Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

Well.... I mean Saiga is off brawling with him solo. Surely a bit of magical help from his wife would make the defense easier. We personally don't need Gaelte's help to deal with this at all.

I want to control the rashelki.

We must discipline our beautiful daughter, not disown her.
Form Divine Realm
Form Divine Realm
Costs: 20 DE and 2 Ambrosia
2 Ambrosia extra->+2
Forms at Stability 2; miniturn to build the realm.
Fools wander in rolled (Ghette)
Fear rolled 8
Gained 6 Legend
So, did Ghette accidentally wander into our realm, or what? Because I have this mental image of him reading the stars when all of a sudden *poof* he's in this strange place his mother is cheerfully making.
"Mother, what is this place?"
"It's somewhere awesome Ghette, that's all that matters."
*Ghette stares as the Frauma float by on sheets of ice*
"If you say so mother."

Actually, him being the first visitor in the realm would lead credence to him becoming our High Priest, or some sort of similar function.

Also I hope Saiga's getting some Legend out of his fighting with our abomination because its powering up very quickly.
So, did Ghette accidentally wander into our realm, or what? Because I have this mental image of him reading the stars when all of a sudden *poof* he's in this strange place his mother is cheerfully making.
"Mother, what is this place?"
"It's somewhere awesome Ghette, that's all that matters."
*Ghette stares as the Frauma float by on sheets of ice*
"If you say so mother."

Actually, him being the first visitor in the realm would lead credence to him becoming our High Priest, or some sort of similar function.

Also I hope Saiga's getting some Legend out of his fighting with our abomination because its powering up very quickly.

Well he just lost and ran like a bitch... so probably not from this round.

@Ando Owen I wanna see another excerpt from saiga quest.

Can you do this thing?
This is important to note!

How's it interact with appeasement punishments? Should we be dropping appeasement to meet this condition?
Punishments are fine, he's just using some stored-up pretties to block you from accidentally the people some more.
Ahh. Well that puts a wrench in my DE recovery plan, then. :/ Even then, though, we have a base of 4/3, not 1, assuming "base" means we don't count the *6 from DA, so it should be higher. What multiplier did our DA give us for growth, btw? Iirc, one level of it almost doubled our bonus to growth, right?

As for the realm, how reasonable would either of the following be:
Realm of the Stars: The sky in your realm replicates the night sky, decreasing the cost of astrology actions (This assumes that time spent in our realm is cheaper on sustenance and/or DE compared to outside it, since its ours)
Mystical Reality: Grants <Whatever PoM thinks is reasonable> Bonus to mysticism actions done within.
Base only means you ignore the *6. You have 1 base rite income right now (I don't use the exact fraction). You had a +150% multiplier for growth from DA.

It's only cheaper inside if you build it that way (it can grow cheap enough that you could support an entire pantheon of lesser members without them withering out, similar to the Ygdrassil Realms setup, which supported the entire Norse pantheon and their families and the ascended heroes of the area, keeping them in reserve for major engagements.

Additionally, yes, you could line up your divine realm to let you take a certain number of actions for free, but there would be restrictions applied to them.
Questions on afterlives:
-Do keeping sapient souls within them grant any benefit or is it mainly saving them for later use?
-What kind of thresholds would the sapient resident population cause the upkeep to rise? Just need a ballpark to see how fast we can expect it to increase, and whether we want to make the entry conditions easy(allowing our people to consign enemies to us as well) or hard(where we make it so only certain exceptional people wind up here).
-Can corpse disposal methods be a Gateway or is this strictly for at the point of death?
-Just holds onto them and raises your Rite income if it's an especially nice afterlife.
-Uhh... Thresholds as in sheer number of souls? As is, without some means of either using the souls or reincarnating them upkeep will rise over time, but the harder it is to get in, the slower and lower it'll be. You can do a lot of nice or mean things with an afterlife, and while a judeo-christian 'bask in awesomeness' afterlife gives the best straight rite value to you, you can have the spirits do other things (or have things done to them) to earn their keep.
-You could do that, yes.
So, did Ghette accidentally wander into our realm, or what? Because I have this mental image of him reading the stars when all of a sudden *poof* he's in this strange place his mother is cheerfully making.
"Mother, what is this place?"
"It's somewhere awesome Ghette, that's all that matters."
*Ghette stares as the Frauma float by on sheets of ice*
"If you say so mother."

Actually, him being the first visitor in the realm would lead credence to him becoming our High Priest, or some sort of similar function.

So uh...CAN he leave at all?
We don't have an avatar to use as a gateway at present.
It's only cheaper inside if you build it that way (it can grow cheap enough that you could support an entire pantheon of lesser members without them withering out, similar to the Ygdrassil Realms setup, which supported the entire Norse pantheon and their families and the ascended heroes of the area, keeping them in reserve for major engagements.

Additionally, yes, you could line up your divine realm to let you take a certain number of actions for free, but there would be restrictions applied to them.
I'm still a little confused by how exactly that would work...Would a bonus that gives, say, 1 free Study Stars (Future) action per turn be reasonable? (And presumably have an upkeep smaller than the 8 DE it normally costs, since it'd be limiting and pre-deciding what we can use that upkeep DE on, effectively)
Throwing a couple random things out there, to get an idea of what we can do:
-Enhanced effects of harvest moon used within the realm (To help us improve materials)
-If we make it our pantheon meeting place, maybe some effect to make it so that even dispersed spirits/gods can talk to each other?
-A calm sea/lake/whatever of endless fish (Basically a Realm-based version of that Limited T1 Shrine enhancement, passively boosting growth
How expensive would having the gateways be "In the heart of all of Gaerig's shrines" be? (I'm assuming you wont give actual DE numbers yet,but as a ballpark

@Powerofmind can we have it so that our Realm draws out rituals for us?

I'm thinking of an Afterlife blend of some sort.

Everyone and everything that dies by our hand is used as fuel and payment to discover and develop rituals. Not that we get to choose them, but I'm imagining eventually we enter our realm after going ham on some poor villagers/towns/cities, and we find a dozen or so different rituals that are drawn out with one or two more that have been barely started on.

I'm still a little confused by how exactly that would work...Would a bonus that gives, say, 1 free Study Stars (Future) action per turn be reasonable? (And presumably have an upkeep smaller than the 8 DE it normally costs, since it'd be limiting and pre-deciding what we can use that upkeep DE on, effectively)
Throwing a couple random things out there, to get an idea of what we can do:
-Enhanced effects of harvest moon used within the realm (To help us improve materials)
-If we make it our pantheon meeting place, maybe some effect to make it so that even dispersed spirits/gods can talk to each other?
-A calm sea/lake/whatever of endless fish (Basically a Realm-based version of that Limited T1 Shrine enhancement, passively boosting growth
How expensive would having the gateways be "In the heart of all of Gaerig's shrines" be? (I'm assuming you wont give actual DE numbers yet,but as a ballpark

@Powerofmind can we have it so that our Realm draws out rituals for us?

I'm thinking of an Afterlife blend of some sort.

Everyone and everything that dies by our hand is used as fuel and payment to discover and develop rituals. Not that we get to choose them, but I'm imagining eventually we enter our realm after going ham on some poor villagers/towns/cities, and we find a dozen or so different rituals that are drawn out with one or two more that have been barely started on.


Incidentally, now that we know the (current) formula for inspirations, faith spirits' DE churn seems a lot less terrible--if i remember right, @Powerofmind said that faith spirits basically have the reverse equations as fear spirits, so their Rites income is 4*(10 + Faith*2 + Pop Mod)/10...which means even with pop mod 0, attrouska was getting 8.8 DE (either 8 or 9 depending on rounding), which gives an almost ridiculous return--if we'd had that return (8 DE/success) this turn, then we'd have gotten 440 DE out of 80 DE worth of inspirations! ...actually yeah thats prolly a bit too ridiculous.
I'm still a little confused by how exactly that would work...Would a bonus that gives, say, 1 free Study Stars (Future) action per turn be reasonable? (And presumably have an upkeep smaller than the 8 DE it normally costs, since it'd be limiting and pre-deciding what we can use that upkeep DE on, effectively)
Throwing a couple random things out there, to get an idea of what we can do:
-Enhanced effects of harvest moon used within the realm (To help us improve materials)
-If we make it our pantheon meeting place, maybe some effect to make it so that even dispersed spirits/gods can talk to each other?
-A calm sea/lake/whatever of endless fish (Basically a Realm-based version of that Limited T1 Shrine enhancement, passively boosting growth
How expensive would having the gateways be "In the heart of all of Gaerig's shrines" be? (I'm assuming you wont give actual DE numbers yet,but as a ballpark
If you wanted a means of cheaper [action], then you would likely be forced to do a certain number, or otherwise only do them so many times a turn. If you wanted the stars one, it would only increase effectiveness, since making avatar acts/communal acts cheaper in your realm is a somewhat different beast and can't be quite so particular. The mysticism booster would simply have a higher straight upkeep.
-Enhancements like that would also only work in your realm, and thus only apply to your personal things.
-You can do that easily enough. The upkeep would be low.
-You would have to somehow make it so people could get to them, which would put a pretty penny of upkeep on such a broadly and frequently used gateway.
-You haven't developed enough that 'a big heavy door' that goes to your realm would be especially cheap (such a thing would be incredibly broad in effect and have a pretty heavy upkeep cost).

@Powerofmind can we have it so that our Realm draws out rituals for us?

I'm thinking of an Afterlife blend of some sort.

Everyone and everything that dies by our hand is used as fuel and payment to discover and develop rituals. Not that we get to choose them, but I'm imagining eventually we enter our realm after going ham on some poor villagers/towns/cities, and we find a dozen or so different rituals that are drawn out with one or two more that have been barely started on.

You can mulch peoples' souls for ritual fuel. You're probably only going to get one specific brand of ritual out of it, but you can do it.
How does Reincarnation work?

Assuning we implement it.
Reincarnation adds some upkeep to an afterlife overall, but it stabilizes, and won't go beyond a certain upkeep anymore. It can have some positive effects on mortal skills and abilities and may promote certain behaviors.
Incidentally, now that we know the (current) formula for inspirations, faith spirits' DE churn seems a lot less terrible--if i remember right, @Powerofmind said that faith spirits basically have the reverse equations as fear spirits, so their Rites income is 4*(10 + Faith*2 + Pop Mod)/10...which means even with pop mod 0, attrouska was getting 8.8 DE (either 8 or 9 depending on rounding), which gives an almost ridiculous return--if we'd had that return (8 DE/success) this turn, then we'd have gotten 440 DE out of 80 DE worth of inspirations! ...actually yeah thats prolly a bit too ridiculous.
Like I said to Primal earlier, I have some final tweaks in mind for when you pick up A&F.
-You can do that easily enough. The upkeep would be low.
Ahh--what about an effect to let us do avatar actions when dispersed, so long as they were in the realm? (so we could study stars and the like, but not go exploring)
Like I said to Primal earlier, I have some final tweaks in mind for when you pick up A&F.
Ahh, so thats not the faith equation anymore? Or wont be? I mean, even without that inspires seem a little overpowered now--even 5 Rites income (which we get even with -2 pop mod atm, i have to imagine a faith spirit does better) gives better than 2x return without even having a high skill--with our Astrology 15, we can get closer to 4x, since as far as i can tell we get the full skill*2 boost to the rolls. I guess that could be countered by the issue of maxing out inspires leading to problems society wise, but i do think that having it as the base of 3x (and iirc 0.25 growth) like i'd assumed works better for avoiding ridiculous return.
Curious what themes do we want in our divine realm?

Personally I'd like to support life because I think it'd be interesting and I think we should be close-ish to some life aspects(life, motherhood, etc..).

Otherwise I'd love to see if we can create a way for chosen/exceptional individuals to enter our realm and receive a quest of sorts.

Go here, do the thing, make the baby. Make all the babies.
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Could we make it so that our realm allows dispersed or formless entities to have mortal (broods/bloodlines) children?
Ahh--what about an effect to let us do avatar actions when dispersed, so long as they were in the realm? (so we could study stars and the like, but not go exploring)

Ahh, so thats not the faith equation anymore? Or wont be? I mean, even without that inspires seem a little overpowered now--even 5 Rites income (which we get even with -2 pop mod atm, i have to imagine a faith spirit does better) gives better than 2x return without even having a high skill--with our Astrology 15, we can get closer to 4x, since as far as i can tell we get the full skill*2 boost to the rolls. I guess that could be countered by the issue of maxing out inspires leading to problems society wise, but i do think that having it as the base of 3x (and iirc 0.25 growth) like i'd assumed works better for avoiding ridiculous return.
You could do that.

I have corrections in mind, mostly final fixes to ensure that things work in a balanced way.
Could we make it so that our realm allows dispersed or formless entities to have mortal (broods/bloodlines) children?
That would be beyond you.
Important question for now:
Can Ghette get out at all without a suitable Gateway? We don't have an Avatar to use as the exit at present.

Okay, heres a few I think might work
[] The Dark Pool - It's possible to travel to your Divine Realm by diving into the dark depths of the Ambrosia Pool within your greatest holy sites. However, those without divine constitutions(anyone not at least a Spirit) must navigate the starry maze within and find the hidden moon in the deeps to reach your Realm or return to the mortal world. Failure means they emerge, lost somewhere on the side they entered from

Basically the idea is that you can enter from any of our Temples or Holy Places, since the Teeth are pretty remote, and would make it difficult for our Pantheon to actually attend if we make it the sole meeting place. Shrines would probably make it too accessible(and thus, too expensive), but Temples are difficult enough to build(and capped low enough) to be a significant entry barrier, especially with the added limitation.

The access condition is iconic I think, our first big quest was to find the moon in the deeps, our ascension was to wander the deeps and find the sun. We make would-be petitioners need to do the same. Yes, even for our Ur-spawn, its good for their Legend.

What kind of Upkeep can we expect from that?

And it looks like Afterlife is pretty lucrative enough that it should be able to pay for itself at least.

[] The Lost Soul - Those whose bodies are lost to man within your Influence, and those of your faithful who die lost and unknown have their souls transported to your realm.

This one goes with our heavy use of Lures, it's very defining, considering we've been trying that since before we were a Fear Spirit, before we could even Lure.
This means that we get the souls of people who:
-Die in the wilderness, or by Act of God, and their bodies are never recovered.
-Those who have their bodies destroyed after death(e.g. the Silvermen being mined for silver)
-Those who have their bodies cast into the sea/river/wilderness after death.

[] The Night Mother's Menagerie - A portion of your realm is set aside to maintain and contain a modest breeding population of exotic creatures and bloodlines, addressing their special needs.

Hi Monster Faction!
Basically, this is to store the various accidental freaks of nature we make that are too dangerous or fragile to let run loose. It won't let us breed giant monster armies(that would be too expensive to upkeep), but it COULD be used for us to repopulate monster species, or release the odd monster into an area to liven it up when it gets boring.
Also useful for holding Ur-beasts that we don't want to kill, but are too dangerous to let run loose. While in here they won't be gaining any Legend, and thus won't be growing(unless they roll to escape and then attaboy I guess?)
Might be vetoed if it causes too much management overhead though.

[] The Mirrored Skies - The sea of your realm strongly reflects the sky within it, causing celestial phenomenon within your realm to intensify.

Munchkin option. Boosts the power of Moons, and Stars, but only within the Realm. Mainly useful for Harvest Moon though.

Also useful for exploding ourself with Reflecting Pool.

[] The Sea of Stars - The sea of your realm extends to the skies, and vice versa. The stars are islands in the night, the sea the endless dark. There, the intangible and the tangible are one and the same. Dispersed spirits and Ethereal avatars within your realm interact as if they were manifest and material, while even mortal flesh may paint with light and weave with shadow.

Basically, blur the boundaries between the material and immaterial, but fit it into our themes.
I STRONGLY doubt this will allow us to take avatar actions while dispersed on it's own(because it defeats the purpose of having a Sustenance score and cap), but probably allows something like a limited DE to Sustenance conversion rate within it, or an emulated Sustenance score(e.g. it might give you Stability/Stability sustenance per year) within it to do limited avatar actions.
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Yes and that's fine, but we have control water actions. This would be alot easier for Saiga if we used one on 'try to pin Rashelki if it attacks' or 'knock Rashelki back whenever it tries to strike Saiga"

Saiga should probably try to pick up ranged again soon now that we know how Bows, just take one to Kesh and say hey buddy can you help me make one of these? would really help me out in keeping our lands safe.

Can we have Saiga and the Frauma push Rash into our realm?
Frauma can act as gatekeepers until we can tame/controll our feral daughter? Finally they can test our their fighting prowess.
Need a avatar to control our bears but for the future and stuff.

On divine realm:

Maybe the role as gatekeepers can be a task for mortal souls trapped there to, leads to warrior culture, since they fighting in the afterlife to to keep Rashelki's brood away from the realm of mortals.
The best fighters gets reincarnated?

@Powerofmind how would Reincarnation work on our mortal children if they do not manage to ascend in their first life?
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So I'm just gonna chuck this out there, but what about having it so our descendants that don't ascend to spirit/God hood get sucked in on their death and we use their souls to make either money era or divine creatures? Or maybe just our kids coz not all of them are going to ascend.

@Powerofmind is that possible. Have the realm be sort of a birthing area that reuses specific souls to make divine creatures and ur monsters?
[] The Night Mother's Menagerie - A portion of your realm is set aside to maintain and contain a modest breeding population of exotic creatures and bloodlines, addressing their special needs.

Hi Monster Faction!
Basically, this is to store the various accidental freaks of nature we make that are too dangerous or fragile to let run loose. It won't let us breed giant monster armies(that would be too expensive to upkeep), but it COULD be used for us to repopulate monster species, or release the odd monster into an area to liven it up when it gets boring.
Also useful for holding Ur-beasts that we don't want to kill, but are too dangerous to let run loose. While in here they won't be gaining any Legend, and thus won't be growing(unless they roll to escape and then attaboy I guess?)
Might be vetoed if it causes too much management overhead though.

I'll will support any plan that involves this.