It probably is safe, but boy would it give some folks on our side of the table aneurisms to know we're handing out broad strokes medium-term strategic prioritizations of the Emerald Seas.
Which is why it's good they're not privy to all of our diplomatic efforts. Also, we're very cute and should be able to do what we want.
I think we can't really be sure of what the movements of the tribes means, just yet.
There's been an uptick in raiding in the east of White Skies/Seared Lands, which we'd already learned in our earlier meeting. There's concerns of increased raiding in the west of White Skies/Tangled Pines, which is new information. And there's some degree of migration to the west among tribes which had more diplomatic elements lose control.
It's difficult to pinpoint why they'd move that way, because there's multiple reasons it could be. One thing that pops to mind is that the western stretch of the Wall that extends south of the Emerald Seas is below Meng lands. The Meng don't have the same militarized discipline and force presence in their southern lands, which means less outwards pressure from their borders on Cloud tribes in the area. All other factors being equal (and they probably aren't), this makes it easier for tribes to live in the same area. So it could be something as simple as that. It could also be part of an anti-empire staging effort taking advantage of the less stringent border presence among the Meng/Blue Mountain Sect.
It could also be something Sun Shao related, but that's not necessarily the first assumption I'd go with.