Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

[X] Plan Full Faith Ahead
[X] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exchange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation.
-[X] Expend <8> DE on petitioners
[X] Guide the Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[X] Calm Waters** - You calm the waves and direct the currents for those under your care, ensuring the boats that travel your surface are safe and see greater success in their endeavors. Costs: 5 DE
[X] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Can fail until Faith or Fear is at least 1. Maximum shrines 0/2.
[X] Declare yourself Gaerig, spirit of the sea, and demand offerings! Costs: 5 DE
[X] Purchase Faith 1 for free
With you so far, though I think Roil makes more sense than calm to max the legend from guiding the ships...
[X] Purchase Minor Aspect of Humanity with SoS Points
...what's the plan for the quest if you spend those on Humanity instead of Avatar/Influence?
@The Laurent

Could I convince you to go with Roil instead of Calm? I think that works better with Guide in terms of Legend-generation/impact (really drives home the service we're offering and benefit from worshiping us).
[X] Plan Faith Without Humanity (Yet)
[X] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exchange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation.
-[X] Expend <8> DE on petitioners
[X] Guide the Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[X] Calm Waters** - You calm the waves and direct the currents for those under your care, ensuring the boats that travel your surface are safe and see greater success in their endeavors. Costs: 5 DE
[X] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Can fail until Faith or Fear is at least 1. Maximum shrines 0/2.
[X] Declare yourself Gaerig, spirit of the sea, and demand offerings! Costs: 5 DE
[X] Purchase Faith 1 for free

I'm going to wait on Aspect of Humanity, because people have convinced me that if I want to breed demispirits with humans that can become fishpeople, what I need is Aspect of Fish (or any other aquatic animal aspect) or something else ocean-y.

Thus, Humanity can wait!
You should probably purchase aspect of the fish or even just faith 2 or avatar 2 with the SoS stuff by themselves to make the quest easier (If people reject my humanity plan, and you put avatar 2 in yours i'll prolly go for yours if need be btw)
With you so far, though I think Roil makes more sense than calm to max the legend from guiding the ships...

...what's the plan for the quest if you spend those on Humanity instead of Avatar/Influence?
Higher DE cap and gain, so that we can afford the 25 easier; i'll likely end up joining with a "sleep for avatar" plan eventually, or switch humanity to avatar 2 or the like, but i think mine is valid.
With you so far, though I think Roil makes more sense than calm to max the legend from guiding the ships...

...what's the plan for the quest if you spend those on Humanity instead of Avatar/Influence?
I have Roil and Guide in my plan for that reason.
Put it as 'Plan Fear Path' for the counter to tally shit properly.
[X] Fear Path

Behold our children to be. Glorious squid master race cares not for your fish legs.
Note that it is now [X] Plan Fear Path
You should probably purchase aspect of the fish or even just faith 2 or avatar 2 with the SoS stuff by themselves to make the quest easier (If people reject my humanity plan, and you put avatar 2 in yours i'll prolly go for yours if need be btw)

Higher DE cap and gain, so that we can afford the 25 easier; i'll likely end up joining with a "sleep for avatar" plan eventually, or switch humanity to avatar 2 or the like, but i think mine is valid.

Well, if people are actually interested in this plan, then I'll take it into advisement. Thinking about doing Roil. I mean, now that we're guiding people and going Faith spirit (if the plan wins) it's no longer a tug-of-war element that I need to resist with all of my might for the good of the lore (or whatever).

So, opinions on other purchases is welcome.

Changed, @Van Ropen .
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[X] Sleep for Upgrades

Intent: the following upgrade plan.
[] Upgrade Plan Do We Even Lift
-[] Faith 0->1 - 0 Legend, 0 years
-[] Elemental Avatar - 4 Legend, 4-3 years
-[] Avatar 1->2 - 2-2 Legend, 0 years
-[] Legend used: 4, Time used: 1 year
Honestly fear is now unfeasable in terms of opportunity cost it will take like 2 turns for fear where now we can take faith automatically

[X] Plan Faith Without Humanity (Yet)
I want fear and faith.

eldritch goddess just wants to be loved... but is to damn scary.

this my goal, and none shall stand in my way.
@Powerofmind these likely fall under "things we discover by doing", but in case they aren't:
-Have you scaled the return from Blessings down like you did the automatic faith income?
-Would things like guiding the ships and calming the waters provide DE returns now that we are a Faith spirit? or just direct Blessings?
All divine acts are derivatives of awesome displays. Some of them (blessings) benefit more from higher faith, but all of them funnel into Fear Value when calculated. Fear spirits can bless, but it's notably less effective at generating multiplier than actual destructive acts.
The long and short of it is that blessings are always the least effective, baseline means of acquiring additional DE unless you pick up Awesome and Fearsome.
I have faith in your writing skills @Powerofmind

but no one could make "Stoneage lawmaker/lawyer" interesting.

its just not possible.
*Tries to hold it in*
*Tries so, so hard*
Nope, I have to. It's too good.

You poor, naive summer child. You have no idea the kind of bullshit a lawgiver can get up to. You will pretty soon, though.

I'm very glad you guys decided on The Cold Dark, on a completely unrelated note.
[X] Plan Faith Without Humanity (Yet)

Well, if people are actually interested in this plan, then I'll take it into advisement. Thinking about doing Roil. I mean, now that we're guiding people and going Faith spirit (if the plan wins) it's no longer a tug-of-war element that I need to resist with all of my might for the good of the lore (or whatever).

So, opinions on other purchases is welcome.
I'd prefer you save it. I'm not convinced Faith 2 will give us income to make the quest expense trivial, and EA - Water is a pretty great investment anyways given it comes with a rank and a half of Avatar.

Have made my opinion on Roil known, :p
We shall create a new race and totally eclipse all of humanity! I mean, given enough generations, you can basically create a new species/race (in the D&D sense) right? I mean, it'd take a hell of a lot of time and work, but it seems reasonable-ish, unless godly power is some sort of thinning-blood thing where ten generations down the line the most they have is blue hair.
Can be done. The earlier in the timeline you do it the faster it spreads.

You could up the concentration with directed inbreeding, though that's strictly mid term benefit, long term suffering
Yep, from what I understand you just have to put enough kids with the traits you want to breed true into the population.
Shapeshifter is required if you want to do it with any reliability. As Shapeshifter lets you control what traits go in back in Amber Age(on the other hand this may change, since semi-random trait babies are WAY more interesting, and there's limited mythological basis for being able to control what your child is born with that way compared to using auspicious circumstances).

I'm guessing that a powerful shapeshifter might be able to breed in traits they don't even have as part of their chaotic nature. Loki for instance spawned:
-Jorgamundr - Giant Avatar, Inherent Aspect of Serpent.
-Fenrir - Giant Avatar, Inherent Aspect of Wolf
-Hel - Aspect of Death, Inherent Aspect of Human.

Of which Loki had Giant blood and Aspect of Human, but no Death or any animal aspects at all.
Demispirit lines are stronger if the progenitor or parent of the progenitor (the original demispirt or siring parent) is still alive. Making more copies of the same particular trait combo, traits that grant influence discounts/external influence/much babbies, or a mostly isolated gene-pool (where most of the only pairing options are of the demi line) are means of increasing the odds of the line taking.
Basically, screw often and raise them well.

Fertility and virility traits increase siring speed and breed-true ratio, but yes, there are some specific parenthood traits that can be developed if you go the right direction.
Though IIRC those traits had uncontrolled population explosion risks, which is !!fun!!.
[X] Upgrade Plan Do We Even Lift
-[X] Faith 0->1 - 0 Legend, 0 years
-[X] Elemental Avatar - 4 Legend, 4-3 years
-[X] Avatar 1->2 - 2-2 Legend, 0 years
-[X] Legend used: 4, Time used: 1 year

Thank you for voting for my plan last time! While I'm sorry that it did not win then, we still have one final chance to pursue Fear Spirit! Voting has opened and my plan-> [X] Plan Fear Path outright buys Fear 1 and puts us with a bang of two Roil Waters that would be planned by Viewing the Future to ensure Maximum Shock Value! We still have a chance:)
[X] Plan Influential Faith
[X] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exchange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation.
-[X] Expend <8> DE on petitioners
[X] Guide the Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[X] Roil Waters** - You bend the waters to your command against your enemies, sending larger waves at the settlement near you, or creating deadly sprays and whirlpools that will capsize any boat they dare put upon the surface of your waters. Costs: 5 DE
-[X] Don't roil the waters for the ships we're guiding, but do roil it away from them, for them to see our power.
[X] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Can fail until Faith or Fear is at least 1. Maximum shrines 0/2.
[X] Declare yourself Gaerig, spirit of the sea, and demand offerings! Costs: 5 DE
[X] Purchase Faith 1 for free
[X] Purchase Influence 3 with SoS Points

Influence will improve our ability to fulfill the quest, our powers at roiling the water (for both income increase and for defending our shrine if needbe), and our range in general (definitely for abilities, i think PoM said it would for avatars as well)

@The Laurent Not sure if you want to do a similar subvote for the roiling and guiding?
Your premise was that Fear was unfeasible because it would take two turns and that is what I am calling a lie.
While that is true it is still unfeasible in terms of opportunity cost legend can be used to buy other aspects and upgrade our avatar what point is there in spending for something where you can get another for free.

Plus keep in mind that the villagers expect us to screw over the hunter's followers so they are probably prepared to call their god the moment we do something that pisses them of like what your plan has us doing. His people are at most a neighboring village away and he has followers in this village as well. I think we should leverage our anonymity to get a mermaid race or have our people undergo a pilgrimage to somewhere far away. Water goes the path of least resistance after all. then if we are strong enough we come back and drown the hunter.
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[X] Plan Fear Path

This is crunch time people, if you voted for sea because you wanted to be fear, vote this. If you voted for sea because you didn't want to end up on the standard Human-Faith pairing and wanted to do something weirder? Also vote this! The Faith path is GOING to go into the standard, it is something almost all of the Faith advocates have brought up as a near future thing. Vote Fear, be something different.