Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

Apart from Ambroisa (Which seems to be limited at 1/turn), is there any way that our Avatar can refill itself?
Ambrosia is limited to 1 during the turn; at the end of the turn, we can drink as much as we want. So we can't use ambrosia to effectively raise our sustenance cap by more than 10, but we can use it to refill sustenance to cap at end-of-turn.
Oh well, if Veekies plan wins that just means there is no excuse to not to take my plan next turn.

The shark man legions will rise.
Incidentally a search found that Shrine home bonus was half your Shrine rating(so we're looking at a +2 to +3 if she's typical of this area). We just had an awesome Holy Place which gave a flat +1 on top(that's basically a whole two Shrine ratings, or half the tier bonus).
Do you still have the quote? I'd had that at base shrine rating, not half, iirc, and i was fairly sure that was based on word of PoM...
Moonlight gives +5 per success, but only applied to your own territory. Eclipse grants a further +10 to the total moonlight pile each eclipse. Grand total of +50 to a bunch of stuff. However, you couldn't use these things outside of your influence zone (because you targeted them inside your influence zone), though I made an exception for the Fox since it got absorbed into your influence zone that turn and gave Seski an eclipse bonus by itself. The Saitev thing was... just an error *headdesk*
Good to know =D
Okay, so now that I have numbers.
-Influence is rolled as a skill
-Distance is a narrative penalty to the output. It does not affect the contested roll.
Pretty sure we already knew those first two (they're what i had thought at least :p), but ok :p
Reverse mathing the difficulty for Moonlight
15 => 85+6 = 91 Major Success
16 => 90+6 = 96 Major Success
5 => 10+4 = 14 Fail
18 => 97+4 = 101 Critical
9 => 36+4 = 40 Minor Success
7 => 21+4 = 25 Minor Failure
So Moon target DCs are 40+ Minor Success/60+ Good Success/80+ Major Success. Nox DCs are one step higher.
I assume those are from past updates, and they look right--almost everything is DC 40 according to PoM and my annotation-found info :p
That said, while i do agree that Nox DC's are probably just DC 60, it could be higher-- @Powerofmind any chance you can chime in on that? :p
Probabilities at Influence 5 are:
-One Moonlight failing = 9%
-One Moonlight granting at least +5 bonus = 91%
-One Moonlight granting at least +10 bonus = 65%
-One Moonlight granting at least +15 bonus = 29%
Err...no. I'm not sure how you got those numbers, honestly...Unless i'm confused, these probabilities are for a turn where we use one moonlight action?
So i'm not sure where you get these numbers...
Inf 5 means +10 to roll.
No bonus: final roll <40. Chance: 26% [From table lookup, but to double check: with Inf 5, base roll needs to value at 29 or less. Matching rolls: 2 [1%], 3 [2%], 4 [3%], 5 [4%], non-crit 6 [4%], 7 [6%], non-crit 8 [6%] = 1+2+3+4+4+6+6 =26%]
At least +5 Bonus: Final roll 40+. Chance: 74% [Table lookup, confirmed as complement of the last line]
At least +10 Bonus: Final roll 60+. Chance 56%
At least +15 Bonus: Final roll 80+. Chance 37% [This is where i get really confused, because you overestimated the others, but understimated this...]
At least +20 Bonus: Final roll 100+. Chance: 16%
-Two Moonlights failing = 4.5%
-Two Moonlight granting at least +5 bonus = 95.5%
-Two Moonlight granting at least +10 bonus = 79%
*At this point veekie realizes he should go to bed because cumulative and conditional probabilities suck*
Joint probabilities really do suck D=
Ok, turn we do 2 moonlight actions:
Both Moonlights Fail (No Bonus): 6.76% [Joint probability of two 26% chances, per Probability Calculator
One fail, One succeed (At least +5 Bonus): 38.48% chance [Two 74% chances, either A or B occur]
Exactly +5 Bonus (One fails, other Minor success): 4.68 * 2 -> 9.36% [26% Fail chance, 18% chance of Minor but not moderate (74-56), A AND B occur. doubled for symmetry)
At Least +5 Bonus (Either or both succeed): 93.24% [Two 74% chances, A and/or B occur.]
At Least +10 Bonus: 83.88% [Summing the two events below, which should be how this works? like you said, these probabilities are confusing...]
-One fails, Other hits DC 60: 14.56% *2 -> 29.12% [26% fail chance and 56% DC 60 chance both occur --Doubled for symmetry]
-Both Pass DC 40: 54.76% [Two 74% chances, both occur]
Hmm... Yeah, these percentages are confusing. I might edit in a "moonlight success" calculator to my python script; that does it the hard way so its easier to calculate :p
-Nox processing chance if Moonlight does not buff it = 65%
If we get at least a +10 off Moonlight(which is pretty likely), then we're looking at the below for Rain summoning(assuming same DC as hydrokinesis):
-Failing = 5%
-Minor Rain = 97%
-Good Rain = 80%
-Major Rain = 46%
For Nox: Assuming DC 60, with Inf 5 and no other bonus:
56% chance. Oddly enough, the 65% chance you gave is in fact the chance of it if it got +10 from Moonlight (...Does moonlight boost Nox? I feel like it could, because related affinities, or it could not, because light shouldn't help darkness)
As for Rain:
So with +10 from moonlight, total weak bonus is +20. Looking at my charts with skill level =10 for equal chances:
(Note: This is one single roll)
-Failing (Modified roll <40): Chance 13%
-Minor Success or more (Mod. Roll 40+): Chance 87%
-Moderate Success or more (Mod. Roll 60+): Chance 65%
-Major Success or more (Mod. Roll 80+): Chance 46%
-Major Success I or more (Mod.Roll 100+): Chance 23%
...I'm kind of amazed that you got the major success chance right but none of the others... how?
Probability of Attrouska rolling a Difficulty 40 check with the Tier -2 Strong now(assuming she has a relevant counter):
-Minor Success - 80%
-Good Success - 46%
-Major Success - 16%
Well...she wont ever be rolling a DC 40 check with that -2 Strong penalty; that penalty is only for opposed checks, not DC checks. I think my opposed chances function is accurate, so the W-T-L percentages between an Inf 5 God and an Inf 5 spirit should be:
(Remembering that opposed success thresholds are: Diff: [0, 9] - tie, [10,19] - minor, [20, 39] - moderate, and then the normal 20 point thresholds)
So pretty good, overall...actually that seems higher than i remember; take those with a grain of salt, i think i might not have finished this function. I'll check over it and say whether its right in my next post, along with the moonlight success function info
Pretty nifty isn't it?
Attrouska's best bet is to counter the whole chain by stopping both Moonlights before they buff everything, and avoiding the Nox. With the buff, she's probably going to be pounded flat by rain. With ONE Moonlight she has a very difficult task. With two Moonlights, or Nox happening, she doesn't really get to stop it
EDIT: Dammit, used our old Influence value, need to redo the math.
EDIT2: Done the math, now doing attrouska math
EDIT3: Crone's odds of countering, if she has a counter at equal effectiveness, done. If she has a partial effectiveness one at DC 60 she's screwed anywhere outside her shrine.
So overall, you overestimated our odds, but they're still fairly good...assuming the crone can't contest them directly... @Powerofmind does a spirit need to have a related/opposing affinity to directly contest elemental attacks? Because if each of the moonlights are opposed contests, then the numbers change a lot i think... and get more complicated by far.
@Powerofmind quick question, just to confirm
In contested rolls, is it
Difference [0, 9] is a tie, [10,19] is a minor success to the winner
Difference [0, 10] is a tie, [11,19] is a minor success to the winner
That said, while i do agree that Nox DC's are probably just DC 60, it could be higher-- @Powerofmind any chance you can chime in on that? :p
Nope. Not a chance at all until you try it.
So overall, you overestimated our odds, but they're still fairly good...assuming the crone can't contest them directly... @Powerofmind does a spirit need to have a related/opposing affinity to directly contest elemental attacks? Because if each of the moonlights are opposed contests, then the numbers change a lot i think... and get more complicated by far.
Yes. Without having appropriate voodoo, a divine can only defend with passive penalties.
In contested rolls, is it
Difference [0, 9] is a tie, [10,19] is a minor success to the winner
Difference [0, 10] is a tie, [11,19] is a minor success to the winner
The first. It's always [multiple of ten] to [two multiples of ten higher minus one]. The contested tie rules just make it one multiple instead of two.
Nope. Not a chance at all until you try it.

Yes. Without having appropriate voodoo, a divine can only defend with passive penalties.

The first. It's always [multiple of ten] to [two multiples of ten higher minus one]. The contested tie rules just make it one multiple instead of two.
That's what i thought for all of those, thanks--just wanted to confirm, before i fixed the error in my opposed check function where it used [0,10] :p

Also, can you confirm whether the main shrine defense bonus is [Shrine + <1 if holy place>] or [Shrine/2 + <1 if Holy Place>], or something else?
So i'm not sure where you get these numbers...
The chain of logic went: "Well, if I wrote an excel table with one row for EVERY single possible dice roll result, added a +20 for doubles, added all the modifiers and then sorted the result, the probability would be 100-Number of rows which don't meet the target number"

But the gist before I surrendered to bed was that
So overall, you overestimated our odds, but they're still fairly good...assuming the crone can't contest them directly...
It brought Enuff Dakka. Double Moonlight really changes things.
(And then I woke up from a nightmare where I was chased by cumulative tigers urgh, back to bed now)
[X] veekie

Sharks are majestic murder machines of the ocean.

Actually, sharks are very bad at killing and very good at eating- humans get attacked and lose legs and shit but survive, because unlike most predators, sharks don't bother to kill you before they get to the omnomnoming, where if a tiger or whatever eats you it killed you first.

Anyways, sorry, ninjafish, I'd rather go on the attack here. Considered trying to make a plan for such in earnest last turn.
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[X] veekie

Actually, sharks are very bad at killing and very good at eating- humans get attacked and lose legs and shit but survive, because unlike most predators, sharks don't bother to kill you before they get to the omnomnoming, where if a tiger or whatever eats you it killed you first.

Anyways, sorry, ninjafish, I'd rather go on the attack here. Considered trying to make a plan for such in earnest last turn.

Wells that even better, they strike fear in people without flat out killing them.

People can't be afraid if they're dead.

Also sharks are insanely long lived as a vertebrate organism, they are very good at surviving extinctions and such.

Which is why I want to use them as base.