Transposition, or: Ship Happens [Worm/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio | Arpeggio of Blue Steel]

Pretty sure in SB it's just no necro allowed. A user posted his omake for the Nightingale thread in SB and the thread still got locked with the mod citing the reason as "necromancy by the way of omake" or something like that.
Huh, that's weird. I'm pretty sure I've seen some other threads that explicitly allowed necromancy via omake.
A thought.

Estimates for how much Thanatonium needed to arm a ship is far lower than thought.

15 grams is all we'd need for about 300 corrosive warheads.

A pill sized bit of Thanatonium is all we need to cause 30 meter wide or so graviton degeneracy event via corrosive warhead.


Is any of this supported by canon in any way? I'm pretty sure I don't recall it being mentioned in the two latest chapters.
FWIW, Ensou isn't dead, just like, suuuuper busy. So you can all calm down :V

Is any of this supported by canon in any way? I'm pretty sure I don't recall it being mentioned in the two latest chapters.

From this post on the Fog Theater stuff (which are semi canon at best)

Relevant part
Myoukou: tanatonium is the only material which can not be replecated with nano material. it has good usage as engine energie source. gather it in a warhead and you can use it for corosive torpedos. doesn't it sound like a good trade?
Iona: that's true.....
Myoukou: per ship we have 5g tanatonium, so in summary we can provide you with 15g of it
Iona: that's a lot
Myoukou: if you fill it into corosive torpedos, it should be enough for approx. 300 torpedos
But why would they have this information being so precise if it doesn't matter

Also @DrGilga needs to clean up typos. And put a helmet on Hoppo. I'd have to dig up commentary from Hyuuga if there is anything tied to possible Quantum Degeneracy (That term is stuck in my mind for some reason and I can't remember why as it feels like it's tied to Arpeggio... And sounds like how Hyuuga would explain something (I'll have to reread my hard copies. We know that both are using gravity waves to do massive damage (and Thantonium decays into Gravitons, which therotically are a force carrier for gravity)

BTW was thinking of an omake featuring someone who is notable and floating a possibility of why Relentless is even on Bet.
The reveals about the nature of The Admiralty Code have been... enlightening
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Huh, that's weird. I'm pretty sure I've seen some other threads that explicitly allowed necromancy via omake.
I'm positive I've seen that too. Now virtually anything but an omake or a new chapter of the story WOULD get the thread locked and the user either a warning or an infraction, but I was positive posting an omake WAS allowed. I believe the only other thing allowed was to post a notice that the OP had died and thus the thread will never continue.
Unless they changed the rule in the last two years, those were the only three exceptions I could think of.
FWIW, Ensou isn't dead, just like, suuuuper busy. So you can all calm down :V

I mean, we know that much because her account has lots of recent activity. I guess I just sort of figured that the reanimation spells on the *fic* would inspire her to find the time. :)

Hopefully she didn't break her Arch.
Had a blast reading it Ensou! Thanks for the rec.

I can't describe it better than like experiencing generations of worm fics.
It starts out oddly entwined in stations of canon...
Then it moves on to things that dead fics wanted to try, like Taylor-Vista, immortalized Tattletale's head, and nanite rebuilding of the Bay. But... those fics died and yours is still growing :) You're really keeping it from going off the rails, maybe for max realism some outside powers would butt in on Relentless, but her pacing doesn't feel fake and you still make her experiences enjoyable.
Is taylor gonna make a proper fleet?.
That would require multiple Mental Models from what I can tell. Given she didn't even conceptualize converting Leah into a Union Core / Mental Model I'm guessing that she cannot cause more conversions on her own.

.. which gets back to my favorite bit of speculation about how Queen Administrator might start communicating with other Shards ..

Just imagine this. Someone, somewhere in Brockton Bay starts to Trigger. Instead of getting the standard "Destination / Agreement" bit of fanon* they get something else. Something like "Challenge / Response / Identification." The newly Triggered Parahuman gets converted to a Union Core / Mental Model while the new Shard gets all kinds of new data to play with. Note this requires Queen Administrator to convince other Shards to leave Warrior or Thinker and join Relentless. It also requires a Shard with the right power to "reformat" the new Parahuman from biological matter to nanomaterials and it requires that the Shard involved in the Trigger can even interface properly with the Union Core / Mental Model bit.

Remember that Queen Administrator was thrilled about having more things to administrate - the nanomaterials - in its Queenterlude. That's great for Thinker or Master Shards. I'm not sure if it would even be considered attractive enough to consider for Shards that focused on different areas / powers.

* - The Destination / Agreement bit occurs in some Trigger events in canon. It doesn't occur in all of them, which is what fanon generally holds to.
This Story is Dead, just accept it, the author hasn't updated in months, MONTHS, give up.
While typically a very bad sign in regards to the health of a fic, there have been stories that have gone longer and come back. For example, the latest update for Copacetic was in January of this year, while the one before that was in November of 2016, over two years difference.
I beg to differ. I have seen fics with more than 11 months betweens updates. At least 2 are still ongoing. And I mean had an update in the last 3 months.