Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Spend the morning with her Mother and Biyu, and meet with Meizhen after

Because Meizhen's meeting was explicitly noted to be able to come before or after Qi's visit to her mother.
[X] Meet Meizhen first, and see who she wanted to introduce, she would visit mother after
Once you get big enough being an ambush predator is surprisingly effective.
Some really good aids for imagining how big Zhengui is gonna be on the thread, really neat to see. Feels like Zhengui will be comparable to his dad when he wakes up, though papa turtle was no doubt in a smaller form at the time we saw him.


How do you delete someone else's post?
His dad was 15 meters across and tall.

Ling Qi simply sighed and hurried to follow her. Meizhen seemed less tense now, but it still felt like the other girl was being more distant than normal. She kept her thoughts to herself for the moment though, ignoring the slight stinging of the cut on her arm as they resumed searching the cavern. Frustratingly though, they found nothing, despite scouring the cavern from end to end they found nothing but bat dropping and other refuse. No formations, no doors, not even a stray red stone.

Soon they had only one portion of the cave remaining to explore, at the far end it narrowed considerably, the ceiling rapidly sloping down until it was barely fifteen meters high. The path ahead split around a massive outcropping of black stone, blocking sight of whatever lay beyond. Ling Qi glanced from one side to the other, frowning in frustration at the lack of prize. It looked like both sides lead to the same place, but…

"Stop," Bai Meizhen said from beside her, halting herself as she narrowed her eyes at the path ahead. "It seems I was in error. The bats were merely a distraction. Show yourself."

Ling Qi spared only a moment to look at the serious expression on her friend's face before she turned her full attention to the path ahead, clutching her flute tightly, what did she mean? Ling Qi squinted, trying to see what had alerted Meizhen… and then she saw. The great mass of rock in the middle of the cavern was not entirely still, it was almost imperceptible, but it rose and fell slightly as she watched, and it's edges did not line up entirely with the floor.

"The meals will not deliver themselves this year I see." Ling Qi startled as a deep rumbling voice, that reminded her of fires churning deep under the earth sounded in her thoughts, and the entire rock formation, some fifteen meters across shifted, rising upward to scrape the low ceiling. A blunt, reptilian head emerged from the darkness, pushing out of a recess in the stone. Veins of dull red pulsed between black scales, and eyes that were little more than balls of white hot fire stared out from deeply recessed sockets. However, on each of its four trunklike legs, Ling Qi could see gleaming shackles of red hot steel, rooted into the stone below by metal spikes covered from end to end in fiercely glowing formation characters.

So, close but still got growing to do.

In other news I got bored again while on the drive back home from Vegas and decided to do some comparisons between various generic cultivators at different stages to get a sense for how relative power scales.

For reference on the size of the ranks:
F, G, H: 10
D, E: 20
C: 30
B: 40
A: 50
SSS, SS, S: 60
UUU, UU, U: 120

Say we have an Early Red Master Swordsman with E rank Physical Hit vs a Late Red. That's a -20 stage penalty to Master Swordsman.

Master Swordsman gets their Physical Hit penalized to G.

Now let's make that Early Red Master Swordsman fight an Early Yellow. That's a -30 stage penalty to Master Swordsman and a rank down.

Master Swordsman gets their Physical Hit penalized to H. Scraping the bottom of the barrel, because it actually goes below H, which is a common occurrence in this series of comparisons.

Now let's make that Master Swordsman Late Red with E rank vs an Early Yellow. That's a -10 stage penalty and a rank down.

Master Swordsman gets their Physical Hit penalized to G.

What happens when Late Red Master Swordsman with E rank Physical Hit faces an Early Green. That's a -40 stage penalty and two ranks down.

Obviously the Master Swordsman bottoms out at H rank again. The point being they can't hit the Early Green without something miraculous. Like dropping a mountain slide on them or something.

Now let's make the Master Swordsman Early Yellow and C rank physical hit vs the Early Green. That's -30 stage penalty and a rank down.

Master Swordsman gets ranked down to F.

The scale becomes relevant and interesting to us when the Master Swordsman is an Early Green with C29 Physical Hit vs a Green at the last stage, Completion. That is a -70 stage penalty to Master Swordsman.

The Master Swordsman would be pushed all the way down to F rank physical hit. The Completion Green has basically nothing to fear, since it's a similar situation as the Early Green vs an Early Yellow.

This applies to Ling Qi who is an Early Green with generally B Hit(barring dance), especially with qualified bonuses like being in darkness, and gives some context to how fucking powerful we can expect Completion level folks to be, when we don't consider techniques or plans or other factors. In such a case striking from surprise may let an Early Green be a threat, but after that it quickly becomes problematic.
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Nov 27, 2018 at 6:11 PM, finished with 200 posts and 113 votes.
Hey @yrsillar has the balance of physical and spiritual focus in Empire cultivation changed much over it's existence? Balance in the sense of like the Not!Pillar Men having their physical track subsume their spiritual track.
So, a fun thing about green Zhengui is that I don't think that Ji Rong at the tournament would be able to beat him. Just thinking about how much damage Ji Rong could do to a Zhengui who is green, with all that extra armor. Already he has B ranked armor with a tech that heals up that armor, with additional techs to heal any actual damage that is done to him. Those advantages will become even more pronounced when he hits green where I expect his techs will become stronger and his stats will become even better.

Zhengui's volcanic shell should work particularly well against Ji Rong because he is primarily a physical melee fighter. Compounding on Ji Rong's problems would be the Ashfield which causes unavoidable burns. This would be a minor irritant which just keeps adding up on top of the volcanic shell and the fact that Zhengui won't go down. I'm sure that Ji Rong is nimble enough to avoid Zhen's attacks for the most part, but it won't matter all that much if Ji Rong can't land telling blows against Zhengui.

All told, I suspect that a green level Zhengui could have taken out the 5th placed contender from the tournament. Admittedly, it would probably be a really bad match up for Ji Rong as Zhengui should be able to handle the initial assault with aplomb. Still, Only Cui or Dharatri seem to be spirit beasts that could possibly do that. Which places Zhengui in a good place in the spirit beast tier list.

I have a really good feeling that Zhengui will be a monster on any field of battle we engage in currently. His size means that he must be engaged with and not simply used as a springboard to get to us (stupid Ji Rong). And with the known improvements to SCS, our ability to actually hide in Zhengui's shadow means that we can just zip underneath Zhengui when an opponent gets close to hitting us.

Sun Liling will still be a problem for Zhengui given her aggravated damage (which... might not be a thing anymore? She'll probably still do special damage though), but Dharatri might have difficulty getting her sapping roots around the volcanic shell. Either way, it will be fun to see how powerful Zhengui actually becomes and how our opponents react to him on the field of battle.
So, a fun thing about green Zhengui is that I don't think that Ji Rong at the tournament would be able to beat him. Just thinking about how much damage Ji Rong could do to a Zhengui who is green, with all that extra armor. Already he has B ranked armor with a tech that heals up that armor, with additional techs to heal any actual damage that is done to him. Those advantages will become even more pronounced when he hits green where I expect his techs will become stronger and his stats will become even better.

Zhengui's volcanic shell should work particularly well against Ji Rong because he is primarily a physical melee fighter. Compounding on Ji Rong's problems would be the Ashfield which causes unavoidable burns. This would be a minor irritant which just keeps adding up on top of the volcanic shell and the fact that Zhengui won't go down. I'm sure that Ji Rong is nimble enough to avoid Zhen's attacks for the most part, but it won't matter all that much if Ji Rong can't land telling blows against Zhengui.

All told, I suspect that a green level Zhengui could have taken out the 5th placed contender from the tournament. Admittedly, it would probably be a really bad match up for Ji Rong as Zhengui should be able to handle the initial assault with aplomb. Still, Only Cui or Dharatri seem to be spirit beasts that could possibly do that. Which places Zhengui in a good place in the spirit beast tier list.

I have a really good feeling that Zhengui will be a monster on any field of battle we engage in currently. His size means that he must be engaged with and not simply used as a springboard to get to us (stupid Ji Rong). And with the known improvements to SCS, our ability to actually hide in Zhengui's shadow means that we can just zip underneath Zhengui when an opponent gets close to hitting us.

Sun Liling will still be a problem for Zhengui given her aggravated damage (which... might not be a thing anymore? She'll probably still do special damage though), but Dharatri might have difficulty getting her sapping roots around the volcanic shell. Either way, it will be fun to see how powerful Zhengui actually becomes and how our opponents react to him on the field of battle.

We'd have done a lot better against Liling if Zhengui had been green.
Sun Liling will still be a problem for Zhengui given her aggravated damage (which... might not be a thing anymore? She'll probably still do special damage though), but Dharatri might have difficulty getting her sapping roots around the volcanic shell. Either way, it will be fun to see how powerful Zhengui actually becomes and how our opponents react to him on the field of battle.
In a vacuum Dharitri might have been able to take him, but TRU-buffed Green Zhengui would have completely bodied her with the way he wound up no selling almost all her attacks while at Peak Yellow during the tournament.
The vote shouldn't affect that at all though.

The introduction of Meizhen's cousin is clearly an important new plot point - otherwise they have no reason to exist. Narratively our meeting should be the focus of the update regardless.

In that light, our family is here just background fluff. There isn't really any reason to spend update time on it other than an indication that yes Ling Qi is still seeing her family regularly.

(tbh, this vote does feel a lot like a vote for the sake of having a vote)
That's stupid. Biyu is a plot point with her own talents, Ling Qi reconnecting with her own family- because make no mistake it's a tenuous thing still, the comb that Ling Qi inherited, and her dead beat father.

Pretending her family is background fluff and undeserving of screen time is just painfully dismissive. And I'll note people are ignoring Meizhen specifically allowing for the possibility Ling Qi saw to her family first when she brought this up.

[X] Spend the morning with her Mother and Biyu, and meet with Meizhen after
So, a fun thing about green Zhengui is that I don't think that Ji Rong at the tournament would be able to beat him. Just thinking about how much damage Ji Rong could do to a Zhengui who is green, with all that extra armor. Already he has B ranked armor with a tech that heals up that armor, with additional techs to heal any actual damage that is done to him. Those advantages will become even more pronounced when he hits green where I expect his techs will become stronger and his stats will become even better.
Video reference:

Ling Qi seems well set up to blossom in the Inner Sect. Between Zhengui coming into his own, her own art set having a lot of room for optimization, and her ability and willingness to burn green stones on cultivation, I expect her progress in the next six months will be as impressive as her progress over her first six months in the Outer Sect.
*Gets around to reading in detail*
Gui trundled along cheerfully beneath her, while Zhen's warm coils rests comfortably around her shoulders like a heavy scarf. Keeping her balance on his shell was a bit tricky, but she was getting the hang of it.
Given Ling Qi's Dex, tricky may be an understatement.

Beside her, Xuan Shi strolled, the rings on his staff jangling with every step. He had gotten a new one she noted, with rings of carved white jade hanging around decoratively forged head of gleaming bronze. The body of the staff looked to be carved from stone.
Fancy. White Jade and Stone, so an Earth and Mountain talisman?

"Are not sweet words meant to come before the call for aid?" he replied, looking at her over the high collar over his robe.

Ling Qi glanced away feeling a little embarrassed. "I don't mean it that way."

"Do not be mean to Big Sister," Zhen hissed from above her shoulder, turning his burning gaze on her companion.

"This one is aware of the baroness Ling's foibles," Xuan Shi replied dismissively. He seemed more confident and at ease than before, and his speech a touch less impenetrably flowery. "And meant no offense."

"You can just call me Ling Qi, and thank you again for your help," Ling Qi replied. "If you need help with something yourself, please just ask."

"This one will consider the use of thy favor carefully, O herald of the riptide," he replied, amused.

"I will choose to take that as a compliment," Ling Qi replied with faux haughtiness.

"Mmm, I think you need one of those little fluttery fans to pull that off, maybe you could ask Xiulan?" Sixiang mused

Maybe another time, Ling Qi thought sarcastically, giving Zhen a quelling look, as he began to rear up to glare at the young man beside her. If Xuan Shi wanted to banter a bit she wasn't going to stop him.
Love this bit of playful banter.
Xuan Shi got a pep talk of sorts maybe? We've hardly interacted with him, so what troubles him is incomprehensible. For now.

Got lots of guesses though.
"Thy mercy is as boundless as the heavens," he replied, unruffled. "Then, might this one inquire as to the status of thy ladies others hand?"

Ling Qi frowned, adjusting her balance as they started down a hill. "Gan Guangli has his own task, and the rules of the Sect mean that what can be done is limited. "I have left him my furnace for his use, and Lady Cai will fund his cultivation though. Were you friends?" She asked curiously. She hadn't spent much time with either boy.

"The right hand is a man of honor whom this one respects, and perhaps a friendly ear at times," Xuan Shi said, a touch of regret entering his voice.

"The big man was nice," Gui agreed guilelessly, with the earnestness of a child.

"I suppose he was," Ling Qi said, she would just have to hope her fellow retainer was able to tough it out. She was leery of the idea of a duchess chosen replacement for him in Cai Renxiang's circle.
Oh he's Gan's friend.
And yes, Gui, big man was nice. Very nice to watch.

"If it's not rude," she continued carefully. "Might I ask why you grew more distant from us?"

Xuan Shi reached up, tilting his shell patterned hat downward and shadowing his face further. "This one grew busy with his projects, and… realized the foolishness of certain childish impulses. Let it rest at that."

"Well it's not like this guy is blind, he probably saw that it was pointless to pine after that," Sixiang muttered.

Ling Qi frowned, quickly working out what Sixiang was talking about, there was only one person the jovial Sixiang referred to like that. That said… she didn't think Sixiang was messing around again, was it really something like that?
Thats half the answer, he deliberately distanced from Renxiang because he knew it could never be. And then spent all that time into cultivation and crafting.
No wonder his project was so crazy. He went full shut in tinker.

Xiulan could take notes, but the Earth approach would never work for her.
Also hmm @yrsillar I'm curious, is Sixiang's issue with Renxiang and Shenhua that they make art without passion? It occurs to me that a Muse would have Problems with the kind of cold, perfect and dispassionate art they do?

In fact, a spirit of artisanal inspiration might well consider this nigh industrial process literally anathema to them.

"Well, in any case," she continued, after the silence stretched on uncomfortably. "Just how big should I expect my little brother to grow by the time he's done?"

"Gui will be like a mountain!"

"Zhen will be big enough to eat the stupid river eel,"
his twin voices chimed in, to answer her query.

Xuan Shi chuckled, giving the now bickering heads of her spirit beast a sad look. "Perhaps in time," he spoke over their non-verbal squabbling. "For a Xuan Wu reaching the earliest stages of maturity… his shell will be between seven and ten spans of imperial measure from front to back."
Xuan Shi certainly seems to wish he had one. But take note of the bolded.
Green is a Xuan Wu teenager.

Between seven and ten meters, Ling Qi thought her eyes widening. That was… quite big. "Just how big do Xuan Wu grow?" She asked curiously. She had read some things, but she had assumed embellishment on the authors part.

Xuan Shi's eyes twinkled in amusement. "As great as mountains and more. The clans of Xuan live and work upon the backs of of cousins, more than the lonely stones of the true islands of savage seas."

"...Huh," Ling Qi mused, looking down at Zhen, who looked positively smug. She flicked his snout playfully, and he let out a whining hiss of complaint. "You're still a ways from that little brother," she chided.
According to discord Yrsillar, the oldest Xuan Wu are about the size of Taiwan. Big enough to have a couple of small mountain ranges.
Fifty times the size of Singapore.

And second useful fact is that the sea doesn't actually have many islands that aren't Xuan Wu.
Must make navigation complicated(and Zhengui being land based is going to complicate that a bit, its a lot easier for a massive sea creature to move around without people noticing than a land kaijiu)

Just take a moment to consider a creature the size of taiwan walking around on land.
"Gui will grow fast! So Big Sister and Little Sister and Hanyi and everyone else can live with him forever," Gui asserted with childish confidence.

"He will not disappoint," Xuan Shi said quietly, glancing at Zhengui with a look that was difficult to read.

"Fishy man can visit, if he brings treats." Zhen said haughtily.

Fishy man? Where in the world did that name come from Ling Qi wondered, Xuan Shi's aura was nigh solidly a thing of earth and rock. "Be more polite," She scolded. "I am sorry for his behavior Sect Brother Xuan," she said, bowing as politely as she could manage from her perch.
Well...Hanyi could do that. The rest...well, time will tell. or he could assimilate their ghosts into himself to be with them forever
Seems his domain wants to be Home too!

Also Xuan Shi is all Mountain and Earth I see.

Ling Qi looked up at the wide low hill rising before them. The rocky soil was dotted by tall trees with long trunks, and steam rose from cracks in the stony earth. Thick scrub brush grew over the rest, giving it a mix of dull green and brown colors. The faint scent of smoke seemed to cling to the air and the natural qi alike. A glance to her left and right saw small formations totems lining the base of the hill, marked with characters for the containment of fire.

"It smells good!" Gui chirped, startling her as he began to trundle forward faster.
Oh hot springs!
"Do not forget tasty cores for Zhen," the second half of her little brother hissed. "Lazy Gui will chew on trees, but not Zhen!"

Ling Qi laughed as his two heads fell to bickering again. Thankfully her storage ring was full of quality second grade cores and even a few low grade third ones. Yet another boon gained from her liege.
You know, this used to be a significant cost...

The rest of the morning and much of the afternoon was spent on that hill, working together with Xuan Shi to carve and move cuts of qi infused wood to the edges of the ever deepening pit Zhengui was digging for himself. She was rather displeased when her little brothers digging pierced an underground valve, releasing both boiling water and the unchecked scent of sulfur, but she endured it anyway as he splashing around happily in the growing pool of hissing bubbling water at the bottom of his nest.

Xuan Shi showed good humor about the whole thing, for which she was thankful. She wondered just what had happened to affect his demeanor so. Perhaps he had earned enough praise from his family to boost his confidence?

It was not any of her business she supposed.

There was a certain satisfaction in the simple labor of cutting supple strips wood and brush alongside Xuan Shi and weaving them together into blanket like mats. She wasn;t particularly good at it, but with the scholarly boys slow, even voice instructing her, she was able to successfully create patterns and characters which enhanced the natural flow of qi through the whole construction. Building up a stacked logs around Zhengui's burrow like a tower for a truly massive bonfire was much more difficult. Even if she could lift a whole log, moving it around was a whole other matter, it was far too ungainly to manage without Xuan Shi's help. At least the gobbets of mud being kicked up by Zhengui's digging were useful in packing the whole thing.

By the time the sun was fading from the sky, they were both patched with mud, sawdust and bits of plant matter, even if Ling Qi's gown cleaned itself meticulously remaining unmarked despite that. Zhengui rested invisibly at the bottom of his burrow, covered by layer upon layer of woven branches and brush, from which smoke was already beginning to rise. All she could do now was wait for her little brother to finish his breakthrough.
It occurs to me we'd need to build a literal mountain for Zhengui's breakthrough pyre eventually.

The days that followed quickly became routine. Elder Heng's lessons continued, and she learned to her chagrin, that she had been making things harder for herself all of last year as his lessons touched upon the proper way to read the information encoded in Jade Slips. She had stumbled upon it in dribs and drabs during her previous years cultivation, but in the future, she would not have to stumble into the workings of her arts with so much of a blind eye.
Ling Qi: "You mean you can READ Jade Slips?!"
That time of year
That Time of Year
The seething, swirling chaos of the Jizhou market was nearly overwhelming to behold. Packbeasts loaded with tea bullied their way through the throng. Stands exploded with color; fruits, fabrics, and spices overflowing from every possible surface. Food carts competed with each other by releasing the most delicious of smells. Merchants of every stripe desperate to be heard raised their voices into a choir of commerce that overrode anything else.

Xu Hai observed the chaos around him with earned experience. Since his childhood his father had brought him to observe the kaleidoscopic market. The Xu clan bought wood and sold charcoal but "a good merchant is always on the lookout for a good deal" as his father would say. When Xu Hai reached the first stop of his day he saw his eldest child and only daughter, Xu Ai, out of breath. She lit up when she saw him and starting walking rapidly towards him.

"Dad! Dad! I am so glad I caught you so quickly! I was talking to Tang Jian and he asked me if we have any charcoal for their forges! One of the apprentices made a mistake and now they are short on charcoal for an important order! They are willing to pay extra so they can finish! Here is how much they need and will pay! We just need your stamp to start!"

Xu Hai stamped the paper so fast his hand blurred.

"Go! Go! Get your brother and cousin to help move it!"

Xu Ai snatched the paper from his hand like a snake. "You can count on us Dad!" Xu Ai called back as she weaved through the crowd.

Xu Hai smiled as he watched Xu Ai vanish into the swirling crowd. She had just turned 14 and appeared to have taken a liking to Tang Jian. Quite lucky that Tang Jian seemed to like her too. Something to keep in mind for the future. For now though it was teasing material. Xu Hai started to hum a small tune as he strolled back into the seething chaos of the Jizhou market.

The house was filled with noise. The noise of a happy mother making dinner. The noise of happy children playing their games. The noise of happy grandparents relaxing in their spots. The noise of a happy father as he did his final record keeping. Slowly the noises gathered together as dinner was finished and places set. Old stories where happily retold and just as happily listened to. It was three knocks on the door that silenced those noises.

Xu Hai slowly stood from his chair. "That is strange was anyone expecting any visitors?" The whole family's questioning gazes looked around at each other. Three more knocks with same cacadance, the same sound, echoed through the house. Xu Hai moved to the door, "I am very sorry for the wait no one was expecting a visitor." As he opened the door and peered outside his blood ran cold. His heart stopped beating even as he jerkily opened the door and deeply bowed to the man outside. A man with a white jade mask and a plain black and silver robe stepped past him.

Xu Hai struggled to keep his head bowed and stay with the man's unhurried steps. He barely saw his family's face drain of blood as they hastily stood up and greeted their new guest. With an almost lazy gesture the man pointed at Xu Ai. The a deep yet calming voice, a voice that one seemed compelled to listen to, he spoke. "You have the talent to walk the path of immortality."


When the walls of Jizhou disappeared from sight Xu Ai rested her head on her arms and began to sob quietly. It had been a whirlwind night of questions and answers. However she had finally decided to become an immortal. Any family would benefit from an immortal. Her dad had talked about the loans he would get to pay for her time at the sect but instead she had accepted the scholarship. She couldn't bear the thought of him ruining himself for her sake. Once her eight years were up Xu Ai promised to herself she would come back to her family. For now though thoughts of her family fading from sight was her only companion as she fitfully went to sleep.

@yrsillar An Omake for the Omake Throne!
I am fairly unhappy with this one. The last two sections were a real slog to write out. This idea comes from the fact that since this is a new year that means new blood for the sect! A happy family being separated because of fate. I also have a hard time believing that anyone would choose to not become a cultivator even if they really didn't want to. Please enjoy and critique so I can become a better writer!
Last edited:
I also have a hard time believing that anyone would choose to not become a cultivator even if they really didn't want to. Please enjoy and critique so I can become a better writer!
if they have the slightest clue of how much of a cutthroat environment it is, then most people would probably flee from the "opportunity". And lets not forget that it comes attached with quite a few years of active military service too...
I also have a hard time believing that anyone would choose to not become a cultivator even if they really didn't want to.
Theres no lack of rumors of losing your humanity along the way.
As he opened the door and peered outside his blood ran cold. His heart stopped beating even as he jerkily opened the door and deeply bowed to the man outside. A man with a white jade mask and a plain black and silver robe stepped past him.
I'd probably make a bit more of an elaboration on the 'presence' of the masked man to fit. Even a weak cultivator official is going to be unmistakable as an immortal unless they were deliberately slumming
[X] Spend the morning with her Mother and Biyu, and meet with Meizhen after

Ling Qi was late in speaking with Mother the last time. Since Meizhen's request is not urgent Ling Qi's family should be the priority.