Looks like going back I actually missed the roll on the second half of that action, someone give me a roll quick? 51+ is success
I'll give a roll, but I'm scared
What is this roll deciding? At what did we fail?
In any case this was a tough battle, despite having a 2 degrees success. I don't want to think what would have happened have we tried to imprision it. We can barely hold it's ashes!
Adventure Location, Will be added to actions on next turn
Starlight Labyrinth, huh? Sounds like a lovely place, not horrifying at all.
We all agree that we have to do this one asap, rigth? This has completely overthrown the Cathedral in my priority list for the fief.
I don't want a sudden "Prison Break" event to blow up in our face because we thought it "could wait".
Regarding the vote. This was the previous one
[ ] Focus your network building efforts on the Foundations (+1 to region rep on completion of the Hou Zuang's gift project, Improves effect of Hanyi's concerts on Meng projects)
[ ] Focus your network building effort on the Central Valley (+1 to region rep on completion of the Hou Zhuang's gift project. 50% chance on completion of gaining a +1 rep boost with Thundering Hills or South River Jing region)
And we chose Central Valley. At the time Foundations was at +2 and Central Valley at +1. Now, that option said "+1 rep on Gift completion".
Since Central Valley is still at +1 and we haven't rolled for the bonus boost, I can only guess that it means we will get all the boosts at once when we finish Gift 3.
So if we choose Central Valley again, it will put us at +3.
Is this correct,
@yrsillar ?