Found her!
It took some doing, but you've finally managed to have enough time to go out and search for your wayward daughter. First, you ask a little more specifically what Saitev said happened. He explains his complacency in her escape, and the loss of the young hunter. Then you go to Keshketev, to see if they passed by.
Keshketev says that a lone hunter appeared in his village, seeking to barter for a fine spear. He was later branded a thief when a second spear vanished with him. Curious.
Finally, you go to Saiga, who the hunter would ask blessings from. Saiga notes that he has been giving blessings to a devout person who has been trekking farther and farther west, and inland, from Keshketev's basin.
Seski is going to run into the Bloodied Man! You rush out, poking and seeking and searching until you catch the trail of a wanderer, or pair of them. You follow the tracks and signs a little further, with a bit of starbound guidance, until you rather suddenly come upon the duo you're searching for. Seski pouts as soon as you take her by the hand, moaning and groaning all the way back. "I'm grown, momma!" she complains. "I don't need you to tell me what to do anymore!"
"At least let me stay in Birgir's village!" she finally bargains, at the very last moment. Your shrine in Saitev's village is small, but Seski probably won't leave if the boy is also there with her. You change direction. Seski whoops. You are the best mother.
Birgir was a stick in the mud for a while, but after you told him about Keshketev's place and got nicer things, he was all for going on a big adventure with you, like momma used to tell about Saiga. You'd already seen all the stuff in the near-east, where the fox guy lived, so now you were gonna go out and see the things in the middle of Niogg.
And then, like a depressing rain on a festival day, momma showed up while you were making camp with Birgir. She grabbed you, and Birgir was forced to follow all the way back to his village, when you managed to convince momma to at least let you stay with Birgir, who was very nice and rather handsome, and you were old enough to marry now. Once you're married, you're gonna live with Birgir instead of momma.
That'll show her.