Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

No more electrum, 5 fewer amber, 1 more hard crystal, 1 more colored crystal, no crystalline silver or lapis ultramarine, 4 more malachite green. Used up Amber figurine and the VP and Poor bone figurines, but gained 1 okay and 1 moderate bone figurine.

The fewer amber and the lack of crystalline silver could indicate that our dear crafter spirit went along with at least the silver deal, maybe even both, that mens that we might gain a new enchanted item adn a few amber figures by the end of the turn

We did build the creche, and the new shrine. No trait changes, but we got +1 Omen reading, +1 Melee, and +1 painting.

I assume that means we got either a exploding dice or a minor glut from dispersing, say did our total spent legend change in a rather significant way ?

Dissemination changes: People: 2%->2%. Silvermen 40%->48%. Pixies 78% -> 78%
Makes me wonder if we should do something in the regard of the people, since they seem to have problems to grow on their own or if we should just integrate them into our silverpeople to upgrade them further
I'm fine remaining formless 'n shit.

Means we can focus on what REALLY matters.

Building a Temple AND a Divine Realm! Weeeeee
But we can't build the temple on the back of a giant turtle now!

Also since it got updated and I see no minor Humanity here I think giving the sea pixies humanity failed again and for the final time I think, since we just lost our Avatar, pity :( it was nice while the hope lasted :cry:
On one hand, you're right.
On the other hand I'm pretty sure they were at 78% Dissemination before this turn as well, giving me a vague and foolish hope that there's still a chance.

...on the bright side, monster faction has temporarily become a non issue. Votes are much simpler now.
... I really want to, but I can't actually say anything against that. Or rather, all of the Monster faction's effort are now put towards "get an Avatar as quickly as possible", which is most likely what everyone else is doing as well.
Makes me wonder if we should do something in the regard of the people, since they seem to have problems to grow on their own or if we should just integrate them into our silverpeople to upgrade them further
The People are currently uh....two people. One boy and one girl. Age 2.

It seems obvious why fertility blessings didn't do anything to them?
... I really want to, but I can't actually say anything against that. Or rather, all of the Monster faction's effort are now put towards "get an Avatar as quickly as possible", which is most likely what everyone else is doing as well.
Not that I mind that much, but the sheer volume to arguments dedicated towards the matter in place of actually productive debate is somewhat tiring. Either a major chunk of Sustenance is dedicated to one of the most heavy meta-compulsions seen to date, or people make rather baseless claims that everyone are against them and they will never get monsters. So much that a plan can get a third of the vote if the compulsion isn't met, even if the rest of the plan isn't productive.
Hmm. Can we get Saiga to learn it or is he full up as well?
Full up.

Something to note, we're dispersed instead of Formless, so we can't do a whole hell of a lot.
Doesn't actually change our main actions. We can still take Communes to order temple construction, we can still Moon and Bless.
The harder part is getting Rashelki under control, though we did tell Saiga about her, so he might possibly go beat her up and drag her home.
The People are currently uh....two people. One boy and one girl. Age 2.

Ah you are right of course,
I was so used to our blood lines startIng through, that I didn't even consider something like that affecting them

My Bad :oops:

I'm down for learning Animal Taming as soon as possible.

I'm with you there Ivy, as it is I consider it a vital skill for us, since that would make one less excuse for why we aren't making more monsters

Slots. Our kid has to deal with it, we don't have the room for the skill unless we fake it with Writing.
1. We have the room currently
2. We can't learn from the Crone writing until both of us Reform
3. We can just make room, once we have writing we can just drop Innovation and once our Pop mod is back we can Drop fishing and finally once Saiga becomes a Local God we can step down as the leader and give up leadership
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Actually the crone can now create ambrosia at 150% the cost in DE. If we can rustle up the funds perhaps she could fix our problem for us?
Tragically, we blew up JUST enough of her shrine rating that she can't :V

One point short I believe.
We're stuck doing blessing...which on the other hand we're ALREADY stuck blessing, so no biggie.
Tragically, we blew up JUST enough of her shrine rating that she can't :V

One point short I believe.
We're stuck doing blessing...which on the other hand we're ALREADY stuck blessing, so no biggie.
She can do 5, and Saiga can do 4, and we can do 6 without the temple. If it costs 1.5 times our avatar rating this is absolutely something we can organize. I'm not actually in a huge rush to do it quite yet, but I'm not entirely sure that Attrouska is going to keep that ability for long so sooner might be better on that front. It really all depends on how close to temple completion we think we are.

Also, I honestly think our people are better off if we have an avatar. I frankly don't trust us not to stumble into another devastating set of circumstances if we are sitting around blasting moons at them with all of our resources rather than pouring energy into things far away from them.
She can do 5, and Saiga can do 4, and we can do 6 without the temple. If it costs 1.5 times our avatar rating this is absolutely something we can organize.
I think it was asked before. We can only pool ambrosia with Saiga actually, due to our wedding, if anyone else pays the ambrosia to us it will congeal to Amber before we ca spend it.
I think it was asked before. We can only pool ambrosia with Saiga actually, due to our wedding, if anyone else pays the ambrosia to us it will congeal to Amber before we ca spend it.
But we have all of those share ambrosia options? Why wouldn't the other spirits also have something similar? Looking at Saitev for example there is a share ambrosia in sets of 2 option. Admittedly he might not want to, or Saiga could not want to as well just to keep us from doing more harm for awhile. I just don't think it makes sense for them to be unable to.
Missing the point here:
-We can transfer ambrosia freely.
-Ambrosia in excess of your capacity immediately turns into Amber.
-Since we're married to Saiga, we're metaphysically linked to him, and thus, we can use his capacity as if it was our own for reforming.

So the rest of the pantheon can help pay for the cost but they cannot provide us with the ambrosia capacity needed to do so.
Our capacity is currently Our Shrine + Saiga's Shrine
The pantheon can pay to fill us up, but they can't act as capacity.
That would fall under a request or trade, and the conditionals noted would be acceptable. Don't see what you're aiming for other than a spirit baby, though, since you'll get to feed automatically off of the Holy Place condensation at the end of the turn. The 'share pool' option is uniquely available to paired spirits with dispersed partners so they can pick each other up by the bootstraps in a tough time.
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Huh, so we dispersed even woth the reroll? Well, that's interesting. Shame about the Pop modifier, but it shows how powerful Fear gods are. Destruction is our forte after all. All in all, I can't wait for the fluff.

Also, we need several turns of Growth, and checking veekie's math. :)
You know, I blame Saiga for all the lost pop mod, and I think he might agree. He keeps forgetting that he promised us tribute. He didn't even leave his people a bunch of extras to turn over while he slept, what a lazy husband and spirit. We don't always remember our appeasement punishment, but we consistently accidentally wreck his shit for forgetting his.
You know, I blame Saiga for all the lost pop mod, and I think he might agree. He keeps forgetting that he promised us tribute. He didn't even leave his people a bunch of extras to turn over while he slept, what a lazy husband and spirit. We don't always remember our appeasement punishment, but we consistently accidentally wreck his shit for forgetting his.
His last gift was like 10 years ago!
Huh, so we dispersed even woth the reroll? Well, that's interesting. Shame about the Pop modifier, but it shows how powerful Fear gods are. Destruction is our forte after all. All in all, I can't wait for the fluff.

Also, we need several turns of Growth, and checking veekie's math. :)

We're dispersing because of math.

Namely that the numbers weren't checked and we went over not that we did something particularly dangerous.