Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Ling Qi began to wish that she had never begun to think about things like this.

"It always would have come up at some point," Sixiang pointed out, idly kicking their feet in the shimmering dream water.
Being knee deep in denial would probably not be allowed anymore.
Ling Qi sighed, looking out over the shore where they sat. It was still a little strange to be so literally enmeshed in her own mind, but it could be relaxing. "It's just, if Meizhen is right…" What did it say about her that she had never really thought of spirit beasts in the same way she thought of people. What did it mean for Zhengui? She called him little brother, but was he really only a pet to her?

"I think your taking the recrimination too far there," Sixiang said idly, their wispy rainbow hair drifted in an unfelt breeze as they stopped kicking their feet and turned to look at Zhengui. "People think and dream contradictory things all the time, you know? You definitely think of the big doof like family."
What Sixiang is carefully not saying here is that Zhengui isn't treated like a brother.
More like a son.

Ling Qi dipped her head in acknowledgement. She supposed that was what it came down too, a person was different than people. Yet, it still bothered her now that she thought about it. Now that she had been forced to acknowledge it. Did every spirit beast, count? Every simple animal? Every bit of quasi active elemental qi? Were barbarians supposed to be people too? If so, what did that mean for her current conundrum?
Spirit Beast > Animal > Motes of raw qi > Barbarians.

Savage, girl.
The simple fact was, the deaths she had inflicted on the bandits, and the renegade Bai had felt different than hunting beasts. It was different from attacking that barbarian shaman so long ago. She had even imagined killing before, thought darkly of what she would do to some of the people who had hurt her in the streets, or more recently, the ones who had abused their power over her mother. The reality had differed, had churned her stomach but, if she asked herself if she could still take satisfaction from those fantasies.The answer varied, for most, the idea seemed horrible now, but…

There were still a few that she could picture suffering those same fates, and feel nothing but satisfaction for. She had rejected the permanent torment that her mentor inflicted, but there were those who deserved to End. Ones who, even now, she would freeze the life from with hardly a moment's hesitation, if things were arranged such that there would be no further consequences. The Mirror that she had cultivated in her thoughts, and accepted into her spirit did not allow her to lie to herself in that. Was she a bad person then?
You know, Ling Qi really draws a lot of her values from Meizhen. Zhengui is family like Cui is family.

And some people just need to die. As long as she can get away with it.
"You're probably right," Ling Qi said with a sigh. "But I don't know if I should be the one judging that."

"Only you can judge yourself," Sixiang replied. "Don't you remember what auntie said? There's no fate or higher plans. The world is just countless dreams bouncing off one another and shaping the future. Right and wrong is down to you, and the people whose judgment you care about."

"That somehow doesn't feel as comforting anymore," Ling Qi replied dryly. She stood, brushing off her gown out of habit, despite the fact that not a single grain stuck. "...If I have to be the one who judges. I think I'd like some advice," she added quietly as her form shimmered and she vanished back into the waking world.
Well, a good judge should be competent and well informed. Its a good start.

Incidentally, I wonder if we can teach Zhengui to cultivate in his sleep...Sixiang should have a trick or two to enter his dreams.
Finding the person in question did not prove too difficult, thankfully. Liao Zhu, her some time instructor and Senior Brother was currently logged at the central sect office as using one of the advanced training grounds available to disciples of the highest ranks, as she was technically his student for the duration of the military drills, she was able to acquire this information just by asking. There was definitely some use to learning the little details of how the Sect was run.
Bureaucracy Proced.
The training ground lay deeper in the mountainous Sect lands, a high snowy plateau ringed with formation warding arrays, both to repel spirits and keep the effects going off inside from damaging the surrounding environment. Upon arriving, Ling Qi had begun to search for a comfortable place to wait for him to emerge but… she had noticed that the entry array was in its unlocked state. If he did not want to be interrupted, surely he would have locked the arrays behind him.

She could admit to being a little curious too, as to what an advanced training ground entailed. So with only slight hesitation, Ling Qi stepped through. Immediately she found her senses under assault by sounds of combat, and the clash of metal on metal. She had walked into a battlefield. The ground was littered with gleaming black knives and the sky was full of phantoms. They were armored figures, weilding a variety of weapons, some mounted upon beasts while others strode through the air on boots trailing cloud. Even as she watched, more of the armored warriors were disgorged by a trio of complex arrays laid out around the training field.
Oh hey guys, remember this sim from the city evacuation Trial? Apparently they're rentable at the upper ranks.
Good field training.
They paid her no mind though, soaring up toward the center of the commotion. There, in the center of the churning chaos of phantasmal bodies, she spotted Liao Zhu. Well one of the figures she spotted was surely him anyway. Black knives fell like rain and when they pierced a phantom, through the head or heart, the constructs shattered into motes of light. Liao Zhu moved amongst them in a barely perceptible blur. There seemed to be at least a half dozen of him at any one time, mirror images that blurred and split and merged with no seeming rhyme or reason. Their every movement trailed blurring afterimages. Here a bracer clad arm seemed to split blocking three different blows from different angles and whipping out to fling another knife directly into the forehead of phantom at the same time. There one leapt upward bouncing off the head of a phantom and split into four, leaping in separate directions trailing afterimages of their own.

It was supremely confusing to try and follow, and Ling Qi could not begin to guess which one was the real one, even as her eyes instinctively flooded with moon qi. There was something else here too, something that leapt from the shadow of one construct to another faster than she could see. However, she only had a bare few moments to observe before she felt the fluctuation in the masterful weave of moonlight and darkness qi that lay over the training field, and met the Senior Disciple's eyes from across the battlefield.
That is a very nice trick. Lunar Clones? They look solid, so its a multipresence rather than illusion technique.
Immediately, he made a sign with one hand, and the phantoms flooding the training field vanished in a rain of twinkling starlight. He fell to earth and landed in a crouch, all but one of his mirrored copies fading. They stood with eerie synchronicity and turned to face one another and bowed. A moment later, the one on the left rippled like the surface of a lake disturbed by a stone, and Ling Qi glimpsed a tall and androgynous figure dressed in robes of glimmering silver. Where it's face and head should have been was only a cloud of shimmering mist, and when she squinted at it, trying to see through to the face beneath, she only found herself staring back into her own eyes.
His spirit! A Reflecting Moon fairy is a Doppleganger!
"Coming to peek at your Senior Brother without invitation Junior Sister Ling? While I am indeed a peerless spectacle, I had not thought you the type," He said, voice loud and bold as he turned to face her.
Oh no, hes joining the teasing party! D:
"My apologies Senior Brother Liao," Ling Qi replied with a bow. "But you did leave the 'door' open. I cannot imagine that you would do so mistakenly."

"True enough," the masked young man replied. He glanced at the weaponry littering the ground and gave the knife in his right hand an elegant spin. The blades strewn across the earth dissolved, flowing back into the one in his hand like ribbons of mist. "You were not the visitor I had expected," he said, sounding more somber than usual.

Ling Qi frowned, feeling a little awkward. "I am sorry, did you wish for me to come back later?"

"No, no do not worry your head over your Senior Brother's disputes," he said, waving a hand now empty of weaponry dismissively as he strolled closer.
Bait for a nosy rival?
"What is it that ails you junior sister? Nerves regarding the live exercises? Troubled cultivation? Advice about wooing a suitor or damaging a rival? Your humble Senior Brother can aid you in finding answers for all of that and more."

Ling Qi frowned at the barrage of offers, and the question of who he had been waiting for faded from her thoughts. She frowned as she considered how to word her request. "...Have you heard the rumors regarding Lady Cai and myself?"

"Which ones?" Liao Zhu asked, looking at her with amusement, as he tugged at his mask, straightening the snarling fangs. "That you are her secret shadow, crafted by her mother in and left to grow among the mortals as an experiment? Perhaps the one in which you are secret lovers in the vein of the Duchess' own escapades? Ah, or mayhaps you refer to the rumor wherein 'you' are merely the gown you wear, puppeting a hapless commoner who surely couldn't have risen to such heights on their own."

Ling Qi gaped at him and in her head, Sixiang snorted.

"Told you wearing the same dress all the time was a bad idea," her muse laughed, voice carried on the wind., the rumor mill is having fun.

-Secret Shadow: Renxiang is tiny and pale/Ling Qi is tall and dark.
-Secret Lovers: Ling Qi DOES look very much like Shenhua's own lover.
-Secret Gown: Its theoretically possible for a powerful spirit to disguise as a weak cultivator, and it is not impossible for Shenhua to be capable of tailoring such a spirit. It wouldn't grow exactly, but it can just reveal new abilities it always had when needed.
Ling Qi grimaced. "Hush you," she grumbled, glancing out of habit at the empty air where Sixiang's words emanated from. "No," she ground out. "I mean the things regarding our recent absence."

Liao Zhu regarded her silently, his bombastic amusement fading away in a moment. "A serious matter then. Let this Senior Brother apologize for his jape then," he replied sketching a bow. "I am afraid that I have been too busy to immerse myself in the sect rumor mill recently."
Hmm...sounds like he read that Ling Qi is in a downer mood and set out to raise her spirits. But didn't pick up why she was in a downer and was thus irreverent.
"I-How do you deal with it?" Ling Qi asked. "I mean I suppose you mostly deal with barbarians, but…"

"Not so, my hands are crimson with imperial blood as well," Liao Zhu interrupted. "Bandits, deserters, even those who defect, seeking to join our foes. I have played judge and executioner for them all, and…"

"And?" Ling Qi asked cautiously.

"And the look of life and spirit fading is much the same, imperial or barbarian," he finished grimly.
All are equal in death in the end.

"I have told you before what I seek. To find ways to prevent people from falling into the extremes of vice and crime, and when that fails… Precise and exact justice, cutting with the precision of a surgeon's blade, removing only the most diseased of tissue in the name of bringing health to the body of the empire," he continued. "Too that end, I have ended lives. To that end, I must never cease questioning the rightness of my actions. If solace and acceptance is what you seek, I cannot help."

"No easy answers huh," Sixiang murmured, and Ling Qi felt the phantom touch of a hand on her shoulder.

"I guess it was a little silly for me to expect there to be one. I even had a bunch of great spirits telling me that things were complicated," Ling Qi said wryly. "I'm sorry for wasting your time Senior Brother."

"It is not wasted. I remain a font of powerful advice," The older disciple replied, some of his humor returning. "Junior Sister, you will face such choices again and again in this cruel world of ours. Do not allow yourself to become convinced that lives are without weight. That is the path of the tyrant and the butcher. Neither should you be excessive in your mercy however. Weigh the lives that fall into your hands, and consider the value of each one, the good and the harm that it might do if left unsevered. When you have, then you can make your choice in good conscience."
Anyone who can kill without consideration is probably not a good person to choose to do it with.

For Ling Qi she's probably going to go at this in the reverse direction. She's TOO good at unpersoning enemies for her own comfort.

Ling Qi looked down. She remembered the village's broken walls and ruined fields. She remembered her glimpse of still smoldering buildings and bloodstained streets. She considered the things that she was only just becoming aware of. The potential for violence and instability that the raid had created, spreading far beyond any one village. She tried to weigh it against dead faces in the mud and a cracked tangle of frozen limbs.

"...I don't think I like this," Ling Qi said quietly, not looking up.

"If you did, I would be deeply concerned, Junior Sister," he replied wryly. For a moment, he looked as if he was going to tussle her hair like a fond older brother, but he seemed to think better of it and turned away. "Regardless. You should seek to settle yourself, you have only a few days until the exercises."

Ling Qi straightened up and nodded. She would just have to keep walking her path, doubts and all.
Some prefer to banish all doubt.
That way leads to walking blind.

Also its subtle, but he noticed her discomfort with contact and thus refrained from headpats I think?

You have a short amount of time to cultivate before you depart into barbarian territory. In that time you will cultivate…

[] Sable Crescent Step
Passive Effects

+25 bonus to Speed
+10 bonus to initiative
+10 bonus to Stealth
Speed Bonus increases by 10 in Low Light or Darkness
Stealth bonus increases by 10 in darkness
+15 bonus to Hit and Penetration if making the opening attack of a combat
+10 bonus to Hit against Unaware or Unready targets
+10 bonus to Avoid in environments which allow for stealth

Grinning Crescent Dancer: B rank
Duration: Long
Calling upon the favor of the Grinning Moon, and using their skill at manipulating dark qi, the user's becomes an indistinct phantom, a flicker of shadow dancing between lights. Greatly enhances the dancers ability to avoid attacks and stay ahead of foes. The deeper the darkness grows the quicker their reactions and movement become. In darkness the dancers immaterial form may ignore the some of the impact of even those attacks which strike its flitting form. No mundane obstacle may block the movement of the Dancer, so long as they can perceive their destination, and entrapping them through wholly physical means becomes impossible.

One with Shadow: C rank
Duration: Persistent
The user merges with the shadows and dark, dematerializing entirely. In this form they may slip from shadow to shadow, without crossing the space between so long as the destination shadow is at least moderately sized. In this form the users presence is muted, even to spiritual senses. If the user slips successfully into the shadow of an opponent, their connection grants their first attack against that enemy a great potency, ignoring the effects of any damage reduction the target may have. However, an attack on the shadow the user inhabits can harm the user, and damage will break this technique.

Sable Crescent Step: B rank
A master of this art may bring its lessons together in a single movement, an impeccable step of matchless grace. The cunning master may find several uses for this movement. A single attack of equal or lower may be avoided, no matter how unerring the aim, as the user simply ceases to exist in the material world for a moment, rematerializing with Far range of their current position. If more offensively inclined, the user may instead make a single physical attack utterly bypassing up to C rank physical armor and damage reduction, and rematerialize within Close range of their target. Targets with higher damage or armor reduction instead have it reduced by two ranks for the purposes of determining damage.

Hefty Speed boost, modest Stealth boost, modest evasion boost and a Perfect Dodge which ALSO sets up for a fatal touch.
Extremely valuable for combat.

[] Curious Diviner's Eye
Potency: Green 2
Max Level: 5
Current Meridians:Head x3, Lung x2
Keywords: Academics, Intelligence, Perceptiveness, Projection, Moon, Secrets, Water, Yin

The arts of the great diviner have spread far and wide with time, their secrets no longer held in trust. This art has been said to be a descendant of the impeccable arts of the great horned sages. Perhaps as a starting point for more inquisitive youths. The curiosity and seeking nature of the new moon is clear in its influence here.

+15 to Combat Perception
+5 to Social Perception
+10 to Spiritual Avoid
+10 to Formations when deciphering arrays
+10 to Academics when researching new information

Inquisitive Study: D
Duration: Persistent
The user's eyes gleam briefly with a silver sheen as they study the object of their curiosity. The users perception increases greatly for up too two tests in a single scene, allowing them to discern many details that they might otherwise miss.

Seeking Moon's Eyes: C
Duration: Persistent
Conjures three reflective silver wisps the size of a coin. Expressions of the Diviner's curiosity, these wisps seek their parents interest eagerly. The wisps ignore wholly physical obstacles but cannot travel further than Close distance from their creator. The creator may see from the wisp's position as if they stood there themselves, though only in one direction at a time. This greatly increases their combat perception in the areas within which this sight overlaps.

Health: G
Speed: C20, Initiative: D
Avoid: C10, Armor H

Watchful Moon Analysis: C
Duration: Immediate
Used in tandem with an damaging art, allows the users thoughts to far outspeed their limbs, greatly slowing their perception of the world, and allowing the user to pick out minute details that might otherwise be missed in the flows of an enemy or obstacles qi, and adjust the course of their blow. Through this the user ignores the effects of a single defensive technique of C rank or lower, or if none are active, penalizes the targets armor or avoid at the users discretion.

Initiate's Viewing Pool: C
Requiring a surface of calm water at least two handspans wide, the user concentrates on a familiar person or place within five kilometers of their current position. The user is able to view the person or location in clear detail with both sight and hearing with perception equivalent to their own at a one rank reduction. This viewing may be opposed by arts or talismans of various types, in which case the users combat perception is used to determine success.
Wisps are a bit faster, better precision strike and long distance scrying. Extremely valuable for scouting.

[] Thousand Ring Fortress
+10 bonus to Physical Armor of the user and all allies within Close range
+10 bonus to stamina and resolve of the user and allies within Close range
+10 bonus to Physical Armor vs poison and disease effects
H rank damage reduction vs poison or disease-permanent

Deepwood Vitality: C
Duration: Immediate
The user channels their qi into the earth, spreading like a great tangle of roots to link with up to twenty allies. The vital qi armors each fortifies each cultivator affected against a single attack, shattering if it is great enough but leaving the person beneath unharmed. The fortifying qi also attempts to dispel the lowest ranked debuff affecting the targets. Each ally beyond the first increases the cost of the technique by 3.

Ten Ring Defense: D
Duration: Persistent
This user fills themselves with the vital qi of the great forests to protect themselves and their allies from harm. Glowing verdant qi enshrouds their form, bright as the leaves of the Emerald Seas canopy. The shroud drinks in the qi of the battlefield and The shroud drinks in the qi granting G rank qi regen for each enemy(stacks to a maximum of C Rank), just as the leaves of spring and summer are restored from winters clutches. So long as battle is joined, this technique will never fade unless forcibly dispelled

Hundred Ring Armament: C
Duration: Long
Diffusing heavy wood qi through flesh and muscle the user armors themselves and their allies with the iron bark of primeval forests. Granting the user the resilience of a centennial tree, they may shrug off lesser attacks from bladed or piercing weapons, and endure even powerful ones. This effect may be extended to as many as ten allies, increasing the cost by 5 for each one.

Thousand Rings Unbreaking: B
Duration: Long
The eldest trees of the Emerald Seas are mighty things, ancient and nigh invulnerable, akin to living mountains. By calling upon the image of their power, the user gains some measure of their primeval resilience,ignoring minor wounds entirely, and lessening the effect of greater ones. Under this affect, the user becomes utterly immovable to enemy action, and cannot be grappled, unless the enemy's cultivation exceeds theirs by two levels or one realm. This effect may be extended to up to ten allies. So long as this effect is active, the user cannot be incapacitated, any blow that would reduce their health to that point instead reduces it to the lowest rank possible. On activation of this aspect, Thousand Rings Unbreaking is automatically dispelled. This effect may only activate once per scene.
Modest boost to team stamina and resolve, modest resistance against personal poison and disease.
Qi regen becomes persistent, can shield larger squads.
Single use fatal blow avoidance.

[X] Curious Diviner's Eye

Think this plays better into the scouting mission.
The other two are better when it comes to combat, but we're pretty good at combat.
We don't have any equivalent for information gathering.
A couple of notes/reminders:
  • Sable Crescent Step is B rank. It's nice to have as a panic button, but not something we can use heavily with our current qi. Deepwood has been doing fine as a perfect anyway.
  • Additionally, its armor bypass is actually kinda shit for us becuase it uses a physical attack. We can't use it to buff an HC sneak attack or something. Watchful Moon Analysis is probably actually our best option in this regard.
  • CDE: We can only scry familiar people or places. Not that useful for our first outing here.
CDE: We can only scry familiar people or places. Not that useful for our first outing here.
The big gain on CDE is the increase in duration for Seeking Moon's Eyes. Long -> Persistent is the difference between being able to turn it on when we know an enemy's there to scan for them and just being able to leave it on for the entire duration of the mission.
The big gain on CDE is the increase in duration for Seeking Moon's Eyes. Long -> Persistent is the difference between being able to turn it on when we know an enemy's there to scan for them and just being able to leave it on for the entire duration of the mission.
I agree. That and WMA (our best sneak attack buff to stack on OwS) going up to C rank are the reasons to go for CDE.
There are some decent advantages to finishing CDE now. The main issue if we choose CDE, however, is that we'll have to decide whether to slot it into our domain without seeing the insights from SCS and TRF. I personally think it's almost certain we'll choose to slot SCS, simply because of how important the art is narratively, but there's a good chance we'll only want to slot one of CDE and TRF. If we choose to train SCS now, we'll likely be able to see the possible insights from both CDE and TRF before choosing whether to slot them. We won't be able to do so if we choose either CDE or TRF now.

EDIT: According to yrsillar's post later in this thread, the domain insight votes are probably all going to be done at once either before or after we finish training the arts, so this post doesn't hold true anymore.
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Given the gown puppeting LQ thing, I think it was asked before but does the gown has a spirit and can LQ talk to it?

Ling Qi: Hello?
Gown-chan: Ahhhhh wash me already!
The gown devours the stains actually. It probably enjoys being bathed in the blood of enemies
CDE: We can only scry familiar people or places. Not that useful for our first outing here.

I'd note barbarians move around. A good strategy with CDE is to visit every water source in the scouted area, which will allow her to zoom in and listen when they actually visit the spot.
Hmmm... Actually. @yrsillar, given that we basically know we're going to have CDE, SCS, and TRF mastered this month, could it be beneficial to have the domain slotting vote in advance to allow you to better integrate the insights into the narrative? The training nission for example seems like the kind of thing that would have good opportunities for that...
I have been tempted away from the path please forgive me!
In all seriousness the boost to the eyes seems really good for scouting.

[X] Curious Diviner's Eye
Good arguments are good and sensible.

[X] Curious Diviner's Eye
A couple of notes/reminders:
  • Sable Crescent Step is B rank. It's nice to have as a panic button, but not something we can use heavily with our current qi. Deepwood has been doing fine as a perfect anyway.
  • Additionally, its armor bypass is actually kinda shit for us becuase it uses a physical attack. We can't use it to buff an HC sneak attack or something. Watchful Moon Analysis is probably actually our best option in this regard.
  • CDE: We can only scry familiar people or places. Not that useful for our first outing here.
Hmm, something I had not considered. As such:

[X] Curious Diviner's Eye