The idea that peasant unrest is treason worthy of death, especially religiously motivated unrest, would have a ruler's head on a pike in less than a year, assuming the entire fucking population wasn't dead by the time someone staged a violent coup.
That's why we don't frame it as a religious thing and instead paint it as the workers being greedy and attacking their leige because of their greed.
That's why we don't frame it as a religious thing and instead paint it as the workers being greedy.
Yeah, that's not overtly and insanely tyrannical at all. If you ever somehow sway the minds of enough people to control voting for longer than two turns, I would be tickled pink to see just how fast you drag things downhill with that attitude.
I need to check something @Raiu how many of the workers were true blue fanatics? I ask because I'm operating under the belief that all of the workers that attacked were all foaming at the mouth crazy religious people. If their not well see below.

The fanatics are the ones that likely incited this so I'm willing to let the rest go as long as we make the ones that won't give up fates' something so horrible as to stop any repeats of this little event.

Many of the workers are volunteers who heard the temple was to be repaired, so there's is a high degree of very pious people there. The fanatics are a minority who saw an opportunity to become even more faithful, who managed too whip everyone up when their attempts to break open the egg failed. After all, what do you do to an egg?
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Yeah, that's not overtly and insanely tyrannical at all. If you ever somehow sway the minds of enough people to control voting for longer than two turns, I would be tickled pink to see just how fast you drag things downhill with that attitude.
Well I was planning to get our family friend the priest and a few other religious figures we could convince to decry this incident as false prophets trying to use the faith for their own means.
[X] Primary: Ask a favor of the king to acquire an expert in Old Times era technology. If the generator goes to about a week left, attempt to refuel it with the best we can manage.
[X] Secondary: If the refueling occurs, have Jove attempt to find a means of deactivating the egg. If the refueling ends up failing, attempt to manually force the device open and care for the girl as best we can.
[X] Warn the workmen that their 'gift' is ill. If they free her, they are as likely to kill her as they are to take on her illness themselves.
Many of the workers are volunteers who heard the temple was to be repaired, so there's is a high degree of very pious people there. The fanatics are a minority who saw an opportunity to become even more faithful, who managed too whip everyone up when their attempts to break open the egg failed. After all, what do you do to an egg?
Okay @Powerofmind with this information in hand I am willing to let most of the workers live with a stern warning like you suggest we do only if we get rid of these fanatics quickly.
Well I was planning to get our family friend the priest and a few other religious figures we could convince to decry this incident as false prophets trying to use the faith for their own means.
Oh my god, do you really think multiple priests will go 'well sure, I'd love to consecrate a bunch of executions!' despite knowing otherwise?
Okay @Powerofmind with this information in hand I am willing to let most of the workers live with a stern warning like you suggest we do only if we get rid of these fanatics quickly.
I was never bargaining.
[X] Primary: Ask a favor of the king to acquire an expert in Old Times era technology. If the generator goes to about a week left, attempt to refuel it with the best we can manage.
[X] Secondary: If the refueling occurs, have Jove attempt to find a means of deactivating the egg. If the refueling ends up failing, attempt to manually force the device open and care for the girl as best we can.
[X] Warn the workmen that their 'gift' is ill. If they free her, they are as likely to kill her as they are to take on her illness themselves.
@Powerofmind the thing I don't get is that your way of dealing with the workers doesn't solve anything long term. All it does is tell the people we just got done suppressing rather brutally that the "Gift" they want is ill and it would be best to leave it to us with no reason for them to believe us. It might stop them from doing something crazy at the moment but it doesn't get rid of the cause of this little riot which is the fanatics who need to go.
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@Powerofmind the thing I don't get is that your way of dealing with the workers doesn't solve anything long term. All it does is tell the people we just got done suppressing rather brutally that the "Gift" they want is ill and it would be best to leave it to us with no reason for them to believe us. It might stop them from doing something crazy at the moment but it doesn't get rid of the cause of this little riot which is the fanatics who need to go.
And murdering peasants for slights is not a long term solution either. On the contrary, the executions will upset someone, probably someone important. The fanatics have been suitably beaten to a pulp, on the other hand, and informing them that if they take their gift they will probably die, or kill their gift, is a great way to stop them. That you cannot recognize that is not my problem.
Just to get my mind off things @Raiu how many troop do we have currently at minno? just in case things get dicey.
Lets see... The levy was not called and is currently working the lands. The retinue is passively training new troops. Really, you have around 50 guards stationed there, making sure the Grimm won't be able to tear through the workers until your retinue arrives.

The workers vastly out number your guards. The guards are not members of your army. The guards are not trained like your army. Even Skye, martial master that she is, would be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers.
[X] Primary: Ask a favor of the king to acquire an expert in Old Times era technology. If the generator goes to about a week left, attempt to refuel it with the best we can manage.
[X] Secondary: If the refueling occurs, have Jove attempt to find a means of deactivating the egg. If the refueling ends up failing, attempt to manually force the device open and care for the girl as best we can.
[X] Warn the workmen that their 'gift' is ill. If they free her, they are as likely to kill her as they are to take on her illness themselves. Tell the guards to use lethal force if the workers try something like that again.

Added one little thing to how we deal with the workers.
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So this is off topic but I just finished a game of CK2 and, well I didn't know it was possible but by the end of the game, The Pope was a lesbian, a horse was running England, every Islamic nation converted to paganism or was taken over by Israel(Me) and then waged a holy war against the Mongols and won, Satan was running Spain, oh and the rest of Europe is fighting a two fronted war against the Azteks and the Slavs. Tell me do I really want to bring this into EU4 or should I just let it die?
So this is off topic but I just finished a game of CK2 and, well I didn't know it was possible but by the end of the game, The Pope was a lesbian, a horse was running England, every Islamic nation converted to paganism or was taken over by Israel(Me) and then waged a holy war against the Mongols and won, Satan was running Spain, oh and the rest of Europe is fighting a two fronted war against the Azteks and the Slavs. Tell me do I really want to bring this into EU4 or should I just let it die?

I don't have anything that weird in my current Uniting India game, but my dynasty currently has a high rate of homosexuality... and gardening.
So this is off topic but I just finished a game of CK2 and, well I didn't know it was possible but by the end of the game, The Pope was a lesbian, a horse was running England, every Islamic nation converted to paganism or was taken over by Israel(Me) and then waged a holy war against the Mongols and won, Satan was running Spain, oh and the rest of Europe is fighting a two fronted war against the Azteks and the Slavs. Tell me do I really want to bring this into EU4 or should I just let it die?

Bring it into EU4, and do a write up of the game. Do it well enough and I'll count them as Off Topic Omakes, because it sounds funny as hell.
Right so I just tried to convert it, and turns out i'll need to buy some expansions, it might happen eventually but I'm not giving Paradox another penny until they fix their prices, unless it's Stellaris content. Those prices are to be expected since the game was released last year.
So if killing at least two dozen people ends up incurring serious tyranny penalties, just remember that I told you it would happen, Stalin.
They're just filthy peasant rabble. Gaining Cruel is likely, gaining tyranny is not. And it might be better than the alternative.
That alternative being that any living breathing person knows but us. Too. Bad. That's already happened. The leading primary votes deliberately send for outside help. Opsec is a dead concept from that alone.