Hmm, on second thoughts, instead of jumping the gun I'll sleep on it and hit it tomorrow. Safer that way.
Plenty of time anyways...
I am slowly working my way through all this new information, but I think one of the most crucial things is that we have a TON of item slots to fill up with stuff. We should absolutely fill those slots. We have a crafter that we are friendly with, and we should take full advantage of that now that we know what can be equipped.
Noting that we need Study World actions to maximize the ability to enchant them since Mysticism is not very high.
But we do have the setup to make stuff. If haphazardly.
-Helmet - No hard metals yet, but we do have bone, shell, coral and stone. Stone would be a bit heavy for a helmet though
-Hat - Fabric, leather or fur. Nothing exceptional here unless we make something strange with a pigment again or get Ur-beast fur.
-Crown/Tiara - Precious stones and soft metals mainly. We got this, but Innovating one of these would take a lot of experiments with relatively rare materials.
-Veils and scarves probably count as an accessory instead.
Head slot primarily requires innovation to actually discover headgear, and then finding a material other than base to use, then working on enchanting.
-Leathers - Requires exceptional leathers or furs.
-Shirt - Requires fabrics to make. We got Ur-beast silk we can gather with a Commune action, but otherwise we're going to need to explore for better plant options.
-Armor - Requires bone or metal. No exceptional bone, and while we have some copper, nobody knows how to work it, or for the matter, produce enough of it to work with.
We can start this immediately, just start gathering Rashelki's silk, dye some of it and Innovate with another bundle of it next turn to get the design, then run a Mysticism research on it the turn after, then pass a bale to Keshketev.
Cloak: Waterskin Cloak (Tier 2 Clothing) - Grants Resistance to Water Influence, +2 External Navigation
We already have the slot filled, but it could be better.
-Pants/Skirt - Takes fabrics, see Shirt. Might be combined in a slot for a dress?
-Leggings - Takes leather, furs or bone to make leg armor.
Mostly same as torso
-Boots - Leather and furs. Nothing exceptional here yet.
Mostly same as torso
R/L. Hands: Resonance Spear (Tier X Weapon) - Disorients enemies between rounds by contesting War rolls with Perform (Sing) at a -1 Strong Modifier penalty, +2 External Perform (Sing)
Unlikely to find better weapon for a while.
Trinket 1: Songstress' Amulet (Tier 2 Jewelry) - Grants +2 External Perform (Sing)
We could probably make more trinkets just by playing with metal and gems. Especially gold and silver.
Overall, on equippables, our near-term reachable items are dyed silk products(Torso, Legs, Cloak) from Rashelki(which we need to harvest before she graduates the Creche), and Trinkets from experiments with gems and soft metals.
Stone materials are not suitable for anything but weapons and trinkets, but we can experiment with leather and bone base materials to get designs for stuff that we can substitute higher tier materials into.