How about we all not attack what Raiu called a Solar Exalt in the hopes that if we drown her in bodies she will eventually suffocate on them?
Okay so if we win at the hospital, who's for jumping into a Protestant vs. Catholic holy war on the side of the Orthodoxy just for the hell of it.
Okay so if we win at the hospital, who's for jumping into a Protestant vs. Catholic holy war on the side of the Orthodoxy just for the hell of it.
Screw it, that's going in the signature!
Edit: Even though, in this case, you'd be the Catholic one. Instantly converting to Scions? That's a bold move that would require a write-in. Good luck getting enough votes to pass~
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Wait how are we the Catholics in this? We have polyamory as our trait, and the Prog's have Witch Hunt and Holy War, actually if you think about it we're Pagans and the Scions are Athena/Artemis worshiping greeks.
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Wait how are we the Catholics in this? We have polyamory as our trait, and the Prog's have Witch Hunt and Holy War, actually if you think about it we're Pagans.

The Children of Remnant is the Catholic church in this case, due to a bit of context. During the Middle Ages, the Catholic religion was the most popular religion in Europe (I'm willingly ignoring the other parts of the world, so sue me), the same as the Children of Remnant in this case. They also have a formal priesthood. Beyond that, the other religions don't line up with everything else. Also...

Wait do we know which Progenator the Shaka's worship, I might have a joke for this
They worship the Nameless One. Meaning they're Children of Remnant. Meaning you already can join the holy war, and there is a bit of push to... But not much at all, considering the Zulu are mildly distant and just got blown up.
And there's a mistake there. Whoops! Looks like I screwed up slightly there.

All Progenitors are worshiped in Shaka, so...
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  • [] The Shaka province in Zulu was mostly passed over by the plague, but a different disease has started to spread: the disease of zealotry. Surrounded by heathens and heretics, the Progenitorists are preparing to bring light to the darkness and the sword to the faithless.

Um, sorry Raiu they're Progs.

EDIT: Sorry, just saw the change

Right so Pyrrha kicked Cinder's shit in whilst punching herself in the face, fun.
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The Last Rant of the Knight of Yeqerta 3-2
AN: Been holding onto this one for a while. And yes, it is what you think it is.

Spend some time with your family.

After the first council meeting of the season, you endeavored to spend time with your brother. While things had been busy for the past year, you had no doubt that he was going almost insane with boredom ever since the royal physician ordered strict bed rest. Besides, the last time you had a real talk with Earth was before Father's funeral, when he first contracted the plague. You weren't too worried about catching the plague, since you didn't plan on touching him.

You hardly took a step out of the council chamber when Erika, your brother's nurse, ran towards you. "Skye!" She yelled, panic clear on her voice, "Skye! Help me." The poor girl nearly stumbled as she neared you, but you managed to check her fall.

"Erika? What's going on?"

"It's Earth. He's gone missing, I can't find him."

Your ears twitched at that remark, but you didn't show your sudden bout of worrying, not when it would feed into Erika's own worries. "He probably just got out of bed to stretch his legs. I would have done the same in his position."

Erika didn't seem convinced, "But-"

"I'll look for him. Don't worry, he'll be back in his bed soon."

Leaving the nurse to do her searching (though not before assigning a guard to help her), you set out to do your own searching. You checked his room, just to make sure Erika wasn't playing some joke on you in poor taste. When the room proved to be empty, you checked the privy. When Earth proved not to be there, you grew slightly worried. The crypt was next, but you could find neither hide nor hair of your brother near the cold graves. Now you were getting worried.

You eventually found him in Father's trophy room, leaning on Medusa's Gaze as if it was a walking staff. You could see the swollen, black lumps on his neck and legs and the blackened veins that marked him as one of the plagued. You moved towards him, but never getting too close out of an instinctual need to avoid the plague. He spoke first, not looking towards you.

"I know only one person who walks with that light of a step. Hello Skye." You saw Earth looking at one of the display cases, one holding a relic from the past. You stopped two arms length from Earth, looking at the relic. In the case was a broken weapon, a katana blade connected to a pistol, the blade shattered into three large fragments. Next to the blade itself was a metal sheath, itself bladed and possessing a hole to be gripped through, turning it into another weapon. It was old, exceedingly so, but it was clearly the weapon of the Huntsman, far superior to anything your Huntsmen could create.

Before you could comment, Earth spoke. "One thousand years. It's been over a thousand years since that weapon was made, and we can't even come close to matching it. A thousand years and all we can show for it are a bunch of hollow sticks that we call rifles and swords that fold like children's toys!" You kept quiet, letting him rant. He looked towards you, his right eye tainted black by the plague. You knew even if he was cured, his eye would still be stained. And he was getting worse.

"It's infuriating, Skye. All we can do is search for what scraps remain of the Before Times, hoping that the Grimm haven't shat on it, begging for one more day of life behind our walls." He looked back at the case, growing angrier as he spoke. "And here I am, a prisoner in my own body, feeling the plague claw at my very soul, with not even the chance to walk in my own fucking house!" He roared, the fury releasing itself in an instant before he was once more calmed.

Earth Traits revealed: Advanced Grim Plagued (Wasting Sickness of the Soul), Stressed, Depressed, Too Angry To Die

For a moment, Earth was silent. Then he quietly said, "It's hard, Skye. Hard to look oblivion in the face and say no."

15 + 11 = 26

"I know it's been hard, but you've kept strong for over a year. You can't give-" Earth's fury flares again and he glares at you.

"You don't know, Skye. You have no clue what Father and I went through. You don't know the constant, clawing at my soul. You don't know how it feels to feel as though you are empty, as if everything that defined who you are has been slowly torn away. While you were off fighting duels and being exalted for your strength at arms, I had to see Father slowly die when he heard my betrothed died. I had to see the strength in his body wither away as the poison seeped through him. I had to see the horror on his face when he learned I had the same disease. I was the one to hear him silently beg for death at the end. Don't tell me you know, Skye, when you weren't the one who gave him mercy."

The fire in his voice stunned you, but it was his words that truly surprised you. You had thought Father had passed because of the disease but...

Earth Secret Trait revealed: Kinslayer

You felt a wave of revulsion bubble up from your core, but you suppressed it. No. That's not important, Skye. Father was in pain, Earth just lessened the pain. Don't hate him. You can't hate him.

With your mind made up, you looked back at Earth. You saw the language of pain in his body language. He was angry, yes, but you could read beneath the anger. You knew what you had to do, and that the Royal Physician would hate you for it.

97 + 11 = 108
25 + 8 = 33
Critical Success Success

You stepped forward, placing a hand on Earth's arm. He reeled back in shock from your touch, but you kept contact on his arm. "Earth. You can't blame yourself. You helped Father in a way I never could. He wasn't going to get better, and you eased his suffering. You can't destroy yourself for that."

The silence that followed after that was total. Earth turned back to the display case, not looking at you. "I'm not trying to. Months of bed rest, and now I'm at the same point as Father. It took all my strength just to get here, and all I can do now is complain..." He sighed, the last drops of rage entering his voice. "Why the Pit are you worried about me when you have an Estate to keep alive... Wait, don't answer that. I know what you're going to say. 'Because you are the only family I have left.'" He scoffed, but you get the feeling it was directed at himself.

The private moment was broken when the door opened, and you heard a sharp breath. "Earth!" You heard Erika shrilly shout as she ran towards your brother. You stepped away, only to blink when the common nurse embraced your invalid brother. "Don't do this to me Earth. Don't do this."

"Uh..." You managed to let out before Earth gave you the look. "Oh."

"Well," Earth began, "Thank you Skye. I think I've had enough adventure for one day." You thought his mood was greatly improved as Erika pulled Earth away, though that was only later. You only recovered a few minutes later, as you were left alone in the room.

"A commoner, Earth?" You said to yourself. "Really?"

Earth Trait removed: Depressed, Earth now on the road to recovery, Earth lover revealed: Erika, Skye does not contract the Grimm Plague
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None of them. It was the second diplomacy roll. If you had failed that one, he would have struck you, possibly giving you the plague. Expect a primer on the Grimm Plague in a few minutes.
Hol' up, so... choosing Family could have either possibly infected us, or saved Earth's life?
Only in the worst case. If you had succeeded, but not by a large margin, Earth would have died on the spot, making you the true ruler of Yeqerta. With this degree of success, however, he'll recover eventually, but he'll abdicate by turn's end. You'll gain a quality chancellor after he recovers.

Was it a bit of a gotcha choice? Kinda.

Edit: Actually, Redrum summed it up nicely.
Oh okay that good he's stepping down he won't need to be removed lets just hope he doesn't have a kid with the nurse.

Also @Raiu you wrote success twice in the critical success.
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The kid won't have a claim.
Like that's ever stopped anyone before.

All though if he does have a kid, I recommend that we send him/her off to train as a Hunter. Having some influence with them, or at least someone who is familially loyal and skilled, might be useful.
The Grimm Plague
The Grimm Plague is the most insidious disease in Remnant, while also one of the most mysterious. Medical records from the Before Times give no indication of the origin of the Grimm Plague, nor any recorded sightings of plague victims. Many healers believe the Grimm Plague to be a new disease, one that emerged after the fall of the Four Kingdoms, but no conclusive proof can be found as to the origin.

What is known is the Grimm Plague has a striking similarity to the poison of the Tarenteli species of Grimm, as the disease attacks both the body and soul. However, the Grimm Plague is believed not to come from the Tarenteli directly, as the disease has appeared in locations where Tarenteli are not native. The leading theory is the plague is created when the smoke of dead Grimm is inhaled by persons without awakened Auras, tainting victims blood with the disease. This theory has yet to be fully accepted, as it does not explain the plague's spread.

The first symptoms which manifests in all victims are a malaise and a growing sense of dread, as if the victim is being actively hunted by the Grimm. This sense of dread grows, often becoming despair and attracting the Creatures of the Grimm.

Two weeks after the initial infection, if the victim is able to resist ending their existence through blade or Grimm, the plague advances to the second stage. Veins appear under the victim's skin, black blood flowing through them. Lymph nodes on the victim's neck and legs become swollen and filled with black pus. The victim's strength starts to fade, and nearly all victims report feeling "claws upon my soul" as the disease progresses. Indeed, Huntsmen who can sense Auras have reported the slow depletion of the victims's natural Aura, giving credit to these statements. At this point, the fluids of the victim must be directly touched the spread the plague.

If the victim managed to survive the second stage for three months, the plague advances to the advanced stage. Here the symptoms becoming aggravated, with the black blood slowly staining the victim's eyes. The lumps that were once lymph nodes are now the size of billiard balls and draw pain at the slightest touch. At this point, victims can hardly move, but the most insidious is the spiritual pain as the victims report the "claws upon my soul" have begun tearing it apart. Few victims manage to recover from this stage, as medical treatment is difficult. Even a brief touch from a victim in the advanced stage can spread the plague, requiring those who are naturally immune to the plague in order for treatment to proceed. Those who recovered from the plague at this stage are often marked for life by the black stains upon their flesh, though most pass through weakness, neglect, or self-destruction.

Some healers believe there is another stage in the plague life cycle, an acute stage where the victims naturally emit the plague through a sort of Grimm smoke. Such ideas have been declared heresy by the various Synods of Remnant.

A much more accepted theory is the ability of victims to delay the progression of their sickness with a sufficiently strong will. Cases have been reported of plague victims surviving much longer than anticipated, with a rare few purging the sickness from their bodies by awakening their Auras. Such events are rare, with the victims possessing truly titanic willpower.
You know, if the Grimm plague idea came from my Grimmsblood plague, I must say it's absolutely hilarious.

Grimmsblood was a completely mundane, if unusual, disease in my personal canon :p
Oh okay that good he's stepping down he won't need to be removed lets just hope he doesn't have a kid with the nurse.

Also @Raiu you wrote success twice in the critical success.

That was intended. Also, read the next quote response.

Wait, why would it be a bad thing for him to have a child? He's abdicating, probably in part because his lover is a commoner. The kid won't have a claim.

Technically the kid will have a claim, since it would be a part of your Dynasty. However, the kid would have a lesser claim to the throne than your children, as succession favors the children of the last ruler. It's a little strange, but still there.

Also technically, Earth would still have a claim to the throne, but only in so far that he would serve as regent until the heir comes of age. If there is no actual heir, then he would become Knight again.

Well, since murdering our bro will no longer give any benefits, I vote that we try to assassinate Ritsuko Mutsu. She's just an old lady and nothing could go wrong.

Name: Ritsuko Mutsu, ???
Age: A Secret (likely 49)
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Religion: Nominally the Children of Remnant
Epitaph: The Witch, The Secretive, ???

Diplomacy: ???
Martial: ???
Stewardship: ???
Intrigue: 6?
Learning: 20

Traits: Mystic, Blind, Cassandra's Curse, The Blood Is Strong, ???, ???, ???

You know, if the Grimm plague idea came from my Grimmsblood plague, I must say it's absolutely hilarious.

Grimmsblood was a completely mundane, if unusual, disease in my personal canon :p

I've given what the going theories are on the Grimm Plague, but I will say it is based on your Grimmsblood idea... Just turned up to 11.