Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

Tier + Shrine, so 2. Inherent Traits don't count.

Edit: Probably / at least two, for the moment.
Like veekie said, PoM said that its more than just Shrine + 1, and in particular that at shrine 10 we can have much more than 11 traits
Yes, the Faith path didn't need sleep at all, but turns out it wouldn't let us drag the sphere very fast.
Decided on Avatar path instead, which needed a year of sleep, but made our skills much more usable(so picking up Mischief can be done!) and allowed us to make demispirit babies. To whom which we can show our shiny.

No, the limitation on traits isn't QUITE that tight. PoM said he'd mention it when we get close.
IIRC anyways
By "decided on faith" i meant buying faith 1 in general, not specifically going for faith 2; if you're certain you'll go the faith route at this point (whether faith 1 or faith 2) i might give you my proxy vote if plan voting is still locked when i go to bed.

and the rest of us voted against it because Fear Spirit and Sea Monsters.
Some of us voted against it because we wanted a genius loci or at least an elemental, but still wanted faith :p
The answer is that we'll take Human, Sea, and then go Magic.

Part of voters for Lawgiver voted as such because it's the most logical route to magic.
Man that sure does sound like exactly what I just said. What with getting into more and more human things to get access to magic. It comes heavily from various perform things after all.
I've removed Declaration to simply buy Fear 1 and substituted it with another Roil Waters. Continuously Roiling Water with the Fear Spirit could lead to autobuy Waves for stronger effect.
Yeah once voting is open I will go with this.
Not quite, it's more a mention that nothing in your domain (read: your influence zone, not your holy place) has been there an exceedingly long time. Everything that is there has evidence of being sunk there.

No, you just literally couldn't read the points noted because something erased the stars from the sky and didn't particularly care what was left behind.

Only electrum decays naturally, and then it decays to copper, all other elements require some level of spiritual magic or alchemical trickery. Copper is relatively non-reactive to seawater, and if the right things grew on it it could stay mostly workable for a fairly long time (though it shouldn't still appear burnished like this stuff was). Otherwise, there's more than one reason you have a 6 turn limit after dislodging the silver sphere from it's special stand in an ancient sunken temple.

Cinderblock shoes says you can't float a quarter-ton weight with one mostly physics-bound being's efforts.

I was considering making changes to the DE cap, but have fortunately never had reason to worry since you haven't exceeded it yet. If I haven't settled on one of the two or three changes I was considering, I'll probably leave it as it was.

Fuck me, I must have miscalculated the volume the first time around. I wanted it to be 'push only' weight, and must have skipped a decimal point somewhere.

No. Only specifically entering quiescence necessitates a separate vote.

Wrap it in a hide, tie it shut, tie it to another hide, blow air in until it lifts off. Takes a balloon a bit more than a half meter in diameter.

Better yet, use one of those "two men plus their weight in fish" canoes to haul an already inflated hide out there along with a disposable anchor rock, plop it down, tie it off, and let 'er go.

This isn't a Richard Dean Anderson-level challenge.
I want Aspect of Humanity, but also maybe wait until we also have a Fish Aspect? Not sure! Buying stuff is complicated.
You also have to consider how many slots are available. If you get aspect of humanity do you REALLY have room for fish anymore? It might force us to beeline into shrine upgrades to avoid getting trait locked and being basically useless.
I'll vote for whatever plan has Faithiness inside it, then within that subset whatever gets us the orb, then whatever has more Humanness, in that order.

I suspect the Orb quest will provide buckets of legend (5++) and/or bonuses to Shrine and possibly Influence.
You also have to consider how many slots are available. If you get aspect of humanity do you REALLY have room for fish anymore? It might force us to beeline into shrine upgrades to avoid getting trait locked and being basically useless.
@Powerofmind i know you are planning for us to discover things as we hit them, but the trait cap is already featuring in arguments, is there any way you can give us at least our current trait cap?
Was actually thinking to buy EA+Avatar first THEN guide, since we can haul the rock more efficiently then. I'm not sure how much of a margin we have, but even one more year with Strong Adult strength rather than teenage girl strength would make a big difference in how far we can get it.
Oh. Hrm. Was thinking we should be "awake" for this coming turn to try to:
[] Faith 0 -> 1

[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices
-[] 8 DE
[] Roil Waters
[] Guide the Ships
[] Build a Shrine
[] Declare yourself Gaerig, spirit of the sea, and demand offerings! Costs: 5 DE
get a Shrine and real DE income so that the first turn awake we could definitely afford to move the rock and keep DE income going.
*Shrugs* I know some people want all the magic, all the time, but honestly it seems like in this setting you can go a long way via just playing to your theme.

Sure, you could probably get hax traits via rituals and major investment of DE, but you could probably get the same trait and profit a boatload of DE in a fraction of the time if you're a fear spirit playing to theme and you get lucky on a trait roll.
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Now to overanalyze the update while waiting for vote unlock time.

Calm the Waves
Influence rolled 11

Read the Past
Astrology rolled 18
Astrology +1
(can I go one turn without a ridiculously high crit?)

Tracking Down a Lead
Navigation rolled 19
Navigation +1

Far from Home
Influence rolled 19

Carrying it back?
Size rolled 11
Can move it, but only by rolling it along the sea floor

Faith or Fear?
Faith rolled 12
Fear rolled 7

Attribute Development
66 + (72 - 21) = >100 Faith Progress
Faith 1 (exclusive) discounted to 0. Autobuy in (Spirit of Superstition disabled, no autobuy).
Because you can no longer exploit the SoS mechanic for a large number of discounted quiescence years, you aren't automatically yanked out of SoS mode at first opportunity. Mechanically this does not affect your potential turn income, and you can still free-buy Faith 1 in your turn planning to receive the associated income boost the following turn as would have been the case with a forced auto-buy.
Looks like the dice have spoken. We will be a nice free spirited watergirl.

Sticky matters of faith successfully put off for later, you focus back on what you were really hoping to do, explore! The stories about a great cataclysm and distant mainland intrigue you, but the sea is vast, and even in all your domain there isn't a single thing crafted by mortal hands that didn't sink from the sea.
Everything ends up at the bottom eventually, deep as anything goes.
You will need to look to the stars for direction and guidance to have any hope of finding what you seek. Choosing to avoid the strange mirror, you gaze into the night sky itself for once, and find it much less oppressive without the mirror bringing the illusion of proximity, or the magic it apparently wrought.
Huh, the moon-mirror stunt sounds like a magically created reflective telescope. Slightly curved reflective surface focusing distant light.
You follow the path of a constellation that stands out to you, one of stars with dimming light and fading history. You read, but do not see, though your imagination fills the missing sensations quite well.
That'd be stars of history then. Fallen gods.
Formerly brilliant, their echoes still linger, but long dead.
Stone of purest white with runnels of black, perfectly shaped. A house grander than any you have ever seen, for a being much grander than yourself. Stone more plentiful than the ice in the Long Night, arranged like the wooden huts you know.
Marble or limestone? Sounds like marble.
Must be an anoxic patch of the sea(caused by dead god?) if it didn't corrode. Or enchanted.
A perfect globe of material you have never seen but reminds you of the moon lies hidden within.
Giant ball of silver. So by my reading, it's not THAT huge objectively...but a ball of silver the size of your head is going to be very hard to lift for anyone. A ball the size of your torso would be dragged only because it's a ball..
A thousand thousand suffering cries as all things fall to ruin, with tenfold the number echoing a harmony of terrible doom until all cries are silenced forever as [darkness and fire overwhelming writhe upon the words of history, so none may know the folly]. A divine thing, twisted in wretched suffering, lamenting and cursing it's downfall, a [Writhing, all-consuming] eternally until it's final mote of light lies extinguished in the dark, cloying deep. A place of power, of life, and of beauty turned cold, dark crypt.
Damnatio Memoriam.

Damn, that was brutal as fuck.
Gods being what they are, this is one of the few ways to actually confirm a kill though.
You sink deep, and deeper still. You travel nearly twice the span of the bottom near your shoal, so deep even even your hardy, divine body blessed by the sea begins to feel the beginnings of pressure. You find the place you had read about, just where the stars indicated it would be.
Astrology and Omen Reading really work nicely for an explorer. Less time wandering around the nothing! More time following your star!
You see many creatures of the sea unlike any other you have seen before, and though the light is somewhat dimmer, now that you have touched the bottom, the water has grown a touch warmer.
New fishies!
At this depth I think we're looking at bottom dwellers. Aspect of Octopus?
The great village is oddly slanted, curving down towards a great, dark pit in the distance. You set to exploring.
Is that the impact point? Someone used Shift Stars to meteor strike this place?
You find many great, carved stones, covered with plants and barnacles. Sometimes, hidden among the stones is a treasure. You find a few strange scraps and pieces of a hard, red-brown thing, like stone, but gleaming and amazingly durable.
You even find what could have been the remains of a garment, crushed and bent in a way stones most certainly don't. Taking the bent and ruined big piece, you wander for a while longer, and at least a day passes where you lift the stones you can, push the stones you can't, and swim to examine at all angles those larger still.
Armor!(Not as useful for us I think, since seagoing people don't like armor quite as much)
Near the end of your search, just as you are going to give up, you come across the Great House. Melancholy emanates from it as a flowing tide, residue of a being whose death throes have even been forgotten to time.

Nestled and displayed proudly on a strangely shaped platform lies the globe you read of, that you imagined, and even your boundless mind was unprepared for it's splendor, which surely surpasses even the moon's! A perfect sphere, spanning the length of your outstretched arms, bright even in the dim hall you found it in. You drop the ruined garment to take the sphere, but it is unbelievably heavy!
That, is a fucking huge ball of silver.
With all your might, you manage to dislodge it from it's place, but it would take the effort of days, maybe even months, time you do not have at a distance you can barely travel, to roll it back up the seafloor to your shoal. You think you cry, though the sea makes knowing impossible, as you reluctantly leave with your booby prize, the ruined garment.
Heh, I guess the pedestal was preserving it as part of the lingering shrine-magic, but knocking it off removed that.
[] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want.
Incidentally I realized that if we had Aspect of Human we should be able to use this to demand that they give us a fishing net so that we can use it to drag the ball more effectively.

But we're the Sea and the Sea is not a tool user.
Minor Spirit of Exploration (+1 Survival, +1 Navigation, +1 Trade): 3 Legend
This is a very cool trait, but currently our low Avatar means we don't get to use it yet. That's 2 new skills!

Astral Affinity - Moon (A being of the sea and tide, you are intrinsically linked to the phases of the moon): 4 Legend
We can probably delay on this now. Recovering the Moon sphere should reduce the Legend cost of Mooning as a Faith spirit just by having it on display.

By "decided on faith" i meant buying faith 1 in general, not specifically going for faith 2; if you're certain you'll go the faith route at this point (whether faith 1 or faith 2) i might give you my proxy vote if plan voting is still locked when i go to bed.

Faith 1 is yes. I'm certain to do so. Most efficient means at present.
You also have to consider how many slots are available. If you get aspect of humanity do you REALLY have room for fish anymore? It might force us to beeline into shrine upgrades to avoid getting trait locked and being basically useless.
Could sever traits later on, but I don't personally see the animal aspects as being a good target for us.
Oh. Hrm. Was thinking we should be "awake" for this coming turn to try to:
[] Faith 0 -> 1

[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices
-[] 8 DE
[] Roil Waters
[] Guide the Ships
[] Build a Shrine
[] Declare yourself Gaerig, spirit of the sea, and demand offerings! Costs: 5 DE
get a Shrine and real DE income so that the first turn awake we could definitely afford to move the rock and keep DE income going.
Uh, after sleeping for a turn we should have an excess of DE to burn on the first turn we wake.
Now to overanalyze the update while waiting for vote unlock time.

Looks like the dice have spoken. We will be a nice free spirited watergirl.

Everything ends up at the bottom eventually, deep as anything goes.

Huh, the moon-mirror stunt sounds like a magically created reflective telescope. Slightly curved reflective surface focusing distant light.

That'd be stars of history then. Fallen gods.
Formerly brilliant, their echoes still linger, but long dead.

Marble or limestone? Sounds like marble.
Must be an anoxic patch of the sea(caused by dead god?) if it didn't corrode. Or enchanted.

Giant ball of silver. So by my reading, it's not THAT huge objectively...but a ball of silver the size of your head is going to be very hard to lift for anyone. A ball the size of your torso would be dragged only because it's a ball..

Damnatio Memoriam.

Damn, that was brutal as fuck.
Gods being what they are, this is one of the few ways to actually confirm a kill though.

Astrology and Omen Reading really work nicely for an explorer. Less time wandering around the nothing! More time following your star!

New fishies!
At this depth I think we're looking at bottom dwellers. Aspect of Octopus?

Is that the impact point? Someone used Shift Stars to meteor strike this place?


Armor!(Not as useful for us I think, since seagoing people don't like armor quite as much)

That, is a fucking huge ball of silver.

Heh, I guess the pedestal was preserving it as part of the lingering shrine-magic, but knocking it off removed that.

Incidentally I realized that if we had Aspect of Human we should be able to use this to demand that they give us a fishing net so that we can use it to drag the ball more effectively.

But we're the Sea and the Sea is not a tool user.

This is a very cool trait, but currently our low Avatar means we don't get to use it yet. That's 2 new skills!

We can probably delay on this now. Recovering the Moon sphere should reduce the Legend cost of Mooning as a Faith spirit just by having it on display.

Faith 1 is yes. I'm certain to do so. Most efficient means at present.

Could sever traits later on, but I don't personally see the animal aspects as being a good target for us

That's because you have no poetry in your soul. :V
Uh, after sleeping for a turn we should have an excess of DE to burn on the first turn we wake.
Our passive DE income is really tiny, remember? with faith one its like...4 faith income? and then we *might* get some base fear income? i doubt it'd be more than 2 or 4 though. So...32? max? If we spend a turn blessing for sacrifices and demanding sacrifices, and get faith 2 via humanity, then we'd likely be able to hit almost 40 (especially if someone makes an omake...not me, i've done my writing for the time being :p)
Animal traits don't make good poetry.

That's under Humanity/Performance.

More seriously, it's a reasonable perspective, but you're clearly trying to choose traits based on an attempt to master/game/perfect the system. Which is, to note, valid in a sense, because this Quest is a game, but it's not the way I view this, at least.

I want Animal Aspects because I want them, not because a complex analysis of the next ten future traits means that it's a worthwhile addition to the complex build strat.
Uh, after sleeping for a turn we should have an excess of DE to burn on the first turn we wake.
Our current passive income is 6 DE, and the gain in Faith comes with the loss of Fear income, so its not like that should change much...

More seriously, it's a reasonable perspective, but you're clearly trying to choose traits based on an attempt to master/game/perfect the system. Which is, to note, valid in a sense, because this Quest is a game, but it's not the way I view this, at least.
I for one just think animal aspects are lamesauce. Doubly so after Harzivan had a bajillion.

Gimme the cool stuff like Mischief, Exploration, and more Affinities.
Well I'm hoping for more Elemental-type Monsters a la Leviathan(Worm) or Spirits(Korra). Either way away from Humanity and more in touch with our roots.
@drake_azathoth would you be willing to vote for my plan? We are attempting to draw people in and move to Fear Spirit. If we go Fear Spirit and bring up the Moon Sphere at the same time we could potentially autobuy Moon Affinity, which is really good for Mysticism.
Either way, Endless needs to be less introspective and more active if we want to have sufficient DE to pull it out and to our Holy Place.
Huh, the moon-mirror stunt sounds like a magically created reflective telescope. Slightly curved reflective surface focusing distant light.

Huh, so with our non-existent magic score it can either greatly amplify or greatly reduce anything we do involving the Stars, the Moon, or the Sun... making possible fantastic read past/read future effects, and/or more injuries and strange disasters. When we can use it again I'm all for more experimentation! If we have the DE, of course.

... we could go Goddess of Fate? I think Fateweaver was a trait. Offensive uses of astrology!
Our current passive income is 6 DE, and the gain in Faith comes with the loss of Fear income, so its not like that should change much...

I for one just think animal aspects are lamesauce. Doubly so after Harzivan had a bajillion.

Gimme the cool stuff like Mischief, Exploration, and more Affinities.

That's an entirely valid statement. I mean, I totally disagree with it 100%, and also hate how everything has to refer back to that Quest (in the sense that I didn't read most of it, and rejecting stuff just because of that seems dumb), but that's a good enough reason for your actions.

Personally, though, I want mermaids, and a mermaid is not just Human, by definition. Hence, Fish. Human+Fish=Mermaid/Merpeople.
Tier + Shrine, so 2. Inherent Traits don't count.

Edit: Probably / at least two, for the moment.
*opens mouth*
No, the limitation on traits isn't QUITE that tight. PoM said he'd mention it when we get close.
IIRC anyways
*closes mouth*
@Powerofmind i know you are planning for us to discover things as we hit them, but the trait cap is already featuring in arguments, is there any way you can give us at least our current trait cap?
*opens mouth*
Three. EDIT EDIT EDIT: Four. I derped.
@Powerofmind - If the plan for this turn included getting Faith 1, would Build a Shrine in the same plan still have a chance of failure?
That, is a fucking huge ball of silver.
The size of the goddamn ball is currently in flux. I'm trying to get around 200-300 kilos, about a quarter-ton. I'm pretty sure I've got the final value at something like 32 centimeters in diameter, around a foot, but I'm doing a by-hand check after the calculator told me a ball half that size was the same weight.
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Our current passive income is 6 DE, and the gain in Faith comes with the loss of Fear income, so its not like that should change much...
Faith and Fear are mutually exclusive, and choosing to increase one bars a spirit from raising the other, though they will always receive the base advantage from the path not taken.

Nope, we'd go up a little bit. Not much, but a little bit.

in the sense that I didn't read most of it

It's very well written, go read it. Seriously.
Personally, though, I want mermaids, and a mermaid is not just Human, by definition. Hence, Fish. Human+Fish=Mermaid/Merpeople.
I thought you wanted Aspect of Humanity? Don't need fish for your merpeople then. Just fuck a fish.

The size of the goddamn ball is currently in flux. I'm trying to get around 200-300 kilos, about a quarter-ton. I'm pretty sure I've got the final value at something like 32 centimeters in diameter, around a foot, but I'm doing a by-hand check after the calculator told me a ball half that size was the same weight.
Roughly, 18 cm radius for 256.5 kg

...don't suppose you keep confusing radius and diameter?
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