Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

You know being a Faith spirit or having a human-ish mindset doesn't mean you can't be capricious or cruel. According to Herodotus the Thracians believed in a Zoroaster/Buddha/Jesus monotheistic figure called Zalmoxis who they would send messages to by throwing dudes onto spears and telling them to get a word in at the Afterlife.
While that is true it is still unfeasible in terms of opportunity cost legend can be used to buy other aspects and upgrade our avatar what point is there in spending for something where you can get another for free.
Efficiency and opportunity cost is not the be all and end all. One point of legend saved is not a big deal in the long run. It is an especially bad argument to use that as a reason to abandon Fear.
avatar 2 is I think better it allows us to lift the orb and gives us better protection and attacking power
From the amberpedia, higher avatar "ncreases the cost of regular function", while "higher influence allows the spirit to partake in expeditions from shrines more cheaply, and, in conjunction with Faith and population of influenced areas, affects DE/turn positively". I think the latter is better at the moment--but i also fully intend to strategic vote my way to another more popular plan when the lock gets closer (@Powerofmind when tomorrow is the lock likely to be btw?)
While that is true it is still unfeasible in terms of opportunity cost legend can be used to buy other aspects and upgrade our avatar what point is their in spending for something where you can get another for free.

Plus keep in mind that the villagers expect us to screw over the hunter's followers so they are probably prepared to call their god the moment we do something that pisses them of like what your plan has us doing. His people are at most a neighboring village away and he has followers in this village as well. I think we should leverage our anonymity to get a mermaid race or have our people undergo a pilgrimage to somewhere far away. Water goes the path of least resistance after all. then if we are strong enough we come back and drown the hunter.
Fear Spirits are all about rapidly producing lots of DE AND Legend. We strike hard we spark Fear when they realize there IS something in the water.

In the village Gaerig has no anonymity everyone is fully aware that she is a spirit. Saiga does not have a shrine in the village and the people here specifically moved away so as to not have to deal with him. Pilgrimages are NOT easy especially in stone age, you simply have to look back to the Forest People to see how much effort they had to put into it to escape Harzivan's wrath and would require a much higher level of faith. Creating Mermaid race early for best benefits is something best done early and requires High DE, Legend, Ambrosia, and varying Traits and Attributes that Fear Spirit best provides.
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From the amberpedia, higher avatar "ncreases the cost of regular function", while "higher influence allows the spirit to partake in expeditions from shrines more cheaply, and, in conjunction with Faith and population of influenced areas, affects DE/turn positively". I think the latter is better at the moment--but i also fully intend to strategic vote my way to another more popular plan when the lock gets closer (@Powerofmind when tomorrow is the lock likely to be btw?)
Probably rather late, maybe 7 PM ET.

The 'increased cost of function' on avatar is Sustenance. The more corporeal the Avatar is, the more energy it needs to be fed.

Lesson learned here is that the upgrade plan vote is STILL practically irrelevant compared to the Faith/Fear split choice, with some doing free upgrades, some doing non-free upgrades, but ultimately the Fear Faction wants Fear, and the Faith Faction wants a whole bunch of things.

Probably rather late, maybe 7 PM ET.

The 'increased cost of function' on avatar is Sustenance. The more corporeal the Avatar is, the more energy it needs to be fed.

Counterbalance point would of course, be that the Avatar can do many more things effectively?
[X] Plan Influential Faith

May switch to sleeping for upgrades when we get a bit closer to the vote-lock if it has a better chance of winning. Anything other than Fear, really.

Lesson learned here is that the upgrade plan vote is STILL practically irrelevant compared to the Faith/Fear split choice, with some doing free upgrades, some doing non-free upgrades, but ultimately the Fear Faction wants Fear, and the Faith Faction wants a whole bunch of things.

Counterbalance point would of course, be that the Avatar can do many more things effectively?
The issue is mostly that you guys still haven't stabilized a spirit type yet. The feargoers are afraid of being voted into insignificance (and from where I sit it doesn't seem out of the question) and can't vote upgrades (and shouldn't vote upgrades, considering the Feast on Terror mechanic obsoletes it as soon as they get their 0 quiescence Fear attribute).

Let the quiescence sleep discount disappear (if you end up going faith) and I suspect the upgrade vote will reveal it's functionality then.
Ahh--so both higher avatar and higher influence would reduce the DE cost of the quest action?
Ahh--so both higher avatar and higher influence would reduce the DE cost of the quest action?
Basically the cost has two elements:
-It's incredibly far away. Our Avatar takes a lot of energy to even move at that range. This should drop as the sphere is moved closer to our shrine and we can leverage better. It also drops if we increase our Influence. It would still take a long time even if we had higher Influence however, since...

-It's incredibly heavy. Our Avatar can't lift it at all, just roll it, which means we must take a circuitous route along the seabed, and generally spend a lot of time straining at the 200kg ball of metal. Higher Avatar means we can push it more effectively, and if we reach really high levels of Avatar we should be able to just pick it up and swim home. Which reduces the cost, since we move it further per attempt.
[X] Plan Influential Faith
[X] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exchange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation.
-[X] Expend <8> DE on petitioners
[X] Guide the Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[X] Roil Waters** - You bend the waters to your command against your enemies, sending larger waves at the settlement near you, or creating deadly sprays and whirlpools that will capsize any boat they dare put upon the surface of your waters. Costs: 5 DE
-[X] Don't roil the waters for the ships we're guiding, but do roil it away from them, for them to see our power.
[X] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Can fail until Faith or Fear is at least 1. Maximum shrines 0/2.
[X] Declare yourself Gaerig, spirit of the sea, and demand offerings! Costs: 5 DE
[X] Purchase Faith 1 for free
[X] Purchase Influence 3 with SoS Points

Influence will improve our ability to fulfill the quest, our powers at roiling the water (for both income increase and for defending our shrine if needbe), and our range in general (definitely for abilities, i think PoM said it would for avatars as well)

@The Laurent Not sure if you want to do a similar subvote for the roiling and guiding?

Honestly though, this looks like it might split the vote. Right now Fear is united. And the only thing we have to fear is Fear itself.
Honestly though, this looks like it might split the vote. Right now Fear is united. And the only thing we have to fear is Fear itself.
We have until tomorrow evening EST apparently, we have time to throw things out before consolidating :p (to clarify, when i wake up tomorrow morning i intend to consolidate to the strongest faith plan)
@Chengar Qordath @Zhade @paintedspear @sidestory I've noticed that you have all voted for Pandemonious's plan before he removed the Fear from it. This may be our last chance to go Fear and the very premise of my Vote is to achieve Fear Spirit and outright buys Fear 1. I will not be making any changes without flagging everyone who has voted for my plan. You have my word on this. We can still do this!
The issue is mostly that you guys still haven't stabilized a spirit type yet. The feargoers are afraid of being voted into insignificance (and from where I sit it doesn't seem out of the question) and can't vote upgrades (and shouldn't vote upgrades, considering the Feast on Terror mechanic obsoletes it as soon as they get their 0 quiescence Fear attribute).

Let the quiescence sleep discount disappear (if you end up going faith) and I suspect the upgrade vote will reveal it's functionality then.
Probably. Just poor timing for introducing the experiment, since circumstances screw the results.
@Chengar Qordath @Zhade @paintedspear @sidestory I've noticed that you have all voted for Pandemonious's plan before he removed the Fear from it. This may be our last chance to go Fear and the very premise of my Vote is to achieve Fear Spirit and outright buys Fear 1. I will not be making any changes without flagging everyone who has voted for my plan. You have my word on this. We can still do this!
Considering you will never be able to direct buys after you pick up Fear 1, why leave the extra 2 free quiescence years to vanish? I'd be remiss if I didn't tell you that obviously you can't get a sleep-time discount when you don't sleep.
The issue is mostly that you guys still haven't stabilized a spirit type yet. The feargoers are afraid of being voted into insignificance (and from where I sit it doesn't seem out of the question) and can't vote upgrades (and shouldn't vote upgrades, considering the Feast on Terror mechanic obsoletes it as soon as they get their 0 quiescence Fear attribute).
Considering you will never be able to direct buys after you pick up Fear 1, why leave the extra 2 free quiescence years to vanish? I'd be remiss if I didn't tell you that obviously you can't get a sleep-time discount when you don't sleep.
Could we potentially use those extra points to increase the odds of particular traits/attributes? Not outright buying them but maybe an extra 5% or something similar?
All faith Voters CONSOLIDATE

Efficiency and opportunity cost is not the be all and end all. One point of legend saved is not a big deal in the long run. It is an especially bad argument to use that as a reason to abandon Fear.
Well yes but look I hate fear because as soon as Harzivan went fear he became bat shit insane I do not want us to go down that route plus I hate the randomnes of fear also fear in general. So most of my argument boils down to me just not wanting to play a fear spirit.

Okay so faith voters what traits do we want to get we have a 3 year discount so what should we get

@The Laurent can you tag the ones who are the most likely to vote for faith
Could we potentially use those extra points to increase the odds of particular traits/attributes? Not outright buying them but maybe an extra 5% or something similar?
I guess... technically I could allow it? I mean it's not like this is actually a PC game despite the theming, I have some latitude with the rules, but, why wait for something later you could have today? I'd just like to understand the reasoning.
Could we potentially use those extra points to increase the odds of particular traits/attributes? Not outright buying them but maybe an extra 5% or something similar?
Just go sleep for upgrades already. Going into Fear without any significant means of inducing Fear besides Roil is trouble.
Moon or Waves should kick it up a notch at least.
All faith Voters CONSOLIDATE

Well yes but look I hate fear because as soon as Harzivan went fear he became bat shit insane I do not want us to go down that route plus I hate the randomnes of fear also fear in general. So most of my argument boils down to me just not wanting to play a fear spirit.

Okay so faith voters what traits do we want to get we have a 3 year discount so what should we get

@The Laurent can you tag the ones who are the most likely to vote for faith
I already laid out a possible upgrade plan to best recover the sphere. Go raise Avatar until we can actually lift the sphere a bit.