Man, sleep deprived Raiu is kinda an idiot. Here I was, doubting my readers when they knew what I was writing. Bravo, readers. Bravo.

Now, time to fix all the mistakes that my sleep deprived mind had written for the next update. (Curse you sleep deprived Raiu! It's past tense! Past!)
Buried Secrets 3-3 Continued
"Amity, double the guard on the egg. I'll try to find out another way to open it, one that won't destroy the machine. Make sure none of the workers try anything." Amity nodded, taking the shortest path and assigning some of your personal guards to the egg as you explored the bunker. As you wandered the hallway, you saw a pair of smaller doors, through one of which you could hear the shuffling of papers.

Through the second doorway, you found Jove carefully sifting through ancient papers, his bodyguard at the wall and looking exceedingly bored. "Hey," You announced, causing Jove to look up.

"Hey Skye. This is a treasure trove of info. Makes me rather glad I brushed up on Classical during our religion fest." He looked back at the paper in his gloved hands, carefully setting it down on a nearby desk. "There's a lot of strange words that I can't really translate well, but things have been pretty air tight and dry, so I don't have to worry about mold."

You walked over to the desk, reaching to pick one up before Jove lightly smacked your hand. "Don't touch them! They're really fragile. They're not durable like Lien, and it's a miracle they're staying together at all."

"Alright, alright. I won't touch. Find anything interesting?" Your ears unconsciously turned towards Jove, showing that he had your attention.

"My Classical is not excellent- I'm not one of those idiot savants who can speak it after all- but I have a good idea of what this place was." Your husband carefully shuffled through the papers, drawing out one that looked like it had fallen out of a pamphlet. "It seems this bunker was owned by a group known of the Khronos Medical corporation- basically a collective of merchants- as a safe place for some of their experimental technology."

"So wait," You interjected, "The stuff in here was advanced even for the Before Times?" You felt excitement bubble within you.

Unfortunately, Jove had to nip that hope in the bud. "Untested, experimental technology." He pointed to a stack of paper's on the floor that went up to his knees. "Those are all forms for consent, as well as waving any responsibility for the corporation in... Many cases, nearly all of them involving death or insanity."

With the damper placed on your excitement, you asked the next question. "So, just what were they doing here?"

"Well, I can provide the surface answer at least. It seems the plan was to place wealthy patrons or relatives of those wealthy patrons who had diseases or conditions that were incurable at the time, in the hopes they would be cured in the future."

The silence dragged on for a long minute. "Well, shit."

"Yeah. I feel sorry for that poor girl. I'll keep digging around to see what other records I can find-"

Your concentration is broken by a zealous shout of "Claim the Nameless One's gift, my brothers!" You turned to the door in time to see a mob of zealous workers wielding masonry hammers, clubs made of broken pews, pickaxes and spades rush towards your guards, their intent clear.

You rushed out into the hallway...

Guards: 98 + 10 = 108
67 + 8 = 75 + 100 = 175
Fanatics: 67 = 67.
Guards win by 10 Degrees!

Just in time to see truncheons fall like rain. The guards did not pull their blows, their iron rods meeting flesh and bone with sickening cracks. Such was the directed savagery, you were almost worried if your men were being excessively brutal... but that might have been caused by a tooth landing besides you.

The fight lasted only a few moments, leaving your men scuffed, the workers in varying states of pain and consciousness, and - most importantly - the egg was unbroken. One of the guards, one of Amity's, saluted you. "The situation is back under control ma'am. They won't be trying that again." There was a chipper tone to his voice that mildly creeped you out. It seemed that Amity's guards weren't just there to keep the peace... Well, now you know one of the ways she gets additional tithes, at least.

With your consent, Amity moved the workers, broken and conscious alike, outside of the bunker to be treated. That was... acceptable for now, but you'd have to control the damage they could do. With the guard on the workers increased, you waited to hear what else Jove dug up.

Unfortunately, your husband found precious little more in the documents, leading him to conclude the manuals were either kept in the heads of the staff or never existed, most likely the later given the experimental nature of the bunker. He is rather sure they had no real plans to resurrect their patients; "Meaning they were winging it. Bloody terrifying." He muttered

Further explorations only found a janitor's closet, which contained a series of small generators, one of which managed to stay fueled over the centuries. Judging by the fuel gauge of the survivor, you guessed it had only a few months of Dust left before it died completely. Checking the Dust residue in the fuel compartments of the other generators, it seemed they were powered by Yellow Dust of incredible purity, far beyond anything you have ever seen. You think it would be possible to add more Dust, but you have no idea what the results could be.

With no clear plan, you'll have to do the same as the Before Times scientists and wing it.

Write in two plans, a primary and a backup plan. The single generator will run out of charge before the turn is out if nothing is done, leaving the survivor to suffocate in her sleep. That might not be a bad thing. Also, make sure to include what you want to do to the workers. If you are stumped, you can always tell them the girl expired after you took her out of the egg.

There will be no dice rolling for this one. You'll fail or succeed solely by your own actions. (This means the Fate Point will have no effect but still count as burned if you the winning plans try to use it. You have been warned.)

Finally, I've given you everything you need to guess in both this and the previous update. Now you just need to find a way to make it work, if you want to keep the machine and girl intact.
I really want this girl to live but I'll leave it to the more creative members to figure out.

These workers need to die since they are fanatics they will totally try this again probably with more people and I don't want to take that chance of them succeeding.

We could justify killing them to the other workers in that they were trying to take ancient technology for themselves which is technically true.
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Possible solutions (Some of them may be impossible):
Refuel generator with yellow Dust
Break open egg with pickaxes.
Try to use shattered monitor next to the egg to end stasis
Try to use the "strange machine with letterboard" to end stasis

Also, if we try any method that involves waking her up now, we should get some medics on site.
Might want to grill the fanatics to see if they've passed word on to others outside the Temple workforce. Once we've got that answer I vote we kill them .

@Raiu You mentioned that the power generator used yellow Dust of very high purity. Will it run on standard yellow Dust? And can we supply enough of it to the generator to keep the girl alive?

Also is this happening in the same turn as we are trying to get the healer from Dab?
I really want this girl to live but I'll leave it to the more creative members to figure out.

These workers need to die since they are fanatics they will totally try this again probably with more people and I don't want to take that chance of them succeeding.

To be fair, this is a hollowed ground which had been reclaimed from the Grimm in what the people think of as an epic battle, not but a Huntsman but by a young woman whose family had ruled the land. Succession, Grimm Killing, and Crusades are a bit thing to the Children.

There was absolutely no indication this bunker was under the church, and your lands are still in the grip of plague. The workers may very well believe the girl is a messenger from the Nameless One, here to banish the Grimm Plague from your lands as a reward for your pious actions.

Crazy? Fuck yeah, but these aren't normal times, and you've gotten a lot done.

Possible solutions (Some of them may be impossible):
Refuel generator with yellow Dust. (Do-able, you've got plenty of yellow Dust.)
Break open egg with pickaxes. (Extremely easy. In fact, even a rock would do it.)
Try to use shattered monitor next to the egg to end stasis. (You'd need to find a way to see the full picture on the screen for that.)
Try to use the "strange machine with letterboard" to end stasis (Techno-wizardry!)

Also, if we try any method that involves waking her up now, we should get some medics on site.

Added my thoughts to your list, because I am a merciful god. Also, you do have healers on site. Workplace accidents are no joke.

Might want to grill the fanatics to see if they've passed word on to others outside the Temple workforce. Once we've got that answer I vote we kill them .

@Raiu You mentioned that the power generator used yellow Dust of very high purity. Will it run on standard yellow Dust? And can we supply enough of it to the generator to keep the girl alive?

The answer to those questions are, in order, maybe and yes.
Well then, here's my plan
[X]Primary plan - Refuel generator with yellow Dust, if the generator malfunctions, switch to backup plan
[X]Backup plan - Break open egg.
Crazy? Fuck yeah, but these aren't normal times, and you've gotten a lot done.
Yes these may be unusual times but these men still disobeyed us ,their liege, and that is something that can not be allowed to continue unpunished. If we don't kill them I wish to at least take out their tongues for their crime. (Also makes sure they can't talk about what they have seen)
Yes these may be unusual times but these men still disobeyed us ,their liege, and that is something that can not be allowed to continue unpunished. If we don't kill them I wish to at least take out their tongues for their crime. (Also makes sure they can't talk about what they have seen)

Something tells me you loved playing as the Greeks in CK2.

The Greeks are hilariously known in CK2 as the source of one of the weirdest slowdowns in the game. Every day, every Greek character would check if there were any people who they could castrate, and they did that by checking every character. I'm not joking, it was patched.
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By the way @Raiu how educated are these fanatics? Like can any read and write? because that would throw a wrench into my rip out their tongues idea.
[X]Primary plan - Refuel generator with yellow Dust, if the generator malfunctions, switch to backup plan
[X]Backup plan - Break open egg, with healers standing by to assist.

The same as @Jakobstj 's plan but with healers ready to assist the girl if we have to break her out of the egg.
[X]Primary plan - Refuel generator with yellow Dust, if the generator malfunctions, switch to backup plan
[X]Backup plan - Break open egg, with healers standing by to assist.

Right, should have included that.
[X]Primary plan - Examine the pieces of glass, perhaps they are the the tomes of the ancients. If you can find the means to power them and get the proper procedures out, so do. If not, go to backup plan
[X]Backup plan - Refuel generator with yellow Dust.
[X] Cmd. Frost

Okay, heres the thing: Mucking with the generator would probably kill her with a power surge, so it's a bad Plan A, and...those are Scrolls, whose batteries have run out. Which we could try to power with yellow dust, same as the generator.
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[X]Primary plan - Examine the pieces of glass, perhaps they are the the tomes of the ancients. If you can find the means to power them and get the proper procedures out, so do. If not, go to backup plan
[X]Backup plan - Refuel generator with yellow Dust.

Okay, heres the thing: Mucking with the generator would probably kill her with a power surge, so it's a bad Plan A, and...those are Scrolls, whose batteries have run out. Which we could try to power with yellow dust, same as the generator.
This might be a good idea, it just seems like such a stretch to make IC. "Hey, maybe these pieces of glass are books that need to be powered by Yellow Dust!"

Like, how could Skye even come up with an idea like that?

[X] Call in our favor to the king for a really smart person to come take a look at all this.
[X] Inspect the small and tome sized glass things
[X] Question the workers
[X] If possible explore the place a few more times to make sure we found everything, burn the fate point if needed.
[X] Get Cilmi over here, ASAP
Then we vote on things to do.
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[X] Call in our favor to the king for a really smart person to come take a look at all this.
[X] Inspect the small and tome sized glass things
[X] Question the workers
[X] If possible explore the place one more time to make sure we found everything, burn the fate point if needed.
Then we vote on things to do.
Why not just ask Cilmi? I'm sure he wouldn't want to miss an opportunity like this.
What'd I mis.....
By the Nameless One, we're going to need to remove some tongues or some heads in the near future.
[X]Primary plan - Examine the pieces of glass, perhaps they are the the tomes of the ancients. If you can find the means to power them and get the proper procedures out, so do. If not, go to backup plan
[X]Backup plan - Refuel generator with yellow Dust.
unless i'm confused those guys attacked their liege, or direct subordinates of their liege, the punishment for which, according to feudal law, is death. So why the hell are they getting medical treatment?

Also, completely off topic but who's exited for The Dark Tower :)
Before we continue on this, I need to know one thing. @Cmd. Frost. With how you have phrased your post, your vote counts as a Surprise Write-In under rule 19 of this quest. As per the rules, your write-in requires a arbitrary critical mass of votes that are independent of the current vote in order to become active. This is not a majority system, or a first past the post system. If there are multiple Surprise Write-Ins that pass the critical mass point, all shall become active.

If you wish for your vote to become a Surprise Write-In, please be aware any attempt (successful or otherwise) at a Surprise Write-In will trigger a roll on the Chaos Die. A Chaos Die result cannot affect another Chaos Die result, so the current situation would not be affected. The setting would also not be affected as much, since you were not deliberately trying to cause a Chaos Die roll, like Powerofmind, who coincidentally, is not allowed to create Surprise Write-Ins for fear of abuse.

Continue? [Y/N]

Edit: I should also clarify, your entire post counted as a single Surprise Write-In, as it goes by voting block. I won't explain this every time, but keep that in mind when someone sees a Continue? [Y/N] from me.
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