- Location
- Hell
How's that Siren Ritual looking?
How many turns past before Sea Pixies came up?
What rank is that Ruined Garment?
How's that Siren Ritual looking?
How many turns past before Sea Pixies came up?
What rank is that Ruined Garment?
We no longer have a use for Siren. As rituals go it fills a hole we don't have, given that we have no room for traits for another two Shrine ratings
Every other turn since we hit the Avatar levels to do it without crippling activities.
No rank, the enchantment is broken, but we have discovered a copper ore and can work on smelting it for repairs once the Malachite Innovation works.
Would you say the same thing to the animal aspects?We no longer have a use for Siren. As rituals go it fills a hole we don't have, given that we have no room for traits for another two Shrine ratings
Every other turn since we hit the Avatar levels to do it without crippling activities.
No rank, the enchantment is broken, but we have discovered a copper ore and can work on smelting it for repairs once the Malachite Innovation works.
I can't say I understand your complaint. Not only is it not a rebuttal to his defense (I assume you retract the examples you used, then) but it's...Would you say the same thing to the animal aspects?
What about the people that wanted Chimera?
Oh that's right.
They were sacrificed for your interest in magic.
Would you say the same thing to the animal aspects?
What about the people that wanted Chimera?
I do not retract the examples, veekie does not get to decide for all of us what we do or do not have a use for. We've had rituals to grab desired traits for a while now. Yet no attempt has been made to grab those traits.I can't say I understand your complaint. Not only is it not a rebuttal to his defense (I assume you retract the examples you used, then) but it's...
...a weird tangent? What does people favoring animal aspects over magic losing the election have to do with anything? You do recall everything is further complicated by the Fear buy system?
Conveniently letting you grab the traits you want first while pushing others to the bottom of the list. Heck we've been losing the traits that made Gaerig a water elemental.We got the ability to breed them in anyway now. And the discussion is still moot until we free up another 4 trait slots so we can actually roll non-Nox traits at all.
The problem has always been slot availability. Chimera remains extremely valuable for that reason. But we've also been warned that we need Shapeshifter Avatar to do so safely.
We have, to date, not have had the opportunity to have the 3 trait slots free to do this without Nox flooding them out. We don't even have the skill room without Mystic to fuse Stargazer and Omen Reader.
Practical considerations. Not political.
That's one of the three.I do not retract the examples, veekie does not get to decide for all of us what we do or do not have a use for.
I'm pretty sure several failed plans involved working on the ritual.
Conveniently letting you grab the traits you want first while pushing others to the bottom of the list.
Pretty clear it just leaves Gaerig unable to act other than churn blessings for the next few turns.[X] Gaerig Sulks
Apparently the only way for Gaerig to not blow things up is to do things that literally cannot blow up.
I sincerely hope this is one of those.
Gaerig is unable to act unless she gets her Avatar back anyway. Keeping the DE full just to keep it full is not something I consider "fun". We are supposed to be a Fear spirit, with periods of hyperactivity followed by periods of calm. The mindset of "we always need to have the maximum amount of DE possible" does not really support that. In a Fear turn with lessened appeasment we can fill the tank with no problem at all, if the need comes up. No need to hoard a resource just to hoard a resource.Pretty clear it just leaves Gaerig unable to act other than churn blessings for the next few turns.
I pretty much completely agree with this, I only have an issue with the idea that Seski is anywhere near enough to solve this problem. The only traits she would have on ascension are EA water and mischief, quite frankly that is not enough as a spirit to offset the constant damage we cause. This is why I have been starting to suggest having a straight up god child with Saiga. This way we don't have to listen to the bitching about how we are killing our daughter, set any nasty little precedents on that front, AND we have someone capable of actually mitigating the shit we get up to.So, I'm thinking that Gaerig clearly needs some help cleaning up her messes and not blowing everything up. While the Sai-Sai Duo are doing their best, it's obvious that two spirits are simply not enough to keep the ship going once we start rocking the boat. Attrouska could help, but she's currently busy healing from when Gaerig wiped out 50+% of her worshippers.
What we need is a new Faith Spirit, and preferably one that is clever, trustworthy and we know can deal with Gaerig being Gaerig.
Oh look, Seski's reached her Ascension Threshold.
We've got +5 OR, so it looks like you missed the bonus from our new title:
Current Title: Who Brings Fortune (+1 External Omen Reading, Reroll once if avatar would be dispersed and take the new result)
3. This also is minor and mostly based on the first question, but if external bonuses can't exceed the cap, then our survival is listed wrong and should be 5Lesser Spirit of the Stars (+3 Astrology, +1 Omen Reading, +2 Navigation)
Spirit of Premonitions (+3 Omen Reading, +2 Astrology, +2 Survival, gain the ability to Twist Fate)
4. You might have answered this already, but why didn't we gain either of the magics when we picked up Spirit of Mysteries? I thought you mentioned a while back that having a magic without the skills needed to use it would give us understanding of the magic, just not the ability to actually use it?
Yes.Hey @Powerofmind a couple quick questions:
1. Can external bonuses exceed the 10 skill cap?
2. our omen reading is listed wrong, though it only matters currently if the above is true:
We've got +5 OR, so it looks like you missed the bonus from our new title:
3. This also is minor and mostly based on the first question, but if external bonuses can't exceed the cap, then our survival is listed wrong and should be 5(11)(10). I guess technically right now its 5 (9) since we dont benefit from equipment at the moment.
4. You might have answered this already, but why didn't we gain either of the magics when we picked up Spirit of Mysteries? I thought you mentioned a while back that having a magic without the skills needed to use it would give us understanding of the magic, just not the ability to actually use it?
Of course, the Gaerig thing to do would be to show up with the 50 Amber, tell him he's allowed to carve it and then get annoyed when proper tribute isn't paid.[X] Gaerig Sulks
Personally I feel that Gaerig randomly going nuts and violently starving to death at people for no explained reason and then doing nothing anyone can actually figure out for a year is a fantastic way for Gaerig to generate fear. Nothing breeds paranoia like a ponderous silence from someone that is always rather loud.
Gaerig has at least to major blind spots: 1) realizing she is the cause of the death and destruction around her and 2) realizing that she should actually explain things to other people. A good example of this is in the last interlude in which she failed to explain why her daughter shouldn't go into in that direction. Your boyfriend (or you) could be squished by that crazy, blood dripping spirit... is a good explanation for lack of going over there. Her kid thought she was under village arrest (for wandering off) instead. Bit of a disconnect there.
Gaerig does absolutely nothing anyone can figure out with a lot of time, dumps 100 DE into ~something ~something and people are going to wonder what the hell she is doing this time... this is the entity that went up a divine rank for no remotely explained reason. This is Gaerig who will make a personal universe and it won't occur to her to bother mentioning it intentionally.
Gaerig is a manifestation of the fear of things that suddenly happen for no adequately explained reason.
At this point I think the things Gaerig needs most are a way to control her sustenance levels (mayhaps points in survival?) and to actually invest in leadership for better use of commands with too few details.
Also, it wouldn't hurt to try and make a deal with the pantheon craft spirit to carve amber (he is really, really good at this) for Gaerig. A deal where he gets to keep the lowest quality carving of every X carvings should work. Once the deal is made just like just show up one day with giant sack of like 50 amber and drop it in his lap and wander off. The legend that generates should be hilarious.