How would our current line-up translate? I mean would it matter if we have horses in our supply or can we just throw everything out there?

Things will not transfer perfectly so I apologise in advance, I will try and get things as accurate as possible however. Narratively speaking some of your men will return home after the battle is won, such as volunteers etc, but I will do my best to keep the army as accurate as possible. Expect a courtesy refund of some Wealth, especially for any excess gear
[X]Plan Do or Die
-[X] Make Purchases
-[X]382 Tier I Shields
-[X]126 Tier I Spears
-[X]Sturdy Buckler (Quality I Shield)
-[X]Grey Carapace (Quality I Armour)
-[X] Restructure Units
-[X]Take 60 Halberds and 60 Steeds from The Boar's Chargers
-[X]Take 58 Halberds and 58 Steeds from 3rd Mounted Volunteers and rename 1st Axe Infantry
-[X]Give 60 Spears, Shields and Steeds to Taiyuan Youxia
-[X]Give 28 Steeds to Ce Family Irregulars
-[X]Give 30 Steeds to Ce An's Students
-[X]Give 107 Shields to 1st Liang Clan Mounted Veterans
-[X]Give 101 Shields and Spears to 3rd Liang Clan Mounted Veterans
-[X]Give 114 Shields to 1st Mounted Volunteers
-[X] Gift Items
-[X]Sturdy Buckler to Zhu Fang
-[X]Grey Carapace to Ce Xiang
-[X] Research Reforms
-[X]Keener Blades (10 Renown)
-[X]Armour Training (5 Renown)
-[X]Shock Tactics (10 Renown)
-[X]Forceful Cleave (5 Renown)
-[X] Offer Assistance
--[X]Gong Su to Gongsun Ye
-[X] Offer Assistance
--[X]Qu Quan to Yu Zhong
-[X] Offer Assistance
--[X]Liang Da to Ce Xiang
-[X] Offer Assistance
--[X]Xiang Shi to Xu Jian
-[X] Spend Time With Someone (Write In Who)
--[X]Xu Jian with Liang Shu
-[X] Keep Watch (WAR)
--[X]Lu Lingqi
-[X] Slander Ge Dejun (INT)
--[X]Yu Zhong
--[X]Xu Jian
-[X] Seek Out Government Corruption (GOV)
--[X]Yu Zhong
-[X] Recommend Government Positions (GOV) (200 Guanxi)
--[X]Yu Zhong
-[X] Improve City Defences (GOV)
--[X]Bo Ben
-[X] Further Bolster Camp's Defences (GOV) (400 Wealth)
--[X]Gongsun Ye
-[X] Procure Provisions (GOV) (200 Wealth)
--[X]Gongsun Ye
-[X] Convince Nobles (CHA) (200 Guanxi)
--[X]Ce XIang
-[X] Reassure Commoners (CHA)
--[X]Ce Xiang
-[X] Delaying Battle on the Xinshen Border
--[X]Liang Shu
--[X]Zhang Liao
---[X]Liang 1st Levy 130
---[X]Liang 2nd Levy 132
---[X]Taiyuan Youxia 60
---[X]Ce Clan Regulars 150
---[X]Ce Family Irregulars 28
---[X]1st Infantry Unit 60
---[X]1st Axe Infantry 58
---[X]Ce An's Students 30
---[X]Shangdang Sharpshooters 150
---[X]1st Archer Unit 100
---[X]2nd Archer Unit 100
---[X]1st Liang Clan Mounted Veterans 107
---[X]3rd Liang Mounted Veterans 101
---[X]Ce Mounted Veterans 50
---[X]1st Mounted Volunteers 114
-[X] Looters in the Fenshan Valley
--[X]Zhu Fang
--[X]Bi Guang
---[X]Liang Clan Companions 100
---[X]The Boars' Chargers 60
---[X]Lady Ce Xiang's Bodyguards 20
---[X]1st Crossbow Unit 200
---[X]3rd Archer Unit 100
---[X]4th Archer Unit 80
---[X]Yu Family Levy 170
---[X]Liang Guards 150
---[X]6th Infantry Unit 200
---[X]7th Infantry Unit 200
---[X]Henei Woodsmen 80
-[X] Scout the Heishan Bandits
--[X]Cao Xing
--[X]1st Mounted Scouting Unit
-[X] Intercept Enemy Scouts (CAVALRY ONLY)
--[X]Mu Shun
---[X]2nd Mounted Volunteers 60
---[X]Ce Clan Battlemaidens 125

Swapped Lingqi and Mu Shun because Mu Shun has higher INT.

EDIT: I just noticed that I assigned Ce XIang's Bodyguards twice. Removed them from Intercept Enemy Scouts to fix that.

EDIT2: I also only just noticed I hadn't assigned the 4th Archer Unit or the Henei Woodsmen. Fixed, they're going to Fenshan.
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Show Benevolence to your Hawk-boy By Dovahsith
Considering we've already completed enough Disney song parodies to fill out our own movie and earn the attention of the Mouse, I've come across another thing to parody instead.

The following can be considered partially a beseechment to the dice gods for better rolls, partially (and most likely) what would occur if Lingqi is allowed access to a population that is both grateful to their protector and at the same time are incredibly bad, if enthusiastic singers.

Show Benevolence to your Hawk-boy

When a humble Sage
Graced a ride along
With Shu of the Liang Clan
Along came this song

When the Soaring Hawk fought
A large bearded devil
His army of bandits
At his hooves did they revel

They came after me
With masterful deceit
Set fire to my scrolls
And they kicked in my teeth

While the bandit's clubs
Minced our tender meat
And so came the Hawk-Boy
He can't be beat!

Show some benevolence to your Hawk-boy
Oh, valley of Fenshan
Oh, valley of Fenshan , oh
Show some benevolence to your Hawk-boy
Oh, valley of Fenshan

At the edge of the world
Fight the mighty horde
That bashes and breaks you
And bring you the morn, oh
He thrust back with his spear
Set the criminals to fear,
Back into the mountains
From whence they came

He fought Zhang Liao at his best
Got kicked in his chest
He's a defender of the refugees
So give him some rest

That's my epic tale
Our champion did shine
Defeated the villain
Now pour him some wine

Show some benevolence to your Hawk-boy
Oh, valley of Fenshan
Oh, valley of Fenshan , oh
Show some benevolence to your Hawk-boy
Oh, valley of Fenshan
A defender of the refugees!
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[X]Plan Don't underestimate the Hawk
Free Actions
-[X] Make Purchases (Write in what you want.)
--[X] 250 Bludgeons 250W
--[X] 150 shields 300W
--[X] Draft 400 units for 300W, 100G
-[X] Restructure Units
--[X] Create 5th Archers Unit using 100 bows, 100 bludgeons, 100 green recruits
--[X] Create 2nd Crossbow Unit using 150 Crossbows, 150 bludgeons, 150 green recruits
--[X] Create 1st Axe Infantry using 150 axes, 150 shields, 150 green recruits
-[X] Research Reforms
--[X]Bandit's Bane (5 Renown)
--[X]Keener Blades (10 Renown)
--[X]Shock Tactics (10 Renown)
--[X]Armour Training (5 Renown)
-[X] Offer Assistance
--[X] Liang Da to Yu Zhong
--[X] Xiang Shi to Gongsun Ye
--[X] Qu Quan to Ce Xiang
--[X] Gong Su to Xu Jian
-[X] Drill the Azure Lances (LEA)
--[X] Xu Jian
---[X]5th Archer Unit
---[X]2nd Crossbow Unit
---[X]1st Axe Infantry
---[X]Qiancheng Hunters
---[X]Qiancheng Volunteers
---[X] Ji Household Recruits
-[X] Seek Out Government Corruption (GOV)
--[X]Yu Zhong
-[X] Recommend Government Positions (GOV) (200 Guanxi)
--[X]Yu Zhong
-[X] Slander Ge Dejun (INT)
--[X]Yu Zhong
---[X] Xu Jian
-[X] Further Bolster Camp's Defences (GOV) (400 Wealth)
--[X]Gongsun Ye
-[X] Scour for Bargains (GOV) (100 Wealth) (Gongsun Ye Only)
--[X] Gongsun Ye
-[X] Procure Provisions (GOV) (200 Wealth)
--[X] Bo Ben
-[X] Reassure Commoners (CHA)
--[X] Ce Xiang
-[X] Convince Nobles (CHA) (200 Guanxi)
--[X] Ce Xiang
-[X] Delaying Battle on the Xinshen Border
--[X]Liang Shu
--[X]Zhang Liao
--[X]Lu Lingqi
---[X]Liang 1st Levy 130
---[X]Liang 2nd Levy 132
---[X]Taiyuan Youxia 60
---[X]Ce Clan Regulars 150
---[X]Ce Family Irregulars 28
---[X]1st Infantry Unit 60
---[X]Ce An's Students 30
---[X]Shangdang Sharpshooters 150
---[X]1st Archer Unit 100
---[X]2nd Archer Unit 100
---[X]1st Liang Clan Mounted Veterans 107
---[X]3rd Liang Mounted Veterans 101
---[X]Ce Mounted Veterans 50
---[X]1st Mounted Volunteers 114
---[X]3rd Mounted Volunteers 58
---[X]Lu Family Guard 14
-[X] Show Of Force in Xinshen
--[X] Zhu Fang
---[X]Liang Clan Companions 100
---[X]The Boars' Chargers 60
---[X]Lady Ce Xiang's Bodyguards 20
---[X]1st Crossbow Unit 200
---[X]3rd Archer Unit 100
---[X] 4th Archer Unit 80
---[X]Yu Family Levy 170
---[X]Liang Guards 150
---[X]6th Infantry Unit 200
---[X]7th Infantry Unit 200
---[X] Henei Woodsmen 80
-[X] Scout the Heishan Bandits
--[X] Cao Xing
--[X] Bi Guang
---[X]1st Mounted Scouting Unit
-[X] Intercept Enemy Scouts (CAVALRY ONLY)
--[X] Mu Shun
---[X]2nd Mounted Volunteers 60
---[X]Ce Clan Battlemaidens 125

Overall cost: 1550W, 500G, 30 Renown
Remaining: 630W, 635G, O Renown

I am not sure about this plan and may exchange some things. The synergy of also going for Show of Force to go all in on the Ge Dejun slandering is interesting, and I am sure we left enough troops and skilled retainer at home. Nearly 1k of trained troops and another 300 green ones, with skilled retainers like Ce An. So I may change that and move Zhang Liao back to Shu and have Fang do the Show of Force.
The rest, well I changed redjonezoe proposal a little bit, because I want to have some wealth in reserve. We have a last chance to buy stuff before the battle so it can easily be spent there if necessary. The newly recruited troops require training and for that I put Xu Jian's childish ego trip on the back burner. Honestly, that is not that important right now.
I think the rest remained the same.

EDIT: Yeah, changed it. I think the plan would be similar enough to JaGwin, that if people think it is better that way they can vote for it. Don't know if it is a high gamble, but I remember we did not rout out the spies among our refugees. They burned down something and that cost us 500 wealth. We have at home volunteer watchmen, improved fortifications and improved watchtowers. 400 Skilled Infantry with good equipment from the Fanshen Militia and our own troops amounting to another 400 trained Infantry and 100 Archers. Not included the 300 Green Infantry. To seriously threaten this they would need to go there with a force they would not be able to hide. Ce An LEA 82, WAR 79 and Xu Tong LEA 70, WAR 66 have command at home and Ce Puxing with LEA 68 and WAR 73 is also there.
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Then now to your proposal for troops. First we only have 80 bows, slight mistake there.
Nah, if you check again, we have 80 bows, and then we also have 20 bows listed separately for some reason. That makes 100.

Edit: whoops. Spent too long writing this, got ninjad
Personally I would drop the cavalry units, because they are a waste of the horses. Horses are among the supply we do not have a supply chain of. Small units with 32 that would just end up trained are not inspiring confidence.

I feel you, those are definitely the weakest units we can make right now. However, I felt it worth including based on
1st Mounted Scouting Unit
Troop Count- 30
Training- Adept
- Bows, Swords and Steeds
Speciality -
Shangdang Local Knowledge - These hunters know Shangdang's geography extremely well, and grant bonus to any Scout attempts they make in the commandery.
Now obviously these scouts have a bonus to scouting which is what makes them viable. However, we often want to preform scouting and anti-scouting at the same time, information is so important in war after all, and we only have the one mounted scouting unit. We might also want to scout multiple targets, or in multiple directions. So far that hasn't been necessary, but as we go on...

If you look at our cavalry, every single one of them is wearing armour. They often have a weapon, shield, and backup weapon as well. I wouldn't be surprised if, in the future, we started armouring the horses too.

The only mounted unit not wearing armour is the mounted scout unit, listed in the ranged section.

I'm just explaining my thought process, feel free to disagree, but I feel like a small group of unarmoured riders is going to move faster than a large group of heavily armed and armoured riders. Our 30 scouts can be used offensively and count on their speed to stay safe. Using a similar group would be necessary to catch enemy scouts for the same reasons.

So, I prepose a small group of unarmored riders to create our second scouting unit, or perhaps to lead our anti-scouting efforts. That's why I thought they might be worth having. 30 riders won't swing a multi-thousand unit battle, but they could help catch and delay an enemy, or provide an information advantage.

If you're not convinced, then we might as well give horses to somebody already established. Those 60 infantry, for example. Or grab 30 more sharpshooters with the scouting bonus and give them horses too, instead of recruiting untrained troops.

I know you want a strong infantry core, but cavalry OP, 60 armoured horsemen are easily worth potentially hundreds of bandits.
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I would like to inform the thread that I noticed and fixed a couple of goofs in my plan.

First: I accidentally assigned Ce Xiang's Bodyguards twice. Fixed that by removing them from Intercept Enemy Scouts.

Second: I hadn't assigned the 4th Archer Unit or the Henei Woodsmen. Taking inspiration from Erzherzog_Karl again, I fixed this by sending them to Fenshan.

Let me know if you spot any other goofs like this in the plan so I can fix those too.
Nah, if you check again, we have 80 bows, and then we also have 20 bows listed separately for some reason. That makes 100.

Edit: whoops. Spent too long writing this, got ninjad
Saw it myself after I updated the plan to vote, but still thanks for trying to correct a mistake.
Now obviously these scouts have a bonus to scouting which is what makes them viable. However, we often want to preform scouting and anti-scouting at the same time, information is so important in war after all, and we only have the one mounted scouting unit.

If you look at our cavalry, every single one of them is wearing armour. They often have a weapon, shield, and backup weapon as well. I wouldn't be surprised if, in the future, we started armoring the horses too.

The only mounted unit not wearing armour is the mounted scout unit, listed in the ranged section.

I'm just explaining my thought process, feel free to disagree, but I feel like a small group of unarmored riders is going to move faster than a large group of heavily armed and armoured riders. Our 30 scouts can be used offensively and count on their speed to safe. Using a similar group would be necessary to catch enemy scouts for the same reasons.

So, I prepose a small group of unarmored riders to create our second scouting unit, or perhaps to lead our anti-scouting efforts. That's why I thought they might be worth having.

Otherwise, we might as well give horses to somebody already established. Those 60 infantry, for example. Or grab 30 more sharpshooters with the scouting bonus and give them horses too.

I know you want a strong infantry core, but cavalry OP, 60 armoured horsemen are easily worth potentially hundreds of bandits.
I don't know if you read my posted plan, but I changed things around, like completely dropping the armor. I want to have a small amount of wealth in the backhand if something arises like mentioned before. That is why I reduced things. Like stated in the post, we will have the opportunity to spent wealth one last time, therefore I see no need to do it now.

The thing about light cavalry and horse archers is they are only really useful on mass. Furthermore, if I would want more good cavalry I would go a similar or the same way JaGwin goes. Use the horses on some of our skilled and equipped infantry.
One of the big reasons our cavalry is so good is their qualitative edge. While cavalry, by itself is dangerous on the battlefield, why settle for less experienced ones when we can have better ones?
I looked over the numbers for wealth and decided 400 more troops are more to my liking than shifting things around now or equipping some troops with something more.

For the scouting, well in the future it will be different and I don't think it will be that useful, to now have two small cavalry units that need to be trained. Scouting per se is done by the units with the corresponding specialty and only later will be done by cavalry or other units. Once more problem of the future, where this unit would no longer exist.

We only have 80 Bows.
I made the exact same mistake ^^ and tried correcting Redjonzoe. Corrected myself later by looking again while going over the troops.

For the troop line-up, the Quiancheng Archers are on the same skill level as the 4th Archery Unit, taking them to battle may raise them a level. Similar things can be said about the Quiancheng Volunteers and the Ji Household Recruits. Don't know if you want to leave them at home, but thought I should mention it.

@ThatGuyWithIdeas ,@john fox I am not sure if you two saw it, but I changed my plan. I did the exchange of Fenshan Looting with Show of Force. My reasoning for it is in the plan post. It allowed me to put Lingqi to Shu's action, the same for Zhang Liao. Lingqi provides extra bonus for actions with Shu (Hawk&Hound) and I think our home is strong enough.
Saw it myself after I updated the plan to vote, but still thanks for trying to correct a mistake.

@ThatGuyWithIdeas ,@john fox I am not sure if you two saw it, but I changed my plan. I did the exchange of Fenshan Looting with Show of Force. My reasoning for it is in the plan post. It allowed me to put Lingqi to Shu's action, the same for Zhang Liao. Lingqi provides extra bonus for actions with Shu (Hawk&Hound) and I think our home is strong enough.
your plan has Lingqi doing two actions
Vote will be open until probably at least Friday, given how much I will be working, so no rush at all in making/amending plans.
@Erzherzog_Karl Two concerns I have:
1. After GM saying that LEA, WAR, and INT all matter on deployment missions, it seems a bit dangerous to send just Zhu Fang on a mission that Yu Zhong is suspicious about. Someone with a good INT score to backstop him would be nice IMO.

2. Not sure it's a good idea narratively to have one of Xu Jian's first official tasks in the field with us be to slander Ge Dejun. I don't question how mechanically suited to the task he is, but... his last serious interaction with us cost us -5 rapport points, and it's obviously been dwelling on his mind. He finally makes his way to the front to fight against the bandit menace, and gets told to spend time badmouthing and spreading rumors about a man he's never met instead? That seems like a recipe for disgruntlement.