- I don't believe we know all of her traits.
- Even these traits have some capacity for Growth boosts (e.g. Spirit of Motherhood might be able to apply fertility blessings).
- What makes you think that Saiga is "going to try to refuse"? We haven't seen him putting up any resistance so far.
1) True enough.
2) Spirit of Motherhood certainly would help. I retract the assertion that she can't fix the issue on her own eventually.
3) We've seen Saiga refuse when the welfare of his worshippers are in critical straits. Either way, she needs to send someone over to ask him(in which case we can waylay them) or she needs to come in person(in which case we go for her then)
I believe significant. I don't believe "almost double".
Ah, that, yes, I agree.
That's why I'm fueling up on foreign terror first, I doubt the buff is enough to overcome the long term loss of income.
If we screw up our Spirit-vs-Population actions (which were the ones I was talking about), the Crone comes out of this undamaged or only lightly damaged; that is what it means to screw up. I estimate the probability of this to be 10-50%.
I'm estimating somewhat differently. Between 2-3 Lures(which are not affected by being out of our domain) and 3 Floods, both augmented by two Moonlights, I estimate the approximate probability for the below outcomes:
-Light damage(as defined by the Crone not needing anything special to recover) - 10% - Requires failing both the Moonlights and Nox, then rolling poorly on the floods and lures.
-Modest damage(as defined by the Crone needing a turn or two of dedicated repair work to recover from, comparable to what Seski did to her) - 20% - Requires failing both the Moonlights and the Nox, then rolling averagely on the Floods and Lures
-Moderate damage(as defined by the Crone needing 3+ turns of work to turn it around, or taking greater risks to speed it up) - 40% - Success on one of the Moonlights and rolling well on the Floods and Lures, OR Success on both the Moonlights and rolling mediocre on the Floods and Lures OR success on the Nox and rolling crappily everywhere else
-Major damage(as defined by the Crone facing serious risk of dispersal) - 20% - Requires succeeding on the Nox and rolling okay on the attacks, or succeeding on both moons and rolling okay on the attacks.
-Catastrophic damage(as defined by the Crone being dispersed or her population wiped) - 10% - Requires success on all three buffs, then rolling decently or better. Maybe a Weird fires off.
The main thing is that if the Nox triggers, Atrrouska is fucked.
If we screw up our Spirit-vs-Spirit action (which is what I think you are talking about), best case we are hit with 1-2 light demands, worst case we are hit with what is effectively a magically-binding curse.
I think we're actually fairly secure on social dominance rolls now, since Moonlight buffs Trickery AND if we're initiating we can Trick her into losing her advantages.
I think there's a risk of dispersal by Second Magic laser, but unless Gaerig attacks at the height of noon for some reason, the ice disc should be much weaker. While if she tries to use moonlight to solarbeam us, I'd quote Slayers, "You might as well say hi, can I borrow your power to try to kill you with it?"
I recall now!
Field Trip!
Seski rolled 14 vs Saitev's 9
And the girl just keeps on pranking.
Seski rolled 10 vs Fox Spirit's 11
And pranking.
Seski gains 8 Legend
Seski spends 2 legend; gains Perform (Primitive Instrument) 2, Survival 1
Seski rolled 10 vs Fox Spirit's 11 Trickery but she won the exchange.
Seski has Trickery 6. Assuming Fox has at least Trickery 1(but a Fox is likely to have at least 5):
Seski 10 => 50+6(Trickery) = 56
Fox 11 => 55+ 1|10 (Trickery) = 56|65
But to Win instead of Draw, she needs to roll better than that. Sesky must be at least 20 points higher than Fox.
We learned that the Eclipse "Just tipped her over into a win"
That means:
Seski 10+2(Moon)+2(Eclipses) => 79+6(Trickery) = 85
Fox 11 => 55+1|10(Trickery) = 56|65
If you calculate a Moonshine's bonus as +1 Strong bonus you get an exact match
I mean...without
@Powerofmind confirming, i can never be sure of stuff like that. It's certainly not been listed outright, to my understanding...and considering last time i was active tonight
@veekie was utterly sure of an innacurate understanding of how advanced skills work, i'll need some more evidence than "veekie says its obvious", no offense

I admit i've generally been assuming its a narrative boost, if for no other reason than 1. its easier and 2. i've not had, say, a roil waters roll come up a moderate when the roll says it should be a minor, and needed to look for reasons why.
This is true, I've had to admit to being wrong fairly often. Doing this from mobile has some challenges when I'm relying on memory.
Clarification on...? What do you have in mind?
Powerofmind was evasive(and visibly exhausted) when answering the glacier shrine idea. I recall this last happened when I asked about the possibility of claiming the underwater temple and was proven completely wrong.
@veekie i admit this was just skimming because, you know, test i still need to take the time to write (it's not even hard, its just tedius and i have no motivation), but every time we've used moonlight so far, we've either failed, or had all relevant actions
not list their success grade, so i really dont see how the hell you came up with "+1 strong modifier"...
See above.