Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
It's really nice to see that Ling Qi is back into fighting shape.

The Sins that Crawl
It has been ages since you have thought on Zhengui's progenitors. The chained volcano tortoise, imprisoned to serve as a source of power for the Argent Peak Sect's formations, the ever regenerating corpse whose shattered core that tortoise transmuted into Zhengui's egg. You have seen the reptilian leviathan whole though in your early foray into Dreaming. Where she crawled and burrowed through the piled ruin and dust of ages. So to Elder Ying spoke to you of shame she was bound not to speak of, but which you were free to seek out. You have grown skilled in the arts of dreaming, and there are conversations to be had, conversations Zhengui deserves as well, and meditations on preservation and defense, where stability stands amid ceaseless change. Completes and transmutes Starless Shroud into a new personal art, advances Zhengui's growth. Locks in dreamwalking storyarc. +1 XP to Community, Choice, Persistence, and Protection.
This is going to be really cool for a number of reasons, first is that it's interacting with Zhengui's bio parent which is an extremely powerful and badass creature that I'd love to see more of, and it's also a dreamwalking arc which is always really cool. Advancing Zhengui's growth is always nice and it's fitting to do so after we just finished up helping Hanyi's growth. Also the completion of Starless Shroud and making it into a personal Art will be really cool. And the various concept XP is stuff I'd like more of.

Monthly Cultivation advancement

110 Base x Talent(6)x1.5(Completed other requirements)=990 Spiritual and Physical XP
Damn that's a really large XP gain look like getting all the insights and drugs is really helping.

We're not going to get quite there, but I really want that Choice IV...
I agree it's a really interesting concept and having it be a core part of Ling Qi's philosophy and way is something I'd like.

She went that hard with a handicap, imagine her by the end of the year when she's fully back into her power? I'm excited.
Ling Qi has grown a lot over the last while and from both her experience at the Summit and her recovery so seeing her show her progress will be really awesome.

[X] The Sins that Crawl
"Ape, what reason did you really have for coming here? I have been chained in this pit for fifty years, since the day that bastard betrayed and slew my master and the others, I've seen plenty of you empire apes pass me by. You're not that serpent child's lacky."

Ling Qi blinked, surprised at the things questioning. She crossed her arms, frowning at it. "You heard me. She's my friend, I'm repaying her earlier kindness," she hunched her shoulders at the pressure of the things attention, it's clear dissatisfaction with her response forcing her next words past her lips. "...I'm not lying. I came here for her. I'm glad I benefited as well, but I want to be a little less selfish," she finished, hunching her shoulders and lowering her eyes. "What's wrong with that?"

"Hmph, naive. The empire will crush that if it doesn't crush you," the tortoise scoffed. "You'll die forgotten with that kind of attitude."

"Everyone dies, and I'm not sure if I care about being forgotten," Ling Qi responded quietly. "I'd rather not do it for a long time… but I won't let fear chain me down anymore either." She knew what it was like to be on the edge of death, even if she tried not to think about it. She had spent half of her admittedly short life making decisions solely based on survival. She didn't want to do that anymore.

"Fool," the tortoise responded dismissively. "Ape, show me the fragments of Kohatu's core," it demanded, startling her. She didn't recognize the word it had impressed on her mind, but it had the feel of a name.

"Who?" She asked carefully, not wanting to admit anything, despite having a feeling that she knew what the beast was speaking of. "Please send me back now."

The tortoise let out an irritated noise, blasting her with uncomfortably hot steam. "Ape, do not try my patience. You know what I speak of. Show them to me!" Ling Qi shuddered under the weight of its ire, even as she shackles around its legs flared with icy light, sending frost crawling over its scales.

She pulled the core fragments from her ring hastily. Not wishing to try her luck. It hurt to think of losing some of her gains, but her life was more valuable. "H-here!" she said quickly, holding out the faintly pulsing lumps of organic crystal.

The crushing weight on her shoulders lessened and the tortoise eyed her with irritation. "Impudent child," it grumbled. "This is as much for my benefit as yours," it growled, fiery gaze turning to the fragments in her hand. It's eyes dimmed for a moment, the light from between its scales almost fading entirely. The creature pushed its head further out of its shell, closing the distance even as Ling Qi found herself unable to move, legs locked in place. She distantly heard a sound like stone shattering, and saw the ice beginning to crawl up over the tortoise's shell, even as cracks appeared in its frozen legs, seeping sluggish black blood.

She felt the unfathomable heat of its breath on her face for a moment before the point of its beak touched the fragments in her hands and a bright flash burned away her sight.

Lost Beast Core Fragments

When her vision returned, watery and full of spots, she saw the tortoise settling back into its pit, the frost on its body slowly retreating, and in her hands lay a stretched oval shape. It's surface felt like tough old leather, and was pitch black like a lump of obsidian shot through with veins of dark green, it was the size of both of her fists held together. She looked back up from the egg to the now wounded spirit beast in question, still blinking the spots from her vision.

"Something of us will leave this damned place," the tortoise rumbled tiredly. "Begone child."

Ling Qi had no further time to respond before characters flared brightly into existence around her, and the cave vanished.

Mystery Egg Acquired

Rereading the part in Forge where Ling Qi meets Papa Turtle is a fun blast from the past. I hope when we visit we get some more context on why he decided to gift us Zhengui in the first place. He said he would benefit in some way so that's got me curious.

"That the dance of limbs and blades are not to our interest," his brother finished. Ling Qi found herself stiffening then as his gaze fell on her, the sight of a storm tossed sea, frothing and violent flashed before her eyes. "This one is most curious where thine daughters hand found a Brother in these southern climes."

"It is a matter the Sect would prefer not be aired openly," Cai Shenhua replied smoothly, saving her the need to try and explain.

"We shall have to share words with the venerable Yuan Shen, in that case," the second brother said, turning his gaze to Ling Qi as well. "This one shall hope he needs not inform the young lady of the honor she bears."

Ling Qi bowed more deeply. "Zhengui is precious to me. I have raised him from his egg with diligent care. I do no not intend to give him anything but my best."

"Zhengui?" the rightmost brother asked, his stern voice sounding faintly bemused. "I see."

Ling Qi's cheeks flushed slightly. "It… ah, his name…" Suddenly the pun did not seem quite as funny.

He must have known what he was creating and that it would draw Xuan attention. I wonder how that conversation with sect head Yuan went.
Renxiang's arts seem well designed to counter Qi's shenanigans. Which makes me wonder, what kind of arts would counter Renxiang?
The Sun blood based arts seem like a good choice for a one on one. As long as she can get that first scratch in, I think someone like Liling could ramp up fast enough to put her down.
I'm confused why the Starless Shroud tech from Starless Night's Reflection would be used in conjunction with ZG's quest. They don't really seem to... match?

At least there's a River God in Beast Kings Savage Dirge. This will probably connect to the body of water in the Cathedral of Winds thats tainted with that ith-adjacent monster.

[X] River God's Envy
[X] River God's Envy

The sooner we get that out of the way, the sooner we can fly to the help of beaver friends.
[X] The Sins that Crawl

I mostly like this one, although I do think there's a point missing for the cathedral one, and that's more experience with the underground ecosystem, which could end up useful depending on how far we range from thr disruption of the planned borehole