...waste leaches?! Just how fucking far did the world fall anyway, when you said it was CK2 I thought you were just using that because more people knew of it over EU, I didn't know you were taking it that far.

Anyway we should get some pets, a cat and a dog to be exact.

It went from modern day to Iron Age. They climbed back pretty quickly though, but you could argue this is a golden age of the people of Remnant, since the population is significantly higher than in the series' time.

Now, I have a theory that by drilling holes into the head of plague victims, I can release the Grimm Smoke within their being. Who wants to help their fellow man? The first person to volunteer gets a Lien.

Also, in the words of @RedrumSprinkles, AGE OF GRIMM, BABY!
No volunteers? Oh well, no matter. Now that I'm back from NYC, I'll be calling the vote in 6 hours. If you still need some time to come up with your own plan, but give an abridged summary or just a name for the plan. I'll wait on the plan to be updated before getting to qork on the update, so feel free to mess with the plan until you think it's complete.
Unless we have Balloons, grappling guns, giant cannons or sufficient lesbian battle nuns, my plan isn't getting changed.
That reminds me for whatever reason, we should try building airships. Not RWBY air ships but Steampunk style airships, with guns all over the fucking place and a giant cannon launch mechanism that shoots strategically deploys Hunters.
Something I wanted to ask @Raiu what research would we have to look into to get our Umbrella corporation style monsters? Mostly because I remember a scene in one of the resident evil games were umbrella just dropped these huge crates full of hunters onto their enemies and I really want to do that.
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Unless we have Balloons, grappling guns, giant cannons or sufficient lesbian battle nuns, my plan isn't getting changed.

You could specify who the target is. Are you trying to go for a/some generic doctor(s), or the named one?

Something I wanted to ask @Raiu what research would we have to look into to get our Umbrella corporation style monsters? Mostly because I remember a scene in one of the resident evil games were umbrella just dropped these huge crates full of hunters onto their enemies and I really want to do that.

Specialist research. It's not on any of the revealed tech, because doing so would be really out there. That said, it would be a combination of Grimm Studies, Advanced Experimentation, Grimm Affinity, Before Times Science, and Dark Science. Some of those are locked off by your knowledge of technologies, while a few are locked off due to your religion. Then again, there are ways to change that.
You could specify who the target is. Are you trying to go for a/some generic doctor(s), or the named one?

Specialist research. It's not on any of the revealed tech, because doing so would be really out there. That said, it would be a combination of Grimm Studies, Advanced Experimentation, Grimm Affinity, Before Times Science, and Dark Science. Some of those are locked off by your knowledge of technologies, while a few are locked off due to your religion. Then again, there are ways to change that.
Merlot's bunker just went up in my 'hope we get around to it soon' list.
Anyway another question @Raiu how would we go about hiding said science from any who would see it as "morally questionable" and thus try to stop us? Intrigue action? Special action? Build a mansion out in the middle of the woods?
Oh because I forgot to put it into the above before I posted it @Raiu how do you categorize the sciences? Like what's stopping grimm studies and advanced experimentation from being Dark science? Is it like occult stuff? Got to sacrifice some goats with creepy guys in masks chanting ominously in the back?
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Oh because I forgot to put it into the above before I posted it @Raiu how do you categorize the sciences? Like what's stopping grimm studies and advanced experimentation from being Dark science? Is it like occult stuff? Got to sacrifice some goats with creepy guys in masks chanting ominously in the back?
It's a matter of degrees. Grimm Studies is learning how to understand the Grimm, which is something you can do now. Advanced Experimentation is really just establishing actual scientists rather than scholars and creating a scientific method, and it's blocked off by Basic Experimentation which turns scribes with ideas into scholars. That's mostly a degree on time, and it gets unlocked when you've researched a good bit of tech, allowing you to research it.

Dark Sciences is... Different than usual sciences. It's not just morally questionable but... it's Unit 731 tier.
You could specify who the target is. Are you trying to go for a/some generic doctor(s), or the named one?

Specialist research. It's not on any of the revealed tech, because doing so would be really out there. That said, it would be a combination of Grimm Studies, Advanced Experimentation, Grimm Affinity, Before Times Science, and Dark Science. Some of those are locked off by your knowledge of technologies, while a few are locked off due to your religion. Then again, there are ways to change that.

Knew I forgot something. editing plan.

By the way @Raiu how could we go about obtaining lesbian battle nuns of sufficient sexual repression religious fury and martial prowess? Also hunter cannon, we should build a hunter cannon.
Knew I forgot something. editing plan.

By the way @Raiu how could we go about obtaining lesbian battle nuns of sufficient sexual repression religious fury and martial prowess? Also hunter cannon, we should build a hunter cannon.

Attract holy orders. Figure out how to launch huntsmen through cannons without killing them. Have them figure out a landing strategy. Learn how things fly.
Talking of launching Huntsmen, how advanced would our tech have ti be to build modern wingsuits and parachutes?

On wingsuits... Well, how survivable do you want their fall to be? Besides the flying, wingsuits are not really that conducive to fighting, given that the arms and, more importantly, the legs are attached together, and before you suggest a quick release method, keep in mind you really do not want your wings to suddenly split open during flight.

Parachutes are much easier, but since you said modern, they're hard to make. First you will need to make the mythical material known as Plastik, then you will need to make Plastik of sufficient thinness and lightness so it can be folded like sheets, while also having enough strength to not explode under the pressure. It's important to note that Plastik is also what Lien is made out of, so you could fake it if you knew how to make it, meaning this tech is pretty out there.

For less modern things... Cloth makes a decent parachute, so long as you get it right. Just look at the history of parachutes to find out more.

Anyway, two hours later, but the vote is now closed. It's time to go with Plan: ["False" Army Support]. (Just so you know, if Dab doesn't allow your army in, I'll be winging it... Or if the Ekidnu won't let your army pass through it's lands.)
... On turn one, you were not diplomatic at all. On turn one, you were at risk of causing a diplomatic incident. Now? You managed to get your army through what should have been (passive aggressively) hostile lands, and get a Knightdom to accept what they saw as a power play.

Is it so wrong that a QM wants to see someone get murdered? Apparently SV Dice Luck says so. That's why I don't feel bad for rolling this.

Edit: Oh. This is going to be FUN! :rofl: The dice are telling me to show you WHY you don't want to do a siege in this setting. I hope y'all brought earplugs.
Raiu threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Complications Total: 91
91 91
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... On turn one, you were not diplomatic at all. On turn one, you were at risk of causing a diplomatic incident. Now? You managed to get your army through what should have been (passive aggressively) hostile lands, and get a Knightdom to accept what they saw as a power play.

Is it so wrong that a QM wants to see someone get murdered? Apparently SV Dice Luck says so. That's why I don't feel bad for rolling this.

Edit: Oh. This is going to be FUN! :rofl: The dice are telling me to show you WHY you don't want to do a siege in this setting. I hope y'all brought earplugs.
We are going to get a squad wipe, aren't we?
@Raiu If we do manage to rescue a doctor and get them to bring the Grimm Plague under control in our Estate, can we then loan him out to the other Estates in the Kingdom to help bring the Plague under control there?
@Raiu If we do manage to rescue a doctor and get them to bring the Grimm Plague under control in our Estate, can we then loan him out to the other Estates in the Kingdom to help bring the Plague under control there?
One doctor a hospital does not make. Dab spent a lot of money on their hospital, mostly in the training of doctors, which was why they loaned out doctors. You'll just have a single doctor with no staff at worst (or no doctors) and maybe two doctors with a few nurses at best.

That being said, establishing a hospital would have an effect on the other Estates, even if you kept your doctor to yourself.
A Strange Journal, Entry 2
Life was difficult after I descended from the ruins of my mountain home. The peoples of Solitas held no need of a coin-less orphan boy in times of plenty, much less in times of great tension. The kingdoms of Solitas seemed as though they were balanced upon a knife's edge, as the two greatest powers of that time seemed poised to destroy one another. On one side was the Kingdom of Atlas, a young upstart whose lands were taken by conquest and valor. On the other was the Kingdom of Mantle, one of the oldest kingdoms of Remnant, emerging almost immediately after the Before Times ended. This conflict was to be the vehicle of my ascension, but I was yet young and other trials were more immediate.

My devotion to my Quest was being tested, I knew, and the Truth of Remnant wished to see the strength of it's chosen champion. The first obstacle I faced was a hedge knight by the name of Ser Lloyd, a wandering sell-sword who lacked a squire. I was not a strong youth, my constitution still a child's, despite the fire that I held in my breast. Trickery would serve as my sword, and guile my shield. Truth revealed to me my path: a drunkard knight in the employ of a noble, one Knight Albrecht of the Kingdom of Atlas.

The knight had been simple, the strength of his brew making the taste of the herbs the forest had gifted me. The drunkard fell into a deep slumber, and his squire drug the knight to his quarters. There, it was a matter of pulling a knife from the knight's belongings and slitting his throat, a simple maneuver even a child of my young age could perform. I left the scabbard in the squire's bags, before finding Ser Lloyd's camp. My lie was a simple one: the knight had asked for Ser Lloyd, whom I was to bring at once. The hedge knight believed me, as why would an obedient boy lie to his betters?

The quarters were as I left it, the bed stained with the results of my work, the dagger still placed next to the corpse. I appeared suitably horrified, and Ser Lloyd called for the guards before I had stumbled more than the steps back. The sheath was discovered and the squire approached. He was surprised, standing when he saw the guards approach. Believing the act to be preparation to run, the guards loosened their swords, steel emerging from the scabbard. In cleat danger, the squire ran, a move that cost him his life when the guard executed the murderer for running. The heinous crime of murder was not tolerated, and dangerous criminals of such a king were often put to death without trial, for doing so would simply waste the nobility's time.

With the knight and his squire dead, Albrecht was in need of fighting men. I ensured I was present on Ser Lloyd's employment, and when he was ordered to take a squire, I was chosen. Ser Lloyd's first lesson was how to take a clout on the ear, a lesson he frequently repeated. I accepted the teachings without complaint.

No longer was I an orphan boy, Now I was a hedge knight's squire on the eve of a great conflict. Truth's message was clear, I was to prepare and rise so that I could spread Truth to the people of Remnant. With both the Kingdom of Mantle and the Kingdom of Atlas hungering for the Black Castle, I was in the perfect position to rise.
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Oof. Well, that's one part of the heist completed. Your army served as a great distraction for the Grimm.

They actually have a good chance to take out the Grimm. Forced the toughest Grimm onto the front. Pity it had special rules.
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Well, I will say the most dramatic roll result was 198, and the last roll was a 171. Delicious.
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