Mmm, basically, what I see here is that the choice of 'Inspiration' is going to flavor Ling Qi's 'Tone' for the upcoming Musical Debate.
Zeqing is likely going to flavor Ling Qi's position as "Tough shit, life sucks and everything crumbles" She's not good at upbeat. Problem here is that it's an argument that isn't really going to work here, because the other side knows that but feels the struggle is meaningful regardless from what's been hinted, hence, it's likely going to fall flat here. It'll be technically capable but a poor argument in this particular situation.
Sixiang is distracted right now, but assuming that they'll be able to give this proper attention, from what we've seen, Six wants us to be more upbeat--but theydoesn't quite get humans yet. It'll likely be successful, because Dreaming Moon Fairy + musical wunderkind is able to create a masterful performance--and it'll probably even win, but it'll likely do so by completely failing to address the opposite points, which isn't likely to be taken well.
"Friends and Family" though... Well, it's already been established that Qingge is fucking sublime when it comes to transmitting emotion through her compositions, to the point where it was acknowledged as delightful by a Fourth Realm spirit of song and cold. More importantly, it's the one that's actually liable to resound with a 'Rage against the machine' style punk rocker. "Yes, things are bad, but you can make things better for those around you as long as you're willing to put your mind to it." Even if we lose, we're liable to win an ally in the exchange, and I don't necessarily thing we'll lose there. More importantly, it'll help re-center Ling Qi's thoughts on things, by seeing the good that she's done in her short career so far.