I would like to spend a fate point.

On nothing in particular, I just want to trigger the chaos die again.

You bastard
Let's see...

Edit: I hope you are happy. Because someone is dying for this.
Yeah, @Powerofmind ima stab the bastard

More specifically, an entire Dynasty died for @Powerofmind, rulers of one of the greatest Kingdoms in Remnant, leaving vile democracy in it's wake.

Viva La Vale. Viva La Revolution.
Never mind this could be convienient.

How I wish I could give you a devil rating.

Nothing good will come out of these chaos die rolls. You'll see.
Weeeellllllll shite
I can be a relentless little bastard when I want to.

Of course good things happened. Vale accidentally the French Revolution, and that was historically a great time for everybody!
on one hand yey chaos, on the other damn it power YOU'VE SET MY PLANS BACK BY SIX TURNS!
That's the lesser of two evils. I'll tell you this, your stats will do absolutely nothing to mitigate the second. In fact, I have a special system in mind for-

Bold, Italics AND Underline? It must be my birthday!

Don't worry, the last Chaos Die roll helped and hurt everyone in equal measures.
@Raiu This may sound like a stupid question but, considering that Remnant in the Age of Grimm is relatively gender-equal, why are there different options for having a son or a daughter as an Ambition? Why not just have a non-gender specific child?
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@Raiu This may sound like a stupid question but, considering that Remnant in the Age of Grimm is relatively gender-equal, why are there different options for having a son or a daughter as an Ambition? Why not just have a non-gender specific child?

It's actually not a stupid question (the only stupid question would be something like why I allow Powerofmind to continue posting :p). The reason why there are different options are twofold. The first is because it's a hold over from the original engine from CK2, which most commonly has males inherent titles, at least when it comes to those succession laws. The second is because of marriages. The default marriage is where the children are considered to be a part of the father's Dynasty, and those marriages (lets call them Patrilineal marriages) are the ones that don't need a high degree of diplomacy to work out. Matrilineal marriages are ones where the children are considered part of the mother's Dynasty, and these can be a bit harder to negotiate.

There's also the un-listed reason of "So the players can have a checklist of things they've done, and allow them to get a bit of a bonus," but that's besides the point.

Some Estates (the in-universe term for Knightdoms, states that are within republics, and the like that I just don't use) limit their succession to either males or females, while others prefer one sex over another. In Menagerie, it's mostly males heirs preferred over female heirs, except in Ma Aqaan, which doesn't give a shit and elects their ruler like a bunch of savages.
Some Estates (the in-universe term for Knightdoms, states that are within republics, and the like that I just don't use) limit their succession to either males or females, while others prefer one sex over another. In Menagerie, it's mostly males heirs preferred over female heirs, except in Ma Aqaan, which doesn't give a shit and elects their ruler like a bunch of savages.

Elections, something has to be done about that. Something, dramatic and maybe violent.
Questions @Raiu 1,who are the current maidens? 2,how difficult is it to kidnap one? 3, if one of our daughters becomes a maiden does that change their religion to scion?

Also democracy came back how strange. Looks like I have a new place to put on the conquer for their own good list.
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Well back to planning then, also who wants to try honor dueling a maiden? Also since this quest will hopefully go into EU and HoI eras democracy is actually a good thing, I propose that when we take over Menagerie we put together an elected senate to run the day to day bullshit while we focus on Vale, we would still control the military of course.
Questions @Raiu 1,who are the current maidens? 2,how difficult is it to kidnap one? 3, if one of our daughters becomes a maiden does that change their religion to scion?

Also democracy came back how strange. Looks like I have a new place to put on the conquer for their own good list.

1. You have no idea.
2. You're not even sure of the extent of their power, so you have no idea how kidnapping a Maiden would go.
3. It shouldn't, unless they just like the Maiden religion more.

Well back to planning then, also who wants to try honor dueling a maiden? Also since this quest will hopefully go into EU and HoI eras democracy is actually a good thing, I propose that when we take over Menagerie we put together an elected senate to run the day to day bullshit while we focus on Vale, we would still control the military of course.
If you want to do it, Fate can arrange it.
Right so unless I'm miss remembering things we got one fate point to start with, which hopefully we can use to save our brother, and we got another one from killing Six, Five, Four Legs and reclaiming the temple, which we could use to honor duel The Summer Maiden, which if my calculations are correct could expidite our conquest of Managerie by at least Twenty Sixteen turns. Sorry my original calculations were wrong.
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Right so unless I'm miss remembering things we got one fate point to start with, which hopefully we can use to save our brother, and we got another one from killing Six, Five, Four Legs and reclaiming the temple, which we could use to honor duel The Summer Maiden, which if my calculations are correct could expidite our conquest of Managerie by at least Twenty Sixteen turns. Sorry my original calculations were wrong.

Skye started with none. She had already burned her luck avoiding the Grimm Plague, and killing the Grimm formerly known as Five Legs, combined with what you believe to be the Nameless One's attention on you was the catalyst that gave you a fate point.

Another critical thing to note, burning (there is no spending a fate point) a fate point lets you automatically roll a 100 on one roll. That does not mean you automatically win when it comes to combat. You never automatically win at combat.

Better be careful about planning. Things can quickly become worse.
Now wait a minute, before we go saving our brother, let's ask ourselves: What has he ever done for us?
More importantly if people are trying to kill him they're not trying as hard to kill us. Also political marrige FTW
So could that fate point save our brother?

Fate is Fate. It falls to you to make decisions.

Now wait a minute, before we go saving our brother, let's ask ourselves: What has he ever done for us?

Served as dad's favored child who he had planned to marry one of the Buhaws in an attempt to solidify the Dynasty's position in the Kingdom, also served as a better Chancellor than Alan, also spent the Quest up till now in a state of wasting death.

So, par for the course.

If he does get better, you wouldn't be Regent anymore, so keep that in mind. (I'm not telling what that entails.)
I believe we should really interact with our brother.... maybe take him hunting.

On a side note @Raiu how much is he costing us to keep him alive? All those medical supplies can not be cheap.
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I believe we should really interact with our brother.... maybe take him hunting.

On a side note @Raiu how much is he costing us to keep him alive?

<1 Lien. Keep in mind that 1 Lien is roughly 100 lien, lien being local currencies issued by the ruling nobles, and used by commoners and merchants in the province. lien is worth something because it is backed both by precious metals and Lien, since those plastic cards are notoriously hard to fake (plastics are really, really hard to make in a pre-industrial setting).
I believe we should really interact with our brother.... maybe take him hunting.

On a side note @Raiu how much is he costing us to keep him alive? All those medical supplies can not be cheap.

Isn't he pretty much confined to bed? For that matter in the section Raiu wrote up about Skye training her Diplomacy he mentioned that she noticed his nurse Erika might have a crush on him.
Isn't he pretty much confined to bed? For that matter in the section Raiu wrote up about Skye training her Diplomacy he mentioned that she noticed his nurse Erika might have a crush on him.
Another perfectly innocent question @Raiu how much would a good assassin be worth using the 1 Lien = 100 lien system.
The assassin is the easy part, since a good spymaster can serve as the assassin, which is about 1 Lien a turn. Setting everything up, however, would take significantly more Lien, ranging from anywhere from 15 to 30 Lien in order to get some of the more powerful members into your assassination team.

That being said, a thick pillow costs nothing.
I have the the most ingenious way to get away with this perfectly hypothetical murder we use the pillow and then make it look like the nurse did because he scorned her love and either have her hanged or commit "suicide" for what she has done.
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