Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
  • It's Depths Without End: The imperturbable surface, a skin of shimmering black that lies over the infinite deeps beneath. All vanishes into the dark, leaving mere ripples behind. Where sleeps that which vanishes from world, sight, and memory?. +1 XP to Mystery and Ending. Advances the Black Mirror Technique. (0/3)

–Completing both remaining Projects opens the Quest to advance the Unbroken Will Trait into the Imperturbable Soul Trait
oh gods, why????
Its good that its not just philosophy on the art.... But its the same problem as with the void concept, again!
And we STILL don't know anything about imperturbable soul trait!

Also, the art enciclopedia was edited, and idk what changed!!!
House ling isnt something we need 2 focus right now and its almost as much a professional thing since politics and administration things are involved so I think it should not get in the way of the sumit that is the focus here. It also make more sense for making decisions on her house and household after she knows how the sumit gonna influence things in the region.
As personal we havent seen zengui for some time now and that feels wrong and the bao being pushed 2 the side for 2 long and they might be a good option if she needs political suport for some reason after the sumit also they gonna be important after the sumit becouse she probable gonna need bao contact for goods expertise and maybe even information when she start going full territory development.
Thats why we should ignore house Ling option this turn and do the other options.
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oh gods, why????
Its good that its not just philosophy on the art.... But its the same problem as with the void concept, again!
And we STILL don't know anything about imperturbable soul trait!

Also, the art enciclopedia was edited, and idk what changed!!!

Bastion's Melody was updated.

Negates the negative environmental traits of up to three entities for yourself and allies in a scene, up to Potency G8. Higher effects are reduced in potency by 5. This does not apply to any intentionally targeted technique or effect.

This effect can be anchored to a prepared location to extend duration.
On a slightly different track, the next time there's a fighty turn that's filled with battles und shit we really should advance SNR more. Because its "your Big Bad Attack of Doom disappeared without a trace and didn't even scratch me" schtick has great hilarity potential.
Compare the pair:
House of Ling: While you are immensely busy with the dealing of nations, you must also begin thinking of your own house. Perhaps not right this instant, but soon.
Characters: Ling Household, Ling Qingge and Biyu.
Golden Roads: ... You've had little time to engage directly with Hanyi's growing career recently, and you would like to amend that. Nor have you spoken much with Bao Qian, which is also a shame ...
Characters: Bao Qian, Hanyi, Zhengui.)
Which of these is more urgent?
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Oh, btw @yrsillar
Can we know the result of the roll for the shared meeting place construction or is it going to be a secret until it's relevant?

So, for cultivation actions, I'm thinking FFS, LFWT, and MoSS. MoSSA unlocks a social trait advancing project. So we can merge all our social traits during the summit. Plus Yrs said that ToN and tribulation resolution would pair well with the actual summit turn (on Discord). About 2/3 of Ling Qi's social traits revolve around Trtuh/Sincerity in some way, So doing MoSS this turn would help us set up a full social trait advancement next turn with the social trait advancement, ToN, and our problems with Truth, during the biggest social event she's facing. It all works out!

Edit: Also, we get Six back if we talk to Dzintara!

While I understand the appeal of improving Ling Qi's social traits, I don't want to ignore the Spirit Seeker Project itself just to increase them. I feel like that's what doing Spirit Seeker now implies.
Even if we have being exploring the similitudes between spirits and higher realms, this is clearly a spirit-only Project.
As it has been said many times, MoSS is a crucial part of Ling Qi's Way and how she interacts with the world. We should do Spirit Seeker, MoSS' last project that will grant us a Spirit Communication Insight, properly. And that means actually interacting with spirits on our fief.

So a plan more like this could be better
[] The Nature of War
-[] House of Ling
-[] Western Marches
-[] Imperial Menagerie
-[] A Land Most Dark and Cruel
-[] Four Winds Joy
-[] Ice and Dust/Winter's Crown
-[] Primacy of Beasts

Any of the FSS's projects would be fine.
Ice and Dust resonates well after Paying Respects while Winter's Crown explores the revelations of the Nightmare Tribulation as well as the purpose of the Summit.
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House of Ling, imo. We need to talk to Qingge since our bond with her has increased. Plus, I am 80% sure that House of Ling is our Foundations connection from that Wang v Diao vote. We've already connected with the Wang with Wang Lian but not Foundations. And the event only occurs during like T17-T18
[] The Nature of War
-[] House of Ling
-[] Western Marches
-[] Imperial Menagerie
-[] A Land Most Dark and Cruel
-[] Four Winds Joy
-[] Ice and Dust/Winter's Crown
-[] Primacy of Beasts
Oh, btw @yrsillar
Can we know the result of the roll for the shared meeting place construction or is it going to be a secret until it's relevant?

While I understand the appeal of improving Ling Qi's social traits, I don't want to ignore the Spirit Seeker Project itself just to increase them. I feel like that's what doing Spirit Seeker now implies.
Even if we have being exploring the similitudes between spirits and higher realms, this is clearly a spirit-only Project.
As it has been said many times, MoSS is a crucial part of Ling Qi's Way and how she interacts with the world. We should do Spirit Seeker, MoSS' last project that will grant us a Spirit Communication Insight, properly. And that means actually interacting with spirits on our fief.

So a plan more like this could be better
[] The Nature of War
-[] House of Ling
-[] Western Marches
-[] Imperial Menagerie
-[] A Land Most Dark and Cruel
-[] Four Winds Joy
-[] Ice and Dust/Winter's Crown
-[] Primacy of Beasts

Any of the FSS's projects would be fine.
Ice and Dust resonates well after Paying Respects while Winter's Crown explores the revelations of the Nightmare Tribulation as well as the purpose of the Summit.

This is what I'd like for the turn. I personally prefer Winter's Crown, but will vote for either project in this structure.

On the roll, it won't happen till turn start I think.
Strongly in favor of House of Ling + Garden of Mists together.

Also Yrsillar, a question:
Four Winds Joy: In stealing the wind, the old and stagnant fall, the freed winds dance and scatter, but find purpose. North, East, West, and South. Never again will the winds be wholly wild, uncontrolled, chaotic. Purpose and order are not wholly enemies of freedom, and a contemplation of their intersection can only advance a wily thief's goals. Advances West Wind Step to Four Winds Dance, improving the technique. +1 XP to Motion and Choice. Unlocks a new Project. Allows advancement of Choice Concept.(0/5)
Is this required to unlock the below or are they separate events?
  • Choice III (0/5): Freedom grows only when shared, one alone is only ever as free as the strength in their arm allows. Locked pending reexamination
If separate I think I'd like Choice to unlock before starting to advance it. Seems too crammed otherwise.
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For cultivation sites, didnt we loose access to the sect ones?

also do we have access to the beavers place or is that after we have cleared the dungeon?

Also do we get access to the thunder place after yu nuan is officially adopted?

Also noticed on the relationships page Hanyi is at 3 instead of 4.

If I may throw my hat into the ring, I've always found primacy of beasts to be the annoying art that takes far too much investment for what little payout it offers.
House of Ling: "Increases efficacy of your information network."
That sounds like a really useful thing to have before the Summit starts.
"Throws Bao Qian under the bus again, with increased vigor."
I would do something like:

[] Plan: So Little Time, So Many Things to Understand
-[] [Professional] A Land Dark & Cruel
-[] [Professional] Imperial Menagerie
-[] [Professional] Western Marches
-[] [Personal] House of Ling or Golden Roads
-[] [Cultivation] Ice & Dust (8/4)
-[] [Cultivation] Four Winds Joy (Cathedral of Winds 8/5)
-[] [Cultivation] Spirit Seeker (Greater Argent Vent, 5/5)

Given the importance of the summit, doing all the professional actions makes most sense to me. Ice and Dust will raise more concept levels, Four Winds Joy will unlock our new concept, and I want to get MoSS done, particularly since it overlaps in dealing with Sovereign cultivators. Besides we'll have a new Insight to add on! I can see arguments for either House of Ling or Golden Roads to be honest.
Personal Actions (2 Available)
  • House of Ling: While you are immensely busy with the dealing of nations, you must also begin thinking of your own house. Perhaps not right this instant, but soon. You have begun to accrue offers and invitations from your contacts, and soon you will expected to host guests and conduct talks yourself. There is also the matter of your staff, their training and perhaps even cultivation. (Increases efficacy of your information network. Prerequisite for further growth in the provinces lower nobility. Characters: Ling Household, Ling Qingge and Biyu.)
  • Golden Roads: You've had little time to engage directly with Hanyi's growing career recently, and you would like to amend that. Nor have you spoken much with Bao Qian, which is also a shame.Although he's not directly involved with the summit, perhaps you can play him for some insights on negotiation and his own clans practices as you speak about the Next steps for Hanyi and Zhengui's efforts to help. (Sets up the next part of expanding Hanyi's concerts and Zhengui's product sales. More insight into the Bao clan and Bao Qian. Characters: Bao Qian, Hanyi, Zhengui.)
ngl I was strongly considering skipping over Bao Qian and just doing Liling......but then I notice there's a change in flavour text in the actions, and now I feel extra bad for the former. (also feeling indecisive)
Does Hidden Scribe still result in increased moon attention or is that Moon attention increased upon completing all current Songseekers Ceremony projects? Woulld like to have that sweet Moon attention for the eve of the summit.
[] Who are you, in the dark
-[] [Professional] Western Marches
-[] [Professional] A Land Dark & Cruel
-[] [Professional] Imperial Menagerie
-[] [Personal] House of Ling
-[] [Cultivation] Ice & Dust
-[] [Cultivation] It's Depths Without End
-[] [Cultivation] Four Winds Joy

Just so, we get the choice concept out of the way.
The most headache including thing is the order of the professional actions.... do we talk first with Ji rong about what happened or do we prep the pines first?
Cultivation wise, i was convinced to go with an FFS one, aside from the freedom projects.

Edit: misunderstood something, switched choice concept to wide lake
Edit 2: Was convinced by Oliver's arguments, switching wide lake to depths.
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Starless Night's Reflection: Yin, Lake, Darkness, Reflection, Stillness, Void

  • Lake Hei is Wide: The great lake is bottomless, but it is also wide, a sea in its own right, there is nothing which cannot vanish into its depths. So to can you render inert even assaults that would strike down a whole company. Improves Rippling Starless Shroud and adds +1 modifier to your Primary Defense Trait in the arts passive. (0/3)
  • It's Depths Without End: The imperturbable surface, a skin of shimmering black that lies over the infinite deeps beneath. All vanishes into the dark, leaving mere ripples behind. Where sleeps that which vanishes from world, sight, and memory?. +1 XP to Mystery and Ending. Advances the Black Mirror Technique. (0/3)

–Completing both remaining Projects opens the Quest to advance the Unbroken Will Trait into the Imperturbable Soul Trait

Hi, it's me, your local hot headed moon worshipping lady who believes Xiulan is going to go White and probably ascend. Let's have a conversation, just the two of us.

Now, you might be thinking "Story, why are you doing this to yourself. It's a cursed art, no one wants this and no one wants to take it. It's dead end, it's utterly useless. Let's go with Beast Kings Dirge because we all know how much use that gets."

Yes, I know, I can be a bit awful. My takes are hot, my opinions terrible and there's an odd smell of cabbage that follows me everywhere I go but listen. I feel that right now we need to focus on different roads, to distract ourselves from the intense negotiations that will be the summit.

Allow me to explain. We've seen it several times now, with Xia Ren, Elder Ying and Elder Jiao. Ling Qi's caught glimpses of their pasts, been utterly distracted from reality as she does so. Now, it might just be me, but hear me out: that could be an excellent way to attack Ling Qi. All it would take is someone figuring out how it works and then creating a technique that could use whatever connection she's making to attack her.

Now, I know that doesn't really make much sense, but please, keep reading. We know that the GS phoenix was nearly corrupted by the Twilight King and it blew itself up. My concern is that there is a posssibilty that doesn't quite work as this example does, but in a similar vein that a targeted corruption can be afflicted to Ling Qi. This is of course probably to never be the case, and I'm unsure if Impeturbable Soul would be helpful in preventing that, but I believe it might.

With that being said, there are other advantages as well. Lake Hei is Wide, for example, buffs our defense a little more. It might not seem like much, but when complete there is the possibility that it could give insights into our other arts, based on some nearly forgotten instinct that I have.

It's Depths Without End, on the other hand, seems like it will resonate well with Hidden and Dreaming stuff given this sentence: "Where sleeps that which vanishes from world, sight, and memory?" It's a bit spooky and mysterious yes, but I think that's ultimately the point. You sort of have to read between the lines to come to that conclusion.

Yrs also mentioned that Imperturbable Soul's text would most likely be voted on if it did end up being chosen, and honestly that's the kind of gacha wildcard we live for. With the summit coming up, with more presences that are terrifying in ways that differ from Meizhen's most likely coming, I believe it would be best to delve into this project so that Ling Qi can steel herself for the trial to come.

If you've read this far, thank you. You're looking very cute today. What I'm trying to get at is that the art itself isn't anything spectacular, it's what could spawn off from the art. The insights, a potential successor and the wildcard that is Imperturbable Soul and the fact that it is a 0/3 art meaning it'd be easier to complete quickly for a potentially quick and potent payoff.
People keep saying that CRX will deal with Liling, but I don't think letting CRX do diplomacy with Liling alone is going to be helpful. They are extreme opposites and hate each other, that will only make it worse. I would rather be there to mediate.

Also, doing house of Ling then going to the border and doing the 3 professional actions makes for a very cohesive storyline. (Which is also why we should go with the depths with no end)

Also, western marches will give us insight to the coming war arc.
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