Man its hard to think of questions that Skye would know to ask(she wouldn't ask about the Maidens) and are helpful.(Also how do we know of G again? I don't have time to reread a lot of the story and can't remember where we learned of them.)

1.) You mentioned your previous foe and that 'G' seeks to finish what she started. Who was she and what was her goal?(having at least an idea of what our opponent wants is important)

2.) A bit of a long shot but have you ever heard of Khronos Medical corporation? We found a bunker they made a while back, even saved someone who was in 'stasis', and I'm curious if you'd know anything.(very unlikely to provide any useful information but background info is always nice)

May ask more if I think of any
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Okay, how about ...

1) Why us specifically, and is anyone else getting this little pep talk?

2) What caused the world to crash and burn?

3) Just how many lifetimes are we talking here?

4) Can you tell us who sent that assassin (so we know in-character)?

5) Any tips for how we are supposed to fight someone whose identity we still don't know?
1. In your opinion, does Cilmi have a good chance of success?

2. Do you approve of his mission?

3. Why are the Academies so overrun with Grimm?

4. What could be done to reclaim them?
And with that, it's time to take the long term preview of the update away until I can put it in its proper place. Jove's part in this story isn't done yet, far from it.
The Maidens are a strong force, yes, but they're not the most powerful force we have seen in the series. Or even in this quest.

On the note of immortality... I believe that was brought up, but you'll see it again in its final form at the right time.
And with that, my bookkeeping is complete. As it turns out, it takes a lot more time if you put it off until it HAS to be done, but part of it was because I realized something.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Temple of Minno, the Holding which has been in construction for most of this Quest, the one which Skye reclaimed from the tyranny of Four Three Legs, and the one which houses the Kronous Medical Bunker, is now built! In light of this, and the fact this is the first time we are dealing with a "Wrong Ruler Type" penalty, I'm going to make a Turn 7.5 post to handle the assigning of the holding. (Turn 7 really, really, REALLY doesn't want to go just yet.)
Whoops! If anyone saw that, I simply posted an update in the wrong quest. Um... Yeah. That's been fixed.

[] Continue
[] End Game
[X] Activate "A Flame From Cold Ash" DLC and Continue

AN: We're back.
That dlc title...

Is the new game going to be us playing as robots that survived the Collapse and have been fighting an underground war this entire time?


Sorry, just reading this idea has spawned plot bunnies for Atlas Warmind Nickel and the merry adventures of Proffesor Polendia's creations after the End.
[X] Activate "A Flame From Cold Ash" DLC and Continue

@Darik29, The thread doesn't have rules for spoilers, but please remember not all of us have RT First.
[X] Activate "A Flame From Cold Ash" DLC and Continue

@Darik29, The thread doesn't have rules for spoilers, but please remember not all of us have RT First.

Um, what?

I don't know what RT First is. I was literally just throwing out an idea that's been in my head ever since I first read this.

I got Warmind from the Destiny games, and Nickel as a name just because it follows on from Penny.

No spoilers here, my dude.
Sounds more like something Dark Souls to me, tbh.

Eh, probably.

Mostly, I just imagined that Ironwood had hidden, secret facilities all over, and a few of them were robot storage. And at least One of those locations could hold all of Proffesor Polendia's remaining work, including the children he built After Penny. And a facility for them to Be built without human interference, since Grimm don't give a fuck about robots.
An Old Song of Cold Ashes
@Darik29, well, if you put it in as an Omake, I'll see what I can do. It's certainly interesting (we must talk more on Warmind Nickel later, privately), and I'm looking forward to what you'll do with it.

(Man, I really need to watch past that info dump episode.)

Oh, and don't worry. Our cast of characters will not change. There will be other changes in the setting, in fact there are two right off the bat. However, I think I'll give you the poem, or perhaps, the song which carries forth these changes.

It is an old scrawl, crude yet grand in it's tale of the world. In this tale yet unfinished; in this tale yet to be found by the broken, the world that was ended and the world which it came to be are revealed. So, gather closely, young chroniclers, and listen to the oldest tale in Remnant.

The relics were gathered
In the Dark Lands were the gods summoned
Once more Remnant was with gods
Not those who possessed majiks
But by those who controlled the ultimate power.

And in the Dark Lands
They were slain
Their powers drawn out by a woman consumed by grief
Stolen by a boy holding an weary soul
Harnessed by the Eight Huntsmen
And returned to rest by those who sought to save the world.
Now the world lies shrouded in shadow
The creations of the Brothers ignorant of what had happened
The Grimm hunger ever more
Humanity survives in lessened state
And the forlorn Children of the Godly Destruction seek their path.
But with the death of gods Old and Older
New Gods have risen to take their place
The Warriors of Old, Huntsmen and Huntresses, take the spark of divinity unto breast
The Maidens Four, the spawn of love between Light and Dark, arise once more
The Old Men of Rust and Iron, gather their once scattered faith
And the Children of Dust take heart at the birth of their restful God.
And now the world returns to balance
With Gifts once taken returned
For the future of Remnant is not bound by blind gods
Nor the darkness of the pragmatic
But by the light found within a simple soul.
"... You're going to see some serious shit." - Doc Brown
Um, what?

I don't know what RT First is. I was literally just throwing out an idea that's been in my head ever since I first read this.

I got Warmind from the Destiny games, and Nickel as a name just because it follows on from Penny.

No spoilers here, my dude.

Oh, sorry. I've been getting spoiled by some new guys at work for the past month and it's got me pissed off and jumping at shadows, so to speak.

Also, damn it the gods are back.
The Cuisine of Menagerie Challenge
So, ladies and gentlemen, as I finish up the "I forgot that a Holding was finishing now" post, I have a challenge which may lead to a few omakes.

"Menagerie is a melting pot. The Four Kingdoms of the Before Times regularly moved their "undesirables" to the continent, be they criminals or Faunus. This has caused the largest mixing of cultures ever seen on the face of Remnant, and there exists no better example of this than in Menagerie's food." - From Field, Forage and Fishing: The Daily Bread of the Menagerai, by Spring Speaker Jacques Marquette.

There are roughly four distinct sections of Menagerie: the coastal forests of The Fatwa, Li Warran and Be'er tribes, the grassy plains which move to scrub lands as one goes east comprising the Kingdom of Chaw and the hitherfore unnamed tribal confederation involving the Ekidnu and Jongsu tribes, the sandy scrublands and deserts of central Menagerie, which hold the Kingdoms of Ma'Aquan, Zulu and the southern territory of the Megwambi Confederation, and finally the Kuo Kuwaman plains in the north which stretch from the Tara lands to Kuo Kuwama itself. There is also the mountains of Southern Menagerie, however the territory is mostly unpopulated, and few enough people reside there to be safely ignored.

The challenge here is for you, my readers, to reveal the cuisine of each of these regions. With the Grimm Plague being eradicated from Menagerie for a time, the rationing which took place has also come to an end. This means the diet of the Menagerai is returning to its usual form. So, rather than making sweeping statements, I'd much rather hear what my ever creative readers have to say about the foods of the Menagerai. In general, there are three sources of food: Field, Forage and Fishing, though in the Kuo Kuwaman plains there are herds of cattle (feel free to get creative, since the standard cow didn't make it over from Vale).

I consider Menagere to be a mix of Oceania (including Australia and New Zealand), Polynesia (especially around Kuo Kuwama), and America, so go nuts. Do some research and get creative. Menagere has had a long time to develop it's own culinary tradition. Do try to limit yourself to one region at a time, and perhaps you can define the cultural dishes of a particular province like Yeqerta or Ma'Aquan. That would be quite interesting.

Oh, and if you feel the need to fill in the blanks on places which haven't gotten a name on the map yet, then I fully encourage you to do so. Not because I don't want to give all those places names and characters. Nope. Most certainly not.

If you need a good idea as to what's where, check out the maps on the character sheet (yes, they're bad), and the map below (not made in ms paint).

So, ladies and gentlemen, as I finish up the "I forgot that a Holding was finishing now" post, I have a challenge which may lead to a few omakes.

"Menagerie is a melting pot. The Four Kingdoms of the Before Times regularly moved their "undesirables" to the continent, be they criminals or Faunus. This has caused the largest mixing of cultures ever seen on the face of Remnant, and there exists no better example of this than in Menagerie's food." - From Field, Forage and Fishing: The Daily Bread of the Menagerai, by Spring Speaker Jacques Marquette.

There are roughly four distinct sections of Menagerie: the coastal forests of The Fatwa, Li Warran and Be'er tribes, the grassy plains which move to scrub lands as one goes east comprising the Kingdom of Chaw and the hitherfore unnamed tribal confederation involving the Ekidnu and Jongsu tribes, the sandy scrublands and deserts of central Menagerie, which hold the Kingdoms of Ma'Aquan, Zulu and the southern territory of the Megwambi Confederation, and finally the Kuo Kuwaman plains in the north which stretch from the Tara lands to Kuo Kuwama itself. There is also the mountains of Southern Menagerie, however the territory is mostly unpopulated, and few enough people reside there to be safely ignored.

The challenge here is for you, my readers, to reveal the cuisine of each of these regions. With the Grimm Plague being eradicated from Menagerie for a time, the rationing which took place has also come to an end. This means the diet of the Menagerai is returning to its usual form. So, rather than making sweeping statements, I'd much rather hear what my ever creative readers have to say about the foods of the Menagerai. In general, there are three sources of food: Field, Forage and Fishing, though in the Kuo Kuwaman plains there are herds of cattle (feel free to get creative, since the standard cow didn't make it over from Vale).

I consider Menagere to be a mix of Oceania (including Australia and New Zealand), Polynesia (especially around Kuo Kuwama), and America, so go nuts. Do some research and get creative. Menagere has had a long time to develop it's own culinary tradition. Do try to limit yourself to one region at a time, and perhaps you can define the cultural dishes of a particular province like Yeqerta or Ma'Aquan. That would be quite interesting.

Oh, and if you feel the need to fill in the blanks on places which haven't gotten a name on the map yet, then I fully encourage you to do so. Not because I don't want to give all those places names and characters. Nope. Most certainly not.

If you need a good idea as to what's where, check out the maps on the character sheet (yes, they're bad), and the map below (not made in ms paint).

Better believe I'm jumping on this one in some way, shape or form. Also, any way you could make the map a bit larger? It's very difficult to make out at its current size.
Better believe I'm jumping on this one in some way, shape or form. Also, any way you could make the map a bit larger? It's very difficult to make out at its current size.

Unfortunately I can't upscale the map, however zooming in with a browser works just fine. This map is really just used as a supplement, since it's severely lacking in detail.
the coastal forests of The Fatwa, Li Warran and Be'er tribes,
Home of fish, meat, fruits and spices...but travel is hard aside from the coast and meat keeps poorly. So food revolves around keeping meat edible and then compensating for the means of preservation.

Lots of smoked and salted meats cooked in sweet and spicy stews as the central dish, with tubers as the main carb source served communally in a giant pot/vat to stretch the meat. Fermented fruits for drinks in great variety.
the grassy plains which move to scrub lands as one goes east comprising the Kingdom of Chaw and the hitherfore unnamed tribal confederation involving the Ekidnu and Jongsu tribes,
Classic agricultural land. Going to involve a lot of grains, so breads and buns in the urban areas and boiled grains in the rural as the staple food, accentuated with various greens, root vegetables and herbs. Meat would be more of a luxury I think, but they should be fine on grain alcohol.
the sandy scrublands and deserts of central Menagerie, which hold the Kingdoms of Ma'Aquan, Zulu and the southern territory of the Megwambi Confederation,
Goat and Pig Based Economy. These fellows are good at converting crappy forage into usable milk and meat. Environment is good for growing spices too.

Constipation may be a perpetual woe :p
, and finally the Kuo Kuwaman plains in the north which stretch from the Tara lands to Kuo Kuwama itself.
And I'm outta time