Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Mischief
[X] Sincerity
[X] Spirits
[X] [Role] Social Offense

I realized I don't particularly care about the element attached, I just want these themes as part of it. I think Mischief/Sincerity is a great pair for a social art for Ling Qi, as I think it would match what her natural inclinations are in a way that would make her enjoy socializing more.
Wind and you:

Wind is a fun element that we have a few bonuses towards and a nice history with.

It can also be boosted by my favorite Technique on our sheet: Cheerful Muse's Accompaniment. That is an amazing buff that can be applied to a wide variety of uses for Wind and Music arts.

I don't want to be stuck singing in every trade dispute, so Wind.

Connections and you:

Connections is central to our interpretation of Wind so far, and having an approach in common with our main Social Perception Art can only improve Synergy.

Sincerity and you:

Blah blah we're stuck with the AM insight blah blah.

[X] Wind
[X] Connections
[X] Sincerity

[X] [Role] Social
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[X] Sincerity
[X] Mischief
[X] Spirits

[X][Role] Social

I believe this set of choices keeps the focus on Sincerity, which has been essential to the connections Ling Qi's made with other characters in the past. Mischief has been an essential part of Ling Qi's character since the start, even as she's spent less time entertaining this side of her character as the story has progressed. Ling Qi has grown to have far stronger relationships with spirits than normal as well. Both Mischief and Spirits would be useful in a social art, as has been explained by others.

I am unsure about whether I want Mystery or Secrets in our remaining two keywords. I do not think making Secrets a focus of a defensive art is a good idea for Ling Qi. Even if we could make it work with Sincerity, it may divert focus away from the theme of Sincerity in the arts we receive. Having Secrets in an offensive art, on the other hand, would be well suited for Ling Qi. Ferreting out secrets relates well with Ling Qi's character and past experiences.

The same issue applies to Mystery, except the other way around. Mystery is suited well for a defensive art, as Diomedon has explained. Offensively, however, I am not sure how it would work out. It could involve using the mysterious qualities exemplified by the art to cause one's opponents to reveal more information than they normally would or make decisions they otherwise wouldn't. Arts using the Mystery keyword might cause opponents to lack the information they need to make the correct decisions. Mystery in an offensive art could also be related to the idea of "solving mysteries." Ling Qi has some experience with this in the past. Socially, however, this seems like an inferior version of ferreting out secrets. I don't think it's likely for Ling Qi to run into situations where there are drawn-out mysteries that can be figured out purely socially. My main issue with Mystery is that I'm not sure exactly how it would be used in an offensive social art.

Both Secrets and Mystery are good keywords. There are just issues with both of them in my opinion, so I'm not voting for them for now.
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[X] Expression
[X] Spirits
[X] Wind

[X][Role] Social Offense/Defense

Some people in the discord were talking about how mischief runs counter to the Imperial means of playing the social game, so I want to respond to that: If we play by the standard rules of Imperial society, we lose.
We're the illegitimate child of a prostitute who ran away from her family and grew up on the streets committing crimes. Playing by the standard rules of Imperial society means playing by a set of rules where that matters; where we have agreed to permanently be less than those of better breeding; where we have conceded that ground to the people who grew up in high society.
In the immortal words of Seto Kaiba: "Screw the rules."
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[X] Sincerity
[X] Mystery
[X] Mischief

[X][Role] Social Defense

Offense doesn't need help right now.

That being said @yrsillar ? You can probably squeeze the coveted CDE+ in there somewhere whether the role is right or not, probably off the back of Mystery probably. : )
Just specify social people. Don't try to focus on offense. We can't afford split coverage here.

[X] Honesty
[X] Mischief
[X] Spirits

[X][Role] Social

Mmm, sincerity and mischief feel a bit mismatched here? I would suggest that something like honesty, integrity, or truth might work better?
Look, we all know what we need.

[] Mystery
[] Night
[] Obscurity
Hmm. Seems close, but the phrasing is a bit off.

[] Vengeance
[] The Night
[] Batman

There, that's better.

More seriously, I agree with Mischief and Sincerity as two focuses of a Social Combat Art (which I'm thinking of as more a judo-like combined offense and defense), but I feel like a better third keyword might be Serenity.

Partly because it would make it less likely that we end up with the other side resolving the Social Combat Exalted-style and rolling Join Battle, partly because it would help us retain control of ourselves even as others seek to provoke us, mostly because it builds in a Sailor Moon reference for what would more-or-less be the Tsukino Usagi Style of Social Combat (absent her klutziness).

EDIT: May as well put my money where my mouth is.

[X] Sincerity
[X] Mischief
[X] Serenity

[X][Role] Social Offense/Defense
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All in all, the hunt was pretty fun to read about. It's nice seeing Ling Qi out of her element and trying to adapt.

[X] Connections
[X] Secrets
[X] Spirits

[X] Social
Just specify social people. Don't try to focus on offense. We can't afford split coverage here.
Agreed, editing my own vote. We ain't got time for two social arts.

Mmm, sincerity and mischief feel a bit mismatched here? I would suggest that something like honesty, integrity, or truth might work better?

I see what you're going for, but matching the keyword with our first insight seems wise.

I'm a bit biased though, since I have no attachment whatsoever to Mischief.
[X] Wind
[X] Connections
[X] Sincerity

[X] [Role] Social

I think this set fits together better than the other options.