[] Bless Petitioners - Expend some of your DP to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exchange for more offerings.
-[] Expend <X> DP on petitioners
[] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DP to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. Inspirations grant a useful Skill tier to a mortal of your choice.
-[] Expend <X> DP on petitioners
Divine Powers
[] Moonlight - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Empowers a number of relevant actions (Avatar actions using Astrology, Omen Reading, or Mysticism, as well as Divine Powers). Costs: 1 DP
[] Darken - Artificially draw away the light, strongly enhancing Melee, Ranged, War, Trickery, and Hunting skill tests. Costs: 1 DP
[] Shift Stars - Affect the courses of fate and destiny, strongly penalizing those you dislike. Costs: 2 DP, 1 AP
-[] Choose type (penalize specific act, general, or situational) and target
[] Twist Fate - Affect the courses of fate and destiny, strongly enhancing you in particular settings. Costs: 2 DP, 1 AP
-[] Choose type (enhance specific act, general, or situational) and target
[] Control Waters - Allows control of Water on a personal level. Allows control of Ice on grand scale. Costs: 1 DP/Personal, 3 DP/Grand
[] Deep Chill - Greatly chills areas in your domain. Costs: 2 DP
[] Silver Moon - Enhances Magic, Magic-Based Rituals, and Air-based Divine powers. Costs: 1 DP
[] Blue Moon - Enhances Weather and Water-based Divine powers. Costs: 1 DP
[] Blood Moon - Enhances Birthing and causes violence. Costs: 1 DP
[] Harvest Moon - Transforms one material into another (either a different class or one tier higher) and enhances Fire-based Divine powers. Costs: 1 DP
[] Yellow Moon - Enhances Blessing Actions and restores a small amount of Population to the weakest location. Costs: 1 DP
[] Blacken - Count Influence as double when determining range of Divine Powers this turn, enhance Divine Powers this turn, and penalize Astrology/Omen Reading/Mysticism/The Magics of enemy divines in your natural influence radius. Costs: 3 DP, 2 Ambrosia
Divine Realm (10 DP Stored/3 DP Consumed per Turn)
[] Increase Stability of the Realm - Pay <X> Ambrosia equal to the level of stability you wish to purchase (costs are cumulative; Stability 2->4 is 3+4=7 Ambrosia).
[] Empower Realm - Store <X> DP in the realm to keep it stable.
[] Exert Will - Pay 2 DP to take a Divine Realm miniturn, shaping it more to your liking.
Avatar Actions
[] Form Avatar (12 Ambrosia)
[] Drink deeply of the Ambrosia of creation, reveling in the heady sensation and forgetting what you do not care for. Forget a level of [Skill].
-[] Expend <X> Ambrosia reveling
[] Despise Trait - You do not like how the mortals view you and your powers. Remind them what you truly represent and how you truly are! Costs: 2 Ambrosia per Trait
-[] Despise <X>
[] Produce a mortal child
-[] Contribute <X> Legend to sire an Ur-child (Maximum 10*Shrine Attribute or 50% of unspent legend, whichever is lower)
-[] Contribute <X> Ambrosia per two random traits, or <X> Ambrosia per specified trait
[] Lay with [Animal]
-[] Contribute a rank of Avatar to sire an Ur-beast
-[] Contribute <X> Ambrosia per two random traits, or <X> Ambrosia per specified trait
[] Sire a Divine Creature, using <X> as a base
-[] Contribute <5X> unspent Legend for each sire in the litter, <X> Ambrosia for Attributes of the litter, and <X> Ambrosia per two random traits, or <X> Ambrosia per specified trait of the litter
[] Change your Divine Form - Take on the appearance of a mortal creature or strange elemental manifestation to camouflage yourself, or speak directly to mortals. Costs: 3 AP
[] Personal Attack - Appear and violently destroy things until you're satisfied. Causes Population Damage. AP cost doubled outside of your Domain.
[] Cause Mischief - Wander about playing cruel tricks on mortals. May cause Population Damage, rewards materials. AP cost doubled outside of your Domain.
[] Make Music - Use your knowledge of Performance to compose music. May create Trait discounts. Not usable outside of your Domain.
[] Create - Driven by the threads of inspiration, you craft a useful item. Intent, Material type, and Tier each play major parts in effect and quality.
-[] Optionally spend 1 Ambrosia and 1 additional AP to attempt ritual enchantment using Mysticism.
[] Go on a Hunt - Traverse the earth in search of grand kills to help feed your supplicants. Restores Population Damage. Costs: 2 AP
[] Give Bounty - Seek schools of fish and great leviathans of the deep and grant them to your supplicants to feed them. Restores Population Damage. Costs: 2 AP
[] Explore - Go out and explore lands you have not been to before. Costs: 2 AP
[] Search the Depths - With your knowledge of Navigation, explore the sea and the sea floor. Costs: 2 AP
[] Practice Innovation - Your skills with mental discovery are the product of accidents and blind guessing. Develop your creative mind.
[] Study Stars - Read the night sky for records of the near past and near future. Can grant bonuses to specified actions during the turn or grants advance knowledge.
-[] Choose type and target
[] Study Omens - Read the bones and entrails for nature's knowledge of ideal timing. Can grant bonuses to specified actions during the turn or reduces odds of being surprised.
-[] Choose type and target
[] Study World - Comprehension of interactions obtained, you can simply sit and observe the course of reality to glean it's secrets. Can grant knowledge of the use of certain materials or information on other divines.
-[] Choose type and target
[] Study First Magic - Your talent with magic is poor and artificial at best. Develop your skills with the magic of Sound.
[] Study Second Magic - Your talent with magic is poor and artificial at best. Develop your skills with the magic of Light.
[] Guide Ships - Your nature as a Sea Spirit compels you to aid and lead fishers and sailors. May restore Population Damage.
[] Develop Ritual (Stars) - Devise a ritual for a known trait or at random, or develop the Precision of a ritual you already know.
-[] Devise or refine
[] Develop Ritual (Omens) - Devise a ritual for a known trait or at random, or develop the Accuracy of a ritual you already know.
-[] Devise or refine
[] Develop Ritual (Mysticism) - Devise a ritual for a known trait, determine if a particular non-trait ritual is possible, or develop the Precision and Accuracy of a ritual you already know.
-[] Devise, test, or refine
[] Sense Magic - Sense the trails of magic in the world and follow them to natural confluences or sites of power. Costs 1 DP, 2 AP
[] Soul Collection - Go about and slay mortal beings to gather up their souls for your use. Causes Population Damage, grants additional DP. Costs: 1 DP, AP cost doubled outside of your Domain.
-[] Attempt to collect Ur-spawn Souls or Take from divines, choose a target
[] Perform a known ritual - Test Omen Reading at a penalty or Mysticism to perform a ritual. Check DC lowers with Precision.
-[] Minor Ritual of the Alluring Singer (10/10 Accuracy, 4/10 Precision). Costs: 5 DP and 5 Ambrosia; OR 40 total Tiers of appropriate Amber Crafts (?)
-[] Ritual of Unknowable Bodies (2/10 Accuracy, 10/10 Precision). Costs: 5-20 DP, 1-12 Ambrosia OR 40-80 total Tiers Many-Faceted Amber Crafts (DC 60)
-[] Ritual of the Deep Expanse (7/10 Accuracy, 2/10 Precision). Costs: 9-12 DP, 8-11 Ambrosia OR 50-90 total Tiers of appropriate (?) crafts (?)
Special Category
[] FOCUS ONLY: Prefer Empowerment - Attempt to focus your Empowerment this turn towards something specific. Increases the chance of your preferred choice by 30%. Costs 1 DP, 1 AP, and 1 Ambrosia
-[] Focus efforts on which Attribute, Skill, or Trait?
[] LOCATION SPECIFIC: Create the Reflecting Pool - Attempt to formulate the reflecting pool once more to harness it's mystical powers. Costs: 4 DP, 1 AP
[] VISION-GRANTED: Induce Dread Winter - Using incredible powers granted you by Destiny, blast the earth with wintery chills, terrible blizzards, and coverings of absolute frost. Causes massive Population Damage, can injure divines, can destroy villages, can spill into or out of your domain. May reduce Independence against ??? until The Appointed Time has passed. Costs 3 DP, 1 AP (AP doubled outside of Domain)
[] TEMPLE-GRANTED: Choose a Water-Aligned Trait to become innate. Can only be selected one time. Has no costs.
[] Command Mortals - You take form or manifest in order to issue a decree, make a demand, or interact with your Ur-spawn. Maximum Commands per turn: 10. Maximum Decrees: 6/8. Costs: 1 DP, 1 AP each
-[] Choose type (Decree, Demand, Interaction) and a specific action (Current decrees are below)
--[] Alter the Decree of Attendance I - "Each blood family must offer a single beautiful young adult to attend you and your shrines each year, or they will benefit from neither your blessings nor protections on the sea."
--[] Alter the Decree of Shimmering Stones I - + or - 1 Decree slot to affect the degree of the decree.
--[] Alter the Decree of Gift Offerings I - + or - 1 Decree slot to affect the degree of the decree.
--[] Alter the Decree of Taking II - "Return unto the sea they who I have blessed."
-[] Have a Shrine built or have all of your shrines improved. Maximum Shrines 5/8. Additional Costs: 1 DP
--[] Dedicate which materials?
--[] Begin work on an extension? (Prompts miniturn)
-[] Have a Temple built - Maximum Temples 1/3. Additional Costs: 1 DP, 1 Ambrosia
--[] Dedicate which materials?
--[] Begin work on an extension? (Prompts miniturn)
-[] Demand Appeasement - You will have regular sacrifices! You demand it, even, or all under you will suffer! Uses 1 Decree slot (Must reserve an action, divine or avatar, as punishment for lack of appeasement)
[] Commune with another divine (Prompts miniturns). Specify a Stance (Friendly, Dominant, Bring Gifts)
-[] Saiga - Your husband, the Hunter. Opinion: Spouse
-[] Saitev - The Raven. Opinion: Wary
-[] Keshketev - The Craftsman. Opinion: Devoted
-[] Attrouska - The Grandmother. Opinion: Grateful
-[] Mo'sagao - The Fox. Opinion: Wary
-[] Shosho'an - The Flame. Opinion: Threatened
-[] The Bloodied Man - Opinion: Unknown