I actually think Mi Heng ,Ma jun and Kongming is same kind of people.
The asperger kind that brilliant in his expertise but lack people skill.

I think they describe Majun as "don't talk with people,quick to anger" kind of people.
Shame we're gonna lose most of our best Hero Units soon, if temporarily.
I've actually been thinking about who we'll take with us as our new core of Officers.

•Firstly; Xu Jian, our honorary godfathers son who was raised alongside us, absolutely loyal, however a little strained in his relationship with us as we've neglected him repeatedly and left him behind several times the last year. For the next several years having him with us will solidify that loyalty once again.

His stat gain has been 14 points, which puts him right after Lu Lingqi who is at 21 points gained, and the sixth fastest improving of our officers. He has good bonuses already and a trait for stat gain, if we get him into combat he's going to improve fast. He is above average, despite lack of combat or experience or good equipment and being so young. He has potential to be a high tier general, not Five Tiger level but pretty damn high.

•Secondly: Cao Xing, yes he's very young, only 14-15, but dear god he already has 71 war, and is the seventh fastest improving of our officers. He already has some good combat traits and a lot of experience scouting in war, which all the rest of our officers lack.

His speciality with a bow is also something we lack in as his his affinity with hunters and peasants now Zhu Fang is gone, Xu Jian has an affinity with soldiers, but that different from getting recruits from Hunters and Poachers for use as archers and scouts. Overall, as he grows, Cao Xing won't be far off from Zhu Fang, Liang Shu or Zhang Liao in combat potential. Recall in the Romance he managed to put an arrow in the eye of an enemy General from across the battlefield.

However, be prepared, he'll likely be more loyal to Lu Bu and choose to serve under him over us if we split from him.

•Thirdly: Gongsun Ye, this gives us a connection to the Gongsun clan, specifically a certain warlord raising up an army in northern You who's family has expressed interest in us…it doesn't hurt he's got a good stat line, especially for someone so young, he's only 19-20 yet he's got a stat line better than men a decade older than him and some really good equipment.

Basically this gives us someone who can give us an important political connection who's also a strong officer on his own. We want to keep that connection and build on it. We can't marry off our sisters or cousin to the Gongsun clan as they wanted, we already have ideas for them of course, but we can look to build brotherhood and friendship with them.

Overall, outside of Ce Xiang, our cousin, these are the officers I would suggest we focus on and build up into a new core while we are separated from Zhu Fang and Yu Zhong.

However we will still be working with Zhang Liao, he won't be under us anymore, he was offered the same rank as us by Inspector Ding so he'll be our peer, though likely to listen to our suggestions and follow our lead.
depends what happens once this arc is over cause once we deal with the yellow turbins in the north what happens with ding yuan (he could die after all) cause I do recall there being mention of a time skip being a possibly
So once the battle is over, what should we prioritize in terms of our estate and our remaining forces once Zhu and Yu leave? What should we have Liang focus on for his own development?
We should retain our cavalry as much as possible. Building up cavalry is more expensive and difficult to train, thus a strong cavalry force can be supplemented by rapidly trained infantry, whereas a strong infantry force would have to sacrifice cavalry who take longer to train and gain experience.

When it comes to our estate we need to improve our Pasture tech. We no longer have Dappled Cloud, and repeatedly our bonus from fighting mounted on a Quality II steed has proven very decisive in our duels, we need to replace him as soon as possible. And get our other heroes high quality steeds. Further, once again, it is easier to recruit and train and requires less infrastructure to train and equip infantry, thus focussing on building up infrastructure for our cavalry is a good choice in this regard.

This is doubly important because it's likely we're going to head north with Lu Bu, who is coming south with an all Cavalry force, speed will be of the essence and it's likely our coming campaign with him and Zhang Liao will see us mostly command mounted forces for the initial and middle stages.

For Liang Shu's own development we need to get better at War and Leadership. Disregarding the bonuses given by equipment and titles, Shu has spent or earned 16 points on Charisma, 10 on Intelligence and only 8 on War and Leadership.

We will be on campaign for most of the next several years, we have gone from a peer of Zhu Fang to notably behind him in terms of combat feats and the gap between us and Zhang Liao who we once swore to defeat has widened.

Thus, as a soldier and officer, it behooves us to focus on the traits most associated with war first and foremost
Let's see... [Rolling]
Gaz threw 4 100-faced dice. Total: 197
22 22 73 73 57 57 45 45
Gaz threw 4 100-faced dice. Total: 164
6 6 91 91 12 12 55 55
Gaz threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: redacted 1 Total: 78
78 78
Gaz threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: redacted 2 Total: 48
48 48
Gaz threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: redacted 3 Total: 88
88 88
So presuming the Bandits roll was first, they got 124 and presuming the Azure Lances filed second they got 158.

Mediocre rolls all around, but the Lances had the edge.

The wild cards are those last two 1d100, presumably they're from character traits from either side or possible Lu Bu interrupt.
well lets hope lu bu doesn't show up so we don't even have to remotly accept that he helped in any way as I recall gaz mentioning lu bu wouldn't like having to help out