These workers that we spare whats to stop them from going home and saying the right words to the wrong people because we can't be watching them 24/7, all they have to say is found a hidden bunker much less what's inside it to gain attention. Even if we make them take an oath of secrecy they may fully intend to keep but be forced to tell anyway because some people can be "convincing".
The other option is to kill every single person currently working on the restoration of Minno.

I'm sure that won't get noticed. No sir-ee.
So we are screwed either way huh either we kill the workers to cover it up and it gets found out later or we don't kill the workers and pray they don't talk.

I guess we shall see what the dice roll then.
There will only be one two dice rolls for this one.

In fact, let me do them right now.

Post Dice Edit: Oooh. Nice.
Raiu threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: FUN TIMES Total: 237
98 98 72 72 67 67
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And that's it for the short vote. Looks like it's increasing the guard on the egg while you search for more info~.

Edit: Oh and I should be clear, it's been there longer than six centuries. The year is 1003 AF after all.
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And that's it for the short vote. Looks like it's increasing the guard on the egg while you search for more info~.

Edit: Oh and I should be clear, it's been there longer than six centuries. The year is 1003 AF after all.
I know, I was ballparking super low because the timescales would boggle the minds of those present.
Classical was pretty easy to figure out. The disc we found did confuse me for a while because of the first word, though.

What is this Riddle of Steel?

The Riddle of Steel is an interesting riddle. Is the truth of Steel in a good blade, strong armor, wealth? What gives Steel it's strength?
I know, I was ballparking super low because the timescales would boggle the minds of those present.

Can't insert this quote into my last post, so double post time.

While it does boggle the mind, it's meant to. A lot of time has passed, so much so that it's not even fair to do so.

Just because I want to boggle my readers' minds even more, you can think of this year (2017) as year 5517, which represents how long it has been since humans created the first stone structure.

Edit: Well that's enough screwing around with my reader's heads for now. I'm kinda surprised no one picked up on the reference in the Family update.
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[X] Let the girl be while we try to figure the facility out. Whatever the egg is, it kept her alive and arguably well for at least half a dozen centuries, and freeing her, only to destroy the priceless healing device, would be a heinous waste. She has survived so long. She will sleep a little longer.
-[X]Keep her under guard to prevent anyone from breaking the egg in order to get to "The gift from the Nameless One."
I'm kinda surprised no one picked up on the reference in the Family update.

Hmmm. Couldn't find a mention of Gambol Shroud on the character sheets, but one thing that I did find were Kingmaker and Slayer of Five Legs was listed as Epitaphs. They should be listed as Epithets instead - epitaphs are carved on grave markers.
You saw Earth looking at one of the display cases, one holding a relic from the past. You stopped two arms length from Earth, looking at the relic. In the case was a broken weapon, a katana blade connected to a pistol, the blade shattered into three large fragments. Next to the blade itself was a metal sheath, itself bladed and possessing a hole to be gripped through, turning it into another weapon. It was old, exceedingly so, but it was clearly the weapon of the Huntsman, far superior to anything your Huntsmen could create.

Do you mean us having Gambol Shroud, or something else?

Hmmm. Couldn't find a mention of Gambol Shroud on the character sheets, but one thing that I did find were Kingmaker and Slayer of Five Legs was listed as Epitaphs. They should be listed as Epithets instead - epitaphs are carved on grave markers.

I think Jakobstj maybe right, we have the Gambol Shroud in our trophy room.
The Riddle of Steel is an interesting riddle. Is the truth of Steel in a good blade, strong armor, wealth? What gives Steel it's strength?

As a person who's uncle owns a small forge, what gives steel it's strength is mostly three things, the heat of the forge, the smith forging it, and the guy that uses the final product.

Without a hot enough flame too many impurities remain and the metal is to pliable, but the flame can't be too hot or to many impurities leave the metal and it becomes to brittle.

An experienced smith is also needed to forge the metal or mistakes can happen resulting in lower quality or even useless product, even the best metal in the wrong hands is worthless however even bad steel can be made useful with a good enough smith.

Finally even a perfectly forged product made with top quality steel, can also be made worthless if the person using it doesn't use it right.

This is the reason Steel, at least in my family is used as a metaphor for a person or at least their potential, the heat of the flame represents the struggles, hardships and trials we go through, if you go through life without struggle your like cold forged steel, full of flaws and easily bent, however if the struggles of your life are too numerous or intense, then like pure steel you break under the strain. Next you need a good Smith or role model, some one to drive you to become better, to forge and refine you into something greater than you were before, finally you, the wielder have to put that potential that was refined and forged to use. You can have the best upbringing and the best teachers, but if you put your steel(potential/skills/ability) to rotten ends then it's all for naught.

Also classical is just English written backwards and the letters flipped to the right.

Nope. That is not it. Close and yet so far.

"kroʊnoʊs ˈmɛdəkəl" Right sorry, it's english with some letters upside down and others replaced with symbols, also a weird font. This is my third consecutive day without sleep, the fact that I haven't passed out yet is both surprising and worrying. The power of Joe is strong with me.
International Phonetic Alphabet Chart
"kroʊnoʊs ˈmɛdəkəl" Right sorry, it's english with some letters upside down and others replaced with symbols, also a weird font. This is my third consecutive day without sleep, the fact that I haven't passed out yet is both surprising and worrying. The power of Joe is strong with me.
I'm pretty sure "classical" is phonetic.

Maybe we should have asked Cilmi to come take a look?
Perfectly fine, and the Riddle of Steel is a reference to Conan the Barbarian, but your answer is damn good, especially because I asked it as a joke.

Another thing: I don't always add things to the character sheet, especially when it's basically a trophy. That being said, I will add an Artefact tab for the important stuff. Don't expect a full ledger though.
Perfectly fine, and the Riddle of Steel is a reference to Conan the Barbarian, but your answer is damn good, especially because I asked it as a joke.

Another thing: I don't always add things to the character sheet, especially when it's basically a trophy. That being said, I will add an Artefact tab for the important stuff. Don't expect a full ledger though.

Oh, yeah I've never seen Conan. I thought you were giving a hint that you thought everyone would get wrong.
[X] Let the girl be while we try to figure the facility out. Whatever the egg is, it kept her alive and arguably well for at least half a dozen centuries, and freeing her, only to destroy the priceless healing device, would be a heinous waste. She has survived so long. She will sleep a little longer.
-[X]Keep her under guard to prevent anyone from breaking the egg in order to get to "The gift from the Nameless One."

This can either lead to a massive shitstorm or a massive lucky break for us. But my Paranoia tells me that it is going to be a Shitstorm.
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Behind the bookcase, in a web-covered alcove, you found a pair of items. The first was a tome wracked by dry rot. You dared not open it, for the cover itself gave slightly even at your touch. You would need a trusted and experienced bookbinder to open it without completely ruining the knowledge hidden within. The cover itself was simple, looking like it had been rebound many times, but on the spine you could see a few words in Classical: "ɑn dʌst, frʌm ˈʧɛʃər kræfts".
Blergh, I've only noticed this now, but is this a reference to Redshirt Army's 'Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust' quest? We're not set in the same AU, are we?