Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)
Recent readers

First Quest, Forge of Destiny, here

Ling Qi stood at the edge of the grass grown cliff and...
First Quest, Forge of Destiny, here

Ling Qi stood at the edge of the grass grown cliff and looked out over her new home. Mountains and hills stretched in every direction, filled with the mist of an early fall morning. In the distance, she could see the mighty slopes of the Outer Sect, White Cloud Mountain as she now knew it to be called. The vast peak pierced the clouds, almost a third of its span rising high into the heavens.

She wondered how her spirit mentor, Zeqing, who lived at the frozen peak was doing. They had not had a chance to speak since before the qualifying tournament. She would find out soon enough she supposed, as soon as the application to continue visiting her home cleared the Sect's bureaucracy. Pulling her eyes away from that mountain she scanned the rest of the horizon, compared to White Cloud Mountain, the rest of the peaks were mere hills, barely rising to the level of the clouds.

The mountain she now stood upon was no exception, she knew. It's peak rose high but not nearly to the same height. The mountain know as Storm's Repose was the least of the Inner Sect Mountains, and the others were deeper in the range, where every mountain rose as high as White Cloud, or even higher still. Some rose so high that their peaks were deadly even to cultivators of the third realm like her.

"The view is pretty great," Sixiang murmured in her thoughts, the insubstantial moon spirit's essence tingled in her thoughts as they peered out through Ling Qi's eyes. "The house is a bit small though isn't it?"

It was, Ling Qi thought turning away from the cliff with a swish of silk. Her dark gown swayed around her ankles, and the winglike half cloak which hung from her back flared out, fluttering in the wind for a moment too long for it to be natural. She couldn't stand here all morning, she had to settle in to her new abode.

The grassy cliff she stood upon was a narrow thing, only a few meters across, the vibrant green grass standing out from the grey stone all around despite the chill of encroaching winter. Her disciples home was built directly into the side of the mountain, visible only by the perfectly set and framed door of darkly lacquered wood which formed its entrance.

"I mean, you're gonna have a hard time fitting the little big guy in here, aren't you?" Sixiang mused.

Pausing at the door, Ling Qi grimaced. That was true, but...

"Zhengui isn't little anymore!... but I miss the garden," her other spirit, Zhengui muttered sleepily, the tortoise snake had been slipping into lengthy naps more and more over the past few days.

'I put in the paperwork for a space in the large spirit environment, weren't you paying attention?' Ling Qi thought back grumpily to Sixiang.

"Not really!" The spirit replied cheerfully.

'Of course you weren't' Ling Qi thought, giving a mental sigh. Sixiang's attention wandered at the best of times.

"Zhengui, hang on. I'll have a space for you soon," She murmured aloud. She was thankful that Lady Cai had helped her expedite things.

"Zhengui trusts Big Sister," Zhengui yawned in her thoughts, sinking back into slumber.

The last few days had been exhausting with all the set up for entering the Inner Sect. She had to file paperwork for a living and cultivating space for Zhengui, then there was another stack of forms to give her permission to visit Zeqing, and another allowing her to spar with Meizhen, Lady Cai, and Gu Xiulan.

Stepping inside. Ling Qi found herself in a warm room of polished gray stone. A softly glowing paper lantern hung from the ceiling overhead, casting a soft and welcoming glow over the simple furniture set around the chamber.

...It hung a bit low, Ling Qi noted with mild annoyance, ducking under it as she swept toward the hall leading to the other rooms, the door closing with a soft click behind her. Continuing her exploration, Ling Qi found a small kitchen and a pantry well stocked for simple meals and tea. She lingered a moment, studying the formations on the shelves and walls, meant to preserve the ingredients, clean the space and repel pests, it was a bit complex for her though, that sort of utility had never been her focus.

Next she found an empty room full of workbenches and cupboards. A space meant for craftwork she presumed. It wasn't much use to her, but poking through the cupboards turned up numerous high quality but mundane tools, from carving knives to needles to tongs and a hammer laid by a small forge in the far corner.

Leaving the craft room behind, she next came upon a heavy wooden door, banded with formation reinforced iron. Swinging the heavy door open, Ling QI sucked in a surprised breath as potent qi washed over her.

"Now that's a good feel," Sixiang sighed happily as Ling Qi stepped past the threshold. The room beyond was rough, unlike the other rooms, it seemed like a natural cavern, including a glittering reverse forest of limestone stalactites hanging from it's high ceiling. The floor was smooth and flat, sloping gently downward until it reached a softly bubbling pool of liquid silver. In the center of the pool rise an outcropping of glittering yellow crystal, shot through with streaks of pale green.

Argent Vent(Lesser): Grants 15 resource dice to spiritual and physical cultivation. Increases successes when cultivating Argent Arts by a factor of 1.7. Grants one virtual Yellow Stone per week(4 per turn) to cultivation.

The qi in the room was potent, very much so. Ling Qi spent a few minutes luxuriating in the mist which rose steadily from the cracks in the crystal outcropping, but soon moved on.

At the very back, she found a bedroom. Appointed with a simple, if comfortable bed a polished writing desk and mirror, as well as a wardrobe it wasn't exactly a step down from her previous accommodations.

It was hard to imagine that barely more than a year ago, Ling Qi had been sleeping in whatever warm alleyways or corners she could find. Having a real blanket would have been a luxury, she thought musingly, patting the comforter of her new bed.

She shouldn't get too attached though, Ling Qi thought as she began to put away her few possessions, materializing them one by one from her storage ring. The dress Xiulan had gifted her went into her wardrobe, she hadn't worn it in months, thanks to the masterpiece of talisman-craft she had earned in defending her liege, Cai Renxiang's order, but she couldn't help but feel a little attached to it, the first nice outfit she had owned in years.

"You should change things up more often," Sixiang pointed out idly as she closed the wardrobe.

"Where am I going to find a dress as powerful as this one?" Ling Qi scoffed.

"...You can wear things for other reasons you know," the spirit replied dully.

Now that was just silly, Ling Qi thought. What if she was attacked while wearing something less potent?

Sixiang had no response to that, and Ling Qi moved on.

The ornamented comb of bone her Mother had gifted her when they had reconnected was laid on her desk, the curious qi within it stirring under her fingers as she traced the eagle pattern carved into it's surface. The Sect village was more distant now, but she would have to make sure to keep making regular visits. She was determined not to abandon her Mother again.

One of her newest possessions came next. A deep green jade badge the size of her palm. It's flat surface held two numbers picked out in silver. First was her rank in the Sect, eight hundred and Thirty and second were her contribution points, in much smaller characters. The numbers changed on their own, thanks to the formations embedded in the jade.

Inner Sect Rank 830
Contribution Points: 20

She only needed to wear it for official functions though, so for now it was tucked into the topmost drawer of her desk.

"You really have to tell me about the adventure that got you those extra points sometime," Sixiang whispered.

"I'm surprised you haven't already picked it out," Ling Qi said aloud. She had dreamed of that basement and that chilling altar, more than once. She was glad that she and Su Ling had stopped that crazed barbarian from unleashing a plague. Unlike her peers, whose badges had started with a tiny 'ten' below thow their rank. Ling Qi had found a 'twenty'.

"Stingy," Sixiang murmured, unable to hear thoughts not directed at them.

Ling Qi laughed under her breath as she put down the last of her new possessions. A slip of jade containing the secrets of the Argent Genesis Art.

The cultivation art of the Argent Sect. Created by the ancestors of Sect Head Yuan He and polished to perfection under his eye. This art offers many insights into building a strong foundation for a young cultivators future growth. The neutral balanced qi cultivated by this art mingles easily with almost every form of Imperial cultivation, making for a fine secondary art for any young scion.

Potency: Yellow 3
Max Level: 6
Keywords: Argent, Balanced, Composure, Neutral, Qi, Resolve,
Potency Growth: Green 1(2), Green 2(4), Green 3(6)

First Day Benefits
+15 dice to Spiritual and Physical cultivation up to Green/Bronze 1
+10 dice to Meridian cultivation
+5 dice to Argent Art cultivation
1 free die of qi experience per turn, up to A rank
User may bind up to grade 3 spirits(Upkeep doubled if beast realm is higher)
Once per turn add 30 to a single attribute or skill during a challenge
Grants the user 1 virtual Yellow Stone per week(4 per turn)

0/100 First Day

Although her own cultivation art was probably higher quality, Ling Qi knew well the benefits that mastering the arts predecessor had given her. Besides, there was sure to be another Sect art that picked up where this one left off. The first few levels of the technique seemed fairly easy to master as well, given her current experience.

Today was her first true day as an Inner Sect disciple. She would have to make sure that it and all the others that would follow counted. She couldn't afford to fall behind.

AN: So here's the intro to the new quest. If you are a new reader I strongly suggest that you read the first quest, else most of this will seem like nonsense. Don't worry about grokking the old mechanics though. They are thoroughly dumped.

As we go into the first vote of the new quest, allow me to explain the structure this quest will follow. Each month of in game time, voters will decide on a cultivation plan for Ling Qi, which will decide how she advances her abilities in that time. Once the plan has been finalized, I will use it as a background and framework for actual narrative events of the story arcs which take place over that period. Sometimes there may only be a single arc in a month, sometimes there might be several. Either way results of the turn will be doled out at appropriate points over the course of the narrative.

Cultivation rules can be found in the spoiler box below

You have 20 AP to spend this month
Ling Qi's Income
40 Yellow Stones(Sect)
1 Green Stone(Cai Renxiang)

Ling Qi's finances are as follows
103 Red Stones
43 Yellow Stones
1 Green Stone
3 Sect Points

How many stones will you use?
12 Free Yellow stones automatically used due to cultivation arts and sites
[] Additional Stones

How much will you invest in pills and medicine this month?
Low-5 dice for 5 red stones per action
[] Medium- 10 dice for 15 red stones per action Provided freely from Cai Renxiang
[] High- 20 dice for 25 (40-15) red stones per action
[] Very High- 30 dice for 60(75-15) red stones per action

What would you like to cultivate this month? (Select 1 subvote per category)
[] Physical Cultivation
-[] Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Resolve, Wits
[] Spiritual Cultivation
-[] Intelligence, Wits, Resolve, Presence, Manipulation, Composure
[] Meridian
-[] Head, Heart, Spine, Arm, Lung, Leg
[] Eight Phase Ceremony
-[] Perceptiveness, Qi, Stealth
[] Argent Genesis
-[] Composure, Qi, Resolve
[]Sable Crescent Step
-[] Dance, Dodge, Dexterity, Stealth, Wits
[] Argent Current
-[] Presence, Unarmed, War
[] Argent Storm
-[] Dodge, Dexterity, Wits
[] Take Sect Jobs(Earns Sect Points 11-20 per AP)
-[] Any
[] Perform Sect Duties (Earns Contribution Points 1-4 per AP)
-[] Any
[] Research Arts in Sect archive (Max 2 AP)
-[] Int, Academics

Now I know this looks big and complicated, but to those of you eyeing it warily, keep in mind that the big turn votes will be a minority of the votes. There will be plenty of simpler and easier votes for people to participate in.

Alright, now please hold off on posting until I get a hefty reserve of page one posts
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Voting Rules:

1. Voting begins two hours after an update is posted
2. Voters may vote for as many options as they would like

Base Progression

Base cultivation, that is physical and spiritual cultivation will from hereon advance based on two things. The first is an XP meter, which will increment based on a fixed amount provided by your cultivation art, as well as bonuses from completing various projects or choosing to perform certain actions in the course of the narrative. At the end of an arc set the number is totalled and multiplied by your talent value.

The second is the completion of Conceptual Projects, which replace Domain XP. Concepts are represented mechanically by a word and a roman numeral. The numeral indicates how integrated and well understood a concept is by Ling Qi, and how much more potent than baseline techniques utilizing that concept are for her. Concepts with a 0 beside them are available, but have not yet been studied.

Certain baselines for concept progress must be reached before you can reach a new stage, even if the XP bar is full. If all other requirements are met XP is increased by 50% until the next stage is achieved.

Concepts may be studied directly through Dao Projects, or leveled up by completing related Art projects. Leveling up concepts will empower, shift and shape the function of your domain. New concepts are acquired through simple and advanced Insights.

Some events may also merge, change, evolve, or grant new concepts. Removing a concept outright requires special events and may be very dangerous, it is suggested that you should seek to evolve or merge unwanted concepts instead.

Cultivation Projects

Projects are the core of the new system. In the planning phase for an arc or arc set, you will be given a menu of projects in cultivation which Ling Qi can pursue, from which you will be able to choose a certain number based on the length of the arcs in question. Progress in a Cultivation progress is typically fixed, when taking a project you receive one success plus any bonuses you may have from Cultivation Traits, Medicines or Sites. Some projects may have a chance of failure, which is determined by a single d100 roll with a target number. The base target number before modifiers will be your Talent Valuex10, or 60% for Ling Qi. Actions and other factors then modify that number. Cultivation projects consist of two categories.

Dao Projects: These are actions focused on advancing Ling Qi's understanding and integration of a Domain Concept. This will offer a change in your domain function, level up a related trait, or give bonus successes to an Art Project taken at the same time.

Art Projects: Rather than levels, arts will now progress through a tree of advancement projects, which provide bonuses, grant or alter techniques, and otherwise empower an Art. Completing a designated number of projects will increase the potency of the Art's techniques by 1 in addition to the completion rewards for the projects

Other Projects

In addition to choosing your cultivation projects, during the planning phase, you will also be able to choose among non cultivation projects, separated into personal and political. In these categories will be a menu of options for character goals to progress, although some will be fixed by the needs of the current plot, the upcoming arc for example will have establishing ties with Bai emissaries as a fixed project.


Traits are the innate abilities and skills a cultivator exhibits, regardless of equipped arts. Traits consist of a name, a description which describe the function of the Trait in narrative terms. The trait name will be displayed in colored text, indicating its potency. Colors coincide with spiritual cultivation. Along with the name will be a potency number which caps at 10. A Trait that has reached 10 can only advance through evolution, which moves it to the next color category, in addition to any other changes. A cultivator may have traits of up to one color category above their cultivation, indicating superlative skill for their realm.

Evolving traits typically become more narrow in scope, and do not necessarily eliminate the previous trait. However as a cultivator grows, older traits which have not advanced will often be merged into more general traits. This does not indicate a loss of skill, but simply focus in other areas, and exists to prevent too much expansion of the Trait list.

A trait's potency number may be modified by a few things such as the effects of arts. These temporary modifiers appear in parenthesis and may cause the number to exceed 10 in total. A trait's potency is permanently increased by the completion of Cultivation projects, or as rewards for certain actions in the narrative.

New Traits are typically attained by mastering Arts, or more rarely as narrative rewards.

Temporary Traits exist and will be used to indicate various conditions. Being wounded is a Trait, Having the backup of an army group is a trait, environmental conditions are Traits, etc.


The central attribute for a cultivator. It is represented as a trait, like other innate attributes, but it does have some special rules. It's potency does not cap at 10 and it cannot advance or evolve. Qi's potency number instead represents how many active upkeep techniques and other upkeep effects you can maintain at a time. Spirit Beasts, Talismans and Upkeep Techniques all have values which cannot exceed your qi potency. In battle, Scene length techniques have an upkeep of 1 and you cannot stack more effects after your cap is reached.

The positive technique effects of other people do not affect your cap. Certain techniques or temporary traits may reduce your Qi potency


Art's will currently not be too different in overall structure. They will have a passive effect and techniques. Passive effects will consist of a narrative description of the arts general utility in and out of battle, plus a small number of mechanical modifiers. An art will typically increase one related trait's potency by 1 and may grant the user a trait or evolution of a trait or indicate that it will do so in the future. Art's are equipped through Meridian Slots. These are simplified from the previous system, no longer tracking individual Meridians, and are separated into the following categories: Offensive, Armor, Movement, Perception, Support, Utility. An art must be equipped to the appropriate slot to be used.

Arts Terms Key

Potency: Potency is a numerical value indicating the overall Physical or Spiritual force that can be put into a technique. All else being equal a higher number beats a lower one, and larger differences make the impact on the loser of the clash worse.

Potency Increases: This is the number of times that an arts techniques can have their potency increased. Acquiring one of these increments all techniques' potency up by 1. Increases are acquired by completing arts development projects.

Keywords: These indicate the concepts which underlie an arts function, along with the techniques types these work into how arts interact with one another.

Antithesis: These are the keywords which are contrary and clashing with this art. Whether this strengthens or weakens an art in relation to its opposite is based on how well leveled the Art's concepts are in your domain.

Art Type: Which of your Meridian Slots the art occupies.

Technique Type: These are keywords for the actual effect of a technique. Some techniques interact in specific ways based on Type. E.G a movement art which specifically counters Binds.

Attack: A technique which inflicts direct damage.

Armor: A technique which mitigates or negates damage.

Avoid: A technique which removes the user from harm's way

Area: A technique which deals damage over a sizable area, typically deals much lower damage to individuals than similar potency Attacks.

Counter: A technique which strikes back automatically against its triggering technique type.

Bind: A technique which hinders movement or action, up to and including forced movement

Root: A technique which completely immobilizes its target.

Divination: A technique which attempts to predict future actions.

Scry: A technique which seeks to extend the users senses to a different location.

Finisher: A extremely powerful technique for its potency meant to end a fight, deals massive damage and usually mitigates normal armor or Avoid techniques. Usually has limited uses per scene, requires set up, or both.

Anti-Finisher: A defensive technique of great power for its potency, made to counter Finishers or significantly higher potency effects. Usually has limited uses per scene, requires set up, or both.

Construct: A technique which creates an entity or entities which may act for the user.

Zone: A technique which creates a persistent affect over a wide area.

Drain: A technique which drains qi, reducing qi potency.

Stealth: A technique which enhances the users ability to bypass detection

Perception: A technique which enhances the senses directly

Screen: A technique which attempts to prevent external interference into social encounters.

Illusion: A technique which attempts to fool one or more senses with false input.

Compulsion: A technique which attempts to force another character to take an action

Empowerment: A technique which only functions to empower another technique.

Dispel: A technique which seeks to eliminate or remove active effects.

Support: A technique which enhances the abilities of allied characters.

Isolation: Techniques which isolate the target from allies

Third realm cultivation requirements

4 Insights​
5 Insights, 1 advanced​
8 Total Concept Levels​
7 Insights​
16 Total Concept Levels​
28 Total Concept Levels​
Create and Master Personal Successor Art​
10 Insights, 3 advanced.​
44 Total Concept levels​
60 Total Concept Levels​
Complete Domain Name Quest​
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Character Sheet
  • Talent: 6

    Spiritual Cultivation

    Framing Green Soul (11) - 3930/7400

    Physical Cultivation
    Framing Bronze Physique (11) - 3750/7400

    Qi19 (9/19)
    -Upkeep Total: 11
    Swaying Twilight Gown-3
    Three Moon's Chime-1
    Dusk Wind Studs 1
    Storage Ring-1

  • Attuned:
    Offensive: 4

    Final Frost's Serenade, Beast King's Savage Dirge, Unstoppable Glaciers march
    Armor: 2
    Starless Night's Reflection, Empty
    Movement: 2
    Laughing Flight of the Wind Thief, Empty
    Perception: 2
    Silent Songseeker's Regard, Harmony of the Dancing Wind
    Support: 3
    Phantasmagoria of Lunar Revelry, Winter Hearth Resounding, Empty
    Utility: 2
    Memories of the Spirit Seekers, Empty(Damaged)

    Domain Locked (Forgotten Vale Melody): Support

  • Domain Effect
    Ling Qi's Domain effects are tiered by her personal bonds:
    • Personal effects are Ling Qi's personal benefits.
    • Ally effects apply to friendly characters in a scene.
    • Paired effects apply to both Ling Qi and Bond 4+ allies in the same scene.
    Awakened Domain effects do not count against upkeep.

    Unawakened Domain:


    -3 Potency to Divination effects applied to you or nearby allies.
    +1 Potency to Divination Effects used by you or nearby allies
    Immunity to Compulsion or Illusion effects (Bypassed by effects of Shen)
    Immunity to Bind and Root effects (Bypassed by effects of potency 9 or higher).
    You may be heard and understood by any being you are aware of, regardless of language, cultivation, obstacles or techniques. You hear and understand any being attempting to consciously communicate with you, if you so choose. (Bypassed by effects which use Shen.)

    Immunity to Bind and Root effects (Bypassed by effects of potency 15 or higher).
    Once per Scene, Ling Qi may negate an effect which would kill or incapacitate an ally of bond 5 or 6 (Bypassed by effects which make use of Shen).
    Communication of information between yourself and paired allies is instantaneous and cannot be intercepted or detected. (Bypassed by effects which use Shen)

    Ally Effects:
    Bond 0+: Immunity to Compulsion or Illusion effects. (Bypassed by effects of Potency[9+bond level] or higher)

    Bond 4+: Increase Primary Dodge Trait's potency by 2

    Awakened Domain:

    The Mist is deep and full of terrors. Phantoms flicker in the corner of your eye and dog your steps. Claws catch at the hems of your clothes and teeth nip at your heels. The Mist is mesmerizing, and seems without end. Any thought of escape is a distant dream. The Mist is cold. Never have you felt so far from home.

    The Mist is light and comfortably cool. It screens the harsh sun, it saps the force of the biting wind. The Mist clings close, like the embrace of a friend long missed. It suffers for you and with you, accepting the slings and stones of your foes. The Mist is warm. The ones you love are never far away.

    Lonely End: Active
    Type: Isolation
    Duration: Scene
    An elegy to things lost and unattainable, left behind in the mists of time; of hearths that will never be warmed and happiness forgotten. The blade circles a foe, thickening the mist and cutting them off from the world and their allies. The target has their Qi potency, primary movement, and ally traits reduced by 2. Each time the enemy acts this penalty increases by 2. If Qi potency is reduced to zero, the target is incapacitated. Enemies under this effect only perceive Ling Qi and her domain weapon. Ling Qi may only target one enemy at a time.

    This technique cannot be dispelled by the target, unless they exceed Ling Qi's cultivation by a realm. Only defeated Ling Qi or another party dispelling the technique can release them.

    Thousand Year Impenetrable Mist: Active
    Type: Anti-Finisher
    Duration: Stunt
    It is said that in some distant vales, the mist never clears, and the earth has never known the unfiltered light of the sun. The mist flows thick around your allies isolating them briefly from the cruel world. Affected allies may not be killed or incapacitated by as normal by an incoming Finisher technique. Usable once per scene.

    1. Truth and lies are the weft and warp of communication. Clarity, understanding, these determine the quality of words. (Clarity, Communication, Community.)
    2. There are endings and Endings, only the very last one is final. Just as winter ends in spring, small endings are new beginnings. (Cycles, Ending Creation.)
    3. Though a path might be hard and lonely, it has worth if you can present something of beauty to those you care for at the end. (Expression, Isolation, Want)
    4. There is no peace in emptiness, no content in stillness. Stagnation is death; act, change, move, think, and grow until the very end. (Power, Motion, Freedom)
    5. Branches and trunks bend and sway, but the roots must remain unyielding. Retreat only so far and then no more. (Persistence, Home, Growth)
    6. Even walking alone, footfalls echo beyond your hearing. (Community, Causality, Expression)
    7. The future changes with every step, never be certain you know what is coming (Causality, Mystery, Chaos)
    8. It is the artist's duty to question. The trickster's role to make fools of the mighty. Hold the mirror to history and tradition, and reveal their absurdities.(Creation, Expression, Truth)
    9. A good neighbor listens without spying, speaks without demanding, takes without dominating, gives without submitting. Respect is the foundation of community.
    10. -Empty-
    11. -Empty-
    12. -Empty-
    13. -Empty-
    • One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family. (Community, Power, Want)
    • Trust arises from choice. Love arises from trust. There can be no perfect safety, save in death. For love or trust to exist, so must the chance of heartbreak and betrayal. (Courage, Choice, Expression)
    • The world is never still. Power is change. In every soul sleeps that spark. There is power in stoking that, enflaming that. Power that may move mountains and gods alike. (Power, Motion, Choice)

    • Zhengui:
      +1 Bonus Progress to Persistence, Renewal, and Power Development Projects

    • Sixiang:
      +1 Bonus Progress to Dream, Expression, and Creation Development projects

    • Hanyi:
      +1 Bonus progress Cycles, Endings, and Expression projects

  • Sable Grace(G): 9(12)
    Where the wind ends and you begin, few can say. Master of breezes and squalls, of shadow and night alike, few beneath the wielders of Law may contest you. Primary Movement
    Flute Mastery(G): 10 (13)
    Absolute mastery of the flute in all of its variations. Even without a physical instrument, you may play to perfection. Your melodies are beyond mere sound and can be heard even by the deaf and in places where no physical sound can exist. Primary Attack
    Unbroken Will(G): 8 (12)
    A stubborn resilience which does not end, allowing you to weather punishment which should break you. No furnace nor crucible shall unmake you, the core of your will is adamant. Primary Armor
    Vanishing(G): 9 (11)
    The art of dispersal, of scattering, rendering oneself into no more than dust on the wind, the shadow of leaves on the forest floor. Hidden from sight and spirit, less than even a ghost, you cannot be tracked by those beneath your realm. Among Realm peers, only those who have woven hunting and seeking into their Way may have a chance to find you when you do not wish to be found.
    Dreamwalker(G): 7
    You are a walker of dreams, shallow and deep. You easily skate the surface near the waking world, and may cautiously swim in deeper places. Guests are safe on the paths you walk, and only the active dangers of the ever shifting liminal threaten you while your strength remains. You can step across short distances with impunity, scattering shades of possibility as you go, skimming the surface as an expert, and truly long range steps are within your grasp, if the task is urgent enough to warrrant the risk.
    Master Musician(G): 6
    Near perfect knowledge of the mechanics of composition and instruments, such that even a wholly foreign or unknown piece could be learned in an hour or two.
    Inquisitive Eyes(G): 10 (15)
    Silver eyes, always seeking. Analyze swiftly and efficiently. A gaze that penetrates illusion and falsehood, which sees the heart of desire, and the meaning underneath the most twisted of words. Primary Perception
    Winter's Heart(G): 6
    Winter is a time of ending and parting, the killing cold which puts worlds to rest, and leaves it bare for the next turning. Your voice the blizzard howl and serene whisper over fallen snow, your flesh untouched by heat or chill, your gaze unimpeded as the clear night after the first snow. Your shadow is the blanket of the longest night over hill and vale. Yet winter is sovereign over only the years end, and as all things must pass so too must your grip loosen.
    Liminal Carver(G): 1
    Your formation craft works best with the things in between. Not barriers or locks, but in doorways, thresholds and borders.
    Phantasmal Mastery(G): 1
    You have long wielded phantoms, shadows, and dreams, and in doing gained a mastery of qi constructs beyond even the hard limits of art and technique. Your construct arts may act and behave in ways outside the limits of their nature, constrained by your focus and the difference between the techniques purpose and the acts it is directed to perform. The Value of the phantasmal Mastery trait is added to the potency of all Construct Techniques.
    Imperial Baroness(G): 3
    An established noble of the Emerald Seas, province of the Celestial Empire. New and young yet, nonetheless, you stand among the peerage in knowledge and status, a force to to be watched with interest
    Crucible Charred: (G) 1
    The after effect of carrying the Sovereign of Steel and Flame into the dream to do battle. You are in most ways healed, but a spark of perditions flame lingers, bringing pain at odd moments.
    Wilderness Survival(Y): 6

    Knowledge of tracking and survival in the wilderness of the Empire and its near environs. Sufficient to survive alone and unsupplied for some time in the less dangerous parts of the world.
    Imperial Weapons Training(Y): 5
    Minimal knowledge of hand to hand and weapons combat in the imperial style. Near mastery for any mortal, but the bare minimum among cultivator nobility.
  • Dreaming Muse's Rapport(G) 6:
    You understand well the value of presenting empathy and consideration, and recognize when it is being done with sincerity or deceptive intent. Your honest words are able to better convince and put others at ease, and people are more likely to take your intentions at face value.

    Spirit Speaker(G): 7
    You understand something of the alien ways of spirits, and they in turn may understand humanity through you. When you speak, most spirits listen at least long enough to hear you out. When speaking to other humans your experience makes you more able to wield honesty as a knife, never speaking a direct falsehood without intent.

    Hidden Smile(G): 4
    In professional venues, you are well able to keep your composure despite needling or provocation subtle or otherwise. In turn, you have some skill at detecting the cracks in your peers' facades.[/slide
  • Argent Foundation:
    Gain 1 additional cultivation project action
    Add 1 bonus success to Moon, Music, and Wind Development Projects. development projects. Earn Bonus XP when performing a Dreaming, Grinning, or Hidden Moon Feat
    Rooted Wings:
    Add 1 bonus progress to Support Art projects
    Argent Domain:
    Gain 1 Bonus success to the cultivation project of your choice.
    Family Discovered:
    Reduce the Upkeep of your first three spirits by 1
    Smooth Ascension:
    Breakthrough value Increases by 5
    Fang's Blessed:
    +1 Bonus Success to Power based Cultivation Projects
    Child of Lonely Streets:
    +1 Bonus Success to Wind and Darkness Cultivation projects
    Winter's Heart: +1 to Cold Projects

    • Weapon: None
    • Domain Weapon
      A long thin and hollow blade, marked by holes reminiscent of the holes in a flute. Mist leaks from the holes even when dormant and pours forth when active. The handle is carved from dark lacquered wood, which doubles as a mouthpiece.
    • Armor
      [*]+2 to primary Armor Skill, +1 to Primary Movement Skill, -4 Qi upkeep

      Provides flight at your speed, or negates any damage from a fall. Reduce the potency of any effect that would interfere with your flight by 1

      Allows you or your dress to manipulate the direction and intensity of lights and shadow in your vicinity

      Increase Trait Bonuses to +4 and +2

      Allows you to temporarily appear to be one stage higher in cultivation than you are. Once per scene you may treat yourself as if you were truly one stage higher in cultivation for the duration of one stunt. At G8 this does allow you to be treated as C1, but this will cause the gown's active functions including dusk singer mode to shut down for the remainder of the scene.

      Up to twice per scene your dress may fully absorb the force of an attack targeted at you. This does not affect the other targets of an AoE effect.
    • Accessories
      • A Talisman made by Master Lin Hai, apprentice of Cai Shenhua. They were silver ear studs, relatively plain in make, but each was set with a dark blue gem, which darkened to near purple at the center, if you looked closely, you could see the shimmer of the sky at dusk in their depths.

        +1 to Primary Perception
        Once per scene, when the user is about to suffer a surprise attack, the studs send a shiver of warning up your spine, allowing you to respond normally.
      • A Talisman made by Master Lin Hai, apprentice of Cai Shenhua. Consists of a silver ring and wristband, connected by fine chainlinks. Attached to the chains are three charms carved from colored jade representing the Dreaming, Hidden and Grinning Moons, tiny bells hang from the links between the moons, letting off a please chime when the wearer moves, if they do not desire silence. Images of butterflies and songbirds mark the wristband, etched into the silver with powdered ruby.

        +1 to technique Potency vs. Dispel
        Three times per scene, you may dispel an incoming Stunt which includes you among its targets.
    • A plain and unadorned grey ring, it holds an extradimensional space for the storage of objects.
    Personal Tools
    • A set of fine scouts instruments, including lockpicks, wires, etching tools and brushes.

      +1 to Liminal Carver when breaking arrays
    • An odd round device carved from dark red wood, inked with shifting characters indicating directions far more complex than a material compass. At its center is a glimmering crystal of solidified dream, spinning lazily under crystal glass.

      +1 to Wilderness Survival in the Liminal
      -Has some use in tandem with the Liminal Labyrinth Gate
    • A set of three large inscribed rings, made of bronze and inlaid with jade. They offer much of the benefit of a more traditional stationary scrying tools for a practitioner on the move.

      +1 to Primary Perception while using scrying techniques.
      - Counts as the appropriate tool for all scrying techniques of Potency G6 or lower, and increases technique potency by 1(up to Green 6)
    • A bundle of diamond filament that unfolds into a glittering net when thrown. Should it be thrown at a loose object or creature it applies a Potency 8 Binding effect rendering the target unable to move even through the use of techniques unless dispelled or escaped. You may choose to have the snare drag the creature and object to you, or leave them where caught.

      Untangling and rewinding the snare takes several minutes, and so it may only be used once in a combat scene.
    • Text gained by conquest and dealing, from the Meng and the remnants of the Hui, notes on art and music and the development and alteration of techniques. Increases the starting Potency of Successor arts by 2, and grants a chance do gain additional Concept experience based on the art developed. When developing an Art Roll 1d100 twice. Results of fifty and up grant additional XP. A result of 95 or higher results in additional bonuses.
    • Charms
      • Third Grade Anti-Divination charm(1)-Assigned to Ling Qingge
      • Third Grade Escape talisman(1)-Assigned to Ling Qingge

      A bow shaped from molded cloud, made solid by intricate formations, it thrums with the energy of the open skies.
      A set of ten fine knives with a slightly pink cast, modeled off of falling blossoms.
      A potent Cyan Talisman its development stunted and degraded by its previous owners descent into corpse-immortality. Biyu's favorite paintbrush.


      A surprisingly heavy silver choker engraved with each of the eight elements. Defensive
      A pair of martial arts slippers woven from the silk of sable silkworm. Stealth
      A plain and unadorned steel armband. Offensive
      A silver pin with a snowflake ornament. Icy cold to the touch.
      It's hard to tell the color of this thin gossamer fabric. From some angles it seems like a pale white and from others a shiny black.
      low light or darkness. Movement
      A thin fragile ring of white gold, studded with three tiny amethysts.
      A beautiful floral hair decoration based off a certain notorious flower in the depths of the Emerald Sea. Like a plant, it drinks in the ambient qi, but when under threat, the rustling of its petals foretells the spread of hallucinatory pollen. Trick

      Vehicles and Beasts
      • 3rd Grade high Security Carriage(4 Seats)
      • 1st Grade Eastern Plain Horses(2)
    • Personal Wealth 800 Green Stones

      Monthly Income: 63 Green Stones

      Gross Income: 115
      Cai Stipend: 100 Green Stones
      Zhengui Fertilizer: 10 Green Stones
      Hanyi Revenue: 5 Green Stones

      Monthly Upkeep: 52

      Cultivation: (20 base-12Cultivation Art) 8
      Zhengui: 30 Green Stones
      Hanyi: 5 Green Stones
      Qiyi: 2 Green Stones
      Sixiang: 5 Green Stones
      Household: 2 Green Stones

      • A hard, leathery pod, snatched from something growing beneath the darkness, shaking it reveals the sound of sound of seeds within. It smells faintly of rot though.
      • Bars of silvery metal, solid and yet seeming liquid under the eye, infused with potent Moon qi, a high quality material produced among the roots of Xiangmen
      • Sacrifice is the nature of the world, the fuel that keeps it turning. Appears to be a shard of petrified black firewood, but holds an immense and crushing weight. Transcendent Material, acquired from an avatr of the Crone.

      • Tools and Aides
        • +1 Bonus Success to Meridian Slot Projects
        • A thin tome detailing tips for songwriting and composing, interspersed with minor qi exercises and other handwritten notes.
      • Jade Slips
        • Allows the user to learn the arts Sable Crescent Step, Eight Phase Ceremony, and Forgotten Vale Melody.
        • An old and powerful area defense Art gifted to Ling Qi by Elder Ying for services rendered to the Sect.
        • An art that formerly belonged to Yan Renshu.
        • Phantasmagoria of Lunar Revelry jade slip.
        • Twin jade slips, one a pure white containing Songseeker's Ceremony, crafted for Ling Qi's by her patron Moons. The other, ethereal green containing the Laughing Flight of the Wind Thief, a blessing of the Grinning Moon.
        • A tablet of white jade containing many arts from the Cai library or negotiated for with other parties. Most arts within are for the early stages of cultivation suitable to establish a fledgling clan with, with some arts selected with potential to fit Renxiang's new retainer.

          Third Realm Arts: Starless Night's Reflection, Beast Kings' Savage Dirge, Unstoppable Glaciers March, Coldstar Blade Foundations, Bewitching Silver Maiden, Vengeful River King's Grasp.
        • Various arts picked from the sect's archives. These arts may be cultivated personally but to teach them beyond one would need to purchase the rights from the sect.

      • New Moon Sect Map.
      • This pill furnace is quite valuable. Formerly belonged to Yan Renshu.

        Currently on site waiting for an alchemists workshop in Shenglu/spoiler]
        • Many of the jade slips recorded performances, poetry and songs. Not arts or techniques but still useful for insights for a musician.
        • Assorted 2nd and low 3d ream arts of quality not much lower than TRF.
        • Five jade slips containing teachings on the crafting and modification of arts, containing lessons far deeper than the basic instruction offered by the Sect lessons. Containing musings on the shape of meridians, on insights, tribulations and breakthroughs.
        • A partially locked jade containing a recipe for potent breakthrough medicine, the Heart's Dream Elixir. The ingredients are not easy to acquire, perhaps a long-term project with Suyin.
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Arts Encyclopedia
Art Encyclopedia:

  • (in use) Songseeker's Ceremony
    A cultivation art unique to Ling Qi, developed with the aid of three phases of the moon. Dreaming, Grinning, and Hidden combine to form the nascent steps of Ling Qi's own path. The cultivation art rewards feats of daring, self expression, and dealings with the spirits of the world. It is the art of one who seeks the powers hidden in the world, and the beauty of songs old and new.

    Yin, Moon
    Keywords: Mystery, Expression, Motion

    110 XP per turn in Base Progression
    Reduce Cultivation Upkeep by 12 Green Stones
    2 Bonus progress to Yin and Moon arts projects
    1 bonus progress to Music or Dance projects
    Allows the User to bind spirits of up to Third grade
    Reduces upkeep cost of bound spirits by 1(Minimum 1)
    3 Auto Progress to Qi Potency Project
    Amplifies Growth rate of Bound spirits

    Predecessor Art: Eight Phase Ceremony
    A mystic Art based upon consumption of celestial qi to improve and refine body and mind. Granted to those smiled upon by some aspect of the moon, in order to bring them closer to their patron. The Phase the Grinning Crescent Moon emphasizes the mystery and hidden nature of acts performed in the night. The Phase of the Hidden Moon emphasized the search for secrets, hidden by the darkness of ignorance.

    Yin, Moon
    Keywords: Expression, Mystery, Motion

    Granted the Songseeker Trait
    Argent Genesis, Level 6 (max)
    The cultivation art of the Argent Sect. Created by the ancestors of Sect Head Yuan He and polished to perfection under his eye. This art offers many insights into building a strong foundation for a young cultivators future growth. The neutral balanced qi cultivated by this art mingles easily with almost every form of Imperial cultivation, making for a fine secondary art for any young scion.

    Granted the Argent Domain Trait

    Predecessor Art: Argent Soul
    This technique for the cultivation of qi is among the easiest to understand. Rather than sheer power, versatility, or any other more practical use it is primarily focused on fortifying one's Qi and building a strong foundation for later cultivation.

    Granted the Argent Foundation Trait

  • Phantasmagoria of Lunar Revelry(Mastered)
    An art born from the nature of the dreaming moon, patron of artists and innovators, granted as a favor to one who impressed at her moonlit gala. This art calls upon the memories of that chaotic spiritual revel, allowing the user to use their qi to impress them upon the waking world, and move with the grace of a trueborn maiden of moonlight.

    Yang, Moon
    - Chaos, Dream, Revelry
    Antithesis: Clarity, Destiny, Order
    Art Type: Support

    Passive Effects:
    Gain the Dreamwalker Trait-Permanent
    +1 to primary Movement trait

    You are grace in motion, never misstepping or jostling their peers in even the most crowded and raucous hall. Even the most unfamiliar dance comes naturally. As one who has begun to Master the ways of the Dreaming Moon, you can draw attention or blend into a crowd with a mere thought. In battle, your every movement trails brief afterimages, and turn the world hazy in your wake.

    Illustrious Phantasmal Festival:
    Potency G4
    Type: Zone, Construct
    Duration: Scene
    The foundational technique from which all others in the art arise. The bells ring, the hall takes shape, the dancers come. From mist and haze, figures in many shapes arrive, through the mediums available, a grand revel that may turn cruel or gay at the whim of its dreamer. The phantom revelers may pack close or scatter wide as needed, disrupting discipline and order of all kinds. Within the revel you move unimpeded by any obstacle not created by a technique of greater potency. Allies and friends find themselves where they need to be within the revel, always able to find their host's side in a moment if need be.

    Lunatic Whirl
    Potency G4
    Type: Construct, Bind
    Duration: Stunt
    Sometimes a guest is truly unruly, and refuses to partake in the grand ball prepared. With a moment's focus, the revelers will gather around these troublesome guests, grasping and whirling them away to dance and laugh in the hall, disrupting whatever uncouth activity they might have been taking part in. Unless they struggle free, they may find themselves exhausted in time, sent to the land of dreams in truth.

    Lunatic Crescendo
    Potency G3
    Type: Empowerment
    Duration: Stunt

    The realm of dreams is the land of faith and belief, thought and yearning. In twisting the border of reality and dream you may draw a trickle of that belief into reality, a song, a strike or anything else of your fancy at a moment of dire need or significance, empowering them with the might of belief. Increases the potency of technique used by yourself or an ally by up to 5 depending on the actions dramatic value.

    Can only be used once per scene.

    Myriad Roots Succession
    Yin, Wood, Dream
    Persistence, Growth, Community
    Antithesis: Stagnation, Solitude, Impermanence
    Art Type: Armor

    Passive Effects:
    +2 to Primary Armor Trait
    1 auto progress to qi growth Project

    Distant Paradise Resilience: G5
    Type: Armor, Support
    Duration: Scene

    You tap into the resolve which joins you to your allies and the memories of roots everlasting, of life that persists through all wrath and ruin. Shrouding your allies in light and weaving roots. While active you take all damage which would harm shrouded allies through their own defenses up to G5 as qi loss. This does not prevent on damage effects from coming into effect on targets. They do not come into effect on you.

    Your own defense techniques do not reduce this. You may not lose qi greater than an individual target's total cultivation plus one from any individual instance. (Protecting an individual R1 cultivator you take a maximum of R2 potency damage as qi loss.) You may choose to include or exclude individuals in this effect.

    Ruin Scattered Rebirth: G6
    Type: Anti-Finisher
    Duration: Stunt

    From the least of seeds and scraps, the whole grove might regrow in time, so long as a single mote of life remains, you will allow no wound of body nor spirit to stop or slow you. For the duration of the stunt, you cannot be killed or reduced to zero qi by any non-shen effect.

    After the stunt you will immediately regenerate all wounds and qi loss suffered during the course of the stunt.

    Usable once per scene.
    Final Frost's Serenade
    Yin, Cold, Darkness
    Keywords: Cycles, Endings, Persistence, Renewal, Want
    Antithesis: Contentment, Power, Solitude, Stagnation
    Type: Offensive


    Aria of Endings
    Potency: G5
    Type: Bind, Cold, Drain, Song
    Duration: Scene

    The beginnings of a song of endings. A howl, a shriek, the blistering cutting wind of the first storm of winter sweeping across the land, burying the world in its frozen embrace, ending the dregs of the old year and consigning it to dust. Heat and Motion die within and those without place in the next year are buried and forgotten. Fills a large and growing area with driving snow and sleet, to the limits of the scene. Enemies in the area of effect have their Movement Trait gradually reduced, by up to half their starting trait value, and their qi sapped. Enemies reduced to zero qi receive damage unless deliberately spared.

    Frozen Night's Refrain
    Potency: G5
    Type: Attack, Dispel, Cold, Song
    Duration: Stunt

    And lo comes the depth of winter, the darkest and longest night, a song of whispering wind over snowfield and frozen river, the cry of sleet sweeping through forest and village, and music of hanging ice rattling from canopy and gutter. The night which takes, ending the year past, burying the dead, and making the land anew. The limitless killing whiteout. Your voice whips a foe, erasing the world in a curtain of white, wiping away the artifice of qi and freezing them down to their meridians

    When used targets up to three foes, this technique dispels one positive effect maintained by a target and prevents them from using the activating technique until dispelled, in addition to dealing damage.

    Snowblossom Shattering
    Potency: G6
    Type: Cold, Dispel, Finisher, Support
    Duration: Scene

    But Winter itself must end. The new world born consumes the dregs of the old. And your grip on events must come to an end. The last howl of winter carries across the battlefield, freezing foes unto statues of deep ice, stripped of all they were, made faceless in death, only the faint patterns in the frost carrying memory of life. At your call, they shatter, cracking apart into petals of frost, carried on the vitality that floods forth. Each target which has been successfully damaged by Frozen nights Refrain, or which has had their movement trait reduced by three or more due to Aria of Endings suffers an Immediate Potency G8 attack so long as they remain in the same scene. This attack ignores defensive techniques of lower potency.

    Total the Potency of enemies killed this way, allies of potency equal or less to that amount have their qi fully restored, all traits buffed by 1 for the duration of the scene, and the potency of their next technique is increased by 2

    This technique may only be used once per scene.

    Winter's Muse sings from its heart, the place of true cold, where even fire freezes and light dies. The truth of cold is the absolution of endings, and in this melody lies some small part of that truth. Its notes freeze blood and qi alike, its notes often the last thing its listeners hear in this world.

    Yin, Cold, Darkness
    Keywords: Endings, Isolation, Want
    Antithesis: Creation, Community, Contentment
    Type: Offensive

    Passive Effects:
    +1 to Primary Offense Trait
    Passive effects made permanent as the Winter's Heart Trait

    Springs End Aria
    Potency: G2
    Type: Song, Cold, Drain
    Duration: Scene
    The first notes of the users song herald the end of warmth, draining the heat from the area and around them and crystalizing the moisture in the air into snow and ice. You are winter, and the warmth of your foes is yours, only yours. The qi of nearby foes drains away, feeding the emptiness that can never be fulfilled. When the last of their qi drains away flesh grows cold and cracked, and winter seizes the last spark that remains.

    Hoarfrost Refrain
    Potency G2
    Type: Cold, Attack, Area, Toxin
    Duration: Stunt
    The howl of of a blizzard in the depths of winter. The scream of the wind that flenses flesh. The cold that saps away the last light of life slow and irresistible.The song tears and freezes the flesh of the singer's enemy and scours the flesh of those nearby. The chill spreads through the blood and meridians of the primary target, carrying the chill deeper still, like a frigid poison seeking the heart of its victims' warmth. The chill clings long after the technique ends, the insidious cold crawling ever closer to the victim's heart until at last it stills or the technique is dispelled.

    Call to Ending
    Potency: G2
    Type: Attack, Cold, Finisher
    Duration: Stunt
    The final verse of the Serenade is a quiet, sad thing, lacking the furor of earlier verses. Upon singing it, a single target which suffers from Hoarfrost Refrains cold feels a terrible pain as the chill infecting them grows to a terrible potency, and every last shred of heat flees their body. The damage to spirit and body is immense. Should the singer lay hands upon the victim however, no defense may save them from the cold. In this condition, the technique is treated as having a Potency of G4 and ignores lower ranked defense techniques.
    Harmony of the Dancing Wind, (Mastered, Altered)
    There lies a beauty in patterns, of spirits and men alike. This melody exults in the complex dance of winds which brings us weather and the seasons, and in doing, teaches the musician to see and pluck at the lesser patterns and connections in the world around. The harmony reveals the web which connects all things, if the players eyes are but sharp enough to see.

    Yang, Wind, Music
    Keywords: Expression, Community, Truth
    Anthesis: Deceit, Isolation, Silence
    Art Type: Perception

    Passive Effects:
    +1 to Primary Perception
    Whispers comes clearly to your ears, and subtle sounds to your notice. Even in the cacophony of a crowd or battle, you can easily pick out individual sights and sounds of import.

    Spring Breeze Canto: G3
    Type: Perception, Communication
    Duration: Upkeep 1
    With your understanding of expression and communication, you encode words and feelings into your songs not for the public but for allies alone. Transfers simple two way communication through the medium of Music based arts to allies in a scene

    Hidden Wind's Breath: G3
    Type: Perception, Communication
    Duration: Stunt
    The wind connects all beneath the sky, mastery of wind and music allows the singer to weave a connection between two souls into the tapestry that may go unnoticed by all save their target. Upon use, the user establishes a connection with a far away ally, allowing them to briefly communicate and share senses.

    Thief of Names(Successor)
    The art of a scholar and a thief, a seeker of secrets, stepping beyond the foundational ideas of divination, this is an art developed and driven by Ling Qi's desire to understand and communicate. Few will hide from her eyes, and no treasure will escape her plucking fingers.

    Yin, Moon, Dream
    Keywords: Mystery, Choice, Expression
    Antithesis: Isolation, Occlusion, Ignorance
    Art Type: Perception

    Passive Effects:
    +2 to Primary Perception Trait
    Passively allows the viewing of cultivation echoes of those interacted with and a deeper understanding of intentions and motives.

    Active Effects

    Scholar-Thief's Assessment: G4
    Type: Construct, Perception
    Duration: Scene

    The gaze of a seeker of knowledge and secrets, passing over the locked displays all around them, parsing their contents and defenses, all to better understand which treasures which ones hands might reach. Enhances the user's senses, or may be used to conjure up to five invisible points from which the users perception can emanate.The user's senses extend from the wisps, and when they overlap, the user's perception is improved in the area. The wisps ignore obstacles below potency 10, but cannot travel very far from their creator. Wisps are fragile and may be destroyed easily by the direct actions of peer cultivators if noticed, but are quite subtle and hard to detect.

    Alternatively you may create a single perception point, at greatly extended range, and a potency of 12.

    Intruding Thoughts: G6
    Type: Scry, Noncombat
    Duration: Scene

    An advanced and dangerous liminal technique, allowing the user to visualize a targets mind as a physical space which they can infiltrate, pilfer and otherwise interact with. A very risky art, as such a close connection to anothers mind opens the user up to being damaged in many ways by the targets will and memories, and which risks significant and permanent harm to the minds of low realm and mortal targets. However a skillful thief can find many treasures indeed in such a vault.
    Can currently only be used on targets unaware of the users presence, and outside of active combat situations.

    Predecessor Artst: Roaming Moon's Eye, Silent Songseekers Regard

    A divination art, a modification of the Roaming Moon's eye, an art which is both ancient and common in the Emerald Seas. Modified to work more seamlessly with Ling Qi's cultivation style, it makes use of the creators understanding of spiritual expression through music to function rather than pure force of spirit.

    Yin, Moon, Music
    Keywords: Mystery, Fate, Expression
    Antithesis: Chaos, Occlusion, Ignorance
    Art Type: Perception

    Passive Effects:
    +1 to Primary Perception Trait
    The senses are enhanced, allowing the user to sense others through the echoes of their thoughts, made more effective when entities are expressing themselves in some way. In objects, this manifests as a rough sense of their purpose and frequency of use by thinking beings.

    Active Effects

    Merry Moon's Eye: G3
    Type: Construct, Perception
    Duration: Scene

    Conjures up to five reflective silver wisps the size of a coin. Expressions of the Diviner's curiosity, these wisps seek their parents' interest eagerly. The user's senses extend from the wisps, and when they overlap, the user's perception is improved in the area. The wisps ignore obstacles below their potency rank, but cannot travel very far from their creator. Wisps are fragile and may be destroyed easily by the direct actions of peer cultivators if noticed, but are quite subtle and hard to detect.

    Alternatively you may merge all the wisps into one, extending their range a great deal and increasing its potency to 11.

    Songseeker's Eye: G5
    Type: Scry, Noncombat
    Duration: Stunt

    A long range Clairaudience technique. Thinning the veil between reality and the liminal, the user extends their senses through the thinned space to attempt to peer at something far away. Success is improved by familiarity with the target creature or location, and degraded by distance and unfamiliarity. When successful the user's hearing and spiritual senses extend to the target, allowing the user to hear them and feel their general spiritual disposition.

    Predecessor Art: Roaming Moon's Eye
    Beast King's Savage Dirge
    It is said in legend that as the power of the Horned Lord and the Diviner waxed, the eight Beast Kings who remained came together in council of war and united to bring down the conqueror once and for all. Their footfalls shook the earth and their savagery shook the skies, and though they were defeated in the end, echoes of that terrible march remained etched in the folklore of the Emerald Seas forever more. This art is part of a ballad said to have been composed for the last Weilu dukes, and though its origin is suspect, its power is not.

    Potency Increase: 2/3
    Yang, Wood, Darkness
    Potency Growth: Green 5(6)
    Keywords: Beasts, Conquest, Power, Music
    Antithesis: Tranquility, Stillness, Humanity
    Art Type: Offensive

    Passive Effects:
    +1 to Primary Offense Trait.
    Your footsteps are the drums of war, tingling in your foes bones, making stomachs uneasy. Your offensive arts strike with greater force, and your presence looms high in your foes mind.
    -Potential Trait Gain

    Beast King's Dying March: G6
    Type: Construct, Zone, Varies
    Duration: Varies

    Each part is a but a piece of the score, each beast a symbol to be used, for a master musician measures and notes may be rearranged and remixed, to produce the needed mood. From your song you tangle elements of the Beast's you have mastered together to perform whatever task you need. The proud eagle dying alone, the domineering wolf, betrayed by his own kin, the rats who devour their own, the foolish carp, destinied to receive the blows for another. When activating this technique, choose any two of the following powers to apply to the constructs you summon, you may not choose the same option twice. Each use of the the technique summons a G5 construct, which may be a single entity or a group visually.

    Available Effects
    Qi Absorption: Drains qi from other constructs and cultivators
    Technique Taunting: Draws techniques into targeting the construct
    Forced Movement: Allow the construct to forcibly move targets
    Group Offensive Buff: Grants a buff to the offensive trait of up to ten allies in a scene
    Group Defensive Buff: Grants a buff to the defense Trait of up to ten allies in a scene
    Expend to Dispel: Expends the construct to attempt to dispel an active technique or effect
    Increased Construct Offense: Increases the Constructs offense to G6
    Increased Construct Defense: increase the Constructs defense to G6

    Vermin God's Legion: G4
    Type: Construct, Zone
    Duration: Scene

    A heavy song, ominous and fast paced. From every corner hungry teeth and hungrier eyes rise, boiling from the earth, materializing from the sky, a legion of vermin to carpet the earth and devour those who think themselves mighty. The house and skittering of countless rats fills the air. They devour, they die and are devoured in turn, and inspire a cowardice and selfishness in foes. The rats gnaw not only at flesh but bonds, reducing the potency of supporting traits and techniques among enemies the longer they remain. Attacks against the construct gradually degrade its potency.

    The user may discharge the technique, causing the rats to devour themselves in a frenzy of violence as the song transforms from one of horror to triumph, bolstering their own supporting techniques and traits as well.

    Eagle God's Dirge: G3
    Type: Construct, Attack, Area
    Duration: Stunt/Scene
    The fastest of the beast kings, the Eagle God, lord of those who flew and preyed on the world below was an impetuous beast, and dove into battle before all the others. If this technique is activated without Primal War Calling, that technique activates freely the next time you use a technique.

    On activation, the user plays an ear splitting high note and the Eagle God flies again, if only for a moment. The initial cry is an area attack against nearby enemies. And is followed by a single target attack as the construct dives into a foe and carries them away in its talons, dashing them against the ground at the end of its flight.

    When the construct completes its charge, the user may then choose to expend it in a burst of qi as the Eagle God falls. Allies within the scene are filled with a powerful resolve and a burst of speed. Increase the rank of allied defense trait by one. Increase the potency of any allied movement arts used in the scene by 1.

    Once the secondary effect is activated, the Eagle God's Dirge cannot be used again during the scene.

    Wolf God's Cunning: G5
    Type; Construct, Attack
    Duration: Stunt
    The cunning Wolf God, lord of those beasts which hunt in number, he of the numberless wild hunt, was the second of the beast gods to engage the Diviner, and a less wise commander would have broken before the maneuvers of his pack. May only be used while Primal War Calling is active. On use summons a construct in the shape of a large grey wolf. The wolf attacks at your direction, savaging and tearing down foes.

    While the construct is active the potency of Primal War Calling increases by 2.
    (alternate) Playful Muse's Rapport
    The children of the Dreaming Moon, are endless in number, variation and curiosity. Playful and carefree, unafraid and unconcerned with consequence, many dismiss these creatures of dream as an ephemeral annoyance, the companions of feckless hedonists and unserious artisans. However, there are many lessons to learn from the children of dream, the playful nature of these muses belies their utmost honesty of intent, for no muse has any reason to lie or trick, and few beings are more capable of conveying their thoughts more clearly than a creature whose whole being is such.

    -Grants and allows training of the Dreaming Muse's Rapport Trait
    Melodies of the Spirit Seekers
    Long out of fashion among the nobility of the empire, arts such as this nonetheless remain valuable for cultivators who must deal with matters of spirits in a less high handed fashion. Developed in the late days of the Xi from the collected practices and rituals of many clans. Conflict between man and spirit often stems from misunderstanding. To a spirit meaning is constant, but to human folk, the meaning in words is a fluid thing, changing from generation to generation. Thus, in seeking accord with wild spirits words are as often a hindrance as they are a help.

    Potency Increase 2/3
    Balanced, Music
    Keywords: Bargaining, Sincerity, Understanding.
    Antithesis: Deceit, Ignorance, Power
    Art Type: Utility

    Passive Effects:
    You have learned how to quickly identify the nature of spirits you interact with, and understanding the fault lines between them and humanity, you may more easily prevent hostility, spirits of lesser potency will always begin with a neutral attitude unless compelled by other forces, and even greater spirits are inclined to at least listen and hear you out.

    Rhythm of Exchange: G3
    Type: Communication
    Duration: Scene
    To a practitioner of the musical arts, rhythm, meter and tone are more than simple notation, they are the underpinning of all thought, emotion and expression. In immersing oneself in the melody of a spirits self, one can more easily divine the core interests and natures of a spirit, enabling the formation of better, more stable agreements.

    Bastion's Melody: G5
    Type: Support
    Duration: Scene
    Many are the spirits of the world whose very being is hostile to human kind, not through any ill intention, but simply as a part of their nature. They are merely elements of the world though, as we all are, and in understanding, one may grant their procession safety. Using this melody the user may soften this harshness to enable diplomacy. Negates the negative environmental traits of up to three entities for yourself and allies in a scene, up to Potency G8. Higher effects are reduced in potency by 5. This does not apply to any intentionally targeted technique or effect.

    This effect can be anchored to a prepared location to extend duration.
    Laughing Flight of the Wind Thief
    In this world there are a million tales long forgotten, great and small. In a time before the rule of men, before the arrogance of dragons, there were only beasts that called themselves gods. Yet strength breeds arrogance, and arrogance breeds complacency, and so long ago a cunning young girl plotted and planned and stole the Sovereignty of Wind from the gods. She flew beyond their reach, and mocked them with every league, the wind carrying her laughter across the land. In this art are the seeds of the way she forged, refined for the modern day, to inspire a disciples own flight. In mastering the dual powers of darkness and wind, that they might never be caught unwillingly again.

    Potency Increase 2/3
    Yin, Darkness, Wind
    Keywords: Freedom, Motion, Want
    Antithesis: Bondage, Stillness, Contentment
    Art Type: Movement

    Passive Effects:
    +1 to Primary Movement, +1 to Primary Stealth
    You soar with the natural agility of one born to flight, and the wind lies always at your back encouraging you to greater speed like an old friend. No chains can hold you, no vault can resist you. You are an apprentice of the thief of winds, and all who hoard should fear you.
    -Evolution of Primary Movement Trait on mastery

    Zephyr's Mocking Escape: G5
    Type: Avoid
    Duration: Upkeep 2
    The user immerses themselves in wind and darkness, becoming nothing more than a flitting shadow in a windy night. Filled with the joy of endless movement, they can only laugh as their foes attempt to grasp at what cannot be touched. In addition, you are Immune to Bind and Root effects and may pass freely through all obstacles, so long as you can perceive your destination. Effects of G7 or higher override these effects.

    Opened Vault: G5
    Type: Stealth
    Duration: Stunt
    Doors, walls, thresholds. No matter how solid, each and every one is porous in its way. With this technique, the user reaches past through or around physical barriers, bypassing even the separation between subspace pockets and reality to snatch away an object of interest.

    Breeze in the Vault: G3
    Type: Stealth
    Duration: Stunt
    Calling upon the mastery shown by the girl in slipping unnoticed through the realms of the gods, the user channels the qi of wind to become silent and trackless, passing through perception as no more than a silent breeze. In addition, the user may outright ignore the effects of formations and techniques of G3 potency or less which would detect, impede or record them, without interacting with any conditional requirements that they might have.

    Four Winds Dance: G5
    Type: Anti Finisher
    Duration: Stunt, Dispel
    Four winds is an illusion, a simplification of infinite complexity. They are a symbol, but no less potent for it.The wind's dance is the dance of the world, of the movement of the sky and the turning of the seasons. Action and reaction, none command the wind, and yet no breeze is sourceless.

    You avoid the effects of a technique completely, if necessary immediately moving out of its range. When you do all negative technique effects afflicting you are scattered randomly to nearby foes. In addition dispel all bind, root and compulsion effects on allies in the scene. Usable Once per Scene.
    Winter Hearth Resounding
    An old art developed by the clans of southern emerald seas, during the age of civil strife. A meditation on the nature of home and family created during the long winters which once plagued the hills of the province. This art offers few stand alone techniques, and instead focuses on effects which bolster other arts.

    Potency Increase: 0/3
    Balanced, Cold, Fire, Music
    Keywords: Boundary, Home, Renewal
    Antithesis: Liminal, Wilds, Ending
    Art Type: Support

    Passive Effects:
    +1 to Primary Armor Trait
    Your presence is a warm fire to your allies, a salve against wounds and exhaustion, your music beats back against the cold world, and shelter from harm.

    Burning Hearth, Winter Wind: G3
    Type: Support
    Upkeep 1
    Through the reverberations of this technique, cultivators' Music arts are altered subtly. Manifesting as a faint background support to a song, melody or composition granting it greater depth and complexity. Among you and your allies, techniques which would be indiscriminate in target instead subtly avoid friendly fire, and dispels of lesser potency fail against you.

    Frozen Walls, Homely Keep: G5
    Type: Support
    Duration: Scene
    Focusing their conception of hearth and home upon a single location or themselves, the cultivator calls forth a potent warmth that enwraps allies and a frozen chill that assaults invaders. The Qi potency of you and your allies is increased by 1, and your enemies reduced by 1.
    Unstoppable Glacier's March
    The rivers which wind through and water the Emerald Seas have their origin in the high mountain ice of the Wall. This melody seeks to capture the crushing inevitably of the eons long migrations of these great entities of ice, which in turn birth the great rivers and their unstoppable flow.

    Potency Increase 0/3
    Yin, Cold, Music
    Keywords: Expression, Inevitability, Pressure
    Antithesis: Stasis, Chaos, Stillness
    Art Type: Offensive

    Passive Effects:
    +1 to Primary OffenseTrait
    -Potential Alteration to Winter's Heart Trait on Mastery
    The chill of high mountain peaks surrounds you like a shroud, ice and frost gather in a swirling veil. Those who stand in your path feeling an urge to part before you, leaving your path of advance clear.

    Implacable Advance: G4
    Duration: Upkeep 2
    The first technique of the march lies in laying down it's beat. A sound so deep that it is felt more than heard, this technique replicates the rumbling, eons long song of the high ice caps as they carve the land into new shapes. The power of your songs grinds away defenses, weakening Armor the longer a battle goes on.

    Grinding Glacial Melody: G4
    Type: Attack, Bind
    Duration: Stunt
    Requires Implacable Advance to be active. The user advances toward their foe, playing the slow, steady notes of the march, whipping up a storm of snow and ice in their immediate vicinity and bringing down a crushing cold and pressure on their target, driving them before the user. Targets are struck by an immense pressure forcing them to retreat or be flung backward before your advance.

    Dirge for the Fallen Peak: G5
    Duration: Scene
    Requires Implacable Advance to be active. The song of the glacier is the dirge of mountains. This song grinds away enemy defenses, as the ice grinds away the peak. The full pressure of an advancing glacier falls upon the target, and each time they are struck by you, another hammerblow of rising pressure strikes down on their backs.
    (alternate) Moonless Saboteur's Smile, Level 3
    Each momentous shift in court, each great change in the status quo arises from ten thousand lesser actions, each innocuous on their own. The spirits of the shadowed, hidden moon know this better than any mortal. Seeking no glory, they arrange matters to the benefit of those mortals which have caught their fancy. Long did the courts of the Weilu prosper with the hidden work of theses spirits, and swift did their order crumble in their absence.

    Granted and Allows the Training of the Hidden Smile Trait

  • Coldstar Blade Foundations
    A Martial Art originating from the Heavenly Peaks province, the Coldstar Blade Foundations are a simplified version of the core martial techniques of the Frozen Sun Sect, who dwell upon the higher peaks of the province and meditate on the dichotomy of being closer to the sun--and yet colder than those who dwell in less rarefied heights. As a Minor Sect who failed to gain Imperial Patronage, they have found themselves outcompeted by the Great Sects who now monopolize the young and talented of the Celestial Empire, and have distributed these teachings in an attempt to keep their methods alive. Experts in the Coldstar Blade Arts are known for their graceful movements and precision--sequestering the life and vitality of their foes before detonating it in all-powerful finishing strikes.

    Base Potency G2
    Yin, Cold, Fire
    Keywords: Contrast, Cutting, Precision
    Antithesis: Congruity, Harmony, Indiscriminate
    Art Type: Offense
    Vengeful River King's Grasp
    In the Thousand Lakes, the spirits of the rivers are often savage and mercurial beings, as swift to drag an unwary petitioner beneath the waters as they are to grant boons. Though the rivers have long been pacified by fear of the White Serpent Kings and Queens, there are still those who learn their lessons. This art seeks to master the sudden and savage movements of a river flooding in the spring, and drag under any unwary fools who might approach.

    Base Potency G2
    Yin, Water
    Keywords: Motion, Retribution, Power
    Antithesis: Solidity, Forgiveness, Tranquility
    Art Type: Offense
    Moon Sprite's Inquiry
    The minor spirits of the deep, impenetrable glades within the Emerald Seas are infamously inquisitive; many are the folk tales of the tiny sprites of moonlight flitting out from trees and passing into the homes of the unwary to play their games of idle curiosity. "Tell me a tale" They ask, one and all, for it is said that their greatest prize is a story worth offering to the moons above. And in that pursuit they are relentless, ever prying, ever cajoling, seeking that precious secret memory at a person's core which defines their life forever afterwards.

    Grants and Allows Training of the Inquiring Archivist Social Trait
    Frozen Lake Gleaming
    An art developed by a cultivator of the western fens, observing the interplay of lunar qi upon the frozen waters and the revelry of fairies of ice and moon alike. This art teaches the cultivator to shroud themselves in reflection and ice to confound and punish foes who seek to wipe away their true arts.

    Base Potency G3
    Potency Growth: Green 4(3), Green 5(6)
    Keywords: Mystery, Retribution, Expression
    Antithesis: Stillness, Truth, Forgiveness
    Art Type: Armor
    Burning Glade Restoration
    Developed in the wake of the Purifying Sun's death, this melody was composed by eastern clans by observation of the adaption of forests on the border of the province. When the burning winds came from the east, the groves and plains burned, and there was much devastation. Yet nature is resilient and over time, the lands of the east adapted to regular burning, springing forth with new growth mere days after the passing of the flame.

    Base Potency: G3
    Fire, Wood, Yang
    Keywords: Persistence, Renewal, Expression
    Antithesis: Stagnation, Stillness, Ending
    Art Type: Support
    Undying Hearth's Embers
    If fueled, even the tiniest spark may leap back to roaring life. Through careful regulation of the flows of ones qi a practitioner of this art may prevent their techniques from being wholly snuffed out, and recover even when driven into a corner. The users compositions are lent a faint reverberating quality, showing that they will last beyond the fading of the initial notes.

    Base Potency G3
    Wood, Balanced
    Keywords: Home, Persistence, Expression
    Antithesis: Ending, Isolation, Silence
    Art Type: Support

  • Sable Crescent Step, Level 8 (max)

    Darkness has no form nor presence, and so those who master it learn to cast these things aside, and embrace the absence and silence of the empty night. This movement art focuses on understanding of this rare element allowing the user to move from place to place with little regard for what lies between there present position and their goal.

    Potency: Green 2
    - Darkness, Moon, Motion, Shadows, Yin.
    - Athletics, Dance, Dodge, Dexterity, Stealth, Wits.
    Meridians: Spine x2[-1], Leg x3[-2]; 4 dark 1 moon
    Max level: 8

    Passive Effects:
    +25 bonus to Speed
    +10 bonus to initiative
    +10 bonus to Stealth
    Speed Bonus increases by 10 in Low Light or Darkness
    Stealth bonus increases by 10 in darkness
    +15 bonus to Hit and Penetration if making the opening attack of a combat
    +10 bonus to Hit against Unaware or Unready targets
    +10 bonus to Avoid in environments which allow for stealth

    Grinning Crescent Dancer: B rank
    Duration: Long
    Calling upon the favor of the Grinning Moon, and using their skill at manipulating dark qi, the user's becomes an indistinct phantom, a flicker of shadow dancing between lights. Greatly enhances the dancers ability to avoid attacks and stay ahead of foes. The deeper the darkness grows the quicker their reactions and movement become. In darkness the dancers immaterial form may ignore the some of the impact of even those attacks which strike its flitting form. No mundane obstacle may block the movement of the Dancer, so long as they can perceive their destination, and entrapping them through wholly physical means becomes impossible.

    One with Shadow: C rank
    Duration: Persistent
    The user merges with the shadows and dark, dematerializing entirely. In this form they may slip from shadow to shadow, without crossing the space between so long as the destination shadow is at least moderately sized. In this form the users presence is muted, even to spiritual senses. If the user slips successfully into the shadow of an opponent, their connection grants their first attack against that enemy a great potency, ignoring the effects of any damage reduction the target may have. However, an attack on the shadow the user inhabits can harm the user, and damage will break this technique.

    Sable Crescent Step: B rank
    A master of this art may bring its lessons together in a single movement, an impeccable step of matchless grace. The cunning master may find several uses for this movement. A single attack of equal or lower may be avoided, no matter how unerring the aim, as the user simply ceases to exist in the material world for a moment, rematerializing with Far range of their current position. If more offensively inclined, the user may instead make a single physical attack utterly bypassing up to C rank physical armor and damage reduction, and rematerialize within Close range of their target. Targets with higher damage or armor reduction instead have it reduced by two ranks for the purposes of determining damage.
    Thousand Ring Fortress, Level 6 (max)

    An old and well polished art developed by a once powerful but defunct family within the Emerald Sea province. The user joins themselves to the qi of the land, becomes as one of the mighty trees which stand in the deepest forests of the province, vital and sturdy. Yet one tree is not a forest, and so the user may extend their vitality to their allies.

    Potency: Green 2
    - Armor, Vitality, Wood, Yang.
    - Fortitude, Stamina.
    Meridians: Spine x2, Heart x2; 4 wood
    Max level: 6

    Passive Effects:
    +10 bonus to Physical Armor of the user and all allies within Close range
    +10 bonus to stamina and resolve of the user and allies within Close range
    +10 bonus to Physical Armor vs poison and disease effects
    H rank damage reduction vs poison or disease -permanent

    Deepwood Vitality: C
    Duration: Immediate
    The user channels their qi into the earth, spreading like a great tangle of roots to link with up to twenty allies. The vital qi armors each fortifies each cultivator affected against a single attack, shattering if it is great enough but leaving the person beneath unharmed. The fortifying qi also attempts to dispel the lowest ranked debuff affecting the targets. Each ally beyond the first increases the cost of the technique by 3.

    Ten Ring Defense: D
    Duration: Persistent
    This user fills themselves with the vital qi of the great forests to protect themselves and their allies from harm. Glowing verdant qi enshrouds their form, bright as the leaves of the Emerald Seas canopy. The shroud drinks in the qi of the battlefield and The shroud drinks in the qi granting G rank qi regen for each enemy(stacks to a maximum of C Rank), just as the leaves of spring and summer are restored from winters clutches. So long as battle is joined, this technique will never fade unless forcibly dispelled

    Hundred Ring Armament: C
    Duration: Long
    Diffusing heavy wood qi through flesh and muscle the user armors themselves and their allies with the iron bark of primeval forests. Granting the user the resilience of a centennial tree, they may shrug off lesser attacks from bladed or piercing weapons, and endure even powerful ones. This effect may be extended to as many as ten allies, increasing the cost by 5 for each one.

    Thousand Rings Unbreaking: B
    Duration: Long
    The eldest trees of the Emerald Seas are mighty things, ancient and nigh invulnerable, akin to living mountains. By calling upon the image of their power, the user gains some measure of their primeval resilience,ignoring minor wounds entirely, and lessening the effect of greater ones. Under this affect, the user becomes utterly immovable to enemy action, and cannot be grappled, unless the enemy's cultivation exceeds theirs by two levels or one realm. This effect may be extended to up to ten allies. So long as this effect is active, the user cannot be incapacitated, any blow that would reduce their health to that point instead reduces it to the lowest rank possible. On activation of this aspect, Thousand Rings Unbreaking is automatically dispelled. This effect may only activate once per scene.
    Starless Night's Reflection

    In the Thousand Lakes, the infinite depth of the night sky is reflected from one thousand mirrors, displaying infinite emptiness extending beyond the heavens and into the depths of the earth. In meditating upon this conceptual void, the user seeks to become such a mirror, combining the formlessness and absorption of darkness with the rippling serenity and infinite depth of the lakes. Enemies striking the user and their allies find their weapons and techniques sinking into the shadows, to vanish, doing no more harm than they would if they slashed the waters of mighty Lake Hei, or aimed their malice at the starless sky.

    Potency Increase 1/3
    Yin, Lake, Darkness
    Reflections, Stillness, Void
    Antithesis: Motion, Energy, Clarity
    Art Type: Armor

    Passive Effects:
    On Mastery receive chance to attain 'Imperturbable Soul' Trait
    +1 to Primary Armor Trait

    Liquid darkness armors your frame, flowing from every fold in your garb, when you would be struck, it ripples, blunting the force of blows and leaving gaps in mighty blasts where you had stood.

    Rippling Starless Shroud: G3
    Type: Armor, Support
    Duration: Scene
    Your shadow distends, spreading much farther than the light would carry, where it falls, the liquid darkness which is your armor extends unto your allies, granting them the same protection.

    Black Mirror: G5
    Type: Anti-Finisher
    Duration: Stunt
    The lake's surface is imperturbable, and naught may change that Darkness, perfect and unbroken ripples out from the user, consuming all nearby for a single instant. For a moment, you may push your limited understanding and become as the Void, fully negating the effects of an enemy attack on yourself and allies in a scene. Usable once per scene.
    Storm Enduring Seedling, Level 4

    A song written by a musician of the capital, chronicling his observance of a seedling growing from a storm wracked cliff. Its struggling roots clung to weak soil, and though it teetered many times, it never fell, growing tall and strong until its roots could burrow into the very mountain rock itself.

    Potency: Green 2
    Potency Growth: Green 3(5)
    - Resist, Wood, Yang.
    - Composure, Music, Resilience, Resolve.
    Meridians: Spine x4; 2 wood 2 music
    - Growth: Spine(1,1,3,4,5)
    Experience Needed: 500
    Max level: 5

    Passive Effects:
    +15 to Resist
    +10 to Spiritual Armor
    +10 to Poise
    +10 Health

    Intractable Roots: D
    Duration: Short
    A short piece full of stubborn obstinance, this technique significantly bolsters the users Resist against dispels. Even if a dispel succeeds, unless it exceeds the users resist by at least a full rank, the technique(s) dispelled persists until the users next action.

    Heaven Scarred Trunk: C
    Duration: Long
    Extending the short piece into a full stanza, the musician refuses to be moved. The user gains G rank Damage Reduction against purely Spiritual Arts, and greatly reduces the effects of any spiritual debuffs targeting them for the duration.

    Bark Worn Rough: C
    Duration: Immediate
    Damage: D
    While Heaven Scarred Trunk is active, the user may activate this technique whenever targeted by a spiritual attack or dispel. Sharpening their own spirit into rough edges, the user damages the spirit of the enemy who targeted her.

    Fifth Line 0/500
    Passive Effects:
    +15 to Resist
    +10 to Spiritual Armor
    +10 to Poise
    +10 Health

    Intractable Roots: C
    Duration: Long
    The completed piece, a song of endurance in the face of hardship, this technique significantly bolsters the users Resist against dispels. Even if a dispel succeeds, unless it exceeds the users resist by at least a full rank, the technique(s) dispelled persists until the users next action.
    -Bark Worn Rough
    Duration: Immediate
    Damage: D
    While Intractable Roots is active, this technique activates whenever the user is targeted by a spiritual attack or dispel. Sharpening their own spirit into rough edges, the user damages the spirit of the enemy who targeted her.

    Heaven Scarred Trunk: C
    Duration: Long
    Now a stand alone verse, this song grants the user an infusion of vitality and toughness. The user gains G rank Damage Reduction against purely Spiritual Arts, and greatly reduces the effects of any spiritual debuffs targeting them for the duration.

    Obstinate Branches Rising High: C
    Duration: Short
    A single sharp note, like the splintering crack of lightning striking weathered wood is the mark of this techniques activation. This technique blocks completely the effects of a single spiritual attack or dispel of C rank or lower on the user. The rank threshold is decreased against techniques with greater potency.
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Bound Spirits
Spirit Statsheets:
    • - Threshold Green (10)
      - Foundation Bronze (9)

      Primary Concepts: Community, Growth, Power, Renewal
      Secondary Concepts: Cycles, Destruction
    • Absolute Vitality (G): 10
      The flesh of the nameless Mother is resilient, even the mightiest cataclysm may only scar the surface of the world, never slay it. You hold a fragment of a fragment of that endurance, the embodiment of nature's renewal made flesh. Where you are wounded flesh knits, where your bones are broken your fire binds them back together, when your spirit gutters you find unlooked for fuel. So powerful is your vitality that it even radiates out to buoy your allies enhancing their own protection and stamina. Any damage which fails to slay you or drive you into dormancy will be recovered by the end of a scene unless this trait is blocked or nullified. Primary Armor

      Earthflame Lord (G): 6
      The serpent's fangs drip with the scorching fire of the earth's heart, empowering every bite and attack with a venom which turns blood to fire and flesh to cinder. Your shell burns with the heat of a newly woken volcano. All the flames of earth are your domain, in your gut, stone becomes magma, soil and sand become glass, and the heat that sleeps in the bones of the earth rises at your command. But a king must do more than scorch and burn, and fire is more than destruction. Primary Offense

      Verdant Ash Duality (G): 5
      You embody the burning magma which erases life and the fertile ash and soil left in its wake. You Destroy, you Renew, you Grow. You are two minds and you are one. In battle you may act half again as often as other individuals.

      Artillerist's Eye (G): 3
      You have trained hard, worked hard, strived for a skill beyond your nature. This is the result. You may aim your attacks at truly far distant targets with significant accuracy

      Prince of the High Garden (G): 2
      In the realm of spirit your name is a whisper. Your voice echoes in the high places, the cold fields and silent snowtopped hills, but by inches the earth grows warm and green, and the small spirits begin to flock. In this cruel and wicked world, your people will be safe and joyous. You are small yet, and your kingdom barely more than a dream.
    • Paradise Garden: G4
      Type: Bind or Root or Support, Construct or Zone
      Duration: Special
      A highly versatile technique which grows roots, vines and trees from the earth around you. With this technique you may attempt to bind or immobilize enemies, deflect attacks meant for your allies or create large constructs such as walls or domes. Each construct requires a new activation of the technique but lasts for the length of the scene. Other activation types are Short Duration, but may be used in succession to maintain their effects.

      Eternal Roots: G2
      Type: Dispel, Support
      Duration: Scene

      When this technique is active anytime Zhengui acts without changing position, he may attempt to remove a negative technique effect from himself and nearby allies when taking another action.

      Ashfall: G4
      Type: Healing, Zone
      Duration: Scene

      Zhengui shrouds himself in swirling ash, which burns and obstructs enemies in its range. Allies find the ash never touches them and swirls away to leave their vision clear. Zhengui may choose at any point to dispel this technique to grant a burst of healing vitality to allies in range

      Volcanic Shot: G4
      Type: Fire, Damage
      Duration: Stunt
      Gathering stone and soil in his stomach, Zhengui melts the matter into molten stone and glass before ejecting it as a missile as a distant foe. Zhengui is immobile while using this technique but may target any enemy in the scene. Where the molten missile strikes foes nearby are damaged by the splash.

      Paradise Forge: G4
      Type: Fire, Area
      Duration: Stunt/special
      Channels fire into the earth, awakening the latent volcanism in the memory of stone. The powerful flame qi pressurizes the molten stone forming beneath the surface until it explodes upward in a rolling ring of eruptions. The technique targets adjacent enemies first and then in growing concentric rings

      Alternatively, Zhengui may instead cause the technique to activate down straight line from his location damaging everything between himself and the target in a narrow line.

      Rebirth Inferno: G6
      Type: Finisher, Sacrifice
      Duration: Reaction
      When Zhengui would receive incapacitating damage his vitality surges and transforms into destructive energy, unleashing an omnidirectional blast of power and energy is a huge burst heavily damaging everything within range. In exchange Zhengui is driven unconscious and cannot recover for the remainder of the scene.
    • -Threshold Green (10)
      -Early Bronze (7)

      Primary Concepts: Chaos, Choice, Creation, Dream
      Secondary Concepts: Dissolution, Want, Expression
    • Fantasia's Grandchild(G) 10: The children and grandchildren of the Emerald Dancer are without count. They swarm and throng in every place where humans dwell and many where they do not. Untouchable by the wholly material, muse and fairy dwell wholly in the realms of mind and dreams.

      Emerald Muse (G) 10: Born from the thoughts, impulses and whimsy of artists of all stripes, Sixiang is a dabbling master of many artistic pursuits, though music and poetry most of all. By the same metric they perceive easily what lies under the masks humans where and the nature of their impulses, even if the they yet lack some understanding of the origins of human desire.

      Dreaming Masque (G) 1: Born from dream and thought it is not such a stepto leap from one vessel to another, if only temporarily. Sixiang may seize control of summoned constructs and even lesser spirits, layering themself over it like a mask. Theoretically possible to do to a human as well though difficult.

      Chaos Locus (G) 5: Thought and Dream are counterpart to Matter and Reality, neither can exist long without the other, yet the muse is a creature wholly of the liminal realm and where their presence goes the hard order of matter grows somewhat soft and less certain.

      Painter of Winds (G) 3: Air and light are funny things, and by wielding wind you may twist light, though its order is forever beyond your reach. By holding the air in your hands and molding it like clay you may carry or muffle the voices of the world. The wind is a canvas and you its painter.
    • Chaos Phase: G4
      Type: Dispel
      Duration: Stunt
      Drunkenness is the closest mortals may come to the realm of Dream in the waking world, and among the earliest cults of man were those of brewing, who made the elixirs to achieve that holy state. The muse may induce this in foes and even the patterns of arts, disrupting concentration and the continuance of techniques.

      Lunatic Stirring: G4
      Type: Summon, Empowerment
      Duration: Scene
      To manifest fully in the physical world is difficult for a muse, yet Sixiang has managed it. Yet they are still not of this realm. Where Sixiang manifests the effect of their Chaos Locus traits intensify, and the effects of Dream and Chaos techniques grow stronger.

      Whirlwind Revel (G3):
      Type: Bind
      Duration: Stunt
      While manifested, Sixiang can grasp an enemy and whirl them away briefly into the liminal realm, trapping them for a time.

      Dawn Dissolution: G8
      Type: Dispel, Finisher
      Duration: Stunt
      All the world is but a dream and stage, when curtain falls when dawn sun rises, they must vanish as the morning dew, for they are fleeting things, and all shows must end. Dispels a single effect targeting Ling Qi and her bound spirits. Usable once per scene. Disabled Sixiang for remainder of Scene.
    • Equipped Talismans:
      1. A circular mirror set within a silver frame composed of delicate looping threads. The mirror reflects an endless kaleidoscope of color and mist. It seems to waver and fade when not looked upon directly.

        -Usable by incorporeal spirits. +1 to Primary Avoid
        -Has uses in moving objects and people back and forth between the physical and liminal realms.
      2. -Empty-
      3. -Empty-

    • -Foundation Green (9)
      -Threshold Bronze (10)

      Primary Concepts: Consumption, Cycles, Endings, Expression, Want.
      Secondary Concepts: Inspiration, Community
    • Lonely Winter Maiden (G): 10
      The daughter of ice, the daughter of Endings. Your existence offends the natural, and unsettles those who know to look. The vanished child, the dream lost in the dark, the hope extinguished by cold, her songs call upon the deepest desires in human hearts. Hanyi may at any time begin to sing emanating an enthralling effect that draws foes toward her and makes them unable to attack her. Primary Offense

      Winter's Heart (G): 4(5)
      The song at the coldest, deepest depths of darkness resonates in your heart and voice. Words raised in anger cut like the harshest blizzard, the deepest cold brings only comfort and memories of home. Lost life flows to your lips like the sweetest nectar. Winter gathers about you like a mantle and where you go cold follows in your step. Cold drains the energy from effects which would harm you and enhances the penetration of your own offense arts. Immune to damaging darkness and cold effects. Primary Armor

      Singer of the First Snows (G): 6
      Lightly, softly goes the steps of the winter's first dance. Being no more than a chilling breeze, scattered flakes dancing in the sky, the touch of the base earth is avoided. A Maiden, pure unsullied and untouchable. Primary Dodge

      Idol of Ice (G): 4(5)
      Winter comes and all the world goes to rest. At warm hearths all the land huddles together for celebration and leisure. You seek to be the center of every interaction. A small god, blessing the thankful and cursing those who shirk. Who binds the crueler ice to her dance. Primary Social
    • Snow Maiden's Silhouette
      Potency G3
      Type: Cold, Construct, Compulsion
      Duration: Scene
      The opening of winter, the cold wind entering the stage, the beauty of the first snow, falling sparkling upon the earth. With your song the frost and ice gathers, becomes your veil and train, you walk upon the air, Idol of the cold breeze, beautiful and captivating beyond measure. Enhances the Lonely Winter Maiden trait by two while active, and reduces the potency of damaging techniques which directly target the user by one.

      First Snow's Rhapsody
      Potency: G3
      Type: Attack, Cold, Movement, Song
      Duration: Stunt

      The Icy chill brings ruin to those who have not made their preparations, their offerings to the maiden of the first snow. The cold chill that ruins a harvest left too long in the field, that scatters projects yet unfinished. The icy lash of the singers voice castigates those who do not offer praises where it is due. Usable only with Snow Maiden's Silhouette active. Hanyi may immediately move to be adjacent to an enemy within the scene. If the target is under the effect of Lonely Winter Maiden, Snow Maiden's Embrace activates on that target. If they were not under the effect the cold call of her voices lashes the target, dealing damage. If damage is successful, their resistance to Lonely Winter Maiden is reduced for the remainder of the scene.

      Curtains Fall
      Potency: G3
      Type: Attack, Cold, Drain, Finisher, Song, Stealth
      Duration Stunt

      The first snow must end, giving way to deeper winter, and so the Maiden of the First snow must vanish too, until the next coming of winter. With her she takes the love, and prayers of those she has blessed. And in war, so she steals away the lifebreath of the enthralled. Targets all enemies who have been or are under the sway of the Lonely Winter Maiden Trait, affecting them with a G4 attack and qi draining effect. Under this affect, Hanyi vanishes, entering stealth and moves immediately to Ling Qi or Zhengui's side. Whichever she appears too receives a fraction of the qi drained by this effect.

      Usable once per scene

      Snow Maiden's Embrace: G4
      Type: Cold, Bind, Drain
      Duration: Stunt
      The lonely winter maiden calls and the lost answer, trudging hypnotized toward the singer. When at last they stand before her, she embraces them and all the pain disappears. When a target under the effects of the Lonely Winter Maiden Trait is touched they are bound in place and continuously drained of Qi, and then health, healing and invigorating the user.

      Crystal Flake Mirage: G3
      Type: Avoid, Anti-Finisher
      Duration: Stunt
      The first snows of winter, light and airy, swirling in the sky as dancing mirages. Being struck with a decisive blow, the user's physical form shatters into a thousand crystals of ice and snow, only for them to reform unharmed at an ally's side. Usable up to three times a scene.
    • Equipped Talismans:
      1. An elegant white dress with a midnight blue underlayer and swirling embroidery patterns reminiscent of wind and clouds. With a full length hem, flowing sleeves, and a closed collar, it is perfect for a demure young lady.

        +1 to Primary Armor
        Activation: Once per scene negate damage from a technique of G2 potency or lower
      2. A small teardrop shaped white jade locket on a silver chain, which opens to show a portrait. A lesser type of the sympathetic talisman developed by Argent Sect's craftsmen, it draws on the bond between two people to grant confidence and poise to the wearer, typically a child, younger sibling or significant other.
        This Locket contains a portrait of Hanyi seated on Ling Qi's lap. Hanyi is smiling brightly.
        +1 to Primary Social Trait
      3. -Empty-

      • +10 Physical and Spiritual Armor.
        +10 to spiritual Hit of Cold Arts.
      • 4 GSS
        120 YSS
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Organization Reputation and Relationships
Organization Reputations

Ling Qi's organization reputations describe how well known and regarded she is by the organization in question. The scale ranges from -6 to 6, with lower numbers being more negative

The exact nature of the organizations feeling toward you may vary but in general follows this scale.

-6: Hated- The organization will bend a great deal of resources toward destroying you in any capacity in which they are able
-5: Despised- The organization will work against you at every turn and invest significant resources in doing so
-4: Greatly Disliked- The organization will oppose you whenever doing so is both possible and matches with their other goals
-3: Disliked- Members will be poorly disposed toward you and the organization may invest in making your life difficult
-2: Mildly Disliked- Members will be mildly biased against you with some individuals being more so. Mild institutional notice
-1: Negative Notice- One or more individuals within the organization have taken a disliking to you and will likely bend their resources toward damaging you.
0: Unnoticed: The organization has no significant awareness of your existence
1: Notice: One or more individuals within the organization have taken a liking toward you and may seek to aid you in minor situations
2: Mildly liked- Members will be positively biased toward you, with some individuals being moreso. Mild institutional notice
3: Liked- Members will be generally well disposed toward you and the organization may actively support you
4: Greatly Liked- The organization will support you whenever doing so is both possible and does not significantly harm their other goals
5: Revered- The organization will side with you in most situations, and will bend significant resources toward supporting you
6: Loved- The organization will almost always side with you, and will staunchly support you against most any foe, almost without regard for cost.

If you become the leader of an organization, there is a different scale which will be introduced at that time.

Celestial Empire

Argent Sect: Rank 3
-Inner Sect Disciples: 0

Ministry of Integrity: 0

Emerald Seas Lower Nobility: -1
Celestial Hills: -4
North River Jing: -1
Western Fens: -2
Eastern Plains: 0
South River Jing: -2
Foundations: 4
Thundering Hills: 3
Central Valley: 2
Capital City, Xiangmen: 3
Southern Clergy: -2

Red=Celestial Hills
Blue=North Jing River Valley
Brown: Western Fens
Green: Central Valley
Orange: South Jing River Valley
Yellow: Eastern Plains
Purple: The Foundations
Black: The Thundering Hills

-Luo Clan: 2
--Imperial Conservatives (20%): -3
--Imperial Moderates (20%): 1
--Weilu Moderates (50%): 3
--Old Tribes (5%): 4
–Emerald Seas Nationalists (5%): 4

-Wang Clan: 2
--Imperial Moderates(35%): 1
--Imperial Conservatives (10%): -3
--Weilu Moderates (40%): 3
–Emerald Seas Nationalists (15%): 4

-Meng Clan: 1
--Weilu Conservatives(45%): 0
--Weilu Isolationists(15%): -6
--Weilu Reformers(35%): 4
–Emerald Seas Nationalists (5%): 4

-Diao Clan -1
--Imperial Conservative(50%): -3
--Imperial Moderate(35%): 1
--Weilu Moderate(5%): 3
–Emerald Seas Nationalists (10%): 4

-Jia Clan: 1
--Imperial Moderate(20%): 1
--Imperial Conservative(30%): -3
--Cai Loyalist-(30%): 2
–Emerald Seas Nationalists (20%): 4

-Bao clan: 2
--Imperial Moderate(60%): 1
--Imperial Conservative(20%): -3
--Emerald Seas Nationalists (20%): 4

-Bai Clan: Rank 2
--Bai Progressives: 3
--Bai Isolationists: ??
--Bai Reactionaries: ??

-Cai Clan: 3

-Gu Clan: 1

-Sun Clan: -1

Polar Nation

-White Sky: 1
--Seared Lands: 0
--Tangled Pines: -2

Personal Relationships
Personal relationships use the same scale, but represent a mutual relationship between two individuals. The scale used is similar but obviously modified for the individual.
-Ling Qingge: Rank 5
-Hanyi: Rank 4
-Sixiang: Rank 3
-Ling Nuan: Rank 2
-Zhengui: Rank 6
-Bian Ya: Rank 1
-Han Jian: Rank 2
-Li Suyin: Rank 4
-Liao Zhu: Rank 1
-Su Ling: Rank 4
-Ruan Shen: Rank 1
-Sima Jiao & Xin: Rank 1
-Wang Chao: Rank 2
-Bai Meizhen: Rank 4
-Bai Lao Keung: Rank 1
-Bai Xia Anxi: Rank 1
-Bai Xiao Fen: Rank 1
-Cai Renxiang: Rank 4
-Gan Guangli: Rank 2
-Meng Dan: Rank 2
-Xia Lin: Rank 1
-Bao Qian: Rank 1
-Cao Chun: 1
-Gu Xiulan: Rank 4
-Ji Rong: Rank 1
-Sun Liling: Rank -2
-Xuan Shi: Rank 3
-Jaromila: Rank 2
-Yan Renshu: Rank -4
Shen Hu: Rank 1
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Quests and Misc

Personal Quests:

Long Hand of the Law- Complete. Having uncovered something momentous the case has been completed for now

Old Road New Road (1/???)-When the Secrets of the Bleeding Mountain have been plumbed, the quest may move forward.

Incoming Rewards

Labyrinthian Geomancer:
When the settlement on Snowblossom Lake reaches Hamlet, the option to bring in the expert of Meng will be given

Song and Vale: A shipment of potent music and wind infused wood will arrive at the fief post summit.

Han Experts: You will be allowed to negotiate the presence of Han experts for an academic Summit with the White Sky.

Luo Clan Stocks: Luo Zhong has agreed to provide your fief with seed stock for planting and herding.

Ith Underground: You have promised to try and break the deadlock over coordinating with the subordinated Ith when you go to Xiangmen

Organization Influence Quests:

-Labyrinthian Lords-Meng

-Mountain Halls-Wang

-Garden of Sinners-Diao

Liminal Locations:

- Bleeding Mountain

- Burrowing Behemoth

- Nightmare of the Long Knives
(Recommended Dreamwalker Skill of 10)

Sect points may be traded in for various goods and services. The sect point cost and availability of different services is determined by your sect rank.

Minor Tutoring is a single lesson and typically provides a single flat dice bonus to a cultivation action and its associated attribute training. A Major tutoring action will be a minor narrative arc, with other potential bonuses for the selected action. Cultivation aids purchase a single 'rare' pill will individual effects which will be determined in the narrative after purchase. Talisman Crafting is handled similarly. Services presented are those relevant to Ling Qi.

Month Access Archive
-First/Second Floor(Starting Potency: Green 1 or 2): Free
-Third Floor: 20 points
-Fourth Floor: Unavailable at current rank
-Fifth Floor: Unavailable at current rank

Talisman Craft
Junior Craftsman
-Accessory Talisman: 20 points
-Armor Talisman: 40 Points
-Weapon Talisman: 50 Points

Senior Craftsman
-Accessory: 60 points
-Armor Talisman: 100 points
-Weapon Talisman: 120 points

Cultivation Aids
Junior Pillmaker: 30 points
Senior Pillmaker: 60 points

Core Disciple(minor): 30 points
-Bonus of twenty five resource dice to one Art cultivation. Misc Bonuses
Core Disciple(Major): 60 Points
-Bonus of forty resource dice to up to 3 Art cultivations. Misc Bonuses

Elder(minor): Unavailable at Current Rank
Elder(major): Unavailable at Current Rank
951-1000: 25 yellow stones
901-950: 1 green stone
851-900: 1 green stone, Least Argent Vent
826-850: 1 green +20 yellow, basic lessons, Lesser Argent Vent
801-825: 1 green +40 yellow. Second floor access reduced to 30 points
776-800: 2 green stone +40 yellow, second floor access reduced to 20 points. Standard Argent vent
726-775: 2 green stones +40 yellow, Second floor access free, third floor available,
701-725: 2 green stones +60 yellow, intermediate lessons. Third floor points reduced
676-700: 3 green stones +60 yellow. Third floor reduced, minor elder tutoring available, Greater Argent Vent
651-675: 3 Green Stones+60 Yellow. Art Modification Workshops Available, Third Floor Archive free
626-650: 4 Green Stones +40 Yellow. May use CP to purchase Site Access, Fourth Floor Archive available
601-625: 4 Green Stones+60 Yellow. Major Elder Tutoring Available.
551-600: 5 Green Stones +40 Yellow. Core Pillmaker List unlocked. Fourth Floor reduced cost.
501-550: 5 Green Stones +60 Yellow. Fourth Floor free. Comprehensive Lessons Available.
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Fief Development and Stats
Fief Development and Stats

Agriculture: The amount of organic resources available and being produced. Used to pay the cost of projects and pay the upkeep on settlement population and manpower

Material: The amount of non-organic resources available and being produced. Used to pay project cost, upkeep on improvements and population in larger settlements

Manpower: A measure of working population, does not directly correlate to population count. Each project requires a certain amount of Manpower to be allocated to it. Thus Manpower acts as a cap to how many projects can be worked.

Cultivator Manpower: Representing larger numbers of cultivators in your population. Certain buildings can only be staffed by cultivator manpower, however cultivator manpower assigned to a mundane slot produces triple the agriculture and material yields and double the Admin, Happiness, and Wealth yields of the slot. Cultivator manpower capacity is gained through the development of sites and access to rare reagents, if you begin a turn beneath your cultivator manpower cap there is a base 10% chance to gain a point of cultivator manpower that turn. Cultivator Manpower Capacity may not exceed one fifth of base manpower capacity under normal circumstances. Cultivator manpower has upkeep in wealth.

Administration: Administration is a rating which runs from 0-200. At Intervals of twenty five it grants a multiplier to project resource costs and the Happiness Penalties from Settlement size. Each settlement beyond the first adds an Administration Penalty. Multiplier works as per the following.

0= 0
25= 2
50= 1.5
75= 1.25
100= 1
125= 0.75
150= 0.5
175= 0.25
200= 0.1

Happiness: A general measure of the physical, spiritual and mental health of your fief population. It measures from 0-200. Low Happiness, unlocks negative event tables, high happiness in turn locks certain negative event tables. In addition base Fief Manpower is Multiplied by fief happiness as a percentage to determine usable Manpower. (Ex. Happiness of 25 means manpower is multiplied by .25). Settlements of the Military Outpost and resource Outpost sizes do not have happiness ratings, as their manpower is temporary. Base happiness is 110-Base Manpower Size, which is then modified by your buildings.

Wealth: Wealth is the measure of trade, luxury goods and cultivation resources a settlement or fief possesses. Wealth is an unbounded value. All cultivator presence has a wealth upkeep, as do many improvements. Later wealth will also determine taxation.Negative wealth directly subtracts from Happiness

Rare Resources: The measure of rare resource nodes available to the fief. Rare resources unlock special projects and usually directly generate wealth.

Defense: Each Settlement has a defense rating, which acts as the chance for minor negative external events to occur in the settlement. Defense rating of 75 means 25% chance of negative events when those are rolled. Defense is rolled once per settlement per turn.

Improvements: Permanent projects which modify the fief or a settlement in some way.

Settlement Size: A rating which determines Maximum manpower and access to many projects as well as story opportunities. Administration Bonuses apply only to the first settlement The Size Categories are as follows

Military Outpost
-Manpower Capacity 0, Defense Bonus 50, No Happiness
Resource Outpost
- Manpower Capacity 10, Defense Bonus 25, No Happiness
Hamlet-New baronial holding
Small Town-established baronial holding
Large Town
Small City-Minimum for viscounty captial
Large City-Minimum for County Capitals
Grand City
Metropolis-Province Capitals

Cities such as Xiangmen or other provincial capitals can exceed these ratings but require special resources or locations.

Manpower CapacityDefenseWealth UpkeepAdministrationMinimum Manpower
Military Outpost050000
Resource Outpost1025000
Small Town80-50-6-5040
Large Town120-75-8-7060

Negative Fief Events:
These are the result of rolling over the defense value of a settlement for events. Fief Events fall into a few broad categories. These are [Attack] [Curse] [Disease] [Famine] [Weather]. Settlements of the Town Size or higher will unlock other categories of negative event. and change the overall defense calculation.
  • Agriculture: 156.55(2.55)
    +8 Small Fishery
    +3.3 Subsistence Fields
    +2.25 Subsistence Sheep Pastures
    -11 Manpower Upkeep

    Material: 99.5(+5)
    +5 Small Quarry

    Base Manpower: 11(x1.3 Happiness)
    14/14 Employed

    Cultivator Manpower 0/1

    Capacity: 25
  • Administration: 120
    Cai Renxiang: +100
    Admin Center +10
    Gold Autumn School Graduates +10
    Granary +10
    Hamlet -10

    Cost Multiplier: x 1

    Happiness: 133
    Base 110-11=99

    -Granary +10
    -High Quality Roads +5
    Veins of the Earth +5
    Snowblossom Lake +5
    Theater of Frost +5
    Settlement Walls +5

    Wealth: 3.85
    High Quality Roads +3
    Sheep Pastures +0.6
    Hamlet Upkeep -1
    Granary -0.25
    Theater of Frost: -0.25
    Simple Palisade -0.75
    Small Fishery -0.5
    Cai Clan support +16
    Xia Clan Support +2
    Ling Clan Upkeep -5
    Cai Clan Upkeep -4
    Gan Clan Upkeep -3
    Xia Clan Upkeep -3
  • Shenglu Hamlet:
    Description pending

    Size Rating: Resource Outpost

    Defense: 105
    Admin Center +10
    Settlement Walls: +50
    High Quality Roads: +5
    Veins of the Earth: +10
    Xia Lin +25
    Gan Guangli +25
    Ling Qi +15
    Cai Renxiang +50

    Zhengui +5 (Fiefwide)
    Sect Security(temp): 25


    Iron Grade 1
    Iron Grade 2
    Iron Grade 3
    Silver Grade 1
    Silver grade 2

    Rare Resources
    -Jadehelm Catfish
    -Chillgrasp Clay
    -Clearwater Mist

    The beginnings of a baronial manor and the central point of what will become a true settlement, establishing both a military hardpoint and a central location for planning and logistics. In time, it may become much more.

    Manpower Slots 1/1
    Production: +10 Defense, +10 Administration

    Allows Three Projects per turn.

    A low wall surrounding the settlement center composed of stone and wood, worked through with basic spirit warding

    Cost: 50 material, 10 Agriculture. 1 Month

    Passive Defense +50, Happiness +5
    Cultivation Manpower Slots: 0/1 (Double Building benefits if manned)
    Upkeep: 0.75 Wealth.

    Built by Wang experts of the third and fourth realms these roads of qi reinforced stone are engineered for extreme durability and ease of maintenance. Smooth and wide, they greatly ease the transport of goods and people

    Effects: +1 Wealth per level of the settlement, +5 Happiness per 10 Manpower, +5 Defense per 10 Manpower

    Unlocks High Quality Road Expansion project at Village

    A small fishery set up by the lake shore, easily capable of supporting the beginnings of population even with minimal infrastructure, thanks to the richness of the waters, and the inquisitive curiosity and affection of the lake. Little docks now stretch out like fingers over the water letting the nets ply deeper, richer waters.

    Manpower Slots 4/6
    Production: +2 Agriculture per assigned Manpower(Base +1)
    Upkeep. 0.5 Wealth(transferred to Snowblossom Shrine on completion)

    Improvements: Fishing Docks

    Fields sufficient to eke out a threadbare existence. Due to climate, requires further development or aid to be self sufficient.

    Manpower Slots 3/3
    Production: +1.1 Agriculture per assigned Manpower (Base. 0.5)

    Pastures added to the Fields, and a central pasture for holding seed population of herds

    Manpower Slots 3/4
    Production: 0.75 Agriculture, 0.2 wealth per assigned Manpower

    Special: Must be staffed by at least two manpower. If unstaffed 25% chance of this fief development being lost each month.

    A central granary placed under the wards and security of the town center, providing storage and central administrative records for taxation and emergency distribution.

    Manpower Slots 1/1
    Upkeep: 0.25 Wealth
    Production: +10 Happiness, +10 Administration.

    Special: Halves Agriculture Loss of Famine related negative events.

    A tiny quarry built into the nearby hills, aligned with divination and best practices to increase productivity

    Manpower Slots 2/3
    Production: +2.5 Material per assigned Manpower
    The clearing of a hilltop, the construction of a stage, and space for bonfires aplenty, the very beginning of a place of performance and winter rites

    Upkeep 0.25 wealth
    Effect: +5 Happiness, Increase chance of gaining cultivator manpower by 5%. Reduced negative winter effects
  • Veins of the Earth: Development Level 1/5

    Heat lives in the frozen earth here, bubbling to the surface in pools and springs, and gathering in the hearts of the mountains. Enables agriculture in otherwise inhospitable locations and enables certain building options.

    Cultivation Effects.
    +1 to Fire, Mountain or Water projects
    +10 Physical Cultivation XP

    Development Effects
    +0.6 to Agriculture Production of Fields Chain Buildings(Fief Wide)
    +10 to Settlement Defense(Fief Wide) Negates Minor Disease Events
    +5 Happiness
    -Unlocks Boiling Deeps Shrine Building Chain

    Snowblossom Lake 1/5

    Cultivation Effects
    +10 Spiritual Cultivation XP

    Development Effects
    Adds 1 to Cultivation manpower Limit
    +0.5 to Fishery Output
    +5 Happiness
    Unlocks Snowblossom Shrine Chain
    Exotic Deposits: Jadehelm Catfish, Chillgrasp Clay, Clearwater Mist

    Thunderclap Mountain:

    A peak shrouded in perpetual storm where the shadowed forms of dragon horses have been spied.


    Saline Grotto:

    An unnatural mountain hollow that seems it should collapse.Within is a clear, still lake of water, bitter with salt, surrounded by strange and brittle fungal blooms like scraggly trees. The air filled with visible, drifting spores and seems to drink in light and sound.

    Cultivation Effects
    +2 Success to a Darkness project or +1 Success to a Lake or Earth Projects
    -1 GS Cultivation Upkeep if a Darkness Project is cultivated here

    Development Effects
    Exotic Deposit: Chthonic Lead-Untapped
    Not Developed

    Cathedral of Winds:

    A vast hollowed out mountain filled with a cavern of colorful almost painted stone through which the wind blows like a haunting piper. Something dark lurks in the still waters, and something mighty sleeps in the colorful crystal

    Cultivation Effects
    +2 XP to Wind, Water Light or Sun projects
    -1 GS Cultivation Upkeep when a Wind, Water Light or Sun project is cultivated.

    Development Effects
    Exotic Deposit: Shining Air-Untapped

    Falling Waters Palace:
    A great complex of dams and waterfalls constructed by strange little flat tailed spirit beasts. The headwaters flow from a great glacier, with a frozen darkness within.

    Cultivation Effects
    +2 XP to Water, Wood or Ice related projects cultivated here

    Development Effects
  • Materials and facilities for building non makeshift boats fit for small numbers of men
    Cost 30 Agriculture, 20 material
    1 Month
    Increases Fishery Output by .5 per manpower. Unlocks Fishery Specialization, Unlocks Expanded Docks

    Facilities to construct single person vessels and larger nets, improving output further, and granting additional permanent manpower

    A formal space and tools given to the small number of citizens with a talent for carving the hard bones of the Jadehelm.

    Cost 25 Agriculture, 10 Material
    1 Month

    Adds 0.1 Wealth.

    Unlocks Jadehelm Studies, Unlocks Minor Tradepost and Tiny Alchemy Workshop if first cultivation reagent developed.

    The problems of collecting the mist are many and require a heavy investment upfront, but the potential uses are many and valuable. Methods for now are ad hoc and personal requiring attention from several cultivators to manage

    Cost 35 Material. 1 Month
    0/1 Cultivation Manpower
    Production 1 wealth per assigned Manpower
    Upkeep -0.5 Wealth

    Unlocks Clearwater Mist Distillery, Unlocks Minor Tradepost and Tiny Alchemy Workshop if first cultivation reagent developed.
    Expansions to the fields of the fief, drawing in more people and putting further land under cultivation.

    Cost 35 Material. 35 Agriculture 1 Month

    Increases Manpower Slots of Fields to 5. -15 to Defense, +1 Manpower

    Unlocks Central Shrine to the Bountiful Earth when Expansion, Preservation, and Infrastructure are complete
    Improved tools, construction and the addition of poultry and plow animals to existing fields to improve the efficiency of each plot of farmland

    Cost 45 Material, 10 Agriculture

    Increase Production of Fields Manpower by .5 per manpower

    Unlocks Communal Mill

    Aid to your farmers in the construction of pantries, cold rooms and the materials necessary to preserve their personal stocks
    Cost: 25 Agriculture, 15 material

    Increase Production of Fields Manpower by 0.25 per manpower

    Unlocks Communal Ovens

    Using the methods and fertilizers described in the notes you purchase from Bai Xia Lushen, together with Zhengui, the fertility and productivity of your fields can be significantly increased, along with resistance to Disease spirit and parasite infestations

    Cost: 45 Agriculture. 1 Month

    Increase Productivity of Fields by .75 per manpower. Adds a 0.1 wealth upkeep per manpower employed in Fields Slots. Negates plant blight based negative events.
    Simple diggings in the earth, the first delvings under the earth for its treasures.

    Cost: 25 Agriculture, 35 Material. 2 months

    Added to the Tiny Quarry to create the 'Hamlet Mining and Quarrying Facilities'
    Increases Productivity of building by 0.75 Material per manpower. Unlocks Ore refining and smithy projects, Decreases Defense by 10

    Simple diggings in the earth, the first delvings under the earth for its treasures.

    Cost: 25 Agriculture, 35 Material. 2 months

    Added to the Tiny Quarry to create the 'Hamlet Mining and Quarrying Facilities'
    Increases Productivity of building by 0.5 Material per manpower and 0.15 wealth per manpower, +5 Happiness while at least one manpower is employed. Decreases Defense by 10
    Experimental Harvesting of the cultivation reagent discovered by the lakeside, allowing study and development of the material.

    Cost: 25 Material 1 Month
    Adds 0.1 Wealth. Opens other projects.
    Unlocks Experimental Chillgrasp Pottery, Unlocks Minor Tradepost and Tiny Alchemy Workshop if first cultivation reagent developed.
    Formalizing the location and production of lumber in Snowblossom from its early outpost form, including provision of replanting efforts for sustainability.

    Cost 15 Agriculture, 15 Material. 1 month

    Manpower Slots: 0/1 3 Agriculture per Manpower
    Unlocks Lumberyard and Hunter's Shrine
    The beginnings of construction for a Sacred Site at the Noiling Deeps the geyser Zhengui has raised from the earth, foundations and a central shrine structure set down, as well as space cleared for cultivation chambers.

    Cost 50 Agriculture 50 Material. 2 months
    Upkeep: 0.5 Wealth
    Effect Increase Cultivation Manpower cap by 1. +5 Happiness. Changes to Boiling Deep effect. Story arc trigger

    Unlocks Boiling Deeps Shrine
    A proper temple to the spirits of the mountain winter and their singer, the Lady Hanyi, whose voice brings them to dance. A single story structure composed mostly of the performing stage and room for the audience to stand. Outside are gardens and a paved courtyard where the space for bonfires and dances remain.

    Cost 60 Material, 25 Agriculture. 3 months(replaces foundations)
    Upkeep 0.5 wealth
    Effect: +5 Happiness, +5 defense. Winter Spirits pacified. Improve Hanyi's cultivation. +10% chance to gain cultivation manpower. Story Trigger

    Cannot be upgraded further at Hamlet level
    Cannot be taken pre-war
    Building up the covered dock for your shrine ship to be able to hold more regular rites and beseechments of your town's guardian diety and honor her with what grandeur you can manage.
    Cost 25 Material, 25 Agriculture. 1 month
    Upkeep special (transfers 0.5 upkeep from the fishery building)
    Effect: Increase chance of gaining cultivator Manpower by 5%. Reduced danger to fishermen. Increased happiness and attention from Snowblossom. Allows further development of Snowblossom lake site.
    A series of switchback paths and primitive mechanical elevators allowing traffic and goods to move up and down the cliff face with less or no cultivation assistance. Necessary to begin development at the clifftop.

    Cost: 50 Material, 10 Agriculture. 1 Month
    Upkeep. 0.2 Wealth
    Unlocks Cathedral of Winds Development(once cleared) Unlocks various clifftop projects
    Create Military Outpost: Saline Grotto

    Cost 75 Agriculture, 75 Material. 1 Month
    Upkeep. 0.75 wealth, -25 Defense to Shenglu
    Effect, allows development of Saline Grotto Site
    Cost 10 Agriculture, 10 Material
    1 month

    Increase Permanent Manpower by 2.

    Sending out runners, messengers and recruiters throughout the province, seeking those who wish to try their hand at a new life, with the promise of benefits and land. May be taken subsequently, but cost increases each time.
    Cai Renxiang has many resources at her disposal but it still takes time to turn this into goods and materials, still takes up time and space in the burgeoning logistics in the developing region, limiting what can be done. Yet still your young fief has access to wealth no baron could dream of.

    1 Month

    Gain 200 Agriculture, Gain 200 Material

    or Immediately complete a project which would take 6 months or less in one month, if other requirements are met.
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Cultivation Menu
Alright this is gonna be the Main spot for your cultivation options. I'll repost it whenever there is a vote, but I'll also log it here

Base/Domain Cultivation
Conceptual Projects

  • Community V (1/13): Each bond brings with it new ones, branching, and branching again. Love is obligation, the desire to see another prosper. Through these countless small loves, Community blooms and evolves.
  • Power V(1/13): Power is the ability to act on or resist the world, it manifests through many forces. The great and the small, the subtle and the strong, amplify in unity.
  • Isolation V (0/13): As starvation is privation of the body, isolation is privation of the soul. Thus, the greatest foe is I. No hand may reach the one who has clenched and withdrawn. The blade Isolation rends all warmth into cold.
  • Want V (1/13): To want is to live, to grasp, to strive. At the foundation of every bond, in the root of every ambition, threaded through every movement of the world. Discern the deepest want in a soul, and there find the key to its understanding or undoing.
  • Choice IV (0/8): Choice blossoms in plenty, in solidarity, in empathy. To accept Choice is to accept uncertainty, fear, the end of your reach
  • Expression IV (7/8): The truth of art is communication. To have one's Way taken up shows the greatest mastery of self.
  • Motion IV (4/8): Motion is life and joy, unobstructed by the chains of destiny. Wings beating in tandem may soar through the most terrible storm.
  • Persistence IV (0/8): Come Wrath. Come Ruin. Break shape and body a hundred times. So long as will remains you have not reached the end
  • Creation III (0/5): Abundance begets Creation. Creation denies Isolation. Through Creation, the wheel turns forward.
  • Cycles III (0/5): Each turn of the wheel slays the old and births the new. Permanence is stagnation by another name.
  • Endings III (2/5): Ending is absolute, all things fall and wither and rot in time. The greatest folly is conflating impermanence with meaninglessness.
  • Mystery III (4/5): Hunger is privation of the body, loneliness privation of the heart, Ignorance privation of the mind. In privation, seek answers.
  • Protection III (0/5)-To protect is ever an act of balance, choice and control, risk and safety, survival and happiness. There is no perfect protection, only painful balance.
  • Home II (1/3): Home is the people you gather, and call your own, a binding wrought of ones own will.
  • Clarity II: (2/3)Understanding begets the most desirable outcomes, peaceful or not.
  • Sincerity II: (0/3) Sincerity moves mountains, because the mountain itself chooses to move.
  • Causality I (1/2): Action precedes reaction. Time flows forward, ever forward.
  • Void I (0/2): To emptiness, sacrifice, from emptiness, potential
  • Chaos- Assimilated by Motion

Arts Development

Songseekers Ceremony: Moon, Yin, Mystery, Motion, Expression

  • Grinning Wind: You have learned that there are many ways to be a thief. Many things which may be stolen even under the light of law. You have found your freedom in the gaps, in the spaces between the chains you have chosen, and made the moon laugh all the same. But your path is not the joyful directionless wind. What is the treasure you seek for yourself, little thief? Advances the Freedom, Motion, and Want projects one step on completion. 50 XP to physical cultivation. ??? (0/8) Can't be taken the same turn as Hidden Scribe or Dreaming Songstress
  • Hidden Scribe: You have asked the second question, and looked upon the world with the eyes of a seeker if only for a moment. Delve further into mystery and the questions that underlie the world of now. +1 XP to Mystery and Causality. 50 XP Spiritual Cultivation (0/8). Can't be taken the same Turn as Dreaming Songstress or Grinning Wind

Starless Night's Reflection: Yin, Lake, Darkness, Reflection, Stillness, Void
  • Lake Hei is Wide: The great lake is bottomless, but it is also wide, a sea in its own right, there is nothing which cannot vanish into its depths. So to can you render inert even assaults that would strike down a whole company. Improves Rippling Starless Shroud and adds +1 modifier to your Primary Defense Trait in the arts passive. (0/3)
  • It's Depths Without End: The imperturbable surface, a skin of shimmering black that lies over the infinite deeps beneath. All vanishes into the dark, leaving mere ripples behind. Where sleeps that which vanishes from world, sight, and memory?. +1 XP to Mystery and Ending. Advances the Black Mirror Technique. (0/3)
  • –Completing both remaining Projects opens the Quest to advance the Unbroken Will Trait into the Imperturbable Soul Trait

Beast King's Savage Dirge: Yang, Wood, Darkness, Music, Beasts, Conquest, Power
  • Bear God's Fury: The Bear God, avatar of wrath, whose crushing paws sundered trees and reshaped hills, Learn the stanzas of the great ballad which spoke of his coming and the ruin of the wolf gods plans. Learn the Bear God's Fury technique, which summons the phantom limbs of the titan to crush and pin down foes. Unlocks One Project. (0/3)
  • Xiangmen, Fortress of Tsu Pt. 2: Yet man could not cower among the roots for all eternity, and the companions Tsu had gathered to cast down the Gods. One victory alone was not enough to break humanities shackles. Alters the Wolf God's Cunning technique. +1 XP to Motion and Home.(0/5)
  • Tiger God's Pride: The Tiger God, avatar of pride, who could outrun wind and thought, whose claws could sunder the mightiest armor. Sing now of vainglory, and the final passing of the Gods which walk upon the earth. Learn the Tiger God's Pride technique, which summons the stalking tiger to harry and chase even the swiftest foe. Unlocks One Project. +1 XP to Motion and Power. (0/5)

Melodies of the Spirit Seekers: Balanced, Music, Bargaining, Sincerity, Understanding
  • Spirit Seeker: One must walk the ways, know the paths to seek the spirits. You may raise the Bastion, Court the spirit lords, decipher what is malice and what is being. There are a hundred hundred melodies in the world, and not one is the Master, the chosen. Each speaker, each spirit, calls for a different song. What paltry few you have been taught are only the beginning, the foundation and tools upon which you may build your own. In Mastery, you find that you have only just completed apprenticeship, and only in walking hill and glen, mountain and valley, will you come to know the world. Listen to every melody, and only then decide what is yours. +1 XP to Community and Expression. Increase Spirit Seeker Trait by 1. Unlock Trait Advancing Project. (0/5)

Laughing Flight of the Wind Thief: Yin, Darkness, WInd, Freedom, Motion, Want
  • Four Winds Joy: In stealing the wind, the old and stagnant fall, the freed winds dance and scatter, but find purpose. North, East, West, and South. Never again will the winds be wholly wild, uncontrolled, chaotic. Purpose and order are not wholly enemies of freedom, and a contemplation of their intersection can only advance a wily thief's goals. Advances West Wind Step to Four Winds Dance, improving the technique. +1 XP to Motion and Freedom. Unlocks a new Project Pending new project
  • Boundaries Untrodden: To slip between, through and around, through the tiniest keyhole or the open window. Round the mountains or through even the veil of death. So walks the thief, who must bypass boundaries in the same way that a bird must fly. But to step across or through, one must understand that which they will violate. Alters and advances the Breeze in the Vault technique. +1 XP to Want and Mystery. Unlocks a new project.

Winter Hearth Resounding: Cold, Fire, Music, Boundary, Home, Renewal
  • Kindle the Hearth: So long as the hearth burns still, home remains. Nurse the embers and ashes, no matter how mean, and one day the fire will burn again.Acquire the Technique Ashen Hearth Return. A technique which sacrifices the function of the Winter hearth Resounding Art to negate negative traits on you and your allies. Advances the Community Project by one. (0/5)
  • Winter Reinforcement: The task of preparing for the winter comes every year without fail. A home must be maintained, it's walls repaired, its portals reinforced. A home is a work without end, a project of a lifetime. Yet, in the end, is there any more vital art? Advances Home and Protection projects by 1. Improves Unbroken Will by one. (0/3)
  • Release of Spring: So in sorrow, so in joy. Another year and you remain. What you have, you have kept. Celebrate the wild ides even as the next hardship drifts on the horizon, and Know that you will survive again. Improves the Passive effects of the Art. Advances the Home and Want projects by one. (0/3) Rework in progress
  • Garden of Mists: You keep no hearth, but you do tend the garden. Kin and clan, parents and siblings, dreams of the future and trials of now. You have come to know the ways of boundaries and stories, told to keep back the night. You protect your own. Alter the WInter Hearth resounding Art, replacing the Fire Keyword with Dream and Music with Formations. Advances Community and Cycles Project by 1. Advances Liminal Carver by 1. (0/5)

Unstoppable Glacier's March: Yin, Cold, Music, Expression, Inevitability, Pressure
  • Path Unyielding: To know what you wish and to advance toward it with all of your heart, this is something you know well. Study and meditate upon what you have learned and seen of the glaciers of the wall, and ponder the value of Implacability: Advance persistence and Want projects by one. Improves Grinding Glacial Melody. Unlocks one Project. (0/3)

Final Frost's Serenade: Yin, Cold, Darkness, Cycles, Endings, Persistence, Renewal, Want

  • Ice and Dust: The ice consumes and becomes. It is beautiful in its stillness, its starkness. The ice kills, the cold ends, death is hideous. There is no thing which lives without death. The beast devours its prey with claw and fang. The tree strangles and suffocates with root and shade. The mountain grinds over the plain, the wind wears the mountain unto dust. The winter freezes, the spring floods. New arises from old, and those left behind weep bitter tears, and beat their chests in futile rage. Meditate upon ending and the cycles of the world, and find in it the meaning of winter. +1 XP to Cycles and Ending. 30 Spiritual Cultivation XP. Advances the Year's End Aria technique. Unlocks one project (0/4) Pending New Project
  • Winter's Crown: What ends and what does not. You have grappled with power and what it means to hold it, what it means for it to be held over you. What does it mean to choose to end, what does it mean to stay your hand. Winter cares not, feels not, but though you wield it, you both care and feel. You're ice is both beauty and horror, deathly cold and the promise of a new day beyond it. But without understanding power and why you wield it, there can only be brittleness and self deception. Seek the Want, the black lightless darkness from which all else emanates, and understand yourself. Advances Winter's Heart by 1. +1 XP to Want and Power. +30 Physical Cultivation XP. Unlocks 1 project. (0/5)

Thief of Names: Yin, Moon, Dream, Choice, Expression, Motion, Mystery, Want

  • Projects Pending

Meridian Slot Projects

Open New Slot: Open a new Meridian Slot. (0/4) 40% Chance of Success
Alter a Meridian Slot: Change one slot to another Type: 0/6 40% chance of Success.

Successor Creation
-Currently Locked

Sites and Temporary Modifiers

Shattered Gaol

+1 XP to a Dream, Darkness or Wind Project
+10 XP to Spiritual Cultivation in a turn

Veins of the Earth

Heat lives in the frozen earth here, bubbling to the surface in pools and springs, and gathering in the hearts of the mountains. Enables agriculture in otherwise inhospitable locations and enables certain building options.
Cultivation Effects.

+1 to Fire, Mountain or Water projects
???-Not developed

Saline Grotto

+2 Success to a Darkness project or +1 Success to a Lake or Earth Projects
Reduce Cultivation Upkeep by 1 Green Stone if a Darkness Project is cultivated here
???-Unexplored effects

Thunderclap Mountain

A peak shrouded in perpetual storm where the shadowed forms of dragon horses have been spied.

???-Not Developed

Cathedral of Winds

+2 XP to Wind, Water Light or Sun projects
-1 GS Cultivation Upkeep when a Wind, Water Light or Sun project is cultivated.
??? Unexplored Effects

Falling Waters Palace

+2 XP to Water, Wood or Ice related projects cultivated here
-Other effects locked
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