Yeah, this is sort of what I'm feeling unsure about this vote here.
Because sure, long term? Big festival! Big spread! Big power!
But that feels more like fief stuff, and the festival feels kinda weird to be going for at this particular juncture.
Depends how it's played I guess... is festival even the right word for this?
I think it's an interesting juxtaposition to approach the broad v narrow focus between the two different characters at once, on a meta level. I'm not sure it's a
good juxtaposition, but it is interesting. But it's also rooted in the choice itself, so it evaporates after we pick one way, and we're left with the actual scene that needs to be written.
On that, I'm not really sure what the first option looks like, but the second, with the festival approach, feels easier to predict. I can't really see it being written effectively other than Ling Qi hanging back, almost as an observer of the event more than a participant. It's kind of necessary to pull in the scope of event. Putting aside household engagement issues, I'm not sure that's a great capstone to the arc with Zhengui?
Appropriate, maybe, since it's emblematic of the scattered and ever-shifting focus throughout its span, but it doesn't feel reflective of what we were actually looking to get out of it, ever. The more insular event doesn't have a lot of promise there either, mind. Just maybe more than zero. Going for the zero in hopes of a blank-er slate for the next time we try something might be worth a shot, though?
I dunno. Kind of curious about that WHR project we unlocked. (And kind of annoyed we can't see it.)