Transposition, or: Ship Happens [Worm/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio | Arpeggio of Blue Steel]

Man, I am so excited to have finally gotten all caught up with this. Can't wait to see where it goes in the future.
Thou hast performed foul necromancy

Thou didn't read the SV rules. Thou didn't know necromancy isn't against the rules. Thou do not know YOU are acting against the rule. Thou shall go read them immediately.

Relevant Quote > "Commonly called "necroposting", posting in threads long after the last reply is not in itself disruptive. However, contentless complaints about "necroposting" are disruptive and can be infracted. If a post long after the last reply is disruptive, that would be because of some other reason entirely unrelated to how long after the last reply it was made."

Manga chapter 105 and 106 uploaded to Crunchyroll

Thanks for the heads up
Well, Ensou has at least been around now and then, so it's not impossible like when an author completely vanishes. I'd at least like to see the bricks drop when the entire ship graveyard vanishes overnight...
It's alive, it's alive!
There, now that I've posted the necessary references, we can move on.

It's been a while since I've read this, I almost forgot what's happened. Guess it's time for a reread.
And maybe the interest will coax @ensou into updated, hm?
It's alive, it's alive!
There, now that I've posted the necessary references, we can move on.

It's been a while since I've read this, I almost forgot what's happened. Guess it's time for a reread.
And maybe the interest will coax @ensou into updated, hm?
As someone who just completed said reread. The story is gold and absolutely worth the time spent getting reacquainted with it
Others have already said it, but yeah. In the future let's not complain about necromancy, alright bud?

I'd rather not have to infract someone for something like this.

Yeah, and let's face it committing necromancy just doesn't work right unless you sacrifice Ensign Skippy to The Dark Lords* as tradition demands.

Translation: "Why do I keep answering these 'Help Wanted' ads?!?!"

Altho~ough Skippy is already tied to the sacrificial alter. It would be a terrible waste to just let him go:evil:

Translation: [:o.....Censored]

*=Those who shall forever hold dominion over Hula Hoops & Curling.

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Manga chapter 105 and 106 uploaded to Crunchyroll

Returning to old argument: Ch. 106 has example of hacking CCTV network that likely wire, and it required close proximity.
So all song and dance is needed to be close to isolated network to hack it.
It's been way too long since that post for me to recall why I posted that or the context, and I haven't been keeping up with either this story or the manga (for reasons other than their respective quality, I assure you). And, for personal reasons I'm unwilling to get into, I'm generally too uncomfortable to post in UF anymore. Sorry, my dude, but I'm not really going to be able to hold up my side of the discussion.
A thought.

Estimates for how much Thanatonium needed to arm a ship is far lower than thought.

15 grams is all we'd need for about 300 corrosive warheads.

A pill sized bit of Thanatonium is all we need to cause 30 meter wide or so graviton degeneracy event via corrosive warhead.
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Syfy. you can make up whatever technobabble you want if it's bad ass or amusing and people who understand high-school physics can puzzle it out.

exceptions to this rule include such idiocy as cold fusion devices that freeze things, and shockwaves in outer space. Also things like gravity guided bombs being used in outerspace and focusing gems suddenly becoming a power source.

I swear to fuck I will punch whoever was responsible for those travesties in the balls.
Thou didn't read the SV rules. Thou didn't know necromancy isn't against the rules. Thou do not know YOU are acting against the rule. Thou shall go read them immediately.
My problem is that I confuse the rules of Spacebattles with Sufficient Velocity where necros are strongly frowned upon if they don't make a significant contribution. The boards are very similar in content. I'm well aware that SV was spun off from SB because some people disagreed with some of SB's rules or how they were enforced by the mods, but that doesn't help me keep the differing rule-sets straight in my head.
I've read both sets of rules years ago, they kind of blur together in my head these days.
My problem is that I confuse the rules of Spacebattles with Sufficient Velocity where necros are strongly frowned upon if they don't make a significant contribution.
Pretty sure in SB it's just no necro allowed. A user posted his omake for the Nightingale thread in SB and the thread still got locked with the mod citing the reason as "necromancy by the way of omake" or something like that.