@Raiu With the action for the Grimm Plague Cure it mentioned that the ingredients were rare and expensive - how much of a failure would it have needed for someone to have got wind of the list of ingredients and try to corner the market on them in order to extort us?
Considering that they'd be profiteering off of a PLAGUE. I would assume that if someone tried, it would be very easy to get them to stop. "Oh, whats that? You want to hike prices on the ingredients for the cure? Hang on a minute, let me get my army together and go call in some favors"
There was something weird with SV luck. First it gives you such a bad roll that I allow you to gamble away your get out of death free card in hopes of getting a better result. Then it breaks through the crit wall and delivers the first Legendary Critical Success of the quest. This is going to be interesting to write up.

@Cmd. Frost, people profit from the plague constantly, but you were throwing around a lot of money to get ingredients which needed to be gathered from a large amount of people. Some of the people you bought ingredients from doubtlessly overcharged you, but in order for it to affect the budget you gave, you would need to be scammed by nearly half the merchants. The Lien wasn't affected. What was affected was how many people don't survive the treatment.
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There was something weird with SV luck. First it gives you such a bad roll that I allow you to gamble away your get out of death free card in hopes of getting a better result. Then it breaks through the crit wall and delivers the first Legendary Critical Success of the quest. This is going to be interesting to write up.
Tsundice? Tsundice.

"It's-it's not like I want see you live, b-baka!"

Seriously, this went beyond Tsundice. SV Dice Luck better describes just what flavor of bull crap the luck of SV Quests is. Seriously, if I'm going to turn things around, I'm going to have to start cheat- Iiii mean, giving more penalties to you and more bonuses to your enemies.

(It would help if I stopped forgetting the -10 due to Plague, but... meh.)
Right so now that we have a cure, who wants to try rushing some tech so we can get a sample of the plague, make some bombs and then throw it at our enemies.

In other news some people are working on a RWBY mod for EU4 and the System Shock remake is coming out this year, damn you video games, why must you take all of my money:cry:
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Right so now that we have a cure, who wants to try rushing some tech so we can get a sample of the plague, make some bombs and then throw it at our enemies.

In other news some people are working on a RWBY mod for UE4 and the System Shock remake is coming out this year, damn you video games, why must you take all of my money:cry:
You think too small why settle for a simple bomb when you can create the ultimate life form!
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Right so now that we have a cure, who wants to try rushing some tech so we can get a sample of the plague, make some bombs and then throw it at our enemies.

In other news some people are working on a RWBY mod for UE4 and the System Shock remake is coming out this year, damn you video games, why must you take all of my money:cry:


You think too small why settle for a simple bomb when you can create the ultimate life form!
If I remember correctly, there was some talk of that in From A Single Ember, in the first twenty pages or so. Maybe later.

Edit: There was a post after this. It's gone now.
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Well, now that we have another character short up on Rooster Teeth's YouTube page, I have even less of a reason to get burnt out. We saw more of Menagerie, more of the OG Rebel Kitty, and more of Human-Faunus relations.

There will be two updates back to back, simply because I don't want to make one massive update. That's hard to read on everyone's part, and a lot of info would get muddled. I'd rather have two well written updates than one massive update with me trying to force a common style.

I swear, one day I will stop having turns where a lot of things happen. One day.
Hey, you guys think there'll ever be an explanation on where the hell the Faunus came from and some more information about how they work? because if Faunus is a dominant trait (As seen when we were told that Human + faunus = Faunus) and the fact that they're everywhere has my inner biologist wondering how the hell humans have Racial parity despite Menagerie starting out Faunus dominate and then (After the Fall) centuries passing without (I'm guessing) significant migration. Especially when there are Rabbit Faunus...

Oh come on ever since Raiu said we were the catholic analog someone should have made this joke by now.
Hey, you guys think there'll ever be an explanation on where the hell the Faunus came from and some more information about how they work? because if Faunus is a dominant trait (As seen when we were told that Human + faunus = Faunus) and the fact that they're everywhere has my inner biologist wondering how the hell humans have Racial parity despite Menagerie starting out Faunus dominate and then (After the Fall) centuries passing without (I'm guessing) significant migration. Especially when there are Rabbit Faunus...

Oh come on ever since Raiu said we were the catholic analog someone should have made this joke by now.

Well, Faunus are a little weird in that regard. If it really was a dominant gene, then we would have human children born to Faunus parents (remember those squares from biology class?). However, it's said to be an "always" thing, rather than an "often" thing. Perhaps it's a case of humans having a certain set of genes shutting down the effects of another. It's too much to really go into, but that's a starting point. Looking at it this way, perhaps the Faunus have genes which don't stop the "animal" genes from expressing themselves. Just food for thought.

As to why Faunus have not become the dominant expression of humanity? Well, let me pose another question. Your way of life was completely destroyed, your nation killed by evil creatures whose only thought is to kill you. There are people not like you in your community, those with strange features which remind you of the Grimm. Food is scarce, but what if there were less mouths to feed? Those people, those walking animals don't really deserve the same treatment as your family, right? After all, they are different. No one would mind if you made it easier for everyone. After all, isn't that what good neighbors would do for their friends?
Well, Faunus are a little weird in that regard. If it really was a dominant gene, then we would have human children born to Faunus parents (remember those squares from biology class?). However, it's said to be an "always" thing, rather than an "often" thing. Perhaps it's a case of humans having a certain set of genes shutting down the effects of another. It's too much to really go into, but that's a starting point. Looking at it this way, perhaps the Faunus have genes which don't stop the "animal" genes from expressing themselves. Just food for thought.

As to why Faunus have not become the dominant expression of humanity? Well, let me pose another question. Your way of life was completely destroyed, your nation killed by evil creatures whose only thought is to kill you. There are people not like you in your community, those with strange features which remind you of the Grimm. Food is scarce, but what if there were less mouths to feed? Those people, those walking animals don't really deserve the same treatment as your family, right? After all, they are different. No one would mind if you made it easier for everyone. After all, isn't that what good neighbors would do for their friends?
Actually, I saw a World of Remnant some time ago that explained Faunus traits weren't dominant. The infodump explains they're about 50/50 with mixed parents, which means there's an activator chromosome passed down from the faunus parent to express dormant Faunus traits, though it's not in the X/Y pair (or there'd be marked difference in sex balance, heavily favoring female faunus).

It also explained that mixed parentage could cause the faunus to express non-parent faunus traits (bear parent, human parent, rabbit child), and that mixed faunus parents also had an element of random expressions. Faunus are also mostly mammalian, with very small minorities of avian or reptilian expression (the impression I got was that it was about as common as green eyes, maybe ~2% of Faunus express as non-mammals).