
By the way, can Alan's Ixnay on the Unsday option be used to each Menagerai to Ebon, or is that a Write-In?

@Random Member @Temes1066 Would you be okay with me swapping out Schmooze for Assassinate Fatwa leaders like in Cmd. Frost's plan?
Hmm, should Balthazar then not Assist the Assassination instead of spying on the Fatwa?

Also, assassinations cost 50 Lien. We only have 100 Lien and will already spend 50 on the Grimm cure and 10 if we want to build that Dust Mine. I'd rather you keep the plan as is and we don't use up all our Lien.
Alright, time to answer questions.

@Raiu Can we use Alan's Ixnay on the Unsgay action to teach Ebon the modern Menagerian language instead of Skye learning a new language? Or if Skye was to use a Personal Action to spend time with Ebon would that count as teaching her a modern language as well as improving relations with her?

EDIT: Does producing the Grimm Plague Cure also include production of the vaccine in order to keep it from spreading to the uninfected population? If we take an action to produce a cure and not a vaccine do we run the risk of curing the Plague in those already infected but having it spread requiring another action to bring it under control?

Unfortunately, the only one in your Court who really has a good grasp on Classical as a speaking language is Earth, who isn't your Chancellor. In this case, the "New Language" option is in the more common languages. Learning Classical would be a Diplomacy Write-in. Write-ins that happen during the turn decisions do not trigger a roll on the Chaos Die.

On the note of the plague, Dr Nail is working on the assumption you do not want to have sudden flare ups like that, which is why his estimate was so high. Even if the plague did spread, you would still have enough supplies to cure the entire province twice over and still have enough to bathe in. "Not that I recommend doing so."

@werdZerg13 I like your plan and the one I'm putting together is quite similar to yours, with the differences summed up below -

[X] Plan New Black Raven
[X] Family: Spend some time with your family.
[X] Ebon: Spend some time with Ebon.

[X] Befriend: Cilmi
[X] Befriend: Reinhardt

[X] Marshal Action: Do your duty as Marshal for your liege. (Automatic, must be in all valid plans unless you resign.)
[X] Personally Patrol: Ser Reinhardt is occupied with other matters, or he does not fully possess your trust. Personally sally forth with your retinue to keep your lands safe.

[X] Research [-Dust Refining 0/?]: You've always felt like more could be done about the state of technology in your realm. Spend a good chunk of time buried in books and diagrams to see if you can devise a new innovation, or recover a lost technique from the Time Before. (Write in the general idea of what you are researching, or select a Economic Technology.)
[X] Ceremonial Combat with Ekidnu for Dust Site: Just outside of your borders you managed to find a Dust Vein that would increase your production significantly. By first entering negotiations with the Ekidnu and then fighting a ceremonial duel, you could claim the site for yourself and establish a mine there.
-10 Lien for establishing Dust Mine.
Unknown cost for Ekidnu negotiations.

[X] Assess [Ebon Rosewater Ravenswood]: Subtly investigate a character's skills, traits, and abilities.
[X] Schmooze: Visit your Liege's court, gathering useful intelligence and opinions.

[X] Personally go to the Menagerie Synod to accept the Children's Book: The Menagerie Synod is the highest moral authority for the Children of Remnant in Menagerie, and any new religious texts must eventually pass through their hands. By going personally, you could argue your case for the book, giving you a much more direct hand in it's fate.
[X] Research Cultural Technology: The world of Remnant today is not the world of the Before Times. That doesn't mean you can't learn how to make society work better. (-Before Times 0/?)

[X] Name Regent: Jove

Chancellor -
[X] Ixnay on the Unsgay: There are a myriad of languages spoken in Remnant, and though many nobles can get away with simply speaking the most common language of their continent and a trade language or two, you do not want to be on the back foot when speaking to forigeners. Who better to teach you than your Chancellor?

Marshal -
[X] Patrol Lands: Send Ser Reinhardt out with some levies to run regular patrols. With any luck, the sight of your troops will instill a sense of safety and security among your people.

Steward -
[X] Oversee Upgrading: Have Amity organize and oversee the upgrading of your Holding. Will lower the time to build the upgrade, might upgrade it beyond the initial scope of the project, and gain a small chance to recoup some of the expenses invested in its construction.

Spymaster -
[X] Spy in [Fatwa] court: Order Barthazar to spy in [Character's] court. More dangerous than looking internally, but good results means you not only have a leg up intelligence-wise, but further subterfuge in the same court will be easier to accomplish.

Head Deacon -
[X] Present The Children's Book to the Menagerie Synod: The Children's Book has become Sullivan's magnum opus, and he wishes for the book to be presented to the Synod as soon as possible. This book would become his legacy, whether it would succeed or fail.

Huntsman Superior-
[X] Fale's Test: The Test is a mysterious ritual which marks the end of a Huntsmen's apprenticeship and the beginning of their time as a Journeyman. While Journeymen Huntsmen often leave the province in which they were trained in order to improve their own skills, they do sometimes stay in the employ of their retainer. The Test is, however, a test of the apprentice's ability, and you do not know the consequences of failure. Still, you think Fale can do it, so you will ask Henry to conduct Fale's Test.

Royal Physician-
[X] Manufacture Grimm Plague Cure: A carefully measured concoction of various poisons and antidotes, the cure purges the plague through the use of strong medicine. While there are a handful of days of intense weakness following the treatment, most find themselves cured of the Grimm Plague and in good health. The ingredients in the quantities needed would be expensive, but the sooner you could cure your people, the safer they would be,
-50 Lien to mass produce Cure.

Diplomacy - focus on Befriending Cilmi rather than Ulrich, seeing as we've really improved our relatiohsip with Ulrich to the point where our relationship score with him is the same as we have with Jove, and getting in good with Cilmi could get us better goodies from the expedition to Merlot's lab. Also Befriend Ser Reinhardt, as he's our Marshal and we should improve our dealings with him.

Intrigue - Schmooze like you suggested, but also Assess Ebon to get an idea of her capabilities.

Marshal - have Ser Reinhardt help us in patrolling our lands, so that Henry can administer The Test to Fale. If Fale becomes a Journeyman Huntsman then that makes our Huntsmen more powerful, especially if Razz gets a new apprentice and Fale takes an apprentice of his own.

@Raiu Seeing as our sons are playing with Ebon and that she's having regular chats with our brother, would choosing the Personal Actions to spend time with our family and with Ebon synergise and improve their chances of success?

Oh sure, you can improve their chances of success all you want, it wouldn't improve yours. There are specific (and a rare few general) cases where actions synergize, and the only ones you really have right now are the "Keep At Hand" ones. Some may require the plans to be placed in a strange order.

Those options are really used to show who you are focusing your attention.

As a side note, I don't list all the costs of an action if they aren't readily obvious. Some things may be blocked behind an event or action wall that must be cleared before you can reap the full benefit.


By the way, can Alan's Ixnay on the Unsday option be used to each Menagerai to Ebon, or is Write-in?

That would be a write-in, but is Alan truly the best choice for teaching Ebon?
Claims. You're not the only one who can have them. Have fun figuring out my hint.
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Meh, I don't really feel like having Alan fabricate a claim on Fatwa territory. We don't even border it, so ruling it would be a pain.

Assassination option for the Fatwa is too expensive for my plan seeing as I've committed to producing the cure for the Grim Plague, but do you think Sow Dissent in [Fatwa] Court might be a worthwhile option to make Alric's campaign more effective?

Also I'm thinking of dropping Befriending Cilmi in favour of a Write-In to have Earth tech our modern language to Ebon to help her fit in. Your thoughts?
Assassination option for the Fatwa is too expensive for my plan seeing as I've committed to producing the cure for the Grim Plague, but do you think Sow Dissent in [Fatwa] Court might be a worthwhile option to make Alric's campaign more effective?

Also I'm thinking of dropping Befriending Cilmi in favour of a Write-In to have Earth tech our modern language to Ebon to help her fit in. Your thoughts?
If you think it's worth risking Alan for that.... It could have the opposite effect though, making it obvious to them that we're planning to attack when Alric is preparing a surprise attack.

Earth and Ebon seem to be fine with eachother, so I don't have any problems with that.
And time. Let's see who won...

Plan New Black Raven has won, so time to get down to business. I have a new system for combat that I'm testing out, which is a bit math heavy... So math heavy that I'm going to be writing a program to calculate everything for me. It will likely take some time to get done, so I'll do the first one by hand for the true Brutal CK2 experience.
Of Coin and Cutthroats (Omake by CthulhuWasRight)
Of Coin and Cutthroats

Your name is Jove Strausberg, and you really wish your father would stop trying to kill your crush.

It would certainly leave your purse more full and your days far better spent if he would cease his stream of assassination attempts. It would also spare you the indignity of loitering outside one of Samaki's seedier dockside taverns, face cloaked beneath a hood as you nervously keep one hand on the dagger at your hip and the other on the pouch of lien beneath your robes.

Logically, you know no harm will come to you so long as Marco stands beside you, his aura of danger encouraging most of the city's denizens to keep their heads down and hurry urgently to wherever they are going. Yet you feel anxious despite yourself. In fact, thinking logically about this entire affair, you realize how ridiculous it is to be placing yourself at risk for the young lady who scarred you.

Scarred, not maimed. You had emphasized that particular distinction a great deal in order to persuade your father from his knee-jerk reaction of hiring mercenaries and bringing an army to claim Lady Skye's head, though the effort of arguing through the pain medication had made the room swirl around you and the very ground beneath your feet feel unsteady. Funnily enough, you recalled having much the same feeling in the brief moment before Lady Skye's sword had hit home. Along with the utterly unrelated thought, intermingled with the feeling of sheer terror, that she looked very attractive indeed when she was about to beat someone to a pulp. The resulting injury had left you unable to eat solids for a month.

Yet here you stand, in spite of all of that. Marco spies the pensive look on your face as you run one hand across your scar. "You gettin' cold feet, kid?" he asks, motioning towards your father's hall in the distance. "We could always call this off. I mean, after all, she did cut your-" he stops as a trio of cloaked figures emerge from the crowd. "Too late." you reply. "Just make sure that it's them, and let me do the talking. Don't antagonize them."

Marco nods attentively, then swaggers forward, making sure the truncheon at his hip is clearly visible. "Hey you," he says, resting one hand on his weapon. "the fuck are you lookin' at?" It's all you can do not to start banging your head against the wall in frustration, but instead you step forward, holding Marco back with one hand. "Ignore him." you say, doing your best to sound mature and intimidating. "I believe we have business to discuss."

The apparent leader of the three steps forward. "That depends on if you've got the money." he says. You quickly pull a sheaf of lien from the satchel under your cloak and toss them to him. He scoops them up, carefully inspecting the cards, then gives you a nod. "What do you want?"

"There's plenty more where that came from." You say, "and all you have to do to get the rest of it is back out on a job you're planning to pull. It's come to my attention that you're planning to kill Lady Skye Ravenswood, under the orders of a very wealthy man. I am also aware that you are still on the fence about the contract, and are meeting this benefactor later today to finalize the details of the arrangement. I will pay you an extra 25 Lien, plus whatever your benefactor is offering to pay, in exchange for you to simply skip town and abandon any thought of killing Lady Skye." The three men glance at each other, and out of the corner of your eye you see Marco noticeably perk up.

"A good offer." The leader concedes. "But our benefactor has also offered us whatever loot we claim from Lady Skye's chambers... And her corpse, of course. That may well be worth well more than your lien." To your surprise, you have an answer almost immediately. "Lady Skye wears no jewelry." you reply. "I have never seen her wear so much as a plain gold ring, or a necklace, or even a pair of earrings. Nor is she one for finery or expensive silks. The only items of value I have seen her wear consistently are her swords, which she wields with great skill, as I can personally attest. You would find a fight with her extremely costly, to say the least, with little material gain for your effort."

This gives the assassins pause. They commiserate for a moment. Once more, the leader turns to you. "And what is to stop us from taking your money and then killing Lady Skye anyway?" He asks. You do your best to reply nonchalantly, though your heart skips a beat at his words. "Well, you would have to find a way to sneak past a well-drilled levy and kill an extraordinarily skilled combatant in her own castle without being caught by the guards. Then you would have to evade the wrath of Yequerta, including Donovan Ravenswood, his personal retinue, and his Huntsmen and Huntresses, and then flee Menagerie through one of a limited number of ports with only a slim chance of evading death or capture. And, uh, should you back down on our agreement..." At this you glance towards Marco in a mute appeal for help. Creative threats are not your forte. Fortunately, he catches on fast.

"If you go back on your word, I will track all three of you down, snap your legs like twigs, drag you into the street and rip your organs out through your mouth with my bare hands. We clear?" At this, his aura flares slightly, and the three assassins glance nervously at each other. 'Please, please accept' You pray, waiting with your heart in your throat until the leader gives you a nod. "Done." He says, and a great weight lifts from your shoulders as you toss him the satchel. He opens it, carefully counts the lien, and without another word disappears into the crowd. Marco lets out a breath. "Shit, Jove, that was a lot of money."

"I can afford it." You reply, stepping out onto the street. "All of this money is from my own personal investments. I can spend it how I wish, and besides, it's best to keep father from doing something rash. Lady Skye doesn't deserve death, all she did was-" "Grow furious to the point of violence over a misunderstanding and then permanently scar you?" Marco interjects. "We both know you've got a dog in this fight, kid. You even know what jewelry she wears, for the Maidens' sake." You shoot him a glare, but it only makes the insufferable grin on his face widen. "Ah, young love."

"Just keep your mouth shut." you sigh. "And keep your eyes open for a bookseller. I hear there's a few copies of "Lives of the Merchant Princes" floating around. Now that Skye will live to see another day, I can find the time to get some reading done."

Finally vocalizing the thought makes butterflies dance in your stomach. You just saved Skye's life. Your satisfied smile barely even falters when Marco ruffles your hair and calls you a nerd.

Ulric is livid when you return. "How was the meeting, father?" You ask, doing your best to seem innocent. Marco makes a show of whistling nonchalantly.

"There was no meeting." He replies, sour-faced. "They seem to have left Samaki altogether. A waste of my time!" A dangerous gleam comes into his eyes. "But don't worry. I've found someone else, a cook in Ravenswood Keep who feels overworked and underpaid. Apparently Miss Skye has a certain fondness for lemon tarts. I'm in the process of ensuring she slips some special ingredients into her next batch."

You barely manage to suppress a groan as you begin your usual argument and mentally tally the costs. 'This had better be worth it.' You think, mourning the thought of "Merchant Princes" slipping through your hands once again.

Yet some part of you, deep down, is quite convinced that despite the costs and the headaches and the sleepless nights, Skye really is worth every minute and every lien.

Utterly illogical, really.
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Of Coin and Cutthroats

Your name is Jove Strausberg, and you really wish your father would stop trying to kill your crush.

It would certainly leave your purse more full and your days far better spent if he would cease his stream of assassination attempts. It would also spare you the indignity of loitering outside one of Samaki's seedier dockside taverns, face cloaked beneath a hood as you nervously keep one hand on the dagger at your hip and the other on the pouch of lien beneath your robes.

Logically, you know no harm will come to you so long as Marco stands beside you, his aura of danger encouraging most of the city's denizens to keep their heads down and hurry urgently to wherever they are going. Yet you feel anxious despite yourself. In fact, thinking logically about this entire affair, you realize how ridiculous it is to be placing yourself at risk for the young lady who scarred you.

Scarred, not maimed. You had emphasized that particular distinction a great deal in order to persuade your father from his knee-jerk reaction of hiring mercenaries and bringing an army to claim Lady Skye's head, though the effort of arguing through the pain medication had made the room swirl around you and the very ground beneath your feet feel unsteady. Funnily enough, you recalled having much the same feeling in the brief moment before Lady Skye's sword had hit home. Along with the utterly unrelated thought, intermingled with the feeling of sheer terror, that she looked very attractive indeed when she was about to beat someone to a pulp. The resulting injury had left you unable to eat solids for a month.

Yet here you stand, in spite of all of that. Marco spies the pensive look on your face as you run one hand across your scar. "You gettin' cold feet, kid?" he asks, motioning towards your father's hall in the distance. "We could always call this off. I mean, after all, she did cut your-" he stops as a trio of cloaked figures emerge from the crowd. "Too late." Jove replies. "Just make sure that it's them, and let me do the talking. Don't antagonize them."

Marco nods attentively, then swaggers forward, making sure the truncheon at his hip is clearly visible. "Hey you," he says, resting one hand on his weapon. "the fuck are you lookin' at?" It's all you can do not to start banging your head against the wall in frustration, but instead you step forward, holding Marco back with one hand. "Ignore him." you say, doing your best to sound mature and intimidating. "I believe we have business to discuss."

The apparent leader of the three steps forward. "That depends on if you've got the money." he says. You quickly pull a sheaf of lien from the satchel under your cloak and toss them to him. He scoops them up, carefully inspecting the cards, then gives you a nod. "What do you want?"

"There's plenty more where that came from." You say, "and all you have to do to get the rest of it is back out on a job you're planning to pull. It's come to my attention that you're planning to kill Lady Skye Ravenswood, under the orders of a very wealthy man. I am also aware that you are still on the fence about the contract, and are meeting this benefactor later today to finalize the details of the arrangement. I will pay you an extra 25 Lien, plus whatever your benefactor is offering to pay, in exchange for you to simply skip town and abandon any thought of killing Lady Skye." The three men glance at each other, and out of the corner of your eye you see Marco noticeably perk up.

"A good offer." The leader concedes. "But our benefactor has also offered us whatever loot we claim from Lady Skye's chambers... And her corpse, of course. That may well be worth well more than your lien." To your surprise, you have an answer almost immediately. "Lady Skye wears no jewelry." you reply. "I have never seen her wear so much as a plain gold ring, or a necklace, or even a pair of earrings. Nor is she one for finery or expensive silks. The only items of value I have seen her wear consistently are her swords, which she wields with great skill, as I can personally attest. You would find a fight with her extremely costly, to say the least, with little material gain for your effort."

This gives the assassins pause. They commiserate for a moment. Once more, the leader turns to you. "And what is to stop us from taking your money and then killing Lady Skye anyway?" He asks. You do your best to reply nonchalantly, though your heart skips a beat at his words. "Well, you would have to find a way to sneak past a well-drilled levy and kill an extraordinarily skilled combatant in her own castle without being caught by the guards. Then you would have to evade the wrath of Yequerta, including Donovan Ravenswood, his personal retinue, and his Huntsmen and Huntresses, and then flee Menagerie through one of a limited number of ports with only a slim chance of evading death or capture. And, uh, should you back down on our agreement..." At this you glance towards Marco in a mute appeal for help. Creative threats are not your forte. Fortunately, he catches on fast.

"If you go back on your word, I will track all three of you down, snap your legs like twigs, drag you into the street and rip your organs out through your mouth with my bare hands. We clear?" At this, his aura flares slightly, and the three assassins glance nervously at each other. 'Please, please accept' You pray, waiting with your heart in your throat until the leader gives you a nod. "Done." He says, and a great weight lifts from your shoulders as you toss him the satchel. He opens it, carefully counts the lien, and without another word disappears into the crowd. Marco lets out a breath. "Shit, Jove, that was a lot of money."

"I can afford it." You reply, stepping out onto the street. "All of this money is from my own personal investments. I can spend it how I wish, and besides, it's best to keep father from doing something rash. Lady Skye doesn't deserve death, all she did was-" "Grow furious to the point of violence over a misunderstanding and then permanently scar you?" Marco interjects. "We both know you've got a dog in this fight, kid. You even know what jewelry she wears, for the Maidens' sake." You shoot him a glare, but it only makes the insufferable grin on his face widen. "Ah, young love."

"Just keep your mouth shut." you sigh. "And keep your eyes open for a bookseller. I hear there's a few copies of "Lives of the Great Merchants" floating around. Now that Skye will live to see another day, I can find the time to get some reading done."

Finally vocalizing the thought makes butterflies dance in your stomach. You just saved Skye's life. Your satisfied smile barely even falters when Marco ruffles your hair and calls you a nerd.

Ulric is livid when you return. "How was the meeting, father?" You ask, doing your best to seem innocent. Marco makes a show of whistling nonchalantly.

"There was no meeting." He replies, sour-faced. "They seem to have left Samaki altogether. A waste of my time!" A dangerous gleam comes into his eyes. "But don't worry. I've found someone else, a cook in Ravenswood Keep who feels overworked and underpaid. Apparently Miss Skye has a certain fondness for lemon tarts. I'm in the process of ensuring she slips some special ingredients into her next batch."

You barely manage to suppress a groan as you begin your usual argument and mentally tally the costs. 'This had better be worth it.' You think, mourning the thought of "Merchant Princes" slipping through your hands once again.

Yet some part of you, deep down, is quite convinced that despite the costs and the headaches and the sleepless nights, Skye really is worth every minute and every lien.

Utterly illogical, really.
This is the reason why I enjoy active readers, it fills in gaps that my writing leaves~

*Adds more to the Character Sheet*

Alright, reward time. A question truthfully answered, a story yet untold, or the character of one of the players in the Great Game?
Ebon Rosewater Ravenswood
Huntsmen Marco, the Hound of the Strausbergs
Cilmi of Donna, Knight of Maskax

Or perhaps you wish to try your luck?
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Do I have the option to wait on this until the next batch of turn decisions?

Also, I'm very glad you liked it.

Feel free to choose whenever you want.

Now something for everyone, there are new rules concerning Natural 1s. Look at them, and then read the spoilered text below.

Royal Physician-
Manufacture Grimm Plague Cure: A carefully measured concoction of various poisons and antidotes, the cure purges the plague through the use of strong medicine. While there are a handful of days of intense weakness following the treatment, most find themselves cured of the Grimm Plague and in good health. The ingredients in the quantities needed would be expensive, but the sooner you could cure your people, the safer they would be. 1 - 15 - 90 = -106 - 92 = -198

Spend a Fate Point to Avoid This Fate?
[] Yes
[] No
Lol, would the Cure simply be poisonous or would it infect people with a more potent form of the Grimm Plague?