Transposition, or: Ship Happens [Worm/Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio | Arpeggio of Blue Steel]

So uh... probably in a week or two? Everything permitting.

Also, the center of that sigil totally looks like that central bar across the inner circle should spin around when something dramatic is going on, you know? (In any event I like it)
Totally honest, I wondered why there was a Green Lantern mixed up in there.

And I don't even read DC comics.
It's horizontally symmetrical, I think. Or maybe its just my crap-phone' shitty image resolution...
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Ah, I loved Code Lyoko. Right up until it went with real-life actors, and the artstyle threw me off.

Good luck working on the chapter, ensou, especially in the turmoil this US election has brought you.
It was an interesting idea, but yeah. Not sure what they were doing there with the different artstyle.
I look at that and I can't help but remember the emblems in Star Siege that had every part moving. The center part is spinning while the "branches" on the top and bottom rotate back and forth and the parts on the side flip up and down while the side arrows actively rotate toward and away from the "camera."
Somebody asked what Taylor's fleet sigil (not her personal one) described in Diatonic 1.1 actually looks like. ...And I've finally gotten off my ass and done it.

So, here you go:

Other news: Next chapter is coming along. Not all that far along in it, been working more on AFHB surgical edits and the crazy intense interlude for that. But! there is progress. I got something like 1800 words done yesterday for this (which I unfortunately scrapped because I didn't like what happened, nor Taylor's narration), and have done another 400 1400 words so far today, besides working on the sigil.

So uh... probably in a week or two? Everything permitting.

EDIT: Fixed stupid asymmetry problems caused by using Inkscape.
In the Brightest Day ...
In the Blackest Night ...
No evil shall escape her sight ...
For those who worship the evil's might ...

(Yes. It reminds me of the green lantern)
An effect? Sure. A useful effect? Doubt it.

Are you sure? specially on the Endbringers? I mean Thanathonium Warheads have an AOE that seems to make matter go away. the only seeming protection seems to be Klein Fields or not being hit. Density of materials seemed pointless against the Warheads effect....
Corrosive warheads are a gravatiac weapon, right? And Endbringers already have considerable fudging of mass/weight/density. So before one considers how well they work, one must consider unexpected side effects.

That said: I'm guessing about as well as Armsmaster's nanothorn halberd, if his halberd was an AOE instead. Bear in mind, of course, that all damage to Endbringers short of core damage is superficial. But I suspect it'd hurt, unless the vagaries of aforementioned fudging somehow made Endbringers completely immune.
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Corrosive warheads are a gravatiac weapon, right? And Endbringers already have considerable fudging of mass/weight/density. So before one considers how well they work, one must consider unexpected side effects.
Aye. There really hasn't been enough written about Endbringers. (Then again, the less there's actually explained, the more bullshit Wildbow could get them to do)
I personally believe they're using something like Vistas power with spatial compression in order to get that density.