And with that voting is closed and my "I finally have it done" vacation ends. Back to writing I go.
Oh right, I forgot to add in the Dust you got from the bunker. *adds that in*
The End of The Grimm Plague, Turn 5 Results (5-4)
Yeqerta-Ekidnu Border Region, Nine Days Before The Ghosts' March, Midnight.

"If I remember correctly, you have a granddaughter around Boreas' age." There was a small part of you which felt ill when you used your children like this, but the Dust vein would expand your abilities greatly. "Give me the mine, and I'll give you the alliance."

Gil regarded you for a moment before he nodded. "Then we are agreed. You are a good fighter, Skye, I won't be shamed by losing to you. Do not expect an easy fight, however." With his agreement voiced, the Champion of the Ekidnu rose from his field chair, his guards taking position around him. Negotiations were finished, and you could turn your attention to the march...

Yeqerta-Ekidnu Border Region, Site of the Dust Vein, Noon, Present

A duel between Carrion Lords was never a quiet affair, and even though the arena was little more than a circle of cleared shrub-grass with a small wooden barrier, the audience outnumbered the soldiers two to one. The duel was presided over by two Deacons, one the leader of a minor congregation in your lands, the other the same of the Ekidnu. They would ensure the duel would show which the Nameless One favored... At least at face value. The people did not need to know the duel was fixed.

The drums began to beat, quieting the crowd's murmurs. You adjusted your grip on Medusa's Gaze, centering yourself. You lifted your head, drawing in deep breath. "Champion Gil of the Ekidnu tribe!" You shouted, letting your voice ring out. "This land we stand upon hides the gifts of the Nameless One, and my people are the ones who will ensure they are given the respect they deserve. I ask you once more, will you not lay aside your blade?" Your people shouted their approval, showing your acting worked.

Gil answered in a shout greater than you could manage, silencing the crowd. "These lands have belonged to the Ekidnu for ten generations. The Nameless One has chosen this land's caretakers, and they are not you." Gil certainly had acting skills, since his peoples jeered in response as he raised his lion-engraved greatsword.

"Then may the Nameless One declare who is right."

The Deacons stepped forward, their parts rehearsed. Each Deacon spoke to their respective side. "In accordance with tradition, this duel shall be conducted thusly. The combatants shall fight until one yields, with none to assist until the victor is decided. If the Nameless One sees fit to claim one of the combatants, the victor shall be the survivor. Until the end of the duel, no aid may be given beyond that of words. If Knightess Skye is the victor, she shall gain the lands upon which they fight. If Champion Gil is the victory, he shall gain half of Yeqerta's Dust production for five years." The Deacons turned to their lieges. "Knightess Skye," "Champion Gil," "Do you agree to the terms."

You answer at the same time as Gil. "Aye."

The Deacons moved to the barrier on either side of the dueling ground, each removing a glove. The gloves rose, all eyes watching the dueling ground, waiting for the duel to begin. The gloves were thrown to the dueling ground. "Begin!"

Even though the outcome was already decided, you wouldn't let your guard down. Fixed or not, a duel was never safe. You charged, met in the center by Gil's own. Medusa's Gaze lashed out, the trident's tines catching Gil's blade. Knowing you would never match the warrior's strength, you shifted, directing his blade into the ground. Trapping the sword between the ground and Medusa's Gaze, you used the trident to pivot, lashing out with your boot at the Champion's gullet.

If the older man felt the blow, he showed no sign as he pulled his weapon from the trap, drawing back for a full swing. You raised Medusa's Gaze in a block before realizing the force would crush through your guard. With moments to spare, you leaped, letting the force send you flying backwards rather than crush your guard.

Owing to your natural grace, you landed on your feet, stopping your flight with your trident. Gil, however, did not marvel at your work as the crowd did, charging forth to increase the pressure. This time you were ready.

Once more Gil swung and you moved to catch the blow with the outer tine of Medusa's Gaze. Before the blade struck, you thumbed the trigger on Medusa's Gaze, causing the tines to retreat. You saw Gil's eyes widen as his blade passed through empty air, cutting close enough to your head to remove a few strands of crimson hair. Your spear point was at Gil's throat and the world seemed to pause for a few precious moments.

The Champion broke the spell, speaking as if he was not inches from death. "I yield."

Your side of the audience erupted in cheers as you removed the spear from Gil's neck. As the Deacons ran forward to separate you and Gil, you had a moment to speak. "Could you have swung any harder?"

Gil's reply was swift. "I warned you."

With the Deacons separating you from Gil, you decided to uphold your end of the deal. "Gil of Ekidnu, hear me!" You shouted, your voice carrying over the din of the crowd. "In my years of fighting, I have yet to find an opponent as mighty as you! I would be glad to join arms with you!"

Gil answered without pause. "The same to you, Skye of Yeqerta! I offer the hand of my youngest daughter, Inanna, if you will have her!"

"I will have her wed to Boreas, my youngest, if this pleases you!"

"It does!"

Dust Site gained and Surface Mine constructed. Dust production increased to 1 per Turn. Boreas betrothed to Inanna. Alliance gained with the Ekidnu Dynasty. Duel seen as honorable, Prestige + 50.

16 + 13 = 29

While Dust had always been an object of faith for the Children of Remnant, the art of refining Dust was not the same as weaving Dust crystals into one's clothes. Turning raw Dust of dull colors into their fully refined bright colors was a dangerous process, since all the information you found pointed to the processes requiring several dangerous and flammable substances... and fire. If the process was not carefully controlled, a hole could easily be blown in your castle.

As it stood, you only blew the shutters off the window, and had some glass shrapnel in your arm. While you now know how to make a bigger boom, you're no closer to understanding the secret of Dust. If there was one thing to be grateful for, Boreas was not in the room when the explosion occurred, so he was completely untouched.


24 25 (Stranger in a Strange Land reroll) + 10 + 3 + 10 (Before Times Expert) = 48

The gift of the Longcaster was an astounding creation, one which could send your voice over vast distances, far beyond what your eyes could see even from the tallest tower of Castle Ravenswood. More than the Atlas-created technology, you had many relics whose mysteries eluded you. While you weren't obsessed with Before Times technology like a certain asshat, you were not blind to the power the old ways had. While your knowledge was woefully incomplete, nor were you some kind of savant who could literally see the secrets of technology, you would learn.

Alric's favor, the expert of the Before Times who you can't remember any other name for than "The Old Man", proved his worth in learning the operation of the Longcaster. You had attempted to learn what you could of the Before Times technology from Ebon, and while her descriptions were mostly inconsequential talk about her life before her long sleep, they did help focus your approach, as well as place names to some of your relics. By the end of the season, you had formed a working understanding on how to operate Before Times technology. The Longcaster could finally be brought out of storage and the first message sent.

"Hello, this is Knightess Skye of the House of Ravenswood. Can you hear me." You hear the voice reply back almost instantly. "This is Castle Buhaw. We hear you, Knightness."

Before Times (1) Researched, Longcaster operational, Understanding of Before Times grows.


64 + 14 = 78

With your grasp on the trade language of Remnant's center now firm, Alan decided decided to move onto the language of Vale proper, a decision you agreed with considering the turmoil within one of the oldest surviving cities of Remnant. The language of the Valestrians were not like the language of the Menagerai, an increased focused on vowels and words rather than tones and stops. Despite the language's strangeness, you reached a basic understanding of the language by the end of the dry season, more than enough to hold a conversation.

With your languages growing, perhaps you could now focus on developing a greater understanding of each language.

Valestrian added to Skye's Multilingual Trait, Ixnay on the Unsgay Action modified.

85 + 14 = 99

While you were away fighting the Fatwa, Ser Reinhardt had gathered soldiers from the levy to mitigate the fears of your people. While your reports had not pointed to any known source of dismay in your peoples, the Grimm plaguing your lands pointed to something strange.

Once your received your friend's reports at the end of the season, you had less of an idea as to what the strange thing was. The sight of your forces had not changed the morale of your people much, and from Ser Reinhardt's reports, they seemed quite content, with only minor squabbles impacting their lives. If there was a reason for the explosive growth of the Grimm, your people were not the cause.

Morale in Yeqerta is Calm (Stable), Grimm Population still growing.

Replacement Found

After a year of searching, Amity reported she finally found a foreman who could replace her at Temple Minno without completely ruining the process. She will return to your service during the wet season.

The reactions to her departure has been mixed. The workers in Temple Minno nearly celebrated when she left, while merchants in the rest of Yeqerta cried in dismay over the return of the steward.

Amity returns to your Court, Steward Action unlocked.


Once you gave the order for Fale's Test to be conducted, both Fale and Razz disappeared from your Court, leaving no indication as to where they went. After a few days with no communication, you confronted Henry as to where the pair went. "I cannot tell you, my Knightess, due to tradition. I am never to tell of the test, not to anyone who has not taken it. My apologies."

One week after their disappearance, Razz returned unchanged, but Fale's whereabouts were still unknown. Even though you dreaded talking to your motormouthing Huntress, you confronted Razz. Her answer was more descriptive than Henry's but not by much. "Hehasn'tfailedyet."

Fale removed from Yeqerta's Huntsmen. Fale's whereabouts unknown.

45 + 52 + 10 + 8 + 3 + 30 = 148 + 37 = 185

Once the affairs of the Fatwa war was put in order, you boarded a boat in Maskax to the Castle-City of Kuo Kuwama, the site of the Menagerie Synod. While the Kingdom of Kuo Kuwama was of the Progenitorist faith, the Castle-City was a melting pot of many faiths, and the Synod was given legal residence. To the Children of Menagerie, Kuo Kuwama was both the holiest city in Menagerie and a wound that would never close.

Despite the undercurrent of malcontent, the Synod was deep in debate when you arrived. Sullivan had done much work in your absence, managing to gain supporters with the help of high Deacon Adoni. The Synod was divided between those who saw the Children's Book as a way to increase the popularity of their faith, those who feared collecting so many traditions would cause generations of faithful to consider only the Children's Book as scripture, and the remaining High Deacons who were still undecided. From what Sullivan told you, you had missed the point where the Synod was arguing over every word and reference, which... Seemed about right from what you heard of the Synod.

Still you had arrived and while you were not technically authorized to speak in the Synod itself, Adoni's support did allow you to speak as a witness. He argued the opinions of those who were not ordained were needed for a complete decision, causing your inclusion when his point was accepted. When the Synod convened the following morning, you were called to speak. You were prepared, and in stark contrast to how you would have performed but two years ago, you made your case.

"I am not ashamed to admit I was not pious until my father's death. I was taught the common prayers, the common work but little more. The faith was divided into hundreds of books, a wall which I could only have surpassed with help of those who had already learned. The Book which you debate over would have allowed me to learn long before my father's death, and to the argument that the Book would somehow reduce the faith, I say this. The Children's Book is a foundation on which Deacons can build upon, not the final word. With the Book, the Deacons will not need to teach the most basic tenants of our faith constantly, allowing us to move on to greater matters of faith. We will be heightened by the Book, not lessened."

Your speech did help your position, drawing two Head Deacons who were still on the fence to your side, but it did not finish the debate once and for all. What truly ended the debate was the backroom dealings and minor bribes, but the end result was in your favor. The Children's Book was accepted by the Menagerie Synod, and you returned to Yeqerta with one of the first copies. In time, it would spread throughout Menagerie, and though your part in it's creation was unknown, you helped Sullivan make his mark on the faith.

Not everything was good news, however, as Sullivan grew ill on the return voyage, the exhaustion of his hard work catching up to the old Deacon. Time would tell if he recovered.

The Children's Book accepted by the Menagerie Synod and printing begun. Piety + 200. Head Deacon Sullivan Ambition Achieved. Sullivan gains trait Ill. Skye Gains The Children's Book (+1 Learning).

Cure the less serious cases: 1 - 15 - 90 = -106 - 92 = -198
Fate Reroll: 88 + 15 + 2 + 90 = 195 + 77 = 272 + 62 = 334 + 52 = 386
Triple Critical Success, I should have expected this.

Cure the severely infected: 69 + 15 + 2 + 50 = 137 + 100 = 237 + 91 = 328 + 77 = 405 + 85 = 490
Legendary Critical Success!
AN: What the actual Christ.

The final report you received at the end of the season was on the status of the Grimm Plague cure Dr. Nail was manufacturing. The first batch of cures was created and had almost suffered from an extreme disaster when the flow of the Cha'ha had reversed suddenly. The barges used to transport the medicine nearly capsized and it was only due to the river suddenly righting it's flow again the cure could be saved.

True to the doctor's expertise, the cure worked perfectly in treating those who were in the first two stages of the Grimm Plague, purging the sickness from their bodies in mere days, as expected. By the end of the season, cases of the Grimm Plague were becoming less frequent, freeing you of the plague.

On those who suffered the most from the Grimm Plague, however, the cure was even more effective. Though the cure was expected to drive the sickness out and leave the body weakened, the cure purged the sickness in hours, leaving the survivors without signs of their sickness. In the eyes of many, the cure was a true miracle, even your own as you saw Earth stand out of bed, the darkness draining from his right eye. The only thing you could say to Earth then was "It worked."

"It did."

Grimm Plague Cure more effective than planned, Yeqerta purged of Grimm Plague, Aftereffects of Grimm Plague lessened, Earth Ravenswood removed trait Grimm Marked, Alan wishes for Earth to take his position as Chancellor.

Replace Alan with Earth for the position of Chancellor?
[] Yes
[] No
Last edited:
Appoint Earth Ravenswood as Chancellor?
[X] Yes

Welcome back Earth.

Also, we finally know why this took as long as it did. @Raiu was drinking too much.
Well, I think we made the right decision in spending that Fate Point on re-rolling that critfail on the Grimm Plague cure....

Also, why are we voting to get rid of Alan as Chancellor?
Well, I think we made the right decision in spending that Fate Point on re-rolling that critfail on the Grimm Plague cure....

Also, why are we voting to get rid of Alan as Chancellor?

I edited the post to make it a bit more clear, but Alan said that he would step down if Earth recovered. Earth was, after all, the Chancellor for your father, and Alan knows Earth is a better diplomat than him.
I edited the post to make it a bit more clear, but Alan said that he would step down if Earth recovered. Earth was, after all, the Chancellor for your father, and Alan knows Earth is a better diplomat than him.

Ah, mea culpa. I missed that.

Replace Alan with Earth for the position of Chancellor?
[X] Yes
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It's not Brosidon, King of the Brocean levels of Bro, but it's pretty good. But wait until you see the turn rumor mill. (Moved away from dice rolling. Now I'm using the IChing because why the hell not? It's more detailed that way.)

Important ones: 5 to 29, 63 to 60, 49 to 54, 50 to 7 and 63.
Last edited:
War and Peace, Turn 5 Rumor Mill (5-5)
Kingdom of Chaw
Yeqerta: Sea Grimm have migrated into the sea off of Yeqerta, forcing fishermen into the harbor and driving away the fish. No new fish is being gathered and your farms being fully recovered is a few years off. You will need to draw from your supply, that much is certain. With the plague banished from your lands, the situation is not overly dire, but it will take time before your farms have fully recovered from the plague.
~Food no longer coming in from Samaki, new food per turn: -.5~

Wadno: A waundering Huntsman has been seen attacking the Grimm in Wadno. Judging from the ragged presence he is described as possessing, the Huntsman is one who is down on his luck. The slaughter of Grimm in Alric's home was simply a sales pitch. Well, it seemed to work.

Maskax: Rumors have begun circulating that Cilmi, the King's trusted Steward, had cut the newly minted lien in the realm with heavier metals for his own gain. Even if the rumors were not true, the Knight's reputation has been tarnished, and many merchants have begun to require Cilmi paying in lien from the days of Buhaw, a blow to his various projects.

Buhaw: With retribution visited upon the Fatwa, many of the malcontents which you noted during the season have moved away from the opposition faction. King Alric's Court is peaceful, possibly leading to a period of peace. Just as easily, however, the King could find himself caught in political strife at a moment's notice.

Gees: In a surprise announcement, Knightess Ritsuko Mutsu announced she would be abdicating the position of Knightess, causing her son Daneda. The young Knight quickly attempted to make Gees a more public place, making a port in the current plagued waters of Gees. This plan was ruined by an untimely storm which tore through the port, shattering every building in it's path. Humbled by nature's wrath, the young Knight has changed his methods, instead trying to increase Gees' presence in Alric's Court.

Li Warran: With the Li Warrans recently conquered by a kingdom which did not share their faith, one would expect there to be much turmoil and grumbling. Instead, the people seemed to see this as a deliverance, finally able to worship their chosen Progenitor without reprisal. If Adet was truly being tested, his time was an easy one, as the Li Warrans seemed determined to integrate themselves into the political landscape of Chaw. In a surprising turn of events, Warren Li Warran, the Champion of the tribe, lead a raid into the heart of Fatwa lands to reclaim one of his daughters who had been wedded to the Fatwas. The raid was a success, an insult to the Fatwa which only grew greater when Warren declared the marriage to have been a farce and offered her to Alric.

Well, you suppose that is one way of making a mark, but you can't help but think they might be trying to avoid another Zulu situation.

The Kingdoms of Menagerie

Zulu: The Zulu have begun to accept the Scions in their midst... Or at the very least, appeared to. It seems there will be peace for a few more seasons as they continue to rebuild after the eruption of Mount Shaka. Though there seemed to be acceptance, the tension has not lessened due to the birth of a new Winter Maiden. The fact her ascension could mean two Maidens were in Menagerie, a dangerous time for the enemies of the Scions.

Kuo Kuwama: Your lands were not the only ones to create a cure for the plague. Mere days after you manufactured your cure, the Kingdom of Kuo Kuwama declared itself free of plague due it it's own cure. While less effective than your own, it removed the worries of plague on their side of the coast. With the plague now a painful memory for most Kuo Kuwamains, King Barkhome declared a military buildup to "Make Kuo Kuwama great again." War seemed as if it would never leave the continent.

The Outside Lands

The lands of Vale are still held in the claws of chaos, but a source of order and reason has appeared in the lands: the Synod of Vale. Led by High Deacon Gottfried, a man who could preach with fire and passion hotter than any mob's bonfire, the Synod worked tirelessly to end the suffering of their fellow man, and the uprisings have slowed as a result. Perhaps the most significant of their successes is peace in the Walled Plains, granting time enough for fields to be planted and harvests gathered. Starvation is no longer a daily trial in Vale, though the chaos of the Valestrian Revolution continues.

This season was a dire one in the lands of Mistral. The Mengde League, long known for it's southern trade ports which serviced much of Menagerie's ports, dissolved after a bomb was detonated in the league's meeting chambers, killing much of the rulers of the league. Lord Guidantonio De Montefeltro, the man who you had fought against during the siege of Buhaw, was injured in the attack, but survived. The city states of Mengde have since fractured into their own leagues, or discarded their status as city-states for other arrangements. Trade in Menagerie may suffer if new arrangements must be made.

Holy war seemed to be the main hobby of many Carrion Lords, as the Children of northern Vacuo have united to drive out the Scions from the north of Vacuo. With possibly two of the Scion's Maidens in Menagerie, the Scions find themselves outnumbered by the Children. If a miracle does not occur, the worship of the Maidens may be driven out of the parched lands of Vacuo.

News from the other side of the world had always been a rare treat in Menagerie, but news of Atlas did reach you this season in a surprising form. Atlesian merchants had created a trade outpost on the Free Island of Festival, creating an arrangement with the Free Huntsmen of the artificial island for their ships to be protected in the waters. With a safe haven found for the technological products of Atlas to be sold, more inventions from Atlas could come into your lands. The Hylidoran Republic, however, chafes at the fact they were not given a cut of this deal, so a trade war could result. Still, if the Longcaster was of any indication, a bit of skulduggery could be well worth the price for more Atlesian tech.
Gees: In a surprise announcement, Knightess Ritsuko Mutsu announced she would be abdicating the position of Knightess, causing her son Daneda. The young Knight quickly attempted to make Gees a more public place, making a port in the current plagued waters of Gees. This plan was ruined by an untimely storm which tore through the port, shattering every building in it's path. Humbled by nature's wrath, the young Knight has changed his methods, instead trying to increase Gees' presence in Alric's Court.
Interesting I wonder what her goal is in doing this?
Also how convenient that a storm just happened to screw over that son's day.

Kuo Kuwama: Your lands were not the only ones to create a cure for the plague. Mere days after you manufactured your cure, the Kingdom of Kuo Kuwama declared itself free of plague due it it's own cure. While less effective than your own, it removed the worries of plague on their side of the coast. With the plague now a painful memory for most Kuo Kuwamains, King Barkhome declared a military buildup to "Make Kuo Kuwama great again." War seemed as if it would never leave the continent.
This has the signs of a great opportunity in the making.
Just a quick reminder that you have a higher degree of choice than you might think. The write in option during the turn decisions actually allows you to approach problems differently, and keep in mind that I'm not having every possible action you can take listed.

Anyway, character sheet has been updated.
Pulling from the Rainy Day Jar, Turn Six Decisions (6-1)
Three years into your reign and Yeqerta faces it's first big crisis since the war for the throne. The arrival of giant Sea Grimm into the sea outside of Yeqerta has cut off one of your sources of food, forcing you to delve into your larders to feed your people. From your estimates, you can sustain your people for a few years just on your supplies, but you could rapidly find that number reduced if a war broke out or if your population returned to pre-plague levels. It seemed just when things were starting to look up for you, fate had to pull the rug.

Such is the life of a Carrion Lord.


Pick Two! Can double down on one by selecting a single action. Also, any unused action will be converted into five points of Prestige.

[] Host a Tournament: Host a tournament in your realm! If you have sufficient power and prestige, the Hunters and soldiers of the realm will flock to your realm to prove their mettle in the martial arts. Starts the 'Tournament' Event.
-30 Lien
-2 Food
[] Host a Feast: Hold a feast within the halls of Ravenswood Castle. Your vassals are invited to attend your display of wealth and power. Starts the 'Feast' Event.
-30 Lien
-1.5 Food
[] Host a [Grimm/Game] Hunt: Invite the nobles of your realm to participate in a hunt! Gather meat for the months ahead or test your mettle against the creatures of Grimm. Starts the 'Game Hunt' or 'Grimm Hunt' event.
-10 Lien
[] Host Games: Gather your vassals to your hall to witness the serfs participate in games of strength, agility, and mental acuity.
-20 Lien
-1 Food
[] Replace/Appoint a New Councilor: Appoint [Character] to the position of [Councilor], or search the Estate of Yeqerta for a suitable replacement. If you search for a new one, the councilor you replace might be reluctant to perform his or her counselor actions.
[] Family: Spend some time with your family.
[] Spouse: Spend some time with Jove.
[] Ebon: Spend some time with Ebon.
[] Write-In: Write in an action that doesn't easily fit into the other categories.


Pick Two! Can double down on a single one by only selecting a single action. Also, any unused action will be converted into two points of Prestige.

[] Invite a Noble to Court: There are plenty of unlanded nobles looking for a place to call their home. Have one join your court! Perhaps they will prove themselves useful.
[] Befriend: Focus on improving your relationship with a character.
[] Marry Off/Betrothe: Marry off a courtier, a child, or an unlanded relative to a suitable groom for claims or alliances. A list will be provided after the character you're marrying off is selected.
[] Open Negotiations: Open diplomatic talks with a Carrion Lord outside your Estate.
[] Visit Fellow Vassal [Name]: Visit the court of a fellow Vassal of the King in order to improve relations.
[] Speech Lessons: Spend a handful of lien and an insignificant sum of prestige to hire a Diplomacy Instructor, hopefully increasing your ability to diplomacize.
-30 Lien
-5 Prestige
[] Educate (Child Name): Send your children to an educator of your choice.
[] Demand [Title]: Demand a title from your Liege Lord. Success is based on your stats, your titles, and your relationship with that character.
[] Revoke Title: Revoke a Vassal's title. If done unjustly or arbitrarily, it will incur the claim of tyranny, and other dire ramifications.
[] Write-in: Write in a diplomacy-oriented action not listed above.


Pick Two One! Can double down on a single one by selecting a single action. Also, any unused action will be converted into two points of Prestige.

[X] Marshal Action: Do your duty as Marshal for your liege. (Automatic, must be in all valid plans unless you resign.)
[] Independence (Self): Immediately declare independence from your Liege Lord. Note: doing so will begin War Turns, but it will free up your other martial action.
[] Personally Patrol: Ser Reinhardt is occupied with other matters, or he does not fully possess your trust. Personally sally forth with your retinue to keep your lands safe.
[] Expand Retinue: You've decided to expand your already considerable retinue. Trained soldiers do not come cheaply, but they will be able to give your personal guard a good boost in strength. Send out feelers to find you a company of suitable troopers.
Will open Retinue Hiring List.
[] Hire Mercenaries: Hire a company of Mercenaries to do your bidding. Extremely expensive, and will vanish the instant their pay does, but they are experienced and battle-hardened. Send out some feelers to see which companies are without contract.
Will open Mercenary Hiring List.
[] Order Military Stockpiling: Invest in the stockpiling of weapons and ammunition, in the event war should be thrust upon you.
-10 Lien
-5 Dust
[] Hire Strategic Tutor: Spend a handful of lien and an insignificant sum of prestige to hire a Strategic Instructor. You're a damn good leader and tactician, but you're not so self-consumed as to you think that you're the best. Just really, really good.
-35 Lien
-5 Prestige
[] Promote Commander: Promote a specific [character] to command your armies. Your current commanders are: (NONE)
-5 Lien
[] Research Military Technology: Your army is a powerful one, but as the Grimm showed, there are stronger foes. Technology will be the way to change that. (Write in general idea of what you want to research, or choose a research option.)
[] Write-in: Write in a Martial-oriented action not listed above.


Pick Two! Can double down on a single one by selecting a single action. Also, any unused action will be converted into two points of Prestige.

[] Upgrade [Building]: Upgrade one of your Holdings's Buildings.
Cost Varies
[] Legislate: Adjust the Laws of your realm according to your wishes. Same CKII adjustment rules apply for Levies, Crown Laws, and Taxes. Right now, Feudal Taxes are: 'None', City Taxes are 'Low', Temple Taxes are 'None', Feudal Levies are 'Normal', City Levies are 'Normal', and Temple Levies are 'None'. Can also adjust taxes on a smaller, character-based level. (Tax those dudes into space!)
[] Upgrade Roads: Invest in the traveling infrastructure of your realm. Should allow for more efficient trade and the speedier passage of armies.
-120 Lien
[]Upgrade Vassal Holding: Offer to foot the bill of upgrading one of your Vassal's Holdings. (Specify which upgrade or give a lump sum.)
Cost Varies
[] Upgrade Liege Holding: Offer to foot the bill of upgrading a Liege's Holding. (Specify which upgrade or give a lump sum.)
Cost Varies
[] Construct New Holding: Build a new Holding on your territory. You gain a title when it is complete.
-400 Lien (City)
-500 Lien (Castle)
-400 Lien (Temple)
-300 Lien (Hospital)
[] Adjust Salaries: Adjust the salaries of your personal retinue and councilmen. Might have adverse affects if set too low.
[] Hire Merchant: Spend a handful of lien to hire a Stewardship Instructor, and gain a courtier.
-25 Lien
[] Purchase Bauble: Buy a nice [wardrobe/piece of jewellry/sweet hat]. Can be a gift or for personal benefit.
-5 Lien
[] Purchase Black Dust Trinket: Black Dust is the new vogue in Chaw, and it's a status symbol well worth the price. Besides, if you can discover the secret of how to use it, you would have a ready tool at hand.
-20 Lien
[] Send a Trade Mission to Festival to acquire Atlesian Technology: The Atlesians are known for their advanced technology, and perhaps you could use it to acquire both knowledge and their products.
-35 Lien
[] Research [Write In]: You've always felt like more could be done about the state of technology in your realm. Spend a good chunk of time buried in books and diagrams to see if you can devise a new innovation, or recover a lost technique from the Time Before. (Write in the general idea of what you are researching, or select a Economic Technology.)
[] Write-in: Write in a Stewardship-oriented action not listed above.


Pick Two! Can double down on a single one by selecting a single action. Also, any unused action will be converted into two points of Prestige.

[] Imprison Character: Imprison [Character] in your dungeons. If done unjustly or arbitrarily, can cause negative impacts. Can only be done to Vassals or Courtiers.
[] Assassinate Character: Hire an assassin to kill a character. Massive prestige loss if implicated in the deed. Can only target those of Lord-level titles or lower. Kings-level targets require the formation of plots.
-50 Lien
[] Assess [Character]: Subtly investigate a character's skills, traits, and abilities.
[] Independence (Faction): Start a faction within your Liege's realm to renounce his rule over your lands.
[] Kidnap Character: Kidnap a character from within your realm. Different from Imprisonment in that it is performed by "bandits", and won't incur tyranny if the target is a vassal.
-25 Lien
[] Plot: Plot with other characters to Kidnap or Assassinate a character outside your realm (can involve and implicate other characters). Massive prestige loss if implicated in the deed. Will begin an active Plot.
[] Invite to Plot: Invite [Character] to join your plot. Success will depend on your relationship with that character, and their relationship with the target.
[] Schmooze: Visit your Liege's court, gathering useful intelligence and opinions.
[] Gather Rumors: Send out some agents to listen to the whispered word of your realm and beyond, collecting rumors, news, truths, lies, and everything in between. Allows for more accurate news and rumors, and better estimation of how things are in the world of Remnant.
-5 Lien
[] Arrange 'Accident': If you have decided to host a tournament, feast, or hunt, pick a [Character] to suffer an unfortunate accident. Write-in the preferred outcome.
-5 Lien
[] Seduce: Use your charms and wiles to seduce a character.
[] Personally Spy: Balthazar is most likely occupied with other matters, or he does not fully possess your trust (or they're the one you're spying on!). Personally spy on a character, learning more about their personality, skills, secrets and ambitions.
[] Gossip: Spread humiliating rumors about [Character].
[] Write-in: Write in an Intrigue-oriented action not listed above.


Pick Two! If you choose not to spend one, it will be converted into two points of Prestige.

[] Pray: Spend some dedicated time praying. Roll for Piety gain.
[] Hire Deacon: Spend a handful of piety and an insignificant sum of prestige to hire a Deacon to hopefully increase your Learning. The Deacon will join you at Court.
-10 Piety
-5 Prestige
[] Study the Power of Dust: Your research into Dust has opened your mind to the significance of Dust, as well as a measure of it's strength. You know there are more secrets to be found, if you were to just delve deeper.
[] Research Cultural Technology: The world of Remnant today is not the world of the Before Times. That doesn't mean you can't learn how to make society work better. (Write in a vague idea of what you are researching, or select a Cultural Technology.)
[] Try to Teach Boreas More About Dust: Boreas' favorite pastime seems to be watching you experiment with Dust. Perhaps you could foster his interest into a lifelong passion.
[] Write-in: Write in a Learning-oriented action not listed above.

Free Actions

These actions take so little time to complete, they can be done immediately.

[] Name Regent: Name a Regent in the event of your untimely demise.
[] Bestow Honorary Title: Give [Character] (a vassal or courtier) a functionally useless but fancy-sounding title.
[] Gift: Give [Character] a healthy sum of Lien.
-20 Lien
[] Take out a loan: The funds in your coffers have become too low for your needs. You can gain a great amount of Lien from the merchants of your lands, but they expect the amount returned, with interest.
+300 Lien
The Merchants will expect 350 Lien as eventual repayment.
[] Abdicate: The stress of rule has become too great for you, and there are others in your House that would better serve your people. (THIS OPTION WILL CHANGE THE MAIN CHARACTER TO THE CURRENT HEIR.) (Current Heir: Zephyrus.)
[] Resign: Your time as Alric's Marshal has left you little time to manage your own lands, and you've grown tired of sleeping in a carriage.
Regains Martial action, removes salary and prestige gain.

Special Actions

These actions have a variable cost, specified in the action itself. Any number of these actions can be taken at once.

[] Free: Support Cilmi's Expedition (Write In Extent): With the Knight's finances as they are, Cilmi's plans to find this Before Times island will take years to reach fruition. At the most basic level, Cilmi's expedition needs a good ship, an experienced crew, enough supplies to make it to the Kingdom of Vale and enough Huntsmen to fight off the sea Grimm. It's a heafty amount of Lien and time, but it could be well worth it. (Requires: 1000 Lien, 50 Dust, Huntsmen to be assigned. Does not need to be taken all at once.) (395/1000 Lien, 19/50 Dust paid, 0/1000 and 10/50 of which is from you.)


In the Age of Grimm, each Carrion Lord holds court with his vassals. As the Regent to the Knight of Yeqerta, you are no different. The members of your Council will advise and aid you in your rule - no one man or woman can do it alone. According to their station, they can perform a variety of tasks or provide you with sage advice and assistance during tenuous situations, should you decide to keep them close at hand. Keep in mind - they are your vassals, and will perform any task you assign them to the best of their ability… but they may have their own ambitions and goals as well.

Each Councilor can perform a single action. Note: since it's impossible to provide you all with a name for every single character, feel free to substitute a realm title for [Character] when appropriate. If you need clarification, feel free to PM me about it, I'll do what I can to help out.

Chancellor - Earth's recovery from the Grimm Plague was nothing short of a godsend, and he was very happy to be out of his sickbed. At the very least, you now have some powerful words in your corner.

[] Fabricate Claim: Have Earth fabricate a claim on one of [Character's] titles. If obtained, it appears as if you hold a strong claim to another's title, and a war to possess it is justified. It would be a good way to expand your territory, but it might take awhile to draw up the required documents.
[] Improve Relations in [Character's] Court. Send Earth to [Character's] court. There, he can help the Carrion Lord to understand your noble intentions and sway others to think well of you. Can also be performed in your own court. If you don't know the exact character's name, write in their title.
[] Sow Dissent in [Character's] Court. Send Earth to [Character's] court. Once there, he'll embed himself in various Holdings, sowing mistrust and hatred between a liege and his vassals.
[] Ixnay on the Unsgay (Learn): There are a myriad of languages spoken in Remnant, and though many nobles can get away with simply speaking the most common language of their continent and a trade language or two, you do not want to be on the back foot when speaking to forigeners. Who better to teach you than your Chancellor?
[] Ixnay on the Unsgay (Expand): You now have a grasp on multiple languages, but you only know enough to keep a conversation, little more. Perhaps becoming truly fluent in the ones you know would be very, very useful.
[] Keep at Hand: Keep Earth at court. Your own diplomacy rolls will have an added bonus, and if any crises come up, you will be much more prepared to deal with them.
[] Write-in: Earth is your own brother, and he has made up for his period of illness by working with tireless energy. Should you conceive of something he might be able to help you with, he'll leap at the opportunity.

Marshal - While many would say Ser Reinhardt's performance as a Marshal has been lackluster, you believe your friend is much more capable than people assume. Perhaps his Gods have just been playing him for a fool.

[] Patrol Lands: Send Ser Reinhardt out with some levies to run regular patrols. With any luck, the sight of your troops will instill a sense of safety and security among your people.
[] Recruit Troops: Send out Ser Reinhardt to recruit more men and women to fill out the ranks of your levies. More troops will join your armies, and any incurred losses will be more swiftly replenished.
[] Train Troops: Order Ser Reinhardt to invest time and effort into improving the quality of your levies. Your levies will not increase in number, but they'll be a little more effective in battle.
[] Oversee Military Production: You've ordered the construction of weapons, ammunition, airships, or androids. Having Ser Reinhardt around to oversee matters will decrease the turns required to complete their construction.
Will cost a random amount of Dust, but nothing exceeding 10 units.
[] Inspect Troops: Have Reinhardt compile a thorough counting and assessment of your levies. Doing so might inspire them to improve their equipment on their own, and show that you have a vested interest in their ability to perform.
[] Discourage Serf Revolt: You believe the serfs of your realm are growing unruly and discontent. Send Ser Reinhardt out with a token force to discourage any attempts to destabilize the realm.
[] Research Military Technology: Have Ser Reinhardt look into any ways he might improve your realm's military.
[] Search for a Hand: While commanding a battle from the rear does not require the use of both hands, it's undeniable the usefulness of two hands in the midst of combat. Have Ser Reinhardt search the realm for a decent replacement, and he will be able to shake your hand without a hook this time.
Variable Cost of Lien, could reduce or remove the One-Handed penalty, could also improve Ser Reinhardt's Martial abilities.
[] Keep at Hand: Keep Ser Reinhardt at court. Your own Martial rolls will have an added bonus, and if any crisis come up, you would be glad to have an extra sword-hand.
[] Write-in: While Ser Reinhardt's performance of late has been lackluster, he is driven to change this losing streak. Assign him to a task not listed above, and he shall follow it with zealous fury.

Steward - Amity Rose's reign of terror in the Temple of Minno has ended, much to the rejoicing of the workers. Now you have her particular brand of kneecap commerce back in your court.

[] Collect Taxes: Have Amity invest herself into efficient tax collection. You'll increase your lien income, but without a gentle hand, your serfs might resent her activities.
[] Boost Trade: Lien is nice, but more Lien is always better. Have Amity talk and barter with the merchants of your realm, hopefully opening up new trade lanes and investing in promising ventures. With the plague gone from your lands, you are starting to look like a good trading partner.
-5 Lien
[] Oversee Upgrading: Have Amity organize and oversee the upgrading of your Holding. Will lower the time to build the upgrade, might upgrade it beyond the initial scope of the project, and gain a small chance to recoup some of the expenses invested in its construction.
[] Research Stewardship Technology: Stewardship covers a wide variety of skill sets and trades, and any possible advances made in technology will be a great boon to you. Have Amity do what she can to help the process along.
[] Keep at Hand: Keep Amity at court. Your own Stewardship rolls should have an added bonus, and if any crisis come up, you'll have a capable hand at your side.
[] Write-in: Amnity is loyal and a personal friend. Have her complete a task not listed above, and she'll complete it to the best of her ability.

Spymaster - To say Balthazar is a cold fish is to say that Dust is useful. You're still not sure what is wrong with him (the going theory is that he is somehow repellent to Aura) but he is a very, very useful tool to have.

[] Spy (Internal): Have Balthazar look inside your own court for malcontents and malicious thoughts. With any luck, he could uncover valuable secrets, and improve your information collection for your realm this turn.
[] Spy in [Character's] court: Order Barthazar to spy in [Character's] court. More dangerous than looking internally, but good results means you not only have a leg up intelligence-wise, but further subterfuge in the same court will be easier to accomplish.
[] Assist Assassination: You've decided it's time for a character to die. Have Balthazar do what he can to assist your assassin in the matter. Might provide a bonus to your assassination roll, and lowers the chance of people accusing you if it all goes to shit.
[] Assist Kidnapping: You've decided it's time for a character to disappear. Have Balthazar do what he can to assist your thugs in the matter. Might provide a bonus to your kidnapping roll, and lowers the chance of people accusing you if it all goes to shit.
[] Falsify Evidence against [Character]: Things would be much more convenient for you if [Character] were suddenly guilty of some heinous crime. Have Balthazar spend some time building up a damning case.
[] Steal Technology [Province]: Send out Balthazar to steal the technology of another province, risking his life and freedom to gain knowledge. (High Technology Provinces in range: Maskax, Kuo Kuwama.)
[] Keep at Hand: Keep Balthazar at court. Your own Intrigue rolls might have an added bonus, and if any crisis come up, you'll have a capable set of plausible deniability hands.
[] Write-in: Balthazar is one of the scariest individuals you have ever come upon, and from his results he is good at what he does. Give him a mission, and he will do it.

Head Deacon - Sullivan has still not recovered from his illness following the acceptance of the Children's Book, but that is not surprising given how hard he worked.

[] Proselytize: Send out Sullivan to proselytize your religion to your people. The more servants of your religion you have, the more unified and resistant to panic your serfs are.
[] Create Religious Work: Ask Sullivan to produce a work relating to your chosen religion. Doing so will advance your standing in your chosen religion, and net you some piety that correlates with the quality of work.
-10 Lien
[] Improve Religious Relations: Use Sullivan to directly increase your standing among the local religious leadership.
[] Keep at Hand: Keep Sullivan around. He'll likely pester you to start praying more, but having him on hand should increase your learning rolls.
[] Order Sullivan to take a Sabbatical: The stress and exhaustion had caught up to Sullivan after his magnum opus was accepted, and anyone would have become ill if they had worked so hard for so long. Given his advanced age, perhaps it would be best if he took some time to rest. He is, after all, a close family friend.
[] Write-in: Sullivan is an excellent priest, a family friend, and you think he might be a distant uncle to you. Still he is getting on in years, but if you have a task for him, he will complete it.

Huntsman Superior- Henry Liddel is truly a man of few words, but as a Huntsman he speaks with action.

[] Patrol Lands: Your lands aren't in the best shape right now. Sending out Henry Liddel to help keep the Grimm in check should do some good. The sight of a huntsman always inspires the serfs, and often assuages their fears. He might also return with some intel, should he discover anything useful.
[] Train Huntsmen: Though Henry Liddel has an apprentice already, he can step up efforts to make sure his subordinates are putting more time and resources into training their replacements. He'll also spend more time with his own apprentice.
[] Commission Master-Class Weapon: Though the construction of folding weaponry is commonplace, few are better at it than Huntsman. Conceive an idea for a weapon, and have Henry build it for you. Materials for it aren't cheap however, and Henry doesn't have the resources or time to dedicate to the weapon without your support.
-50 Lien
-10 Dust.
[] Teach Me, Good Hunter!: Have Henry begin training you in the ways of the Huntsman.
[] Hunt for Sea Grimm: The Sea Grimm have all but taken over the seas of Yeqerta, and Ulrich's Huntsmen are not enough to let his fishermen out to gather food. While your Huntsmen are powerful weapons against the Grimm, Sea Grimm are strange beasts which few Huntsmen face. If the Sea Grimm were driven out or destroyed, the supply of fish would be restored, but is it worth the risk?
[] Write-in: Henry Liddel is bound to you, and will perform whatever tasks you assign him, should you have something not listed above.

Royal Physician: Dr Nail of Glacia's time on your council may have been an emergency appointment, but there are still things which need to be done before you can allow him to focus completely on his duties as Royal Physician. Truthfully, you can't wait for him to finally get kicked out of the council chambers.

[] Examine Ebon Rosewater Ravenswood: Ebon's sickness is unknown, but the Before Times did not have the knowledge to treat it. Still there is the chance your primitive knowledge can do something to cure the young girl. In order to do so, however, you would need to discover just what ails her.
[] Spread the Grimm Plague Cure outside of Yeqerta (For a Profit): The Grimm Plague may be but a recent memory in Yeqerta, but in other lands it is still a very real and present threat. Carrion Lords would always be willing to pay to keep their people from dying from the plague, and while your reputation would be damaged, Lien is always a good thing to have.
-10 Lien for production and transport, +Unknown Amount of Lien, -Unknown Amount of Prestige.
[] Spread the Grimm Plague Cure outside of Yeqerta (For Free): The Grimm Plague may be but a recent memory in Yeqerta, but in other lands it is still a very real and present threat. You have a cure for the plague, and to keep it from others would be a morally evil action. Giving the cure out for free would make your name even greater, and the church always loves when a Carrion Lord is charitable.
-10 Lien, +100 Prestige, +100 Piety.
[] Write In: Dr Nail is a hard man to work with, but he worked in a land where the Knight was all but worshiped. He is used to royal decrees, and will follow them, if begrudgingly.
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[X]Plan: Hitting the books

Personal/General: Pick Two!
[X] Family: Spend some time with your family.
[X] Ebon: Spend some time with Ebon.

Diplomacy: Pick Two!
[X] Befriend: Ulrich
[X] Befriend: Ritsuko

Martial: Pick One!
[X] Marshal Action: Do your duty as Marshal for your liege. (Automatic, must be in all valid plans unless you resign.)
[X] Research Military Technology: Your army is a powerful one, but as the Grimm showed, there are stronger foes. Technology will be the way to change that. (Cavalry 2)

Stewardship: Pick Two!
[XX] Research [Write In]: You've always felt like more could be done about the state of technology in your realm. Spend a good chunk of time buried in books and diagrams to see if you can devise a new innovation, or recover a lost technique from the Time Before. (Trade practices 1 & Construction 2)

Intrigue: Pick Two!
[XX] Write-in: Begin plotting how best to steal Atlesian tech from Festival, ask Alric and Warren if they want in.

Learning: Pick Two!
[X] Research Cultural Technology: The world of Remnant today is not the world of the Before Times. That doesn't mean you can't learn how to make society work better. (Before times 2.)
[X] Try to Teach Boreas More About Dust: Boreas' favorite pastime seems to be watching you experiment with Dust. Perhaps you could foster his interest into a lifelong passion.

Special Actions: These actions have a variable cost, specified in the action itself. Any number of these actions can be taken at once.
[X] Free: Support Cilmi's Expedition (Write In Extent): 10 units of Dust, two of which we found in the Bunker.

Chancellor -
[X] Ixnay on the Unsgay (Learn)

Marshal -
[X] Patrol

Steward -
[X] Research: City Infrastructure 1

Spymaster -
[X] Keep at Hand: Keep Balthazar at court.

Head Deacon -
[X] Order Sullivan to take a Sabbatical: The stress and exhaustion had caught up to Sullivan after his magnum opus was accepted, and anyone would have become ill if they had worked so hard for so long. Given his advanced age, perhaps it would be best if he took some time to rest. He is, after all, a close family friend.

Huntsman Superior-
[X] Train Huntsmen: Though Henry Liddel has an apprentice already, he can step up efforts to make sure his subordinates are putting more time and resources into training their replacements. He'll also spend more time with his own apprentice.

Royal Physician:
[X] Spread the Grimm Plague Cure outside of Yeqerta (For Free): The Grimm Plague may be but a recent memory in Yeqerta, but in other lands it is still a very real and present threat. You have a cure for the plague, and to keep it from others would be a morally evil action. Giving the cure out for free would make your name even greater, and the church always loves when a Carrion Lord is charitable.
-10 Lien, +100 Prestige, +100 Piety.
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Plan: Build brick then build house
[X] Build brick then build house


[X] Family: Spend some time with your family.
[X] Ebon: Spend some time with Ebon.

Pick Two!

[XX]Befriend: Cilmi

Pick Two One!

[X] Marshal Action: Do your duty as Marshal for your liege. (Automatic, must be in all valid plans unless you resign.)
[X] Personally Patrol: Ser Reinhardt is occupied with other matters, or he does not fully possess your trust. Personally sally forth with your retinue to keep your lands safe.

Pick Two!

[X] Research [-Trade Practices 0/8]: (Write in the general idea of what you are researching, or select a Economic Technology.)
[X] Research [-Dust Refining 0/?]: (Write in the general idea of what you are researching, or select a Economic Technology.)
I would like to build the flood fields but there just isn't enough lien so this turn is trade and dust then next turn is food.

Pick Two!

[X] Assess [Adet Asad]: Subtly investigate a character's skills, traits, and abilities.
[X] Schmooze: Visit your Liege's court, gathering useful intelligence and opinions.

Pick Two!

[X] Study the Power of Dust: Your research into Dust has opened your mind to the significance of Dust, as well as a measure of it's strength. You know there are more secrets to be found, if you were to just delve deeper.
[X] Try to Teach Boreas More About Dust: Boreas' favorite pastime seems to be watching you experiment with Dust. Perhaps you could foster his interest into a lifelong passion

Free Actions
???? I got nothin any ideas?

Special Actions

[X] Free: Support Cilmi's Expedition (1 Dust unit): With the Knight's finances as they are, Cilmi's plans to find this Before Times island will take years to reach fruition. At the most basic level, Cilmi's expedition needs a good ship, an experienced crew, enough supplies to make it to the Kingdom of Vale and enough Huntsmen to fight off the sea Grimm. It's a heafty amount of Lien and time, but it could be well worth it. (Requires: 1000 Lien, 50 Dust, Huntsmen to be assigned. Does not need to be taken all at once.) (395/1000 Lien, 19/50 Dust paid, 0/1000 and 10/50 of which is from you.)


Chancellor -
[X] Ixnay on the Unsgay (Expand): You now have a grasp on multiple languages, but you only know enough to keep a conversation, little more. Perhaps becoming truly fluent in the ones you know would be very, very useful.

Marshal -
[X] Train Troops: Order Ser Reinhardt to invest time and effort into improving the quality of your levies. Your levies will not increase in number, but they'll be a little more effective in battle.

Steward -
[X] Boost Trade: Lien is nice, but more Lien is always better. Have Amity talk and barter with the merchants of your realm, hopefully opening up new trade lanes and investing in promising ventures. With the plague gone from your lands, you are starting to look like a good trading partner.
-5 Lien

Spymaster -
[X] Spy (Internal): Have Balthazar look inside your own court for malcontents and malicious thoughts. With any luck, he could uncover valuable secrets, and improve your information collection for your realm this turn.

Head Deacon -
[X] Order Sullivan to take a Sabbatical: The stress and exhaustion had caught up to Sullivan after his magnum opus was accepted, and anyone would have become ill if they had worked so hard for so long. Given his advanced age, perhaps it would be best if he took some time to rest. He is, after all, a close family friend.

Huntsman Superior-
[X] Patrol Lands: Your lands aren't in the best shape right now. Sending out Henry Liddel to help keep the Grimm in check should do some good. The sight of a huntsman always inspires the serfs, and often assuages their fears. He might also return with some intel, should he discover anything useful.

Royal Physician:
[X] Spread the Grimm Plague Cure outside of Yeqerta (For a Profit): The Grimm Plague may be but a recent memory in Yeqerta, but in other lands it is still a very real and present threat. Carrion Lords would always be willing to pay to keep their people from dying from the plague, and while your reputation would be damaged, Lien is always a good thing to have.
-10 Lien for production and transport, +Unknown Amount of Lien, -Unknown Amount of Prestige.
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@Raiu did our assess action for Ebon ever fire?

Yes, it fired last turn. Look at Before the Growth (5-2).

Intrigue: Pick Two!
[XX] Write-in: Begin plotting how best to steal Atlesian tech from Festival, ask Alric and Warren if they want in.

Learning: Pick Two!
[X] Research Cultural Technology: The world of Remnant today is not the world of the Before Times. That doesn't mean you can't learn how to make society work better. (Write in a vague idea of what you are researching, or select a Cultural Technology.)

Special Actions: These actions have a variable cost, specified in the action itself. Any number of these actions can be taken at once.
[X] Free: Support Cilmi's Expedition (Write In Extent): 10 units of Dust, two of which we found in the Bunker.

Marshal - While many would say Ser Reinhardt's performance as a Marshal has been lackluster, you believe your friend is much more capable than people assume. Perhaps his Gods have just been playing him for a fool.
[X] Write-in: Search for and train a second in command to handle the recruitment and training of troops.
Oh this is a fun one. Firstly, Intrigue Write-In is valid. Looks like we're set up for yet another heist.
Secondly, what is the Cultural Tech or the idea you are trying to research.
Next, for the High Purity Dust... Well, look at you sequence breaking. That'll be noted as a special contribution.
Finally, that Marshal Write-In is not possible, as a Marshal's job is to oversee the recruitment and training of troops. In essence the write-in would just create another Marshal position dedicated entirely to the recruitment and training of troops, meaning you would get another action slot which is too specialized for any true use. I'll throw you a bone on this one: Requisite Technology Not Researched.

[X] Educate (Boreas): Send your children to an educator of your choice(Dust studys).
Boreas and Zephyrus are both too young to be sent off to be educated. Once they turn five, they can be handed off as wards to someone. With the Educate action you can designate a specific person (which will get you a boost to their relation with Skye), put what conditions you want their studying to fall under, ect. As it stands, Boreas is too young.