Oh damn, got Faith Progress again. Ah well, I suppose the Dice Gods want this. At least there are people still clamoring for merpeople civilization, which requires Chimaera (which unlocks Monsters). Maybe some people would be amenable to producing Monsters...?
Astrology +1
Navigation +1
So now we have Astrology 4 and Navigation 3, which are heading to mortal max. ...These are such ridiculous rolls, did Harzivan even get something like this. There was the Dance Festival, and I think yearly Herbalism checks from that shrine extension, but those were special yearly checks that gave skill ranks simply through sheer quantity of rolls.
even in all your domain there isn't a single thing crafted by mortal hands that didn't sink from the sea
Hm, so this is saying that trying to accumulate stuff in our shoal isn't going to work, right? Because everything that fell into the shoal also fell out of the shoal and into the ocean. The physics behind that probably is from the sheer force of the currents which also make the shoal so dangerous, yeah? So no storing prospective zombie bodies in our Holy Place, unfortunately.
You follow the path of a constellation that stands out to you, one of stars with dimming light and fading history. You read, but do not see, though your imagination fills the missing sensations quite well.
Stone of purest white with runnels of black, perfectly shaped. A house grander than any you have ever seen, for a being much grander than yourself. Stone more plentiful than the ice in the Long Night, arranged like the wooden huts you know. A perfect globe of material you have never seen but reminds you of the moon lies hidden within.
A thousand thousand suffering cries as all things fall to ruin, with tenfold the number echoing a harmony of terrible doom until all cries are silenced forever as [darkness and fire overwhelming writhe upon the words of history, so none may know the folly]. A divine thing, twisted in wretched suffering, lamenting and cursing it's downfall, a [Writhing, all-consuming] eternally until it's final mote of light lies extinguished in the dark, cloying deep. A place of power, of life, and of beauty turned cold, dark crypt.
So, this is the site of a ruined village, where its god was killed/forced into a coma when all its worshipers were killed. Furthermore, even if the god became an Old God, something (related to the initial cataclysm?) was also present to ensure that the god truly died with no hope of resurrection. Also, the cataclysm that broke the land apart had someone throw a (god-tier?) Astrology action that destroying all references to what it was. (Is this god? the Baleful Star from last turn? While the [Constellation Heart] is the nearby spirit we know has Astrology, this type of
damnatio memoriae isn't something I expect spirit-tier Astrology to be able to do. And the system has been reworked so that Harzivan-type basically-a-Local-God-while-being-a-Spirit shenanigan can't happen.)
Nestled and displayed proudly on a strangely shaped platform lies the globe you read of, that you imagined, and even your boundless mind was unprepared for it's splendor, which surely surpasses even the moon's! A perfect sphere, spanning just about an open hand's length, bright even in the dim hall you found it in
Silver! Lots of silver! The last guy who had this almost definitely was at least a Local God, to have that much silver. I wonder what happened to the gold? We found some samples of copper, so we know there was enough Amber to coalesce into enough Electrum to produce enough Silver to make both the Moon Sphere and decay into workable samples of Copper. And Electrum decays into equal quantities of Gold and Silver. Was it traded away? Taken before we could get here? I would expect the unchanging nature of Gold to preserve it far longer than the mutable Silver, after all, no matter how much Ambrosia was spent into making the Moon Sphere. Especially in this corrosive environment!
For those don't remember, Silver has the traits of Change & Mutation. Specifically, something that's in long contact with Silver alters the nature of the it, and Silver naturally decays/tarnishes into Copper. (Probably. Harzivan never got to the point where that was really expected.) Furthermore, Silver can also be changed into other materials, like Mercury, in some process Harzivan never replicated.
More relevantly, Silver has a natural resonance with Astrology (i.e. the Silver Lion trait would have given Harzivan +1 Astrology) and the Moon. With the symbolism of Change, I would expect, that with the Moon Sphere, those rituals Gaerig's stumbling into the past turns was receive a power-boost (if, probably, not a control boost, especially if she isn't able to change its position fast enough to synchronize with the sky).
You think you cry, though the sea makes knowing impossible, as you reluctantly leave with your booby prize, the ruined garment.
Oh poor Gaerig!
Minor Spirit of Exploration (+1 Survival, +1 Navigation, +1 Trade): 3 Legend
This is the trait I really really want! Boosts our explorations and travelling skills, which hopefully incentivizes us towards those actions instead of micromanaging pseudo-Civ.
[] Drink deeply of the Ambrosia of creation, reveling in the heady sensation and forgetting what you do not care for. Forget [skill].
-[] Expend <X> Ambrosia reveling
So, since we have extra Ambrosia handy, can we forget Fishing? It's mostly useless for us, for the time being, since we don't want to muscle in on Saiga's worshiper base, yet?
Gained Quest - Labor of the Moon-Sphere (Get the Moon-Sphere to your shoal, where it can be properly displayed)
Mood of the Village is now Expectant (The people await your declaration, the continued confusion on your nature is making them further divided)
So we all are agreed we simply must get the Moon Sphere?
[] Upgrade Plan Tiny But Stronk
-[] Faith 0->1 - 0 Legend, 0 years
-[] Elemental Avatar - 4 Legend, 4-3 years
-[] Avatar 1->2 - 2-2 Legend, 0 years
-[] Avatar 2->3 - 3-1 Legend, 1 years
-[] Legend used: 6, Time used: 3 years
@veekie, may I remind you (for argument purposes and to persuade others, if nothing else) that Avatar 3 is the minimum we need to have for us to create demispirits/Monsters (unless
@Powerofmind changed that?). Because, if you put up a plan that'll get us to making demispirits early and consistently, you'll have my vote.
@veekie and everybody else that had Exploration in their plans/arguments, thank you for getting us the Moon Sphere!)