Meh, I don't suppose she'd be interested in some relic we have? We don't really have anything good, but she doesn't know that.... We could offer her a mystery box!
Then perhaps other things can be offered.

Edit: Though now I have an idea of a mercantile omake... I fully support anyone wanting to try to expand the lore of this Quest.

As in I have no idea whether we're offering an insultingly low amount or an extravagant amount.

[X] thr entire treasury of lien

May as well vote in the spirit of the question
[X] First sending everyone else out of the room.

-[X] Dropping the formalities "For the healing I'll give you back you payment for crossing my territory plus 50 lien and an offer."

--[X] When she inevitably asks why she should care about our offer. "When the Plague was still blighting Menagerie my wife made it her mission to end it's threat and she succeeded in doing so. However in the process of this she angered a coward named Glory, after his attempts to tarnish Skye's reputation succeeded he sent an assassin to kill her and our children. Thankfully they all still live but Skye is barely hanging on to life, when she awakens or dies I have every intention of raising the levies and marching on Glory's lands, I then plan to take his holdings, kill him and put his head on a pike in front in front of this castle as a message to everyone else of what happens to those who attack my family. Should you wish to join the fight then of course any spoils you take are your's and if that isn't enough we have several new weapons that you and your people might be interested in."
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[JK] Prepare a box and put 130 Lien in it. "I offer you whatever is in this box, but you can only look inside after you have accepted my offer. You are free to reject, but then you will spend your entire life wondering what was in the box and whether you should have accepted it."
Well I'd say the entire treasury is a bit much. How about

[] I'm willing to offer you triple what you have payed me for safe passage.

There are other things we could offer but i have no idea what we do have.
Hey Raiu could you either post or direct us to where the info of what we have is?(lien dust other resources, artifacts if we have any(can't remember if we found any and I don't have time to look through the whole quest)?) Cause while I want healing as much as everyone else I don't want to obliterate any of our reserves to do it.
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Well I'd say the entire treasury is a bit much. How about

[X] I'm willing to offer you triple what you have payed me for safe passage.

There are other things we could offer but i have no idea what we do have.
Hey Raiu could you either post or direct us to where the info of what we have is?(lien dust other resources, artifacts if we have any(can't remember if we found any and I don't have time to look through the whole quest)?) Cause while I want healing as much as everyone else I don't want to obliterate any of our reserves to do it.

Alright. You can find the resources you have under the Resources spoiler in the character sheet. Relics are found in the Relics spoiler on the same, with the Vault containing everything else.
Alright. You can find the resources you have under the Resources spoiler in the character sheet. Relics are found in the Relics spoiler on the same, with the Vault containing everything else.
Found it after a bit of searching and really lien still seems to be the best way to go. Maybe we could offer her some of the extremely pure Lightning Dust but I'd rather part with money and we don't really have anything that could be considered treasures.

Well aside from what appears to be GAMBOL SHROUD of all things in our relics list. Really awesome reference but ultimately worthless unless we somehow discover that it should be a Progenitors holy relic and sell it to a Progenitor.


Edit Edit: Mis-remembered her question new vote

[x] If you are able to heal Skye I'd be willing to give you 100 lien and (1 unit) of extremely pure Yellow Dust. Even if you are unable to fully heal her I'll still pay you 50 lien if her condition does improve.

Rational: If she is able to wake Sky up then its worth spending a fourth of our treasury and giving away a pure dust unit. If her condition improves at all then its worth half that. Please give criticism and suggestions as I have been editing this vote for the past 20 minutes at least.
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[x] If you are able to heal Skye I'd be willing to give you 100 lien and (1 unit) of extremely pure Yellow Dust. Even if you are unable to fully heal her I'll still pay you 50 lien if her condition does improve.

Still no idea what a lien is worth.
Still no idea what a lien is worth.

Well the full heal is just over 4 turns of income for us. We are a Count level title holder in an area that is middling for trade(good at local not so much at off island). We have our castle and one vassal city and as I was typing up a roundabout comparison of how much we are earning vs how well off our area is I found the upgrade list. 100 lien is worth a walls or stable upgrade. So yeah 100 lien is worth a moderate upgrade to our holdings.
Well the full heal is just over 4 turns of income for us. We are a Count level title holder in an area that is middling for trade(good at local not so much at off island). We have our castle and one vassal city and as I was typing up a roundabout comparison of how much we are earning vs how well off our area is I found the upgrade list. 100 lien is worth a walls or stable upgrade. So yeah 100 lien is worth a moderate upgrade to our holdings.

Good to know, so basically enough wealth to buy a small village.

Thats sounds right
Not willing to part with another unit of Pure Dust. How much Lien would that even be worth?

[x] If you are able to heal Skye I'd be willing to give you 100 lien. Even if you are unable to fully heal her I'll still pay you 50 lien if her condition does improve.
It's worth remembering that there are other people in the room, other people who believe that Skye is healthy, other people who would probably have a shit fit if it got out that there was an assassination attempt before we want them to.

Should probably have them leave, just saying.
I'll admit, Lien has been kept at a very abstract concept so I don't have to go full economic simulator. In the setting, however, you can consider one Lien to be roughly between 500 to 1000 lien. The reason for such a large discrepancy in value is party due to the value of the materials used. Lien deals with Plastik from the Before Times, and are impossible to fake, while lien (which I'll call Common Lien from now on) deals with gold, silver and copper. Lien is unchanging, while Common Lien is often cut with lead to generate more wealth for the issuer.

For example, a poor farmer plying their trade typically earns 6 Common Lien in a month, totaling a profit of about 1 Common Lien, a gold coin which they save away. Since the taxes of Yeqerta are currently set to 10% and it is a poll tax which is based on class, that leaves them with a profit of .9 Common Lien a month, leaving them with nine silver coins. Meanwhile, the average a mug of ale at an average tavern costs about .04 Common Lien, 4 copper coins, while a pitcher of palm wine at the same tavern costs .2 Common Lien. This means the dirt poor farmer can spend a few nights at a tavern during the month, wondering what the merchants are drinking, though he wouldn't be saving much that way. This poor farmer carries a club to defend themselves with, with the odd bow and arrow if they supplemented their income by hunting.

Meanwhile, a merchant with only middling success would earn 60 Common Lien in a month, earning a profit of 10 Common Lien, ten gold coins, after the expenses of a comfortable lifestyle and before taxes. After taxes, they would take home 9 Common Lien, a sizable increase compared to the poor farmer. Even a merchant who fails more often than they succeed is much better off than a farmer on poor land. Merchants often carry a small pistol and dagger to defend themselves with, though some successful merchants enjoy the status symbol of a dagger-pistol.

A little weird, slightly game-y, I know, but this is roughly the scale you're working with.

Edit: The information here is obsolete. Read the omake a few posts down.
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ya all this just tells me to stick with the vote I made to pay her 100 Lien if she succeeds not the common Lien but the full 100 Lien since we have 300 of it.
[JK] 10... million dollars :lol (for anyone who gets the reference)

[X] is 100 Lien enough for you? If your truly as good as your reputation states, then healing poison and bringing someone out of a coma should be ease itself.
I'm okay with the amount, but I think the second part has a good chance of pissing her off.
There are some interesting approaches going on in this vote. I'm going to keep it going just to see how it develops.
[x] If you are able to heal Skye I'd be willing to give you 100 lien. Even if you are unable to fully heal her I'll still pay you 50 lien if her condition does improve.
As the voting has slowed to a stop, I'll announce the close, especially considering the leading votes are mostly the same.

Hmm, I think I'll pick the best ones here, since some of them are quite good.
On the note of how much Lien you have, since the turn hasn't finished, we don't have next turn's income, so the number is accurate.... Except for the 30 or so Lien you got from her since CthulhuWasRight had the winning (and only) vote in the secondary vote. Aren't elections fun~

You're all very welcome /s.

If we were independent, I would suggest offering to support her in any matters of tribal succession, seeing as she's ambitious, but that might pull us into a war and I doubt Alric would like that.

I'm going to have to think this over, but let me just say that she just offered us 30 lien basically out of hand. I think it's safe to say that if she was after money her offer would have been a lot less generous. In light of that, it's likely that alternative incentives are our best bet.

EDIT: Oh shoot, too late
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Lives of the Merchant Princes by CthulhuWasRight
Edit: Though now I have an idea of a mercantile omake... I fully support anyone wanting to try to expand the lore of this Quest.

You should know better than to tempt me like this, @Raiu.

Lives of the Merchant Princes
Written for the Illustrious Lord Enrico of Urbino
By Francesca Montefiore

Foreword: On Lien And Its Use Over Other Currencies

As I conducted various inquiries in the writing of this work, I was met with many questions from others curious to hear what knowledge of the merchant trade, among other things, I had unearthed. One of the most persistent questions was regarding the use of Lien by much of Remnant as the chief medium of exchange: for most currencies are seen to be of value either because they are backed by the arms and government of some state or other or because the materials they are composed of possess some value of their own, and Lien, being both a stateless currency and made of plastic rather than Dust or some precious metal, lacks both of these qualities.

There are those, such as Geoffrey of Mortain, peddler of that fantastical tome of gossip named Lords of the Old City, who would surely ascribe Lien's use to the work of some body of "legendary heroes" or other, who in their boundless wisdom and majesty set an example in their use of Lien that all Remnant would follow; or worse yet, draw some manner of unbroken line of trade between now and the Time Before, and in doing so say that we use Lien today for the banal reason that we have always done so.

Yet there is some grain of truth in these arguments, as determined as other scholars are to overlook it in their pursuit of childish fantasy or a simple explanation for the mysteries that confound them. It is indeed Lien's ancient pedigree that ensures its continued use, along with its statelessness, when such qualities would confound other currencies and render them as useless as a volume of Geoffrey's collected works.

Many times a Carrion Lord or ambitious merchant has attempted to create their own coinage, smelted from iron, gold or silver and embossed with their image, and as we will see from my examination of the life and works of Iphigenia, these new coins failed to gain much traction beyond their native territory however widely they were circulated, as we shall further see from the failure of the Crown League's attempt to enforce the use of the denarius by foreign merchants trading within their lands. In the end their plans and mints fall into ruin, and after a great deal of trouble all that happens is that the territory is short of Lien after it converts back to its use, being instead saddled with a great deal of now-useless coins.

Why, then, has Lien endured for so long? In a word, its origins are the chief cause. Lien dates to the Time Before, and as with all ancient things, from lovingly preserved weapons to the ruins of the Academies, it retains an aura of tradition and power. It is this power that Carrion Lords tap into when they trade in Lien; through this trade, even the meanest petty kingdoms now tie themselves to the four ancient Kingdoms of times past, and this legitimacy is a powerful thing, such that even in Menagerie, with no ties to a Kingdom of their own, and the Hyliodoran Republic, which has thrown off all other trappings which tie it to the ancient kingdoms, Lien is still the currency of choice.

The fact that this currency lacks the backing of any kingdom is a further boon in disguise, as this means the currency is free of the stain of any foreign power; as we shall see with Iphigenia, the downfall of more local coinage tends to come when the enemies of the Lords who mint them refuse to take them in trade. This statelessness, then, gives Lien a certain political convenience. Being backed by no Carrion Lord, it is free to be backed by all of them.

Finally, a note on the valuation of this currency; Lien, as I have previously stated, lacks any value deriving from its substance, being made of plastic rather than anything precious, and thus valuations continue to fluctuate depending on the region and the whims of trade. This, naturally, creates numerous difficulties in accurately assessing the wealth of the merchants whose lives we will examine. However, after rigorous research and much thought of how I might overcome this problem, I have decided to follow the writings of Aeneas Of Lantia, who in his travels found that a card of Lien was generally worth approximately an ounce of gold, with slight variations from place to place. For the sake of simplicity, this is the standard that I will adhere to.
Now, having set these questions to rest, I set forth the body of my work to the examination of your Lordship of Urbino, and to all others who find interest in my studies. May the lessons I impart prove useful in lifting Remnant from this age of barbarism and superstition.

Note: At time of writing, the price of an ounce of gold was US $1,317.75. I left some wiggle room if these prices aren't suitable for any reason.
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I'm mildly horrified the price of gold was added in as a note, and I haven't even read it yet.

Now that I have read it, ignore much of my previous explanation of Lien and lien and refer to the above work. It's a tad better than my gamey explanation.
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Foreign Maiden, Familiar Hope (7-7-5)
Timidity has it's place, but not here. If you were to have any hope of gaining her help, you could not stumble through this.

"Guards, clear the room. Take Ser Reinhardt to Dr. Nail, then ensure no one enters before I allow it." In short order, the guards escorted the rubberneckers who still remained in the hall out, and you were left alone with the Be'er warrior. Summer had viewed the proceedings with wary amusement, her eyes clearly sizing up the situation to see if she would need to draw more blood today.

If she had been amused by the empty hall, she was no doubt interested when you stood from your chair to the side of your wife's dias and crossed the hall towards her, putting yourself on roughly the same height. Roughly, you thought, as she was a half-head taller than you, even with your horns. "The price is one hundred Lien in Plastik or precious metals whichever you prefer, or a barrel of Yellow Dust of the highest purity and a further offer for someone of your skill."

Summer's eyes narrowed and she stooped, bringing her face close to your's in an arrogant fashion. "And what would that offer be? The position of that idiot who I thrashed? Or are you trying to get me into your chambers, because I can tell you I've had a lot better than what you can give me."

Perhaps her mocks had unbalanced your humors, as your reply was a bit too sharp. "No. I don't want to bed you, Summer, and I'm not trying to get you to become part of my court. Someone tried to kill my wife. She is currently in a sleep which I have yet to break, and my family is at risk of being utterly broken.

"My offer," You spat the word, repressed rage starting to bubble over, "Is to be present when I find the rat who tried to kill my wife, skin him, salt the wound that is his body, break his limbs, nurse him back to health, break his limbs again and then have him watch as I feed him to wild dogs over the course of weeks. That is my offer!" You were never one to fall to wroth, but you needed a moment to compose your breathing after you were done. Summer's look of amusement had completely faded, replaced with a blank expression.

You continued regardless, repeating the initial offer. "One hundred Lien in whatever form you choose or a barrel of pure Yellow Dust, if you can heal my wife. If not for me, do it for the good she has done Menagerie for banishing the Grimm Blight. Please."

Summer paused for a long moment before uttering, "Shiiiiiiit..." A second pause. "I mean... Damn. Yeah, some Maidens can but... Fuck," She sighed, a pained expression on her face. "I was just going along with this to screw with you because I thought it wouldn't be this heavy but-"

You cut her off, slightly shocked. "So you can't heal my wife."

"I'm not the healer type. I really only know how to kill people and... Well, now I just feel bad."

How do you respond?
[] Strike the Summer Maiden. (2 Weight)
[] Write-In.
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