Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[x] Shen Hu approached you for once. He has found the abandoned lair of an underworld dragon, but is not confident that he can face the scavengers that fill it unopposed.
[X] Hanyi came to her, complaining about being bullied while playing on the mountain. Something about her claim makes you dubious though...
[X] Hanyi came to her, complaining about being bullied while playing on the mountain. Something about her claim makes you dubious though...
[X] Ruan Shen sought her out, seeking musically inclined help for a particularly troublesome elder's challenge he has discovered.

Hanyi should really be priority. Hopefully it'll involve some character development (and improvement); not that I particularly dislike Hanyi, but she could be more than the brat she is.

Ruan Shen... I just miss the trope of a wise crack followed by a musical strum.

EDIT: trying to fix my vote for tally
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[X] Shen Hu approached you for once. He has found the abandoned lair of an underworld dragon, but is not confident that he can face the scavengers that fill it unopposed.
[X] Hanyi came to her, complaining about being bullied while playing on the mountain. Something about her claim makes you dubious though...

I like Shen Hu, and I like Hanyi. I'm not too sold on Ruan Shen, though? How many social votes do we get to do in a turn?
Alright, now that I'm awake, I'm ready to spend my points now.

Total amount of omake points (currently): 32

  • 8 points (4 attribute xp) => Dexterity
  • 8 points (4 attribute xp) => Manipulation
  • 8 points (4 attribute xp) => Presence
  • 4 points (2 attribute xp) => Resolve
  • 4 points (4 skill xp) => Sable Grace

Heads up, @yrsillar
[X] Hanyi came to her, complaining about being bullied while playing on the mountain. Something about her claim makes you dubious though...
considering both how little information is given, the truce and the elder lessons, it's probably on purpose, the commoners who find allies and seek the information from others(or are just plain absurdly talented) start better than the ones who ignore everyone else and just go to the lessons(or not even), not even attempting to interact with others. all to eliminate those hermits who won't do anything to the empire and those simply too angry at the world to approach others, the lessons were discontinued to those who couldn't keep up after all.
Alright, now that I'm awake, I'm ready to spend my points now.

Total amount of omake points (currently): 32

  • 8 points (4 attribute xp) => Dexterity
  • 8 points (4 attribute xp) => Manipulation
  • 8 points (4 attribute xp) => Presence
  • 4 points (2 attribute xp) => Resolve
  • 4 points (4 skill xp) => Sable Grace
I've got my lonely point from my Apocrypha Omake, any of those that'd benefit from another point?
I've got my lonely point from my Apocrypha Omake, any of those that'd benefit from another point?
hmmm, not from any of the attributes/skills that I wrote down on my post (since for SG, I've just filled up the quota limit on the amount of points to be spent; while for the attributes, it requires to points). Dance and Fortitude are also full

The only skill you can invest in right now is Speech.
I believe we weren't allowed off the mountain until past thunderdome.

Found it - so the initial set of rules given in Smelting 3 wasn't clear, but was stated more explicitly at thunderdome.
Week 12 said:
"GOOD MORNING OUTER DISCIPLES OF THE ARGENT PEAK," the man's obnoxiously cheery voice announced loudly, practically vibrating the air. "TODAY I SHALL EXPLAIN THE CHANGES IN THE RULES FOR NEW DISCIPLES! DO PAY ATTENTION."

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[X] Hanyi came to her, complaining about being bullied while playing on the mountain. Something about her claim makes you dubious though...

Let's do Hanyi character arc. she should get one as well
[X] Hanyi came to her, complaining about being bullied while playing on the mountain. Something about her claim makes you dubious though...

Bros before hos!
The Sect could do with an introduction pamphlet or instruction manual.
I mean in the beginning all they give you is a scroll with a bunch of koans on it, which for common-born individuals is likely very confusing.
Two elements to that:
1) There is no one definitive path to enlightenment. By providing the most minimal practical guidance to new students, the Argent Sect allows prospective disciples to each find their own paths first. This is important for the foundations of the disciples' domains, for the Argent Sect itself emphasizes balance and self identity(dedicated Argent cultivators tend to be quirky because the way the Argent arts balance the elements leads to them amplifying what is already present), and teaching at the early juncture risks impressionable teens picking up their instructor's philosophical identity instead of building on their own.
-This is of course, not actually effective on most noble scions, who have their clan instructions on how to cultivate, but even so, we see Meizhen picking up atypical philosophy to her family in this environment.

2) Shenhua pressured them to be extra hands off for the past few years and a bunch of the Elders don't actually LIKE teaching, especially for teaching complete newbies, most of which will never even make it to the Inner Sect.
Interesting cultivation timeline for Ling Qi in that omake. Viscounts are Indigo, which would mean Ling Qi completing the remainder of Green and all of Cyan, plus breaking through, in the next 11 or 12 years or so. Not even Cai Shenhua was so talented at that age~.

She finished the remainder of Indigo, and all of Violet, Prism, and broke through in around a decade, but she didn't do that with Cyan. I think it's obvious which feat is the more impressive.
So, mmh. I was saying earlier that LFWT1 was a slight downgrade to SCS8. While it might be true in an absolutist sense, it's definitely not true for Ling Qi. Upon looking and thinking more about the potential applications of LFWT, it just synergise so much better with Ling Qi's build that it ends up a lot better.

First reason is the interaction with boosters.

While JT worked with SCS, there was very little that we'd actually want to use JT on. GCD + JT would probably have been really good, though it is in that awkward place where we often want GCD up before JT being available for use (though less so with PLR6). OwS doesn't work with JT well, and SCS the tech probably can't work with it, considering it is a 'shit is fucked' panic button. No time for a JT set up there. However, Zephyr's Mocking Escape and Breeze in the Vault both have much more significant interactions with JT. ZME's anti-root/grapple is ranked based, which means that not only would it make the avoid/speed/dr stronger, but Ling Qi would be nigh immune to juggling with ZME (though arguably TRU already does that for her). BV is a "Hahah you can't use C rank perception techs" by default, so using JT on it would be a superlative advantage in a stealth conflict.

Likewise, there was an argument that Sixiang could boost SCS even though her tech says 'music or wind' and doesn't mention Dance, but this was in a 'it would be nice if' state. Sixiang can boost LFWT, which means ZME/BV can be made longer (persistent ZME is a fairly big deal for sustainable movement), and SCS the tech can be made more effective.

The second reason is build synergy.

We have talked a lot on our perception filters. FVM and PLR are both heavy on those, and while FVM might be touching the end of its lifespan (hoping to get a successor within the thread still though), PLR will be combat ready until after the tournament at least. Both Illustrious Phantasmal Festival and Ephemeral Dreamlit Dancer need the opponents to win a perception check to even be able to target us. While it can be argued that our stealth doesn't matter because only the tech's own perception mirage does, I think our stealth does matter, so BV's general "Greatly increases most stealth derivatives while active " should have a significant effect there to boost IPF/EDD effectiveness some more (as well as FVM filter) . Not only that, even if stealth doesn't matter at all... BV still flat out counters any tech to detect, impede or record Ling Qi. This means that regardless of BV's boost to our stealth, opponents will have a very strongly penalised perception rank when making that check, as their tech wouldn't be of use to make it.

The third reason is that BV is just so much better than OwS.

Basically, BV is a real 'fuck you this is what a stealth movement technique can do' pompous arse. OwS could do very little for us. Some damage reduction on a single hit, some significant bonus to stealth, a very niche backstab, and a ill-explained shadowport that apparently followed our own speed (so basically didn't increase mobility once you had GCD up). The main thing OwS did was be cheapish (C rank) and be persistent, meaning it was a long distance ability that you could put up to enhance mobility and stealth for a whole mission from the start. While more expensive, Sixiang can turn ZME from long duration to persistent though, and ZME (or GCD) are flat out better for mobility. BV's stealth is just so much better than OwS it can't be compared, really, so it's a question of Superlative Stealth vs duration + small DR + backstab. I'd take the superlative stealth, thank you, especially with how Sixiang's boosters work.
[X] Shen Hu approached you for once. He has found the abandoned lair of an underworld dragon, but is not confident that he can face the scavengers that fill it unopposed.

[X] Ruan Shen sought her out, seeking musically inclined help for a particularly troublesome elder's challenge he has discovered.
[X] Shen Hu approached you for once. He has found the abandoned lair of an underworld dragon, but is not confident that he can face the scavengers that fill it unopposed.
[X] Hanyi came to her, complaining about being bullied while playing on the mountain. Something about her claim makes you dubious though...
[X] Shen Hu approached you for once. He has found the abandoned lair of an underworld dragon, but is not confident that he can face the scavengers that fill it unopposed.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Vanguard_D on Jul 24, 2019 at 10:48 AM, finished with 264 posts and 134 votes.
[x] Shen Hu approached you for once. He has found the abandoned lair of an underworld dragon, but is not confident that he can face the scavengers that fill it unopposed.