Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Also I wouldn't be surprised if some lower ranked disciples decided to challenge Ling Qi when Zhengui decides to breakthrough.
She had to file paperwork for a living and cultivating space for Zhengui, then there was another stack of forms to give her permission to visit Zeqing, and another allowing her to spar with Meizhen, Lady Cai, and Gu Xiulan.
Little tid bit: the chap starts with how we'll be able to visit Zeqing when we have permission to go back home. I'm assuming this implies our home with mom and lil'sis. It then seems a bit strange to not have it be one of the paperwork issues here.

"You should change things up more often," Sixiang pointed out idly as she closed the wardrobe.

"Where am I going to find a dress as powerful as this one?" Ling Qi scoffed.

"...You can wear things for other reasons you know," the spirit replied dully.

Now that was just silly, Ling Qi thought.
ahahaHAHAHAHA!!! :rofl:
Oh God, never change Ling Qi! :lol

So we're now getting one Virtual YSS from vent, one from EPC, one from ArgGenesis. That's ... nice. But we really need to find a way to upgrade one to GSS or they'll start getting useless...
[] Very High- 30 dice for 60(75-15) red stones per action
... was there ever any other option for Ling Qi ? We're addicted to drugs, get used to it :rolleyes:

Been doing some theorycrafting to see if I've got the idea. Resource expense subject to change, pending knowing what our

[ ] Proto-Plan Alpha
-[ ] Invest 3x YSS and 1x GSS (+12 Free YSS)
-[ ] High Resource Expense (YSS income wiped out, -10 reserves)
-[ ] Cultivate Spirit x4 (Presence)
-[ ] Cultivate Phys x4 (Str)
-[ ] Cultivate EPC x4 (Perceptiveness)
-[ ] Cultivate SCS x4 (Stealth)
-[ ] Meridian (Head)
-[ ] Meridian (Head)
-[ ] Research Arts in Sect Archive x2 (Academics)
I much rather we sink those two AP in A.Genesis rather than Meridians that aren't going to be immediately useful. Same reason as EPC, the sooner we do it the longer we reap the increased cultivation bonuses.

[edit] Actually, at least one AP in Argent Genesis is mandatory. We need to train it a bit to equipt it and reap the weekly virtual YSS.
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Okay holy jeeze guys give me time to get the front page set up

So @yrsillar

How do Omake points work this time around?

Will get to this later

@yrsillar having the char sheet immediately availible will help remind people what arts we have that we can actually cultivate, since I don't remember what arts we maxed before the tourney. Othwewise I'll be defaulting to phys and spirit cultivation

working on it

@yrsillar sorry to keep bugging you, but when searching the archive for arts do you still want to key off of meridians/elements, or will a general description of what we want do now?

Just vote for research and you'll make choices like that as it comes up narratively

OK @yrsillar, questions time:

'up to' green/bronze one means it works for green/bronze one, or stops working at green/bronze 1?

It used to be 'middle quality' argent vent, but it seems it's now 'lesser'. Is this a change of mind?

As can be seen above, the 10YSS were supposed to be weekly. Does this mean CRX GSS is also weekly?

Same as it used to mean, it works until you go above the stage

It's just a terminology quibble

will fix YSS value

@yrsillar - Can you move the cultivation details into the Tutorials section instead of the first post?
Also, can we have the plan vote in a spoiler? As it is, I feel like it might scare prospective readers...

I figured it was necessary for the vote...

@yrsillar - does cultivating a cultivation art still zero out progress on other cultivation arts?

In a similar vein, can we cultivate both AG and EPC in the same month? What about the same week? (Or is there a 4 AP limit on Cultivation Arts collectively?)

No, I got rid of that, you can cultivate both, but you can only benefit from one per turn.

@yrsillar you need to recalc our derived based on the newly ranked-down stats, they're still using the old ones
working on it
Yeah, no meridians guys. Work out what arts we're actually getting first. We are not going to get 6 head meridians just so we can equip AM + new art now, only to end up only wanting 4 of those in late green.

I much rather we sink those two AP in A.Genesis rather than Meridians that aren't going to be immediately useful. Same reason as EPC, the sooner we do it the longer we reap the increased cultivation bonuses.

[edit] Actually, at least one AP in Argent Genesis is mandatory. We need to train it a bit to equipt it and reap the weekly virtual YSS.
They don't stack, remember? We can only train one at a time, and we're focusing on EPC

Argent Vent(Lesser): Grants 15 resource dice to spiritual and physical cultivation. Increases successes when cultivating Argent Arts by a factor of 1.2. Grants one virtual Yellow Stone per week(4 per turn) to cultivation.
Yerk. Barely better than our old vent. Guess we've been spoiled by the Mystic Vale, but still.
I think that's fair, but remember my proto-plan is a work in progress.
[ ] Proto-Plan Beta
-[ ] Invest 3x YSS and 1x GSS (+12 Free YSS)
-[ ] High Resource Expense (YSS income wiped out, -10 reserves)
-[ ] Cultivate Spirit x4 (Presence)
-[ ] Cultivate Phys x4 (Str)
-[ ] Cultivate EPC x4 (Stealth)
-[ ] Cultivate SCS x4 (Dex)
-[ ] Cultivate Argent Genesis x2 (Qi)
-[ ] Research Arts in Sect Archive x2 (Intelligence)
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Same as it used to mean, it works until you go above the stage

It's just a terminology quibble

will fix YSS value

...that's the exact opposite of what it used to mean :cry:

Anyway, yikes. So I guess CRX gives us 300RSS/Month more than she used to give. Welp, I guess we aren't going to be able to really cultivate for a while unless we can somehow earn more.
Amusingly, our music physical attacks are more accurate and harder hitting than our archery despite having an archery bonus. Thbis is due to having a music specialty
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Yerk. Barely better than our old vent. Guess we've been spoiled by the Mystic Vale, but still.
Considering :
Multiplier of natural sites multiplied by .5
We end up with "Increases successes when cultivating Argent Arts by a factor of 1.8". 1.7"
I think that makes it significantly better than what we used to have.
Do not use GSS. We want to save those until appraisal and use them in big binges where we can use multiple one's at once. GSS are super inefficient before then.
That's no longer the case now SS, of any color, always give their full dice benefit:
Spirit Stone Values are determined as below

Table 1-1
1-4 Yellow Stones- 5 dice each
4-16 Yellow Stones- 10 dice each

1-4 Green Stones- 30 dice each

A maximum of sixteen spirit stones total can be used per turn, including both types of stones. Ling Qi may use a maximum of four green stones at her current cultivation.

Ex. At maximum Ling Qi uses 12 yellow stones and 4 green stones. Giving a total of (4x5)+(12x10)+(4x30)= 260 dice
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Attributes and skills gain experience based on use. Each cultivation type except meridians may advance different skills and attributes. Experience for these is determined by rolling a d6 for each slot assigned to the skill or attribute. With the exception of Qi, skills and attributes may not roll more than two dice per turn for advancement.
Does this mean that if we invest 4 AP into cultivation (say, Physical), could we then split our training so we get two rolls each for two different skills, or is it only one skill per cultivation type (i.e. 4AP into Physical cultivation, two 1d6 rolls each for Strength and Dexterity, or would we have to settle for 2 1d6 rolls for one skill per month)?

EDIT: Or am I misunderstanding the rules, and each art trained in a month takes up one slot, no matter how much time is invested?
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Attributes and skills gain experience based on use. Each cultivation type except meridians may advance different skills and attributes. Experience for these is determined by rolling a d6 for each slot assigned to the skill or attribute. With the exception of Qi, skills and attributes may not roll more than two dice per turn for advancement.
So we only get 1 dice/Art? What if in Art isn't being trained for the whole month?

We end up with "Increases successes when cultivating Argent Arts by a factor of 1.8".
I think that makes it significantly better than what we used to have.
The numbers yrs tells us have always already had that included.

Argent bonuses are frankly the least important to us. Spiritual/Physical is what we actually want.

Look at the yellow stones. They still double after the first 4. Yrs just hasn't said anything since we can't use them yet.
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Do not use GSS. We want to save those until appraisal and use them in big binges where we can use multiple one's at once. GSS are super inefficient before then.
Using them in binge at appraisal gives 70 dice for 8GSS per action, so 70/4000x20 with a full action turn = 0.35dice/RSS. OTOH, using 'very high' gives 20 dice for 60RSS per action, so 20/60= 0.33dice/Rss

Basically, using very high pill is as cost efficient as using appraisal GSS, and using high is more cost efficient.

Current GSS as direct dice aid sucks unless we are extremely rich and can use them fully at green 4, not appraisal. Storing them is just not worth it.
[ ] Proto-Plan Tryrar
-[ ] Invest 3x YSS and 1x GSS (+12 Free YSS)
-[ ] High Resource Expense (YSS income wiped out, -10 reserves)
-[ ] Cultivate Spirit x4 (Presence)
-[ ] Cultivate Phys x4 (Str)
-[ ] Cultivate EPC x2 (Perceptiveness)
-[ ] Cultivate SCS x4 (Dex)
-[ ] Cultivate Argent Genesis x4
-[ ] Research Arts in Sect Archive x2 (Academics)

Here's my own plan, with blackjack and hookers! Switched from Stealth to Perception since we have C stealth but D Perceptiveness, as well as going Academics because yeah int is our dispel stat, but we have E academics so it should train quickly. Also, it doesn't look like we can train a stat with AG yet(makes sense, we haven't actually learned it yet), so rushing that so we can stat grind with it seems like a smart move..