Ascension Threshold Hit! (Will Ascend upon death in Gaerig's Fishing Village)
Looks like Seski isn't going anywhere!
I wonder what would be her starting shrine. Living out of our shrine until she gains her own shrine rating? Or will the ascension location redesignate after a while to her house?
Avatar Acts
Lay with Pixies
Add Minor Humanity+Yellow Moon
Humanity adaptation (+1 Survival factor, high adaptation) rolled 15; successful adaptation of Minor Humanity
Moon adaptation (+1 Fertility factor, high adaptation) rolled 9; successful adaptation of Yellow Moon
Successful adaptations reduce dissemination by 20%, no dissemination check this turn
Leadership 0 (1)
Innovation 0 (1)
Trickery 3 (5)
Fishing 2
Dissemination: 58%
Fertility bonuses: 1
Predator bonuses: 2
Survival bonuses: 3
Wishing to improve your Sea Pixies, you change them further, granting them human cleverness and unnatural fertility.
Sea Pixies piccked up a bunch of bonuses from Humanity and Yellow Moon.
I wonder what the Yellow Moon does to them when it's up now.
Writing 8 (11)
Leadership 6 (12)
Art (Painting) 7 (9)
Perform (Dance) 6 (8)
Mysticism 10
Magic (First) 2 (3)
Magic (Second) 1 (2)
Attrouska has her Magics back on now that Shrew is gone.
Inspire Survival
Survival rolled 9, 16, 13, 8, 12. 14, 16
2/5/4/2/4/5 degrees of success; 22*(3)=66 DE, 22*.25=5.5*2.25/2=6 Growth
Survival Inspirations confirmed to generate Growth at least, under the Yellow Moon.
Disappear Fish (Punishment Action) (you removed all of your affinities for it)
Fishing rolled 16
Epic I Success; 4*1.5=6 VE
About the only part that went as planned
Darken (Night, Nox, Stars)
Influence rolled 2, 15
CRITICAL FAILURE/Epic II Success; 5*1.5=7.5, Crit Failure: 10 VE (convert all Darken VE to destructive), cancels success bonus
Fear rolled 19
Gained 14 Legend
And then you accidentally make the shadows too long, make them take on devilish shapes and hide more violent beasts.
Aww shit, the Darken became destructive.
On the other hand destructive Darken sounds quite powerful to use on enemies. So while Positive Darken only works on ourself and our Inspired, Destructive Darkens buff the wild animals, increasing attrition.
Study Bones
Omen Reading rolled 3
Minor Failure
Ahaha...I suppose if this succeeded we'd have realized things going wrong in time to stop it.
Study Hard Crystal
Mysticism rolled 12
Moderate Success; discovered properties
Innovate (Electrum; Hard Crystal; Color Crystal)
Innovation rolled 4, 15, 10
Failrure/Major/Minor; lost Electrum, Innovated a Tier 2 Songstress' Amulet (Grants +2 External Perform (Sing)), Converted additional green pigment
Gained 2 Legend
Though they are still nice successes. You determine that the harder crystals interact weirdly with amber and ambrosia, and that it may be a good thing you haven't used your spear on another divine yet.
On their own, they naturally improve the power of performances and your singing, but they are actually rather weak if struck hard enough.
Hard Crystal has an affinity for music huh? Guessed as much from the spear, but interesting.
Once we equip this, we'd have a Sing skill of 6. Makes it much easier to raise.
Also looks like the Singing Spear might react explosively if we stab a spirit or god with it. Gaerig: Everything goes boom!
Create Art
Art (Painting) rolled 15
Epic I Success; created Sight upon Sea (Grants a large discount or preference towards Water-based Affinities and Manifestations)
+1 Art (Painting)
Sight Upon Sea (Tier X Art) - Grants Legends of the Sea
Finally, your efforts to paint go well for once, and you create a beautiful depiction of the land as seen out on the sea. It is so excellent that your attendants ask when you will display it in your shrine properly, probably so they can see it after their pledge to you is complete.
Ooo, nice. The first big painting!
So looks like we can use Artwork to guide fearbuys a bit?
Makes sense.
Though on the other hand trait slots are packed, so we need to consider whether we want more Water traits, since EAs are slot intensive and I'm still hoping for Eclipse and Sun.
Meet Saiga (Learn Saiga; Coordination; Teach Saiga)
Trade (learning) rolled 15
Leadership rolled 11
Trade (teaching) rolled 12
3 degrees/Minor/3 degrees; Character sheet updated, Success in blessing coordination, Saiga may perform unique actions next turn
Looks like Saiga has some new options for dealing with the rogue baby than killing it.
Somewhat curious what he bought from sleep. Not a trait I think.
Craft (Carving) rolled 10
Mysticism rolled 5 (used stored 9)
3 degrees/2 degrees; created (1) Tier 2 Dark Gemstone (Consumed for significant shrine progress or Fear Attribute progress)
Gained 2 Legend
Dark Gemstone (Tier 2 Gem) - Grants Expanding Terror
And then the two of you join in carving and cutting a dazzling gemstone of opaque silver. By itself, it is an incredible display of beauty and is darkly entrancing.
And Gem crafts are used for Shrine upgrades. This should make a fine progress booster for our Temple.
Teach Ghette Omens
Trade rolled 8
Ghette rolled 8
Ghette spends 3 legend (2 in the hole); gains Trade 3, Omen Reading 1
Ghette is now set up for Mysticism. Spookybaby. Should be good for propagating increased Mysticism in the population once he grows up.
Capricious with Omen Reading and Astrology is good. He'd be taking strange enigmatic actions based on what he sees in the stars.
Gaelte wants pixies!
Gaelte tantrums rolled 8
Gaelte gets what he wants; gains 2 legend
Gaelte spends 2 legend; gains Animal Handling 2
Gaelte realized he was 1 vote away from being a Sea Pixie.
*Gaelte has joined the Monster Faction*
Rashelki Strikes!
Survival rolled 10 vs 3
Epic I Success to Saiga; Saiga faces the beast!
Melee rolled 9 vs 13
Tie! Rashelki 2/6, Saiga's Narwhal Spear ruined! Rashelki Evolves!
Melee rolled 10 vs 13
Moderate Failure for Saiga!; Saiga 7/7. Rashelki Evolves!
Avatar rolled 18 vs 8
Saiga not poisoned
Melee rolled 11 vs 2
Crit Failure for Rashelki; Saiga deliberately drives Rashelki off with 1/6 hit points
Rashelki gains 2 legend
Rashelki spends 4 legend; Gains Survival 4, Melee 2
Warning Saiga turned out well, I don't think he'd have done well if he got surprised, nor would he have spared her.
Also our daughter broke his spear. He's going to need a new one.
Personally Incite
War vs Sing rolled 13 vs 12
Moderate Success, no dogpiles
Melee rolled 15, 12, 9, 9 vs 12
Major/Epic I/Epic II/Epic II Successes; Convert Negative Growth to Sustenance at 4:1, Generates -17 Growth and 34 VE (Sates 4 of 8)
+1 Melee
Personally Incite
War vs Sing rolled 8 vs 7
Minor Success, no dogpiles
Melee rolled 14, 11, 8, 17 vs 4
Moderate Fail/Tie/Minor Success/Major Fail; Generates -2 Growth and 4 VE (Sates 1 of 4)
Gaerig's Melee rolls continue to be insane.
A reminder never to use Personally Incite to punish for Appeasement. We can do some serious damage just carving through everyone, even when we roll a 4.
It's very efficient for causing VE damage though.
1-15: Shrine 7
16-30: Influence 9
31-40: Fear 10
41: Omen Reading
42: Mysticism
43: Navigation
44: Perform (Singing)
45: Melee
46: Leadership
48: Art (Painting)
49: Survival
50-52: Mastery of Astrology
53-55: Excellence of Trickery
56-60: Spirit of the Stars
61-70: EA - Cold
71-80: EA - Sea
81-83: Lesser Bless
84-86: Aspect of Humanity
87-89: Aspect of the Octopus
91-95: Divine Mystery
96-100: Inscrutable One
15% Shrine
15% Influence
10% Fear
40% Attributes
Will become 20% Shrine, 20% Influence next turn.
Wonder if Fear at cap does anything.
9% Base skills
6% Excellencies/Masteries
15% Skills
Thus confirming that Excellencies are rolled as skills. We'd learn whether skills appear at the same frequency when dispersed.
5% Spirit of the Stars
10% EA - Cold
10% EA - Sea
3% Lesser Bless
3% Aspect of Humanity
3% Aspect of the Octopus
5% Divine Mystery
5% Inscrutable One
I assume there's a math error somewhere on the table, because if we roll 90, there's nothing on it.
25% Nox traits
20% other traits.
With the last Glut we've finally flushed the buffer of most of the Nox traits and can start to focus on traits again.
With this turn being so blessing heavy we might well pick up Lesser Bless passively, in which case we might as well spring for the Travelers' Altars.
I can also see Spirit of Fertility showing up if we blessed growth enough.
[] Control Waters*** - You have innate lordship of water and all it's forms, but you have especially strong ties to The Sea, The Cold and The Sky. Costs: 13 DE
-[] Command Water [How]
-[] Command Clouds [How]
Outdated affinities here!
[] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Maximum Shrines 5/8.
Outdated shrine count here. We have 6 with Attrouska's hill. Not that it matters at the moment.
As a Goddess and pantheon head, you are capable of granting or taking DE and Ambrosia from pantheon members and subordinates far in excess of your limit, or theirs. You can collude with them to have access to their budget in the future, or, since you're dispersed, the option to pressure them to give you any they can spare immediately is noted especially (the same can be done with DE and Ambrosia any time as a special demand).
Probably should do the collusion once we're further out of the Growth hole.
Demanding it would make for sour minions.
Keshketev says that a lone hunter appeared in his village, seeking to barter for a fine spear. He was later branded a thief when a second spear vanished with him. Curious.
Geez, I wonder who stole it.
Finally, you go to Saiga, who the hunter would ask blessings from. Saiga notes that he has been giving blessings to a devout person who has been trekking farther and farther west, and inland, from Keshketev's basin.
Seski is going to run into the Bloodied Man!
...welp, no better time to find her it seems.
Seski pouts as soon as you take her by the hand, moaning and groaning all the way back. "I'm grown, momma!" she complains. "I don't need you to tell me what to do anymore!"
And then, like a depressing rain on a festival day, momma showed up while you were making camp with Birgir. She grabbed you, and Birgir was forced to follow all the way back to his village, when you managed to convince momma to at least let you stay with Birgir, who was very nice and rather handsome, and you were old enough to marry now. Once you're married, you're gonna live with Birgir instead of momma.
That'll show her.
Sure kiddo.
I await her kids with Mischief.
*Incidentally, you all should join Academia Nut's
Where the Monsters Aren't quest, especially
@veekie since he posts enough to revitalize that thread on his own
Theres an open tab for it, but hadn't been able to get into it yet. Work :/