I have the feeling the Luo boy sees we're making nice with someone he doesn't get along and is looking to see if he can put a wedge between us and Chao Wang. Or maybe, it's just a matter of sabotaging the attempts of a self-perceived rival to network with other nobles. Maybe in his mind, he sees it as a "An alliance is forming there, and at this rate, I'll be excluded from it. I either must be part of it, or ensure it doesn't consolidate."
Regardless, him wanting to insert himself in our little fun event is making it less fun. I am concerned Xuan Shi will be hesitant to take us up on more social gathering if we butter up the person who apparently already slighted him enough to make him talk to him like he did.
Luo is in an advantageous situation in which we're forced to try to tolerate him, or even be nice to him, or face social/political consequences. And the price we pay for trying to indulge him is risking the comfort of our other guests, who just came to have a good time and chill, and definitely did not sign up to political mind-games with Luo.
Maybe he's just trying his best to ingratiate himself to us, and by extension to the cai, but he has the unfortunate bad timing to make his 'friendly' approach appear to be made in bad faith. He won't gain any friends like this, that's for sure.
[] You can afford to be more gracious, as a minor power move if nothing else, and you are curious what he is up to.