Time of the Gods: Into the Amber Age

Hey, it occurs to me that the previous civilization was ended by a meteor.

And that the crater is underwater... where no other spirit is likely to get to.

And it's likely that this thing has some fancy meteoritic iron in it, meteoritic iron that helped end a prosperous civilization.

Our husband is a craftsman, and we have an affinity with the moon and eventually the stars.

Bullshit meteor weapon when?
Including full plan since the Tally doesn't have the actual plan atm
[X] Something something the GM wrote a plan on request

[X] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation, Perform (Trickery), Fishing, Leadership, Innovation.
-[X] Expend 5 DE on petitioners for Innovation
[X] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing.
-[X] Expend 6 DE on petitioners for Fishing
[X] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. At 2 Influence, Inspirations are somewhat random in their effects but are stronger than Blessings. Costs: 5 DE
-[X] FORMLESS: Drive Petitioner to (Avatar Action). Costs: +15 DE surcharge
--[X] Guide Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[X] Control Waters***. Costs: 4 DE
-[X] Calm Seas x3
[X] Direct Fish**. Costs: 6 DE
-[X] Call Fish x2
[X] Moonlight*- Costs: 15 DE
-[X] In your territory.

[X] Issue Decree - You condense into a roiling mass just barely capable of overwhelming, booming speech in order to address those beneath you and issue a decree about the right way to live and how to worship you correctly. Costs: 15 DE. Maximum Decrees: 0/4
-[X] LOCKED: Decree that families who send one of their beautiful members to attend your shrines for a time will be spared your wrath. Costs: 15 DE
[X] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want. Costs: 15 DE. Issues per turn: 4
-[X] Demand that the people give you gifts of carved bone as your husband has, you want more pretty figurines!
[X] Despise Trait - You do not like how the mortals view you and your powers. Remind them what you truly represent and how you truly are! Costs: (Must reserve no destructive acts associated with the forgotten trait)
-[X] Despise <Ocean Affinity - Waves>
[X] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Costs: 10 DE. Maximum shrines 1/2.
-[X] In your own village
Oh god is this becoming an actual thing? Already got nearly 1 in 6 votes, and I wasn't even subtle about whether or not I would care about avoiding causing you trouble.
Another crazy turn. But we got another +1 Astrology (for a total of 6) and worked on fixing last turn's Pop penalty! If we keep this up, Fertility should pop up soon. (And then children becomes even easier to get!)

Gained Capricious One
Trait Cap Exceeded
Become Formless
And not yay. Whoops. I suppose people aren't going to want to make more children with this surcharge...?

Saiga seems forlorn that your body has gone the way of the shrine he made for you, but he curiously decided to begin work on another shrine despite the accident with the last one, even going so far as the bless it for you, since you are too weak to do it yourself.
Aw, poor guy. He really does miss us! Though I rather wonder what the mortals think of all this: he had our first shrine built, which exploded in his face and killed a bunch of people, then he had our second shrine built, which caused a mass orgy. In keeping with the idea that the Sea is capricious, destructive and bountiful both, but I can't imagine they're especially enamored with us. Saiga learned of us when a few of his worshipers fled our village, after all, and they had a fair few turns to disseminate their views to the rest of the population.

you discover that a mad orgy has begun in the village, and Saiga's as well. Saiga seems unable to control himself, either, taking woman after woman for his pleasure.

Good thing you don't have a body right now. That looks draining.
That is very weird. Gaerig doesn't even have any associations with fertility yet! (Otherwise she probably wouldn't have thought it was a good thing to lack a body this turn.) It's a pity Gaerig doesn't have a body to participate, I would have liked to see the children that could have resulted. And speaking of children, I wonder if Saiga sired a bunch of children? They won't be Gaerig's (unless they count because it was Gaerig that was driving the Weirding Moon?), but stepchildren are still part of the family. And Gaerig noted the effort looked draining... (Also, note, spirits are susceptible to the influence of our Weird Moons. It might just be that Saiga's our spouse, but the other results on the Weirding table may cause issues.)

the first full moon to rise is strangely purple
*squints* I thought in the original game, purple was fertility...? At least, that was the Sun association. Hmm, the orgy was heralded by a yellow moon, and ended with a purple moon. The Yellow Moon is the (regular?) moon at night, but doesn't have the association of moon-opposed-to-sun. The yellow moon is also the harvest moon, IRL. And Purple Sun was sun-of-fertility, in the original AA. By the commutative property, Purple Moon would be moon-of-fertility. So, the orgy was bracketed by two symbols of fertility? ...Ok. Weird Moon Colors are Weird. If we want to figure out more about Moon Colors, we'll need more data.

Looking at the plans -- ...yeah, no one wants to bear children because it'll cost too much. Hmm, both plans have Moonlight, veekie's has Scry but Sivantic's has the star shrine extension...
Ah, I don't know. veekie's titled to get a body next turn, so I guess I'll vote for delayed possibility of children.
[X] Plan Towards getting a body again
But I play to win too.

I just don't put winning above everything else.
Everyone does that. I think that you would be hard pressed to find one active active voter on SV who hasn't voted for an action 'cause it was fun (as opposed to because it is efficient) at least once. It is just a matter of priorities.

My issue is that you are calling people out because "people forget that this is something done for enjoyment". Enjoyment comes in various flavors, and voting for smart, solid plans is part of that, at least for some people. Just because you don't like that doesn't mean you should be calling out half the thread as wet blankets.
@Powerofmind Quick question: What's the dominance modifier again? it's "Awe + Unique/higher perform", but is it the normal +2/level mod for both, or is one or both counted half like in the original? And if they are counted half, then is the one you have counted full if you only get to apply one?

Edit: Also, having realized i completely fucked up in my calculation of that table*, i'm gonna do a better bit of code that will include critical calculations. How do critical failures work exactly? -1 success? -2? automatic failure? narrative, like with the calm seas? something else?
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[X] Something something the GM wrote a plan on request

Yeah! Break the mold! That and I wanna see if he actually screws us over. Some people just wanna see the world drown.
While I do like the idea of voting for the GM's plan just because it is the GM's plan, it does have some issues.

Such as
-15 DE surcharge for personally guiding our petitioners
- Ivory statuettes are more likely to give us Aspect of the Walrus than Aspect of the Whale

I also thought that we were avoiding fishing actions so that we could avoid getting the Aspect of the Fish?
Three plans.

[] Plan Towards getting a body again
-[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation, Perform (Trickery), Fishing, Leadership, Innovation.
--[] Expend 5 DE on petitioners for Navigation
--[] Expend 10 DE on petitioners for Perform(Trickery)
-[] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing.
--[] Expend 11 DE on petitioners for Navigation
--[] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. At 2 Influence, Inspirations are somewhat random in their effects but are stronger than Blessings. Costs: 5 DE
---[] Navigation x1
-[] Control Waters*** - You bend the waves to your command, directing them to rise or quiet at your leisure, to punish your enemies, or reward your friends. Costs: 4 DE. x3
--[] Calm Seas. x3
-[] Moonlight* - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 15 DE
--[] In your territory.
-[] Despise Trait - You do not like how the mortals view you and your powers. Remind them what you truly represent and how you truly are! Costs: (Must reserve no destructive acts associated with the forgotten trait)
--[] Despise Ocean Affinity - Waves
-[] Study Stars - Study the skies and stars, seeking patterns that will tell you what was, what is, and what may yet be. x2
--[] Scry Distant Places - View the places you have not seen, the places you cannot go. Costs: 15 DE x2
---[] Take a look at those people your explorers found
-[] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Costs: 10 DE. Maximum shrines 1/2.
--[] At your Holy Place
---[] If not possible, rebuild the shrine in Apostate Village
-[] Issue Decree - You condense into a roiling mass just barely capable of overwhelming, booming speech in order to address those beneath you and issue a decree about the right way to live and how to worship you correctly. Costs: 15 DE. Maximum Decrees: 0/4
--[] LOCKED: Decree that families who send one of their beautiful members to attend your shrines for a time will be spared your wrath. Costs: 15 DE

Blessings, inspiration, control waters, moonlight, despise waves, scry distant places, build shrine, issue LOCKED decree.

Doesn't accidentally despise anything I don't think.

[] Plan Yahweh Lite
-[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation, Perform (Trickery), Fishing, Leadership, Innovation.
--[] Expend 10 DE on petitioners for Perform(Trickery)
--[] Expend 13 DE on petitioners for Innovation
--[] Expend 10 DE on petitioners for Astrology
-[] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing.
--[] Expend 20 DE on petitioners for Navigation
-[] Control Waters*** - You bend the waves to your command, directing them to rise or quiet at your leisure, to punish your enemies, or reward your friends. Costs: 4 DE
--[] Calm Seas.
---[] x2
-[] Improve a Shrine - Invest a great deal of materials and ornaments to make a shrine grander. Costs: 10 DE.
--[] Expand the Painted Stars (T1): A map of stars will be painted upon the skins inside a single shrine, granting ???.
-[] Moonlight* - The moon shines bright this night, revealing things that hide in the dark. Can cause Weird, also empowers a number of relevant actions (Astrology, Perform (Trickery), Water-element Influence Actions, etc.). Costs: 15 DE
--[] In your territory.
[] Despise Trait - You do not like how the mortals view you and your powers. Remind them what you truly represent and how you truly are! Costs: (Must reserve no destructive acts associated with the forgotten trait)
-[] Despise Ocean Affinity - Waves
-[] Issue Decree - You condense into a roiling mass just barely capable of overwhelming, booming speech in order to address those beneath you and issue a decree about the right way to live and how to worship you correctly. Costs: 15 DE. Maximum Decrees: 0/4
--[] LOCKED: Decree that families who send one of their beautiful members to attend your shrines for a time will be spared your wrath. Costs: 15 DE
-[] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want. Costs: 15 DE. Issues per turn: 4
--[] Demand that the people give you gifts of carved bone as your husband has, you want more pretty figurines!

Lot of blessings (~50 DE worth), control waters, Painted Stars shrine extension, moonlight, despise Waves, locked decree, pretty figurines (improve Shrine tier). Also doesn't accidentally despise anything. No inspirations.

Edit: Also has innovation blessings. Missed it somehow.

Primary differences between 'get an avatar' and 'Yahweh lite' are: Get an avatar has fewer blessings and 2x scry, while Yahweh lite has more blessings + innovation blessings, builds a shrine extension, and demands figurines, which should result in a shrine tier increase.

[] Something something the GM wrote a plan on request

[] Bless Petitioner for Sacrifices - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you in exahange for more offerings. Current Skills that can be blessed: Astrology, Navigation, Perform (Trickery), Fishing, Leadership, Innovation.
-[] Expend 5 DE on petitioners for Innovation
[] Bless Petitioner for Growth - Expend some of your DE to empower those who come to your shrine or pray to you, granting them a bounty of life-giving things. Current Skills that can be blessed: Navigation, Fishing.
-[] Expend 6 DE on petitioners for Fishing
[] Inspire Petitioner - Expend DE to give inspiring visions and dreams to a petitioner who comes to your shrine or prays to you. At 2 Influence, Inspirations are somewhat random in their effects but are stronger than Blessings. Costs: 5 DE
-[] FORMLESS: Drive Petitioner to (Avatar Action). Costs: +15 DE surcharge
--[] Guide Ships - Guide and navigate the boats in person, sending them where they need to be. Costs: 6 DE
[] Control Waters***. Costs: 4 DE
-[] Calm Seas x3
[] Direct Fish**. Costs: 6 DE
-[] Call Fish x2
[] Moonlight*- Costs: 15 DE
-[] In your territory.

[] Issue Decree - You condense into a roiling mass just barely capable of overwhelming, booming speech in order to address those beneath you and issue a decree about the right way to live and how to worship you correctly. Costs: 15 DE. Maximum Decrees: 0/4
-[] LOCKED: Decree that families who send one of their beautiful members to attend your shrines for a time will be spared your wrath. Costs: 15 DE
[] Make Demand - You have need of something and you will tell people what you want. Costs: 15 DE. Issues per turn: 4
-[] Demand that the people give you gifts of carved bone as your husband has, you want more pretty figurines!
[] Despise Trait - You do not like how the mortals view you and your powers. Remind them what you truly represent and how you truly are! Costs: (Must reserve no destructive acts associated with the forgotten trait)
-[] Despise <Ocean Affinity - Waves>
[] Build a Shrine - Bully, threaten, persuade, or cajole mortals into building a shrine to your magnificence. Costs: 10 DE. Maximum shrines 1/2.
-[] In your own village

It's a joke plan. The only real problem with it, however is that mischief remains on the accidental despise table (if that's a thing when despising on purpose), and that we're directing fish, blessing for fishing, and guiding ships in person when we lack an Avatar.

I swear he's trying to get us Aspect of the Fish so we remain over our cap. The innovation blessings, on the other hand, may result in +1 innovation, meaning we can drop aspect of humanity in the short term, as we'd have Innovation.


Every plan has Moonshine. I'm hoping for Weird triggers again! But not too many, don't want vehemence exhaustion to trigger again...


I also thought that we were avoiding fishing actions so that we could avoid getting the Aspect of the Fish?

He did say he wouldn't care whether or not the plan in question screwed us over - in fact, he all but stated outright that it would.


Gonna try to work up a plan that mixes the best parts of the other three.
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[X] veekie

I missed the "i wont try not to screw you over" bit <.< >.> and in retrospect, the figurine demand, which is why i originally voted for it, is probably useless...i'm pretty sure @Powerofmind said it would take an almost impossible number of mundane decorations to up our shrine tier...
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I missed the "i wont try not to screw you over" bit <.< >.> and in retrospect, the figurine demand, which is why i originally voted for it, is probably useless...i'm pretty sure @Powerofmind said it would take an almost impossible number of mundane decorations to up our shrine level...

The Figurine demand wouldn't raise our Shrine Attribute; it would - after a turn or two (or six) - have a shot at raising a given shrine's tier, which is equally important for the purposes of getting more/better extensions.
The Figurine demand wouldn't raise our Shrine Attribute; it would - after a turn or two (or six) - have a shot at raising a given shrine's tier, which is equally important for the purposes of getting more/better extensions.
Tier is what i meant; I vaguely remember a discussion about ordering our people to decorate our shrines ending with PoM saying that without special materials or a much more artistic/craft inclined populace it wouldn't do much anytime soon.
Tier is what i meant; I vaguely remember a discussion about ordering our people to decorate our shrines ending with PoM saying that without special materials or a much more artistic/craft inclined populace it wouldn't do much anytime soon.

That statement was in reference to Shrine Attribute, though. :/

Edit: As that's what people were hoping to accomplish with the action in question at the time.

2nd Edit: There is, however, an action specifically directed at improving Shrine Tier now:
[] Improve a Shrine - Invest a great deal of materials and ornaments to make a shrine grander. Costs: 10 DE.
-[] Dedicate <X> materials for progress.

Not sure how it works, though.
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That statement was in reference to Shrine Attribute, though. :/

Edit: As that's what people were hoping to accomplish with the action in question at the time.

2nd Edit: There is, however, an action specifically directed at improving Shrine Tier now:
[] Improve a Shrine - Invest a great deal of materials and ornaments to make a shrine grander. Costs: 10 DE.
-[] Dedicate <X> materials for progress.

Not sure how it works, though.
That just suggests that we need a special material, though? I.E. we could take that action to say "my slaves people! Come, take this magical armor of a long-forgotten people, and this condensed stone formed of your devotion to me, and bling the shit out of decorate the walls of my shrine until they are worthy of one such as I!"
[X] Plan Yahweh Lite

To hell with it, can't support veekie's plan anylonger with his insistence on building a shrine on our holy place despite PoM stating how difficult it would be and how damaging our holy place would be to our shrine