Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

...god, where are all the Faith voters?

*I need to just sleep and stop freaking out.*

Maybe I should tag them in the morning.
What @veekie said:
Vote Tally : Original - Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age | Page 61 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[X] Plan Fear Path
No. of Votes: 9

[X] Plan Faith Without Humanity (Yet)
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Sleep for Upgrades
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Plan Influential Faith
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Plan Fear Path
[X] Fear0->1
[X] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be.
-[X] Read the Future - Look forward to what has not yet been, but may yet be. Will aid you in a number of ways during the turn, and warn you of potential dangers. Costs: 8 DE
--[X] Attempt to find best time for Roil Waters.
[X] Roil Waters** - You bend the waters to your command against your enemies, sending larger waves at the settlement near you, or creating deadly sprays and whirlpools that will capsize any boat they dare put upon the surface of your waters. Costs: 5 DE
[X] x2
[X] Guide the Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Plan Faith Without Humanity (Yet)
[X] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exchange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation.
-[X] Expend <8> DE on petitioners
[X] Guide the Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[X] Roil Waters** - You bend the waters to your command against your enemies, sending larger waves at the settlement near you, or creating deadly sprays and whirlpools that will capsize any boat they dare put upon the surface of your waters. Costs: 5 DE
[X] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Can fail until Faith or Fear is at least 1. Maximum shrines 0/2.
[X] Declare yourself Gaerig, spirit of the sea, and demand offerings! Costs: 5 DE
[X] Purchase Faith 1 for free
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Upgrade Plan Do We Even Lift
-[X] Faith 0->1 - 0 Legend, 0 years
-[X] Elemental Avatar - 4 Legend, 4-3 years
-[X] Avatar 1->2 - 2-2 Legend, 0 years
-[X] Legend used: 4, Time used: 1 year
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Plan Influential Faith
[X] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exchange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation.
-[X] Expend <8> DE on petitioners
[X] Guide the Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[X] Roil Waters** - You bend the waters to your command against your enemies, sending larger waves at the settlement near you, or creating deadly sprays and whirlpools that will capsize any boat they dare put upon the surface of your waters. Costs: 5 DE
-[X] Don't roil the waters for the ships we're guiding, but do roil it away from them, for them to see our power.
[X] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Can fail until Faith or Fear is at least 1. Maximum shrines 0/2.
[X] Declare yourself Gaerig, spirit of the sea, and demand offerings! Costs: 5 DE
[X] Purchase Faith 1 for free
[X] Purchase Influence 3 with SoS Points
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Plan Get Faith and get orb (or plan Veekie's + Laurent's plan)
[X] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exchange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation.
-[X] Expend <8> DE on petitioners
[X] Guide the Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[X] Roil Waters** - You bend the waters to your command against your enemies, sending larger waves at the settlement near you, or creating deadly sprays and whirlpools that will capsize any boat they dare put upon the surface of your waters. Costs: 5 DE
[X] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Can fail until Faith or Fear is at least 1. Maximum shrines 0/2.
[X] Declare yourself Gaerig, spirit of the sea, and demand offerings! Costs: 5 DE
[X] Purchase Faith 1 for free
[X] Purchase Elemental Avatar - 4 Legend, 4-3 years
[X] Upgrade Avatar 1->2 - 2-2 Legend, 0 years
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 22
It's technically 12 Faith vs 10 Fear, but Fear stands united and so leads 10 to 5.
Here's my own thought, @Reader of all . We can't afford that. Sleep for Upgrades, and the Fear lobby goes all in on buying Fear 1 while the Faith people, despite having the majority, split over what upgrades to buy, like we already have with Aspect of Fish and Humanity and Ocean and Waves and Influence and Avatar...

It gives them another chance to rout things. We can buy next turn.
Here's my own thought, @Reader of all . We can't afford that. Sleep for Upgrades, and the Fear lobby goes all in on buying Fear 1 while the Faith people, despite having the majority, split over what upgrades to buy, like we already have with Aspect of Fish and Humanity and Ocean and Waves and Influence and Avatar...

It gives them another chance to rout things. We can buy next turn.
I dont suppose we can just officially turn this vote into "vote [] Fear or [] faith", @Powerofmind ? :p
It's actually kind of funny to me. The original Fear vote doesn't want to commit their legend on the extra 2 free sleep years, despite their path obsoleting the free sleep, while the faith vote has a significant block that wants to sleep for upgrades before they get the consistency bonus mechanic.
I dont suppose we can just officially turn this vote into "vote [] Fear or [] faith", @Powerofmind ? :p
Hah, it's not quite so easy. Though I'm actually curious to see who actually wants fear and who wants faith. I'm fairly sure fear has a small lead numerically despite the way things have gone thus far, I'm curious about the final numbers.
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It's actually kind of funny to me. The original Fear vote doesn't want to commit their legend on the extra 2 free sleep years, despite their path obsoleting the free sleep, while the faith vote has a significant block that wants to sleep for upgrades before they get the consistency bonus mechanic.
Don't forget the fear block originally wasn't even buying fear 1 :p (curse my fair mindedness in reminding them...you know, because obviously literally no one else would have brought it up :p)
Seriously though, @Abby Normal , who is Influence 3 right now so important? Besides the fact that SoS's accumulated bonus doesn't go away, so we could just as easily do it next turn. That's two votes that are splitting away right there.

Also, @Darkcrest , you don't vote on the upgrade plan yet. Either vote for 'Sleep' or since your vote supports Faith growth, vote for the Faith option. Your current choice helps neither.
It's actually kind of funny to me. The original Fear vote doesn't want to commit their legend on the extra 2 free sleep years, despite their path obsoleting the free sleep, while the faith vote has a significant block that wants to sleep for upgrades before they get the consistency bonus mechanic.
Yeah, that is pretty derp.

@Sivantic - if you don't want to get an Aspect to avoid upsetting any of the fear block against them, at least grab Avatar 2 or some skills. Better than throwing away two points of stuff, and the Avatar will be handy for the quest/raise skill cap.
Don't forget the fear block originally wasn't even buying fear 1 :p (curse my fair mindedness in reminding them...you know, because obviously literally no one else would have brought it up :p)
I've been a little more engaged in pointing out plan flaws than I'd like to be as QM. I want to allow you guys your own mistakes, but my own inner nitpicker just spots these weird choices and I have to go 'waytwat?'
Seriously though, @Abby Normal , who is Influence 3 right now so important? Besides the fact that SoS's accumulated bonus doesn't go away, so we could just as easily do it next turn. That's two votes that are splitting away right there.

Also, @Darkcrest , you don't vote on the upgrade plan yet. Either vote for 'Sleep' or since your vote supports Faith growth, vote for the Faith option. Your current choice helps neither.
I've said before, i intended to consolidate in the morning when i wake up...though with only one person going for mine i think i'll just give @veekie my proxy vote for now; i'd like to take actions but i also want to make progress towards the quest (i.e. aspect of fish or avatar 2 or the like)
[X] Veekie
@Seventeen you should change your vote to one of the other faith plans, my influential faith plan is going nowhere :p
Oh Hades, this gets more like the US presidential campaign every turn...
Did you forget the original? It hasn't even been a year since that last updated (surprisingly short, feels longer) and I can recall the proxy debacle of the early centennial turns, the River Mother War 'debate', and at least half of our planned fear glut turns being especially heated. Practically every other turn one voting block or another would be shaking their heads saying 'we told you this would happen.'

Compared to that? This is about as tame as a debate on the comparative merits of different varieties of bread.
They bring up good points

Dream Logic
Zeitgeist Blue

I have made a minor change to the plan, instead of Fear 0 to Fear 1, it is now to Fear 2. Do any of you disagree?

As to the Faith plan Why not just sleep for them then that way you could do as Veekie said and have some DE saved up and have Moon Affinity?

Edit: Reader of All Why on Earth wouldn't you want Scylla??? That's boss as hell!

FURTHER EDIT: To better distinguish sides, tag this as Informative if you disagree and Like if you agree to make it easier to tally.
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