Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[x] A beautiful and alluring piece (Control, Balanced, Manipulation)
[x] A quiet and melancholic piece (Defensive, Yin, Composure)
[X] A bombastic and overbearing piece (Damaging, Yang, Presence)

Screw it, to do anything else would be like telling Gui to act straight laced and serious or Zhen to be deferential and soft spoken. I think the most important thing is to teach her that she as an individual has inherent worth, however that manifests. Hanyi is not her mom nor is she Ling Qi, and trying to be either is a mistake. While I would like to curb some of her more bratty tendencies, she is still a young spirit. Hopefully they will fade in time like it usually does for teenagers.
She can be a bombastic brat and still grow to understand there are limits though and if she's depressed I say cheering her up by teaching her to remember the good times is better than just being quiet and melancholy IMO.
Yeah, I'd say that this is really more a choice about her overall character direction. Does she want to be more awesome (ice!Xiulan!)? Does she want to be cool and sexy like her mother (might have problems with her kidnapping youmg men when she's older)? Does she want to be strong like big sis?

She can train and iron out problems once we've got a better idea of her overall direction.
Am I missing something? If we are talking about what Hanyi is good at, it's about Control (LWM) and Damage (FPS). Either the beautiful alluring piece or bombastic one are about further specialising in control/damage. The only one that's not about specialising is the quiet melancholic one, as far as I can tell.

Is something obvious passing me by?
[X] A bombastic and overbearing piece (Damaging, Yang, Presence)

Not going to lie, the Idea of a field of frozen corpse with Death metal!Hanyi is pretty convincing.
[X] A beautiful and alluring piece (Control, Balanced, Manipulation)
[X] A quiet and melancholic piece (Defensive, Yin, Composure)

The bombastic piece sounds like it would fit Hanyi like she is but wouldn't change anything for her or let her grow. She's in a funk right now since her mother's death half a year back and this should be her taking a step to move on rather than continue on the same path. These options are to either lean further into who she is right now, define who she wants to be in the future or accept her grief over her mothers death. Only the latter options seem like they fulfill Zeqing's wish and let Hanyi grow beyond her childhood.

I think I prefer the melancholic piece since it would be equivalent to letting her settle down and contemplate rather than brush past the grief. Opposite that Hanyi isn't human and spirits and cultivators do have a incentive to focus and progress more towards what they want to be than seeking a healthy and balanced mentality. Either goes for me but both are better than the bombastic.
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She's in a funk right now since her mother's death half a year back and this should be her taking a step to move on rather than continue on the same path. These options are to either lean further into who she is right now, define who she wants to be in the future or accept her grief over her mothers death. Only the latter options seem like they fulfill Zeqing's wish and let Hanyi grow beyond her childhood.
Based on what?

Affirming yourself and pressing forward, to internalize the you of right now and go all in on that identity is also a way to move on.

Sometimes the loss of a loved one isnt a thing to leave behind, but an impetus to charge ever onward, ever forward into the future.

Rather than a memory, it becomes MOTIVATION
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Killer_Whale on Jul 25, 2019 at 6:06 PM, finished with 94 posts and 38 votes.
[X] A beautiful and alluring piece (Control, Balanced, Manipulation)
[X] A quiet and melancholic piece (Defensive, Yin, Composure)

The bombastic piece sounds like it would fit Hanyi like she is but wouldn't change anything for her or let her grow. She's in a funk right now since her mother's death half a year back and this should be her taking a step to move on rather than continue on the same path. These options are to either lean further into who she is right now, define who she wants to be in the future or accept her grief over her mothers death. Only the latter options seem like they fulfill Zeqing's wish and let Hanyi grow beyond her childhood.

I think I prefer the melancholic piece since it would be equivalent to letting her settle down and contemplate rather than brush past the grief. Opposite that Hanyi isn't human and spirits and cultivators do have a incentive to focus and progress more towards what they want to be than seeking a healthy and balanced mentality. Either goes for me but both are better than the bombastic.
None of these are the "accept her mother's death" option or the "let hanyi grow" option where it doesn't happen if we don't pick the "right" one, she's growing and maturing either way.

Everyone grieves and deals with deaths of loved ones differently too
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[X] A beautiful and alluring piece (Control, Balanced, Manipulation)
[X] A quiet and melancholic piece (Defensive, Yin, Composure)

Narratively this would be because I am wary that Bombastic would basically be the NOTHING IS WRONG HERE WOOHOO choice of denialdenialdenial. Maybe it will be a beautiful bombastic send off for Zeqing, but... that doesn't seem to fit what I believe her character to be, while DENIAL is.

Meta wise, because I am getting really annoyed that no matter what, whenever there is a art choice and there is a damage option the damage option will will. I would be glad to be proven wrong, but this kind of vote choice pisses me off because the vote is already written in stone from the get go, and it's just bad QMing.
Ling Qi peered into the distance at the smoking crater in the ground, the glassy glimmer of the melted dirt and the shattered stone around. Then she shook her head. "Sorry little brother, you still missed."

"Ugh, stupid Zhen," Gui grumbled. The giant tortoise lowered his head and swallowed another massive mouthful of dirt, stones and plant matter from the miniature mountain of 'ammunition' they had prepared.

"Silence, foolish Gui," Zhen hissed as the air around him rippled with heat. "I Zhen, merely need a little more practice!"

Ling Qi watched with a critical eye, flickers of silver marking the use of her arts as she examined the processes of the technique Zhengui was trying to develop. He was not actually very good at taking in earth qi, so for now they were using this crude method, but once he had mastered the more mundane aspects, they would have to work on the internal ones. Perhaps she could ask Xuan Shi? He had much more experience with earth arts.

"You ready with the target Sixiang?" She asked absently, resting her hand on Gui's scaly head as he swallowed the 'fuel'. Dribbling lines of molten glass dripped from the corners of his mouth, it was cute in a way.

"Got ya covered boss," Sixiang said, and in the distance, Ling Qi saw the spinning clay target, a simple unadorned disc, spinning and floating in midair. The wind coiled around the disc, preparing to fling it into the distance. Sixiang was getting better at manipulating the wind, though so far they had not really come up with anything that could be called a technique.

"Alright, fire when ready," Ling Qi said with a grin. Zhen's throat bulged as the missile formed and traveled up toward his mouth gathering fiery qi along the way and the disc flew out, spinning wildly. A moment later, he rose to his full height and spat, and a burning mass of molten earth and ash erupted. The missile was the size roughly a meter across and arced high through the air trailing ash and rippling heat. It arced down a hundred meters distant, and the qi contained within churned. In a flash of fiery light and molten shrapnel it exploded.

"Give the boy a prize!" Sixiang announced cheerfully and Ling Qi grinned as well, the disc was gone, blasted into burnt fragments.
Zhengui is developing artillery!

This has the potential to be a quite potent technique. By taking in some earth qi, Zhengui seems to then make a pretty large missile which can then explode as it reaches the target. This technique seems, to me, to be pushing Zhengui more towards a solid immobile hardpoint. With the possible range from his artillery technique, he can force people to actually engage in a range which more of his techniques are effective.

It's going to be interesting to see how Zhengui improves the technique. There's range increase, missile shell density, firepower in the missile, and of course a better way to draw in earth qi to make the missile. I'm of the opinion that Zhengui can extend roots into the ground to draw in the earth qi into him like a tree.

Either way, it's pretty cool that Zhengui is using other elements outside of his elemental spread to improve and do things that he wants to do. All in all, I'm pretty excited to see this development!
Mmm, melancholy seems like it has really interesting opportunities to build off the issues she's dealing with right now and Zeqing's death - as well as possibly cute moments with Ling Qi.

It continues on quite well perhaps the way that Ling Qi was injecting her influence into things, and making her own spin on FSS's lessons. It works really well for them bonding and getting closer I think.

Alluring, as was said above, works well with the idea of her growing up like Zeqing wanted. People are looking at her brattiness right now and going "looks like bombastic" - but this could also just be seen as an expression of her being a child spirit. Indeed, alluring could be seen as a more mature version of the same troublemaking tendancies. Think Xiulan playing with Shen Hu rather than Xiulan setting people on fire. And she does seem to enjoy luring people to their doom...

[X] A beautiful and alluring piece (Control, Balanced, Manipulation)
[X] A quiet and melancholic piece (Defensive, Yin, Composure)
[X] A beautiful and alluring piece (Control, Balanced, Manipulation)

[X] A quiet and melancholic piece (Defensive, Yin, Composure)
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Narratively this would be because I am wary that Bombastic would basically be the NOTHING IS WRONG HERE WOOHOO choice of denialdenialdenial. Maybe it will be a beautiful bombastic send off for Zeqing, but... that doesn't seem to fit what I believe her character to be, while DENIAL is.
Narratively, the other two might be even more denial as it is Hanyi just continuing to copy Zeqing and LQ and not trying to be her own person. More denial there really.
[X] A beautiful and alluring piece (Control, Balanced, Manipulation)
[X] A quiet and melancholic piece (Defensive, Yin, Composure)
Narratively, the other two might be even more denial as it is Hanyi just continuing to copy Zeqing and LQ and not trying to be her own person. More denial there really.
It not necessarily copying either her mom or big sis. While composing her melody, she can devote some time to quiet contemplation. Meditating on the ways in which she needs to grow can help her mature. A bombastic song is just more of the same.
Meta wise, because I am getting really annoyed that no matter what, whenever there is a art choice and there is a damage option the damage option will will. I would be glad to be proven wrong, but this kind of vote choice pisses me off because the vote is already written in stone from the get go, and it's just bad QMing.
I don't see how other voters having different priorities than you do is bad QMing.
I mean I'd just rather not have a boring "sad" art just because people think Hanyi is "grieving wrong" or that she needs to "change" in order to stop doing stuff like what she did to Yu Nuan instead of......just learning boundaries and stuff?