sector Command is authorized to take initiative and autonomy to defend themselves and gather intelligence, but should not start a war. They have permission to call on the Staging Point reserve if needed.
    -[X] Return the crew.
    -[X] Indicate we are open to returning the vessel, provided their government meet with us to discuss how to solve the ongoing border tensions. Remind them that we asked them to stop intruding into our space and that the Glaive was repeatedly warned and hailed. If they want assurances that we are not going to attack them (and their ship back), we also want assurances that they are not building up to attack us. Were the situations reversed, we have doubts they would readily return our ship. Continue examination and recording of internals through images, scans, etc., to put together a picture of the Broadsword's capabilities until such a time as it is returned.
    --[X] Allow them to send personnel to examine the ship and their crew, but watch them carefully to ensure no scuttling charges etc. are set.
    -[X] Refuse compensation for damage to the ship, but offer compensation for the dead, provided the Hermosans pay for the dead on our side. The deaths are a tragedy, but they were in our system, after all and we should not pay to repair their vessel after it intruded into protected space.

What is Homes response? OPLAN Open Hand

Available Budget: 288.435MCr
Current Dockyard Usage: 18,000Dtons

Six Weeks
It takes a month and a half, six weeks or forty-two days (give or take a couple) for a courier to make the run to Home and back from Heimdall. Add another week for the discussions of how to respond and it's 16y03m02w before the messages can be expected to make it back to How much can happen in almost two months? How many shots can be fired, how many emergencies can be experienced before the order to take the initiative can be received? It's a recipe for disaster...

16y01m03w - Hermosan response force arrives in Heimdall, prompting the sending of messages to Home.
Two shuttles make their way across the void from Home forces to Hermosan, carrying the crew of the Glaive back to their compatriots. Both shuttles dock with the 'Mothership' vessel, allowing them a close view of seried ranks of missile tubes, point defence batteries and docking infrastructure. It does not, at first glance, look like a combat warship like the Broadsword-type but it is also very clearly not defenceless either.

Negotiations begin regarding the return - or lack of return - of the Glaive. There is tension between the two fleets, a kind of hanging cloud in the thousands of kilometres between them, one that isn't assisted by the limited contact. The commander of the Heimdall fleet group - Flight Commodore Talat Chaudari - passes down standing orders that no ship with the most modern sensor set is allowed to radiate in order to reduce the risk of compromising our systems by exposing them to ships that are clearly intended to draw as much information as possible from the void.

16y02m00w - Negotiations continue with a face to face meeting between the two force commanders
Divisional Admiral Javier McNeal meets with Commodore Chaudari aboard the HSWS Rongo. A long and impassioned discussion is shared between the two men, while elsewhere other, junior officers are given a tour of the Glaive in order to demonstrate the lack of hostile action. The tour group is watched incredibly carefully, ensuring nobody is able to split off of become isolated from their minders.

The meeting goes well, all things considered. The two men discuss a range of pre-approved topics, including comparisons regarding their time as junior officers in their respective branches and what it was like growing up on Home and Hermosa. Before leaving, Admiral McNeal requests the Glaive be sealed as a war grave and not further interfered with until the situation in Heimdall is resolved. Given that the MIC has already scrambled across, through and under it in excrutiating detail, Commodore Chaudari sees no reason not to agree, and Hermosan and Home officers cooperate in sealing the ship off from outside interference.

16y02m01w - A Hermosan Combat Platform and one of the Electronic Warfare Vessels jump out of the system, presumably heading for Sinone or Equus.

16y02m03w - Another, different, Hermosan Combat platform arrives in system alongside a second Mothership. All Home forces go to action stations, preparing for an attack. When the first mothership moves to depart, taking the crew of the Glaive back to their space, all crews stand down.

In a further meeting between the two commanding officers, it is revealed that Hermosa are concerned that we are hiding a significant fleet strength behind Hexos, or Staging Point or another system out in the black. They are of the firm belief that 'Home' could easily be code for an entire cluster of star systems and that they are just seeing the forward scouts of an extended fleet. They - the Hermosans - are essentially as in the dark as we are, and while yes they took Equus under their control, they are doing so to shore up potential ingresses against us.

16y03m00w - A joint service for the dead is held aboard the HCP Spatha, another Broadsword-type vessel. While the bodies have long since been shipped home, senior officers from across the two task forces as a pair of services are read in front of a ceremonial representation of the nineteen Home and Hermosan dead.

16y03m01w - The courier ship arrives in Heimdall, bringing the message from Home with it. Heimdall is not only released on its own recognisance, but the Glaive can also be released to the Hermosans assuming it comes with a guarantee of diplomatic contact. Such a thing is given and over the course of a day and a half, the Glaive is manoeuvred away from the Heimdall Anchorage and painstakingly taken inboard of the mothership under tow from a set of small shuttles with oversized engines. Shortly afterwards, all but two of the Hermosan Combat Platforms leave the Heimdall system.

What did you learn from the Glaive? (Choose two)
[ ] Production quality military sensors
[ ] Sensor Extension Net
[ ] Shallow Penetration Suite
[ ] Production quality beam laser barbettes
[ ] Repair Drones
[ ] Missile Command Software
[ ] EWAR Software
[ ] Advanced Fire Control Software
Are you standing down the forces at Heimdall and Staging point?
[ ] Not until we have a diplomatic link.
[ ] Stand down the staging point reserve but maintain the Heimdall force.
[ ] Reduce the Heimdall force to include - write in
[ ] Other option - write in

Please present votes as plans. Voting opens at
Tomorrow: Operation Spyglass finally comes home.
10-8: The Question of Command
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Sep 30, 2024 at 5:22 AM, finished with 26 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] OPLAN: Flycatcher
    [x] Gun and Sensor:
    -[x] Production quality military sensors
    -[x] Advanced Fire Control Software
    -[x] Not until we have a diplomatic link.
    [X] OPLAN: Flycatcher
    -[x] Production quality military sensors
    -[x] Advanced Fire Control Software
    -[X] Not until we have a diplomatic link. Trust, but verify!
    --[X] But invite the Broadsword crews to use our anchorage R&R facilities if they want some space to stretch their legs. Supervised discretely by security personnel, of course. In the name of diplomacy (and learning more about them).

What did you learn from the Glaive? Production quality military sensors, Advanced Fire Control Software
Are you standing down the forces at Heimdall and Staging point? Not until we have a diplomatic link. Trust, but verify! But invite the Broadsword crews to use our anchorage R&R facilities if they want some space to stretch their legs.

Available Budget: 288.435MCr
Current Dockyard Usage: 18,000Dtons

The Way A Crisis Lingers
The impacts of the crisis in Heimdall, the closest, perhaps, that Home has ever come to a direct interstellar conflict with a near-peer opponent, will likely never be felt on Home. With direct control of the markets assured by the largest companies, and the news only disseminated after the friction has already been resolved, there is no panic, no stressors, no results. After all, by the time a message returns from Heimdall declaring the emergency over and the Glaive and her crew safely returned home, it's been three weeks since they left. It's far too late to short any stocks or bet on the outcomes.

So life goes on and, within a couple of days of the news arriving that the crisis in Heimdall is over, the ships of Task Force Spyglass and the diplomatic ship return from their distant and long duration mission. The scouts return with a wealth of astronomic and stellar data, long range observations of stars that were barely observable from Home proper due to the local clusters sheer density. Evidence of at least three new systems is found, two of which are suspected of being connected to whatever polity Plenty is part of and one which is perfectly placed to threaten Hermosa. It would take a hell of a flight to get to the latter though, requiring at least ten parsecs worth of fuel. An FSS would require at least one additional tanker just to put it in a position that would allow it to support an IS mission.

The HSLS Bá Kim also returns after six weeks on Plenty and with plenty of news. Their long stay - a broadly welcome one on a planet that is regarded as a jewel of the local polities colonisation program - is filled with meetings, talks, diplomacy, conversations and some of the finest fruits that can be grown on a world that can be described principally as tropical. Initial diplomacy doesn't reveal much in the way of functional results, but it does give us a much more clear idea of what is happening in our back yard.

There is a world in the Republic of Noctocole - oddly enough called Noctocole - that is the heart of this democratic star-spanning empire. It currently maintains at least four systems claimed as its own, Noctocole, Duale, Plenty and the new system which is currently being staked out and claimed and which we have previously been warned away from. All of this has been managed on prototype jump drives and immense conveyors, colonisation ships built in Noctocole. One such ship, the Sobrevivência, still orbits Noctocole; at least, her principal frame does. Most of her parts, including her immense fission reactor, have been dropped to the surface in order to provide ready made infrastructure for the colony that is now just reaching a decade old.

Duale apparently received a similar ship, and so will the new system, though one of those colonies is old enough that photographs barely show the last vestiges of ship architecture and the colony ship for the other hasn't been completed, let alone arrived in the system. In the next few years, they tell us, the ship will be readied, filled with a hundred-thousand colonists and make a multi-week journey over to the new system. Then they will name it, settle on it, begin the long work of making another agricultural paradise.

They are, fundamentally, a happy people and a welcoming one. They do not appear to have significant orbital or interplanetary defences on or around Plenty, but it may be that they are hidden or otherwise kept from view. Perhaps we simply did a bad job of looking, distracted by the constant meals, the rich sauces and the plentiful fruits. Perhaps they are simply weak and would willingly submit to the first great power to come along and look at them sternly....

A full map of known space, and the observed polities marked in various colours.

With the return of the Bá Kim, we have the opportunity for additional diplomacy. Select one priority and one secondary target:
[ ] Dispatch the Bá Kim to Hermosa, for the delicate negotiations required.
[ ] Dispatch the Bá Kim to the 'Northern' systems, to make proper contact there.
[ ] Dispatch the Bá Kim to Garda Villis, to finally make contact there.
[ ] Dispatch the Bá Kim to the Aslan Systems, to negotiate for additional technology transfer.
[ ] Dispatch the Bá Kim to Xyri, to further push for integration of that system.
[ ] Other - write in

The Question of Command
There are several questions being asked about the quality of our command doctrine, of the officers we have established and our senior command echelons ability to respond to rapidly changing circumstances. in fifteen years we have gone from a warfare branch restricted to a single system, where transmission delay was measured in the hours at the most, to a situation where it can take months to get messages too and from the front lines. In this situation we will require a far greater deal of flexibility in our forces and especially in our senior officers.

Our officer training regimens have not, in the last years, developed much. There is a standard command school, and every officer trains in a speciality field on the ground and in space - however, ships, weapons and the expectations of command have changed dramatically. It is time to update our syllabus, our standards and the demands we make of our officers. The real question, however, is what cost we are willing to pay for it. While we currently maintain what is essentially the bare bones of a staff, command and crew training school, with enough investment we could create something world class.

How much is the HSWS willing to invest - Select all that apply, some are mutually exclusive:
[ ] Leave the command school as it is - we trust the officers we have
[ ] Develop a solid, effective command school - Costs 100Mcr. per annum.
[ ] Develop a ground and space command school with no expense spared - Costs 200Mcr. per annum.
[ ] Leave crew training as it is - they are solid enough.
[ ] Construct a new crew training campus for generalised crew training - Costs 100Mcr. per annum.
[ ] Construct multiple ground schools for various specialities as well as an on-orbit school - Costs 200Mcr. per annum.
[ ] Other - if you think something is missing, write it in.

The second question regards officers and stations. Our previous list of stations is as follows:
- Home Station - a quiet but prestigious posting.
- Cassalon Station - Responsible for the 'Western' approaches to Home.
- Heimdall Station - Responsible for covering Hermosa, as well as the Staging Point Reserve.
- Expeditionary Force - A Rapid Response force that has recently falling under Heimdalls purview due to the length crisis.
- Scout Flotilla - An almost separate force that hogs an FSS at all times for long duration missions.

What is missing from this list? Please note that the more you add, the more stretched out forces will become.
[ ] Xyri Station - Responsible for the 'Eastern' approaches to Home.
[ ] Deep Hope Station - Responsible for the 'Northern' approaches.
[ ] Hexos - We could establish a force far to the 'South'.
[ ] Nova Refugio - We could establish a force on the border of Garda-Villis
[ ] Other - write in.

Please present any votes as a plan. Voting opens at