Man, you open up CK2 for the first time in a long time, and suddenly Personal Combat score is visible on a character's sheet, many many many more traits feed into it and Pagans have Warrior Lodges which allow you to duel people.

The writing, however, continues.

Edit: Ah drat, I forgot what I was actually going to say. Character Sheet has been updated. We now have Dr. Nail's character sheet, I finally put the Other Characters section into it's own tab, and I've found it rather useful as a way to look over my less obvious notes.
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From Dr. Nail's character sheet:

Religion: "Seasonal, specifically Kuo Kuwaman New Reformed Winterist Congregation of 596 Reformation of 633 (non-practicing)."

This guy...
I love the idea that the most overtly peaceful faith is just absolutely riddled with splinter groups that all think the others will burn in hell
And suddenly we have some truly out there theories, the Remnant is Hell theory is especially good from a Children's point of view.

And while I know CWR is referencing the movie, searching SixthSense lead me to a wearable computer from the late 90s, which gave me some ideas for later. (I think everyone who has been around since the start knows low late "later" is for me.)
The Waters of Life: A Brief View of Agriculture in Menagerie by Unknown.
AN: Since farming is becoming a bit more of a thing, I thought I'd give a little more insight as to agriculture in Menagerie, focusing far, far more on Chaw's agriculture than anywhere else. And yes, omake fodder of the highest caliber.

Farming in Menagerie typically happens during the cooler, rainy months, where the wind shifts from blowing from the north to the south. Crops which can withstand the near constant rainfall are harvested either at the end of the rainy season, or the rapidly drying start of the dry season. This harvest forms the basis of Menagerie's food supply until the rains start again. In order to extend the bounty of water, it is not uncommon for communities creating cisterns and other water retention structures, especially in the more arid areas. This is evidently the same thoughts as those who came before, for the countryside is dotted with the remains of standpipes, some still holding truly ancient water in their holds.

In the desert of Central Menagerie, the massive artificial desert known as Maoi's Cruelty, most useable water comes not from the rain (as the almost solid layer of salt rapidly taints any droplets which touches the ground) but from extremely deep wells which form the basis of power in those areas. The slang "Water Barons" of the Ma Aquaani people for their own leaders show how deeply this has affected their culture.

In the provinces of the Petty Kingdom of Chaw (as the Kuo Kuwaman elite call it) the Congsu River which weaves through Yeqerta, and Buhaw before branching off into the Wadno-Congsu and the Gees-Congsu serves as the basis of agriculture. It's random floods and strange flow reversals make this river a difficult one to master, despite many attempts, but the sediment the flooding leaves behind is especially good for a more varied diet. Considering the river's source, or sources as is more likely, has yet to be found, it is an extremely useful river. The Congsu's counterpoint, however, is the Song River, though many have called it Remnant's smallest strait despite the fact it is incomplete.

The Song River is a saltwater river which cuts through nearly the entirety of the Chaw Peninsula, forming the vast majority of Chaw's eastern borders. From Gees to Buhaw and leaving just ten miles of solid ground keeping the Cape of Gees and the Mouth of the Crab from uniting in Yeqerta, the Song is utterly unnatural. Before Times piers dot both sides of the river, meaning it was obviously created for an unknown purpose. Whatever it served, it was a folly, for the saltwater of the Song seeps into the nearby aquifers, meaning agriculture can only take place on the central and west sides of Chaw. On the east, the only things which can grow are hardy, inedible salt-grass and the trees which serves as nests for the Menagerie Drop-bear. Which is decidedly not a joke played on travelers.
Oh boy, the urge to rewrite the entire quest has started again. The siren's call of higher quality writing is filling my ear.

To stave it off, and keep some fresher content alive, I'll start the rewrite after I finish Turn 10. This way there will be a lot to read over as I get my perfectionist on.
A Quiet Moment - Turn 8 Results 1 (8-2)
You've been through some difficult times.

Dad's position becoming unstable due to a ship sinking was hard.

Dueling your wife-to-be and nearly losing an eye because of it was harder still.

Standing outside the door, knowing she laid there barely moving, but hoping with your heart of hearts she would open her eyes was the hardest of all.

And yet, you were here, mustering up the nerve to have your hopes dashed yet again. This was the norm now, the waiting outside the bedchamber, putting off the decision for as long as possible as the night slowly passed. Sometimes you didn't open the door and simply walked to the study, wanting more to hold onto the frail hope than to know the truth.

This time, however, is different. You need to be in her presence for this, to make up your mind.

The door opened, and once more you were presented with the sight of Skye, unmoved from the last time you had sawn her. She had lost weight since you had married her, which wasn't flattering. She was losing muscle, and Nail could do little more than slow this process. In a few more months she would lose much of her duelist's muscles, and afterwards she would likely be weakened for life.

This hurt. This always hurt.

You lowered yourself to the bed, laying next to her as you have done many times before. Your hands moved to your eyes and palms covered your sight. One more minute. One more minute of silence and you'll decide.

One minute came and passed, followed by another and another. Ten minutes passed in silence, before you carefully sat up and took her hand. "Skye..." You started, but the question died in your throat. Instead, your mouth betrayed you and started on a different path.

"Alan returned from the Li Warrans a few hours ago. From his report, our new tribal people were less than pleased at our initial offer. Alan managed to keep them from throwing him out, and even managed to get a deal out of them. One which favors them at the moment, but we have our foot in the door. If we prove Yeqerta is a belly starving for Li Warran foods, no doubt they'll be happy to change their price."

Food Trade with the Li Warrans established. +1 Food for 3 Lien every turn for the next ten turns. Can be renegotiated in two turns.

"Unfortunately, Alan also tells me that Adet seems to be doing his level best to completely bungle the cause the Li Warrans to revolt. He called for a great deal of public works to 'modernize' the tribe, and he's paying for it with a Progenitor tax." You were talking faster now, your own internal tempo rising to match your speech. "And not a tax to not attend Children events, like the Atlesian Blots, but a tax to be a Progenitorist! Can you imagine how bad an idea that is?!"

A small step unexpectedly echos. History turns on the smallest of pieces.

You realized you raised your voice, and silenced yourself. Once more you were left with your thoughts, and Skye's barely warm hand. You took to carefully rubbing her hand, knowing full well it was the hand which held Fury on your duel night. Perhaps you were hoping for a bit of her boldness to rub off on you.

You knew this could easily continue into the early hours, but this could not wait. No matter how long you waited, you could not change the fact it needed to be done. 'Damn it, come on. You can do this, just explain it.'

"Skye... I talked with Dr. Nail about curing you. Your 'Treatment' as he called it." You swallowed, deliberately trying to not snuff out this bit of progress. "Until now, we hoped you would wake up on your own, but Nail is extremely doubtful this could be the case. So, he has three treatments prepared for you.

"The first treatment is what he describes as 'modified orthodox'. A treatment royal physicians always try to wake up someone from an eternal sleep, done in Dr. Nail's style. It's the safest option, but it's only worked a handful of times from what I could gather. So, while there's little risk to you, it might just be a waste of time."

You paused to swallow on a dry mouth before continuing. "The second treatment is a little more drastic. He won't tell me the nature of the treatment, but it carries some risk to you. Likely nothing too dangerous, but given Dr. Nail is the one who created it, you should be fine. The odds he gave were higher than the safe treatment, but not by much."

You hesitated for a long minute on the third option. Did you really need to tell her this option? In the end, you decided to disclose everything. "The third treatment is experimental, even by Nail's standards. I know even less of this treatment than the previous one. He's been tight lipped about it, saying that it's your best chance but...

"That it would cost."

You let the last statement hang in the air like a hanged man, before you righted yourself with a breath and looked directly at your wife.

"Dr. Nail will not take no for an answer. I have to choose a treatment plan, and the sooner I finalize them, the sooner you can get well."

You grasped her Fury hand, having rubbed some warmth into it. "So Skye, which option do you like best?"

Skye, for her part, was as impassive as a corpse, and you felt her hand twitch under your grasp. Nothing to get your hopes up for, only a bare reflex. You couldn't put this decision onto Skye.

You gently placed her hand to where you had found it, and sat there cross legged for a few minutes more. Talking with Skye had cleared up one thing. You were the only one who could make the choice.

You stood and walked to the door, opening it enough to see the two bodyguards by the door. These were trustworthy men who served out of great respect to your wife. They knew her condition, and could be trusted. "Send a message to Dr Nail. Tell him I choose...

[] the first option." While it may not be the most direct, it was also the least drastic option. Better to choose the orthodox method in case it actually works before moving to the more drastic.

[] the second option." While more dangerous than the traditional, there was still no need to leap directly for the one which would certainly harm Skye. You couldn't inflict that upon her.

[] the third option." Skye needed to come out of her eternal sleep soon, and you doubt Dr. Nail would bungle an experiment so greatly as to actually harm Skye. The children deserve that much.

As one of the guards hurried for Dr. Nail's clinic, you closed the door and felt a strange sensation pass over you. It was a strong sense, a strong emotion, but what?

[] You felt, will all certainty, you had made the right choice. Your family needed her back, and more importantly, the people of Yeqerta needed their hero. You made the right choice, and you will make sure the people have their hero, come Pit or flood.

[] A wave of hope washed over you, knowing you made the right choice. There was always the chance the treatment might fail, Dr. Nail might make a mistake, or another myriad of other smaller things could go wrong. However, you had faith she would wake up. In time, you'll have Skye, the mother of your children and honestly someone who gave you a bit of a liking for pain back. You are sure of it.

[] Something else passes over you. You're not sure what. (Write-in) (May have different effects)

[Royal Physician] Find a Way to Awaken Skye 90 + 17 = 107 All three treatment options open, ????
[Diplomacy] Write-in: Establish Food Trade Agreement With Li Warrans* 7 + 11 + 10 = 28 Poor Negotiations.
[Personal] Spouse: Spend some time with Skye. 77
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Whatever anyone may say, I'm keeping up with my bi-monthly update schedule.

And by bi-monthly, I mean the lesser version, which is twice a month. Man, English really needs to distinguish just what one means by bi-monthly. Is it twice a month or once every two months?
[X] the third option." Skye needed to come out of her eternal sleep soon, and you doubt Dr. Nail would bungle an experiment so greatly as to actually harm Skye. The children deserve that much.
[X] A wave of hope washed over you, knowing you made the right choice. There was always the chance the treatment might fail, Dr. Nail might make a mistake, or another myriad of other smaller things could go wrong. However, you had faith she would wake up. In time, you'll have Skye, the mother of your children and honestly someone who gave you a bit of a liking for pain back. You are sure of it.
[] the first option." While it may not be the most direct, it was also the least drastic option. Better to choose the orthodox method in case it actually works before moving to the more drastic.

[] the second option." While more dangerous than the traditional, there was still no need to leap directly for the one which would certainly harm Skye. You couldn't inflict that upon her.

[] the third option." Skye needed to come out of her eternal sleep soon, and you doubt Dr. Nail would bungle an experiment so greatly as to actually harm Skye. The children deserve that much.
Bah, the first option is clearly a waste of time. So the only question is whether we immediately try to risk it on the third or first try the second one.
[] Something else passes over you. You're not sure what. (Write-in) (May have different effects)
[] Vanity of Vanities, All is Vanity: All you feel is soul-crushing Despair. It is all meaningless, there is no point to any of this! Things will never be fine again.

Clearly nothing could go wrong with this! :V
In normal CK2 you'd normally only get the choice between Ordinary Treatment or Drastic Treatment, but since Dr. Nail needs to suck up to the ones in charge so he can eventually expand his practice, you can see all of the options.

I would recommend checking out what the CK2 wiki has to say about treatment, and it's three different types. I cut down on the randomness a bit, so make of that what you will.
So wait, is Option 1 the Standard or Cautious treatment and is Option 3 the Regular Experimental or Drastic Experimental treatment?
[X] the second option." While more dangerous than the traditional, there was still no need to leap directly for the one which would certainly harm Skye. You couldn't inflict that upon her.

[X] You felt, will all certainty, you had made the right choice. Your family needed her back, and more importantly, the people of Yeqerta needed their hero. You made the right choice, and you will make sure the people have their hero, come Pit or flood.
So wait, is Option 1 the Standard or Cautious treatment and is Option 3 the Regular Experimental or Drastic Experimental treatment?

I've given everything needed to make a decision. If you want an answer, just reread the post and compare bits to the wiki. However, there is no Cautious treatment.
[X] the second option." While more dangerous than the traditional, there was still no need to leap directly for the one which would certainly harm Skye. You couldn't inflict that upon her.

[X] A wave of hope washed over you, knowing you made the right choice. There was always the chance the treatment might fail, Dr. Nail might make a mistake, or another myriad of other smaller things could go wrong. However, you had faith she would wake up. In time, you'll have Skye, the mother of your children and honestly someone who gave you a bit of a liking for pain back. You are sure of it.

Here goes nothing...
[X] the second option." While more dangerous than the traditional, there was still no need to leap directly for the one which would certainly harm Skye. You couldn't inflict that upon her.

[X] A wave of hope washed over you, knowing you made the right choice. There was always the chance the treatment might fail, Dr. Nail might make a mistake, or another myriad of other smaller things could go wrong. However, you had faith she would wake up. In time, you'll have Skye, the mother of your children and honestly someone who gave you a bit of a liking for pain back. You are sure of it.
[X] the second option." While more dangerous than the traditional, there was still no need to leap directly for the one which would certainly harm Skye. You couldn't inflict that upon her.

[X] A wave of hope washed over you, knowing you made the right choice. There was always the chance the treatment might fail, Dr. Nail might make a mistake, or another myriad of other smaller things could go wrong. However, you had faith she would wake up. In time, you'll have Skye, the mother of your children and honestly someone who gave you a bit of a liking for pain back. You are sure of it.

Regular Experimental will do for now, no need to go full Drastic Experimental just yet. Skye becoming a Lunatic would be awful....
Hehehe. Don't worry, the roll has already been made, and I've removed some of the outcomes which would certainly come from MAD SURGERY. After all, there is no lunatic trait in this game.

Only varying states of mental distortion known as "Personality".

Mostly what's on the table is the traits which lead into Augmented and it's varying stages. Cilmi would be proud.
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[X] the second option." While more dangerous than the traditional, there was still no need to leap directly for the one which would certainly harm Skye. You couldn't inflict that upon her.

[X] A wave of hope washed over you, knowing you made the right choice. There was always the chance the treatment might fail, Dr. Nail might make a mistake, or another myriad of other smaller things could go wrong. However, you had faith she would wake up. In time, you'll have Skye, the mother of your children and honestly someone who gave you a bit of a liking for pain back. You are sure of it.
Would it? I look forward to her banning pants and chasing gopher-maids. :V

"Spouses must henceforth be chosen through a duel!"

"What?! You mean we have to duel our betrothed's guardian if we're to be married?"

"No, of course not! That's barbaric! No, spouses have to duel each other. By the Nameless One, it's 996 AF, man, not the Dark Ages!"