They're just filthy peasant rabble. Gaining Cruel is likely, gaining tyranny is not. And it might be better than the alternative.
Uh, executing peasant rabble on such pretexts is usually the desperation move of a ruler about to topple(and generally they tend to topple rather fast after that point).

Oppression only works if:
-Your oppressing forces have no empathy for the ones being oppressed. In this case, our troops share their religious beliefs and potentially some family or common identity bonds.
-You have justification which satisfies a majority of the unoppressed. In this case, we do not have any evidence. If they had broken the egg open and killed the girl, then we DO have justification for a celebrated execution.
-You have overwhelming military superiority to the oppressed. Which we do.
-You don't need to give a shit about Grimm....
Veekie, of I could give you a double insightful rating (blasted swipe keyboard), I would do it instantly.

Voting closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Raiu on Jul 3, 2017 at 6:32 PM, finished with 102 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Primary: Ask a favor of the king to acquire an expert in Old Times era technology. If the generator goes to about a week left, attempt to refuel it with the best we can manage.
    [X] Secondary: If the refueling occurs, have Jove attempt to find a means of deactivating the egg. If the refueling ends up failing, attempt to manually force the device open and care for the girl as best we can.
    [X] Warn the workmen that their 'gift' is ill. If they free her, they are as likely to kill her as they are to take on her illness themselves.
    [X] Execute the workers who tried to break the egg.
    [X]Primary plan - Examine the pieces of glass, perhaps they are the the tomes of the ancients. If you can find the means to power them and get the proper procedures out, so do. If not, go to backup plan
    [X]Backup plan - Refuel generator with yellow Dust.
    [X] Cmd. Frost
    [X]Primary plan - Examine the pieces of glass, perhaps they are the the tomes of the ancients. If you can find the means to power them and get the proper procedures out, so do. If not, go to backup plan
    [X]Backup plan - Refuel generator with yellow Dust.
    [X] Primary: Ask a favor of the king to acquire an expert in Old Times era technology. If the generator goes to about a week left, attempt to refuel it with the best we can manage.
    [X] Secondary: If the refueling occurs, have Jove attempt to find a means of deactivating the egg. If the refueling ends up failing, attempt to manually force the device open and care for the girl as best we can.
    [X] Find the leaders of the group and have Amity's men make examples of them, this is treason after all.
    [X] Warn the workmen that their 'gift' is ill. If they free her, they are as likely to kill her as they are to take on her illness themselves.
    [X] Primary: Ask a favor of the king to acquire an expert in Old Times era technology. If the generator goes to about a week left, attempt to refuel it with the best we can manage.
    [X] Secondary: If the refueling occurs, have Jove attempt to find a means of deactivating the egg. If the refueling ends up failing, attempt to manually force the device open and care for the girl as best we can.
    [X] Warn the workmen that their 'gift' is ill. If they free her, they are as likely to kill her as they are to take on her illness themselves. Tell the guards to use lethal force if the workers try something like that again.

Adhoc vote count started by Raiu on Jul 5, 2017 at 5:17 AM, finished with 101 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Primary: Ask a favor of the king to acquire an expert in Old Times era technology. If the generator goes to about a week left, attempt to refuel it with the best we can manage.
    [X] Secondary: If the refueling occurs, have Jove attempt to find a means of deactivating the egg. If the refueling ends up failing, attempt to manually force the device open and care for the girl as best we can.
    [X] Warn the workmen that their 'gift' is ill. If they free her, they are as likely to kill her as they are to take on her illness themselves.
    [X] Execute the workers who tried to break the egg.
    [X]Primary plan - Examine the pieces of glass, perhaps they are the the tomes of the ancients. If you can find the means to power them and get the proper procedures out, so do. If not, go to backup plan
    [X]Backup plan - Refuel generator with yellow Dust.
    [X] Cmd. Frost
    [X]Primary plan - Examine the pieces of glass, perhaps they are the the tomes of the ancients. If you can find the means to power them and get the proper procedures out, so do. If not, go to backup plan
    [X]Backup plan - Refuel generator with yellow Dust.
    [X] Find the leaders of the group and have Amity's men make examples of them, this is treason after all.
    [X] Warn the workmen that their 'gift' is ill. If they free her, they are as likely to kill her as they are to take on her illness themselves.
    [X] Primary: Ask a favor of the king to acquire an expert in Old Times era technology. If the generator goes to about a week left, attempt to refuel it with the best we can manage.
    [X] Secondary: If the refueling occurs, have Jove attempt to find a means of deactivating the egg. If the refueling ends up failing, attempt to manually force the device open and care for the girl as best we can.
    [X] Warn the workmen that their 'gift' is ill. If they free her, they are as likely to kill her as they are to take on her illness themselves. Tell the guards to use lethal force if the workers try something like that again.
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[X] Primary: Ask a favor of the king to acquire an expert in Old Times era technology. If the generator goes to about a week left, attempt to refuel it with the best we can manage.
[X] Secondary: If the refueling occurs, have Jove attempt to find a means of deactivating the egg. If the refueling ends up failing, attempt to manually force the device open and care for the girl as best we can.
Alright, this next update will be a little later than I intended, mostly because I realized my notes really need to be consolidated, because ho boy, I think I've called the same group of people three things over the course of three turns.

While I get my notes in order (and possibly rewrite some of the earlier updates to bring them in line), would anyone like to volunteer to help me make less MS_Paint-like maps? I'd make it worth your time.
Alright, this next update will be a little later than I intended, mostly because I realized my notes really need to be consolidated, because ho boy, I think I've called the same group of people three things over the course of three turns.

While I get my notes in order (and possibly rewrite some of the earlier updates to bring them in line), would anyone like to volunteer to help me make less MS_Paint-like maps? I'd make it worth your time.
Suffer like I did, draw your map on pixlr by zooming in so much you can differentiate individual pixels and using a brush tool.
aɪ hæv ˈfaɪnəli faʊnd ðə ˈpɜrˌfɪkt loʊˈkeɪʃən fɔr maɪ riˈsɜrʧ beɪs. ə dɪˈzɜrtɪd ˈaɪlənd maɪlz frʌm pæʧ, wɪð ən ɪˈnɔrdənɪt əˈmaʊnt ʌv grɪm. boʊθ ðə loʊˈkeɪʃən ænd səˈplaɪ ɪz ˈpɜrˌfɪkt. rɪˈmɛmbər ðɪs

IPA. You clever SOB.
COMPUTER, TELL ME YOUR SECRETS!: A technology primer
Alright, finally I've gotten things caught up... more or less. You'll note a few things in the character sheet.

Now, the technology tab has a lot more info. These are the basic technologies that make up this game. Note that I've said basic: there are actually a lot more out there, but these will come from either other unlocked technologies, relics, cultural meetings, trade, characters with unique semblances or traits, omakes, player discussion, and the study technology action (which now can be filled by vague ideas you want to look into more). Note that in the case of the study technology action, if you fail to come up with anything for an idea, it doesn't necessarily mean there's nothing there. Sometimes it means you don't have enough of the technologies for a breakthrough.

Speaking of Relics, you'll find there is a new tab for them. Relics are interesting, since they require some knowledge as to how to use Before Times technology in order to function. You can't expect the tech to give away it's secrets right off the bat.

That's not the only thing about Relics however. Most of the Relics are in a state of disrepair, and unusable as a result. Repairs can be as simple as opening it up and putting some Dust in, or extremely difficult. Its hard to tell. However, once Relics have been repaired, they become Artifacts and are moved into the Vault, where they apply bonuses and other fun things.

Now, you might be wondering why my quest didn't start out with a Longcaster. The reason why is because the requisite technology (Before Times 1) hadn't been unlocked. You guys traded access to Before Times tech (Atlas started with Before Times 2), extensive trading networks (Mistral in a nutshell), easier maintained tech (Vacuo) and Aura buffs (Vale gives all rulers a slight boost to their Aura rating) for reduced Grimm strength. That's the reason why Menagerie's calendar system is a few centuries off from the rest of Remnant's: they didn't Fall until much later.
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Relic Stars 3-3 (The Bunker: Paused)
Your knowledge of the Before Times was severely lacking, and the technology hidden within the bunker was too precious to risk. You needed to leave this in the hands of an expert. Once a guard had been sent to retrieve a messenger and the order given to Amity to continue guarding the bunker, you turned to the more immediate problem.

You found the workers one level up, under strict guard and treated by a small, overworked handful of the work site's healers. The healers give you a hard, accusing look when they thought you couldn't see them. Honestly, you could not blame them: many of the workers were still unconscious, and though they had attacked your men, punishing them would just attract more attention to the bunker.

"Knightess!" You heard one of the workers shout, his right arm in a sling. You recognized him as the leader of the little revolt. "You must allow us to claim the Nameless One's Gift! To allow it to remain unclaimed would draw yet more of the Nameless One's wrath upon our people!" Alright, so he believes the girl to be the cure for the Grimm Plague. That's some pretty good bait.

Before he can continue, you cut in. "The girl is not a gift, she is a trial." The zealot reeled back as if he had been struck, but you continued while his face grew red. "There were surviving documents which revealed to me the purpose of the bunker. It was a sick room, built to keep the sick asleep until they could be healed. The girl is sick. If she's taken out, she will die and her sickness will spread. Rather than curing the plague, we may very well cause a second, more dire plague. She will stay asleep until the healers can be sure she will be saved. That is a decree."

The zealot watched you closely, zeal warring with the learned respect of rank. For a moment, you thought he would resist, but a lifetime of peasantry pulled through. "As you wish, my Knightess."

Despite the assurance of the leader, you continued the guard on the workers, with the condition they would be assigned to whatever project Amity felt they were best suited for. The rumors would continue, but hopefully they stayed just that: rumors.

With the guard complement strengthened, you and Jove departed Temple Minno. While the girl was an important find, she would need to wait a bit longer. The season had barely begun, and there was still work to be done.

Two weeks after sending the message, you were rather delighted to learn that King Alric had sent one of the most learned experts of the Before Times in the whole of Menagerie (or at least, in the Kingdom of Chaw) on retainer for your use. It seemed your Liege was truly generous, since Harrison (who went by the nickname: Old Man) did not present himself to you before beginning his studies of the egg. Shortly after arriving, the Old Man had managed to extend the life of the generator, with the projected fail date being at the end of the next season.

By that time, however, you had other things on your mind...

AN: THIS STORY WILL CONTINUE! Now, time to start planning a heist...
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Know what, next update is going to be a two parter. I know I shouldn't do this, but y'all are going to be doing a heist (Skye will only be planing, so don't worry there) and it would be a grand disservice if I didn't let you guys and gals get in on the action.

That, and it will give me an excuse to watch heist movies.
@Raiu I was watching some of the 'World of Remnant' videos recently and the one about the Faunus mentioned that when two Faunus with different animal traits have a baby then it's pretty much a random choice as to which species it exhibits traits from. Seeing as Skye is a cat Faunus and Jove is a bull Faunus I thought it worth asking if that was true in this quest as well.

Also, to the players in this quest, seeing as the current generation of the Ravenswood family use nature themes for naming (such as Skye, Earth and even Jove [another name for the Roman sky god Jupiter], should we continue this with the next generation of Ravenswoods? Names like Cloud, Rain and Breeze seem kind of cool.
@Raiu I was watching some of the 'World of Remnant' videos recently and the one about the Faunus mentioned that when two Faunus with different animal traits have a baby then it's pretty much a random choice as to which species it exhibits traits from. Seeing as Skye is a cat Faunus and Jove is a bull Faunus I thought it worth asking if that was true in this quest as well.

Also, to the players in this quest, seeing as the current generation of the Ravenswood family use nature themes for naming (such as Skye, Earth and even Jove [another name for the Roman sky god Jupiter], should we continue this with the next generation of Ravenswoods? Names like Cloud, Rain and Breeze seem kind of cool.

Oh, it is very much the case, and I've already determined, through arcane and unknowable arts, what Skye's spawn shall be.

In other words, I just rolled on a table in an RPG that I liked and interpreted the roll. Believe me, I have plans.

And what you name the children is your business. I'll just moderate, because I'm not going to stand stupid names.
Now, I'll be spending the week in New York with my family starting Monday, but I'll still be in communication. The first part of the Heist will be up tomorrow, which will be meeting the team and coming up with the plan. Look forward to that.
Now, I'll be spending the week in New York with my family starting Monday, but I'll still be in communication. The first part of the Heist will be up tomorrow, which will be meeting the team and coming up with the plan. Look forward to that.

Menagerie's Eleven is go!

And enjoy your trip :)
I say we call it The Menagerie Job. Eleven doesn't make sense if there aren't that many on the team.
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Lein Day: The Heist 3-4
With news of Ma Aqaan coming under attack by two tribes, as well as Dab having to bear the brunt of their assault, your chances of gaining a doctor experienced in the treatment of the Grimm Plague were rapidly falling. If, or rather when, the Dab Royal Hospital fell into the hands of the tribes, you doubt those savages would ever let the valuable doctors go, if they weren't all slaughtered in the assault. You doubt you could afford the price, since the savages hardly understand the value of Lien.

Balthazar proved his network's worth when his weekly report included an accurate map of the Dab Royal Hospital, which was not just a building but a Holding in it's own right. The Hospital was of a similar, if smaller, build to castles: a two layered system of walls, with a small town between the first and second layers, the hospital itself in the center of the walls. Looking at the map, you were sure the hospital was first a small castle before it was converted, which was an ingenious way to cut costs.

More than just cutting costs, the thick walls had served to greatly improve their defensive situation. The tribes had only managed to break through the first layer, the hospital staff putting up a truly heroic defense. The siege had lasted too long, Grimm hordes had surrounded the Holding and waited for a chance to savage those that remained. While an army would need to deal with the horrors of a large gathering of adult Grimm, Balthazar assured you a small team could slip through the hordes unharmed.

On the note of the small team, you had snuck out of the castle one night, emerging from the crypt passage into a long disused tavern. While at the time you were truly heavy with child, you managed the trip quite well, and Balthazar met you at the exit before leading you to a basement room. There, you met the team your spymaster had created, sitting around a table.

The first member of the team was a woman around your age with her fiery hair shaven in the way of the Be'er tribals. You could see she was covered in burn scars, and you had to hold your nose to keep it from burning. The woman reeked of Red Dust Powder! She spoke up. "'Ello Boss' boss. Double Boss." She said with some degree of respect, "Call me Muriel. I specialize in just about anything that blows up, catches fire, or generally makes people's days really, really bad really, really quickly."

The next one to speak up was a heavily scarred man of significant age. He had the bearing of a career soldier, and it took you a moment to place him. "Dieter? I thought you retired years ago!"

Dieter grinned widely at you, "Captain Skye! Aye, I retired, but there's only so much looking at nature a man can do before he goes crazy. I missed out you kicking ass in Buhaw, so I suppose this is the next best thing. Congrats on the kid, by the way."

You smile back. "Thanks. How's the leg?" "Couldn't bend it at the knee, but your friend there," the soldier nodded towards Balthazar's corner of the room, "decided I was more useful with two." Dieter pulled up his right pantsleg, revealing gunmetal gray shell. "Don't know how he got it, but I don't really care. I'm glad to be working for you again, Captain."

The third man was an unknown. Small and unassuming, you could guess his profession by the way he toyed with a brass coin. Flipping the coin from one finger to the next without even watching the coin, the man looked at you. "Oliver. I'm what you call an," he assumed a fake aristocratic accent, "Ack-re-zitions Specialist."

"So we have an arsonist, a killer, and a thief, and you expect them to break through a horde of Grimm, two besieging armies, and a group of desperate defenders? No offense, but I'd be hard pressed to win even if I had a thousand times their number." You directed your remark towards Balthazar, who stepped forward. He opened his mouth and spoke his first words since you last met. "...One more. Insider. Late."

Moments after the Spymaster finished his ponderous speech, you heard a door open. This was swiftly followed by "Oh, dear. I'm late!" Completing the chain was a series of fast footsteps and the basement door opened. In the doorway as a very rushed looking man, glancing at his pocket watch as his white rabbit ears flicked to and fro. He looked up. "O-oh. Why, hello. I believe I see just why that creepy fellow was so insistent on discretion. Don't worry, I understand the risks of your profession and the op-"

Dieter slammed his hand down on table, startling the Fanus. "Lady Skye is no damn whore, you blasted fool!" Silence rung out, laying for a solid minute. Balthazar broke the silence.

"Alex Mercy. Insider." The rabbit Fanus was frozen in place, and Balthazar continued, coughing. "I'm the fifth."

Now is the time to plan. There will be six phases: Running The Grimm, The First Wall, Talk of the Town, The Last Wall, Dab Royale, and The Escape. Include a section for each phase in the plans.

The team is available to answer questions, and I will respond to them in character.