here goes
Based my DE Grind on Veekie
Also inspierd a bit by PoM, I wanted to make some sort of Ur-Beast, But GM-plan pointed me to wolfs.
DE 266-10(Temple)-20(Explore)-16(Mystic)-9(Empower Realm)-35(Yellow Moon)-26(Darken)-30(Moonlight)-120(Inspires) = 0/266
Ambrosia 12 -1(Refuel) -2 (Upgrade Shrine to Temple)- 5(Divine relm)= 4/12
Sustenance 40-5(upkeep)+10(refuel)-2(Commune)-5(learn)-0.5(Temple) -1(Despise)- -2(Explore)-2(Mystic)-27(Ur-Beast) = 5,5/40
Divine Realm 31+9(refuel)/40
[X] Plan Crabs NON God-Child Way.
Divine Actions: 120 (Inspire x24) +30 (moonlight) + 35 (Yellow Moon) + 26 (Darken x2)= 211
[X] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. Inspirations are naturally stronger than Blessings, but affect a more limited number of people. Inspirations can target individuals of choice and grant specific skills. Costs: 5 DE x24 = 120 DE
-[X] Astrology x5
-[X] Omen Reading x5
-[X] Singing x5
-[X] Survival x9
[X] Moonlight** - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Avatar actions using Trickery, Astrology, etc. and Influence Acts excluding Blessings or Inspirations). Costs: 30 DE
-[X] In your territory
[X] Yellow Moon* - The shine of the Full Moon in all it's glory, timed with the fertility of the woman and the greatest virility of the man. Greatly increases Fertility and empowers Blessings. Costs: 35 DE
-[X] In your territory
[X] Darken** - Artificially draw away the light, strongly enhancing Melee, Ranged, War, Trickery, and Survival skill tests. Costs: 13 DE x2 = 26 DE
-[X] In your territory
Realm Actions: DE cost: 9 (Total at 220)
[X] Increase Stability of the Realm - Pay <5> Ambrosia
[X] Empower Realm - Pay 9 DE to reserve more energy for upkeep.
Avatar Actions: Sustenance 2(mystic)+2(explore)+27(Ur-Beast)-10(Drink)= 21. (Total 26). DE Cost: 8 (read Stars) + 8 ( Read Bones) + 20 ( Explore x2) = 36 (totall at 256)
[X] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be. (Highly Enhanced Effectiveness of all sub-actions)
-[X] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, including direct mechanical bonuses with high enough success, and warn you of potential dangers in future turns. Costs: 8 DE
[X] Study Omens - Study the thrown bones, the light of the sun upon the clouds, and the entrails of the dead that will explain to you the results of your choices.
-[X] Read the Bones - Read the best way to do the things you wish done with the crafted bones. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and reduce potential backlash. Costs: 8 DE
[X] Explore the Land - Pick your way about the surface that you haven't explored. There is more to the land than a single people by the sea, and you must know it. Costs: 10 DE x2 = 20 DE.
[X] Lay with [Wolf]
-[X] Contribute a rank of Avatar to sire an Ur-beast
-[X] Contribute <27> Sustenance to grant Minor Aspect of Humanity, Spirit of Death and Spirit of Mischief.
--[X] Gift one of the puppies to Gaelte
[X] Drink Ambrosia for Sustenance.
Commune Actions: Sustenance cost: 1 (Despise trait)+ 0,5 (Temple building) + 2 (commune) +5 (Learn First Magic) = 8,5 (Total 34,5) DE 10(temple) total (266)
[X] Despise Trait - You do not like how the mortals view you and your powers. Remind them what you truly represent and how you truly are! Costs: (Must reserve no destructive acts associated with the forgotten trait)
-[X] Elemental Affinity - Cold
-[X] Elemental Affinity - Frost
[X] Build a Temple - You are a Goddess! You are deserving of an incredible edifice to your divinity! Maximum Temples 1/3. Costs: 1 Ambrosia, 10 DE, Significant amount of materials (uses T0 materials for construction if not provided personally).
-[X] Improve [Gaerig's Fishing Village] into a temple.
--[X] Dedicate Gemmed Figurines (1 Okay, 1 Moderate, 1 Good).
[X] Commune with Saiga. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per choice
-[X] Join his exploring expedition and warn him of your visions
[X] Commune with Saitev. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per choice
-[X] Join his exploring expedition and warn him of your visions
[X] Commune with Attrouska. Costs: 0.5 Sustenance per choice
-[X] Learn about her (Current circa turn 27)
--[X] Ask about her bloodline: the Runemen
-[X] Learn from her (Costs 5 Sustenance per skill point)
--[X] First Magic 1
If the make a shrine into a temple blows up expansions I'm changeing it to:
[] Improve a Shrine - Invest a great deal of materials and ornaments to make Keshketev Caldera Temple grander. Costs: 5 DE.
-[] Expand the Chamber of Change (T3 Grand): A room filled with reflective surfaces, and space for the light of the sun or moon to shine through, granting ???.
-[] Dedicate Gemmed Figurines (1 Okay, 1 Moderate, 1 Good) to improving the temple ONLY if it would help to construct the expansions.
And add 1 inspire.
So @Powerbnmkss will a Shrine to Temple keep or blow up expansions?
Things I wanna add, but cant right now because of resons.. wanna do em soon.
[] Drink deeply of the Ambrosia of creation, reveling in the heady sensation and forgetting what you do not care for. Forget [Fishing].
-[] Expend <1> Ambrosia reveling
[] Drink deeply of the Ambrosia of creation, reveling in the heady sensation and forgetting what you do not care for. Forget [Melee].
-[] Expend <2 or 3> Ambrosia reveling
[] Change your Divine Form - Take on the appearance of a mortal creature or strange elemental manifestation to camouflage yourself, or speak directly to mortals. Costs: 5 Sustenance
-[] change to Human visit the villages and sing and promote a mid-winter feast.
Probably missed something, but tried doing the math, both at top and as the plan kept going.